Using Prepositions in Time

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Using Prepositions "i", "på", and "for" in Regards to Time

Using 'i' (in)

'I' is used to indicate a duration of time, such as how long something takes, or within which

something happens.

1. To indicate the duration of time an activity takes:

- Jeg løp i en time. (I ran for an hour.)

- Vi bodde i Oslo i fem år. (We lived in Oslo for five years.)

2. To indicate the future time within which something will happen:

- Vi skal reise i morgen. (We will travel tomorrow.)

- Hun kommer tilbake i neste uke. (She will come back next week.)

Using 'på' (on/in)

'På' is used to indicate specific days, parts of days, and when something will happen in the future.

1. To indicate specific days:

- Vi møtes på mandag. (We meet on Monday.)

- Han har bursdag på fredag. (He has a birthday on Friday.)

2. To indicate parts of days:

- Jeg trener på morgenen. (I work out in the morning.)

- Vi spiser middag på kvelden. (We eat dinner in the evening.)

Using Prepositions "i", "på", and "for" in Regards to Time

3. To indicate how long until something will happen:

- Hun kommer om to dager. (She will come in two days.)

- Jeg skal dra på ferie om en uke. (I will go on vacation in a week.)

Using 'for' (for/ago)

'For' is used to indicate how long ago something happened or the purpose of an action.

1. To indicate how long ago something happened:

- Jeg kom hit for to år siden. (I came here two years ago.)

- De flyttet hit for en måned siden. (They moved here a month ago.)

2. To indicate the purpose of an action (not time-related but still useful):

- Jeg kjøpte en gave for deg. (I bought a gift for you.)

- Hun studerer for å bli lege. (She studies to become a doctor.)

Examples in Context

1. I (in)

- Jeg skal gjøre det i løpet av dagen. (I will do it during the day.)

- Han lærte norsk i løpet av et år. (He learned Norwegian in the span of a year.)

2. På (on/in)

- Vi drar på ferie på sommeren. (We go on vacation in the summer.)

Using Prepositions "i", "på", and "for" in Regards to Time

- Hun liker å lese på kvelden. (She likes to read in the evening.)

3. For (for/ago)

- Vi møttes for tre dager siden. (We met three days ago.)

- Han har bodd her for ti år siden. (He has lived here for ten years.)


- 'I' is used for durations and future time frames.

- 'På' is used for specific days, parts of days, and how long until something will happen.

- 'For' is used for indicating how long ago something happened and for purposes.

Understanding these prepositions in the context of time will help you form more accurate and natural

sentences in Norwegian.

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