1.sibling Means

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sibling means a brother or sister

2. blunt means without a sharp edge or point

3. Dimple means a small hollow place in the skin, especially in the face.

4. snot means a slightly rude word used to describe the liquid substance that is produced in the nose

5. drible

6. cross_eyed means having one or both eyes looking towards the nose

7. fart means to let air from the bowels come out through the anus.

8. crunch means a noise like the sound of something hard being pressed or crushed

9. squish means to make a quiet sound by pressing something soft and wet

10. squeak means to make a short high sound that is not very loud

11. a short high sound made when a hard object hits something that is made of metal or glass

12. swoosh means to move quickly through the air in a way that makes a sound

13. creak

14. caw means the loud, unpleasant sound that is made by birds such as crows and rooks.

15.snap means to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb.

16. giggle means to laugh in a silly way because you are embarrassed or nervous or you think that
something is funny

17. Nit means the egg or young form of a louse (= a small insect that lives in human hair)

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