Experiment 2

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In-Place Density Measurement

by Sand-Cond Method
• Density is the measure of degree of packing of a material.
• Mathematically the mass density is defined as

Where: M is mass
V is Volume

August 21 2
• For soil one may define different types
of density Bulk Density =
• Depending on the phase under V
consideration or the state of the soil Ms
mass Dry Density d =
• For the purpose of this test we will
M sat
discuss the In-place measurement of Saturated Density  sat =
bulk density by using the sand- V
cone method and indirectly dry Ms
density Density of soil solids  s =
• Dry density can be related to bulk
density by using water content (w) Where: Ms is the mass of soil solids (Mass of soil in dry sate)
 Msat is the mass of soil in a saturated state
d = Vs is the volume the soil solids
1+ w
August 21 3
• In place density measurement is primary used as for compaction control for a
construction project.
• Most construction contracts involve statement on the relative degree of compaction
between laboratory MDD and in-place density.
• In place density measurement is also used for determination of natural density
of soil masses in cases where it may not be possible to undisturbed soil sample
by traditional methods.

August 21 4
1. Sand-Cone Density Apparatus: consisting of sand container, sand cone
and base plate.
2. Testing Sand: A clean dry sand, having a constant bulk density

Sand Container

Base Plate

Sand Cone
August 21 5
3. Chisel and hammer
4. Balance
5. Drying Oven
6. Moisture content specimen containers
7. Miscellaneous Equipment: Scoops, Brushes, Plastic bags and Nails

August 21 6
1. Select a location that is representative of the area to be tested.
2. Inspect the cone apparatus for damage, free rotation of the valve, and properly
matched baseplate.
3. Assemble the cone and container and fill the cone container with sand
4. Determine and record mass of sand, cone and container. [M1]
5. Prepare the surface of the location to be tested, so that it is a level plane.
6. Seat the base plate on the plane surface, secure the plate against movement using
nails pushed into the soil adjacent to the edge of the plate
7. Dig the test hole through the center hole in the base plate.
• The test hole should be deep enough to represent the layer of material being tested
• Test hole volumes are to be as large as practical to minimize errors
8. Place all excavated soil, and any soil loosened during digging, in a moisture tight
• Take care to avoid losing any materials.
The procedures discussed here are based
• Protect this material from moisture loss on ASTM D1556

August 21 7
9. Clean the flange of the base plate hole
10. Determine and Record the mass of the excavated material. [Mt]
11. Mix the excavated material thoroughly, and either obtain a representative
specimen for water content determination. [w]
12. invert the sand-cone apparatus and seat the sand-cone funnel into the flanged
13. Open the valve and allow the sand to fill the hole, funnel, and base plate
• Take care to avoid jarring or vibrating the apparatus while the sand is running
13. When the sand stops flowing, close the valve
14. Determine and record mass of the remaining sand, cone and container. [M2]

August 21 8
1. Determine the amount of sand in the hole [Msh]

M sh = M 1 − M 2 − M scb
Where: Mscb is the mass of sand the is above the hole and retained in the inverted cone and base plate
This value is determined by calibration in the lab (not discussed here, one will be provided)

Mass of sand above the

hole b/n the cone and
base plate (Mscb)
Mass of sand in hole (Msh)

August 21 9
2. Determine Volume of test hole [Vh]

M sh
Vh =
 sand
Where: ρsand is density of the sand used for testing
This value is determined by calibration in the lab (not discussed here, one will be provided)

3. Determine the Bulk Density of the material at the test point [ρ]

August 21 10
4. Determine the Moisture Content [w]
Refer to previous notes

5. Determine the Dry Density of the material at the test point [ρd]

d =
1+ w

August 21 11
• Degree of compaction is the ratio of the laboratory MDD obtained from a
specific compaction effort to the in-place dry density, expressed as a percentage.
 d ,on − site
Degree of Compaction = 100

• Most construction contract specify a minimum degree of compaction for earth

work as a means of performance specification.

August 21 12
Sources of Error
• Existence of moisture and fine material in the testing sand will affect results hence
the sand must be placed in air tight containers
• The sand used for testing must be uniformly graded and able to flow freely
• The sand and equipment should be calibrated regularly to determine the mass of
sand b/n the cone and base plate and the density of sand
• During calibration is if there is large variation b/n successive measurements of the
density of sand the sand may not be viable testing sand and may require adjustment
or replacement.
• Loss of excavated material or addition of foreign substance to the excavated material
will cause errors
• Vibration or disturbance of sand and container during the pouring of sand in to the
hole will cause errors.

August 21 13
Questions ?

August 21 14

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