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Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795

Q.1 List the objectives of HRM. Human Resource Management: Scope

The scope of HRM is very wide: 1. Personnel aspect-This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity etc. 2. Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, creches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc. 3. Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management relations, joint consultation, collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, etc. HRM involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect or influence the people or Human resources who work for the organization. Human resources are managed to divert and utilize their resources towards and for accomplishment of organisational objectives. The other objectives of HRM Are to meet the needs, aspirations, values and dignity of individual employees and having due concern for the socio-economic problems of the community and the country. Objectives of HRM are

Create and utilize an able and motivated workforce, to accomplish the

basic organizational goals.

Establish and maintain sound organizational structure and desirable

working relationships among all the members of the organisation. Secure the integration of individuals and groups . soa s to match it with the growth of the organization.

Create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development Identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate
and equitable wages , incentives , employee benefits and social


Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795
security and measures for challenging work , prestige , recognition , security , status etc.. Maintain high employee morale . Provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership.

To strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by

providing training and developmental programs. To provide opportunity for expression and voice in management. Provide facilities and conditions of work and creation of favorable atmosphere for maintaining stability of employment.

In order to achieve the above objectives, Human Resource Management undertakes the following activities: 1. Human resource or manpower planning. 2. Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel. 3. Training and development of employees. 4. Appraisal of performance of employees. 5. Taking corrective steps such as transfer from one job to another. 6. Remuneration of employees. 7. Social security and welfare of employees. 8. Setting general and specific management policy for organizational relationship. 9. Collective bargaining, contract negotiation and grievance handling. 10. Staffing the organization. 11. Aiding in the self-development of employees at all levels. 12. Developing and maintaining motivation for workers by providing incentives. 13. Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the organization 14. Potential Appraisal. Feedback Counseling. 15. Role Analysis for job occupants. 16. Job Rotation. 17. Quality Circle, Organization development and Quality of Working Life.



Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795

Q.2 Tell the steps on Human Resource Planning. Human Resource Planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the : right number and kinds of people at the right places, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives. Objectives : Ensure optimum use of human resources currently employed. Avoid unbalances in the distribution and allocation of manpower. Assess or forecast future skill requirements of the organization's overall objectives. Provide control measures to ensure availability of necessary resources when required. Control the cost aspect of human resources. Formulate transfer and succession policy. STEPS IN HRP Assessing current Human Resources. Forecast of future human requirement. Drawing up recruitment plan. Designing training and development plan.

1. Assessing current HR (HR inventory): The input to this report would be derived from forms completed by employees and then checked by supervisors and the personnel department. Such reports would include a list of names, education, training, prior employment,



Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795 current position, performance ratings, salary level, languages spoken, capabilities and specialised skills for every employee in the organisation. From a human resource planning viewpoint, this input is valuable in determining what skills are currently available in the organisation. It can act as a guide for considering new pursuits for the organisation and can take advantage of opportunities to expand or alter to organisations strategies. This report also has value in other personnel activities, such as selecting individuals for training and executive development, for promotion and for transfer. The profile of the human resource inventory can provide crucial information for identifying current or future threats to the organisations ability to perform. 2. Forecast of future HR requirement: It involves assessing the manpower requirement in terms of (quantity and quality) anticipating the future plans and programmes of the company and translate these into talent and skill requirements. Basically HR forecast is concerned with anticipating the number of replacements required due to resignation, refinement, death, dismissal, transfer and promotion. Determining the company human resource requirement involves two projections for each functional area. i) The incremental number of positions needed as a result of growth. ii) Number of vacancies created by retirement and terminations. The forecast of HR requirement may be made by executive judgement, past trend, work study and productivity. 3. Drawing up recruitment plan: A realistic recruitment plan for HR is drawn by comparing present HR with the future requirement of HR and ascertaining additional requirement of HR. Thus, it entails anticipating manpower problems by projecting the present human resources into future and comparing them with the forecast of requirement to determining their adequacy both quantitatively and qualitatively.



Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795 4. Designing Training and Development Plan: This is aimed at conditioning the human resource acquisitions to the organisations exact requirements. Human source becomes a resource only when appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes are provided to transform them into appropriate productive work force. This transformation is possible through training and development. This plan is not only necessary for existing human resource but also for the future acquisition of human resource in the plan period to achieve the human resource targets. Though HRP is beneficial to the organization, planners face significant problems or barriers while formulating an HRP. The major ones are the Following: Resistance by employers and employees Uncertainties HR practitioners are perceived as experts in handling personnel matters but are not experts in managing business

Q.3 Explain the purpose of job analysis Job analysis may be defined as a methodical process of collecting information on the functionally relevant aspects of a job. Job analysis tells the human resources personnel:

the time it takes to complete relevant tasks the tasks that are grouped together under a single job position the ways to design or structure a job for maximizing employee performance the employee behavioral pattern associated with performance of the job the traits and attributes of a proper candidate for the job the ways the data can be used to develop human resource management



Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795 What is the need for job analysis? Three major factors create the need for job analysis:

statutory concerns, such as equal employment opportunity responses to business competitionrecruiting and retaining talent technological changes that create new jobs and render others obsolete

Uses of job analysis information Job analysis information is used in human resources on a regular basis to define:

Job description: A job description gives an account of the work and duties associated with a particular job. It describes the way the job is performed currently. Most job descriptions contain the following information:

the job name summary description of the job a list of duties for the job a list of organizational responsibilities related to the job

Job specifications: Job specifications define the characteristics of the activities associated with the job and given in the job description. They describe the skill sets and qualifications that a candidate for the job should possess. Job classification: Job classification groups similar jobs into classes and families. This simplifies the overview for managers and is essential for streamlined functioning of an organization. Job evaluation: Job evaluation involves finding out the monetary worth of a job and helps to set up equitable pay structures. Job design: Job design integrates employee productivity needs to maximize worker efficiency. needs with

The conclusions draw from this data will often be:



Submitted by Manoj. M Roll no. 520949795

Identifying training needs of personnel Creating recruitment strategies Making performance reviews

Without proper job analysis by the human resources department, it is difficult for any organization to remain competitive and be able to attract and retain talent.


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