Finas Semester 2 Chapter Grade 5

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A. Choose by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d in front of the correct answer.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang benar!)

The dress is ......, and the skirt is ........

a. Expensive, cheap c. Cheap, expensive

b. Cheap, long d. Cheap, cheap
2. Indonesian’s Independence Day is celebrated on ........
a. August 18th c. November 10th
b. August 17th d. Desmber 25th

The folloeing text is for question number 3 to 6.

(teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 3-6!)

My name is Diana. I am 10 years old and I have a younger brother named

Jonathan. Jonathan is still 3 years old, but he can already read. I think he is the
smartest kid among chidren of his age. We will celebrate his birthday within a
week from now. His birthday is on December 4th an he will turn 4 this year!

3. Diana has a ......... brother named Jonathan.

a. Bigger c. Smaller
b. Older d. Younger
4. Diana thinks that her brother is the ....... kid.
a. More smart c. Smartest
b. Smarter d. Most smart
5. When is Jonathan’s birthday?
a. December 5 th c. 3 years old
b. December 3 nd d. December 4th
6. How old will Jonathan be on his birthday?
a. 3 years old
b. 4 years old
c. December 4th
d. 10 years old

Sarah is listening to music using her ........

a. Tongue c. Eyes
b. Stomach d. Ears

Look at the arrow number (2), Brian is wearing .........

a. A pair of shorts
b. A pair of trousers
c. A pair of shoes
d. A pair of socks
9. Look at the arrow number (1), what body part is it?
a. Hand c. Arm
b. Foot d. Leg
10. Look ath the arrow number (3), what body part is it?
a. Hand c. Arm
b. Foot d. Leg
11. Which body part do you use to taste food?
a. Nose c. Nose
b. Hand d. Tongue
12. Elephant is the ......... animal.
a. Biggest c. Most big
b. Bigger d. More big

How is the snaik compared to the cat?

a. The snail is taller than the cat

b. The snail is fatter than the cat
c. The snail is thinner than the cat
d. The snail is slower than the cat
14. For her wedding, she wants the ...... gown.
a. Expensivest c. Most expensive
b. expensiver d. More cheap

Wanda : Leo, when is your birthday?

Leo : It’s on ........

a. January twenty-two c. January twentieth

b. January twenty second d. January twenty-twoeth
16. We have ........ to eat.
a. Mouth c. Arms
b. Beard d. Legs
17. We have ......... to eat.
a. Mouth c. Lips
b. Beard d. Tongue
18. We have ........ to smell.
a. Mounstache
b. Nose
c. Beard
d. Mouth
19. Lina : “How many chin do you have?”
Kikan : “I have ........ chin.”
a. Four c. Two
b. One d. Three
20. Adinda users ear ring in her ........
a. Ears c. Head
b. Neck d. Cheek

The following text is for questions number 21 to 23.

My Senses

I smell with my nose, taste with my tongue, hear with my ears, see with my eyes,
and feel with my fingers.

I can semll the flower. It smells good.

I can hear the music. It is very loud.

I can see the rainbow. It is so pretty.

I can feel the rock. It is so rough.

I can taste the lemnon. It is very sour.

21. The writer smells by using his ........

a. Tongue c. Nose
b. Eyes d. Chin
22. How dose the wroter feel? He feels by usin his ........
a. Toes c. Face
b. Fingers d. Ears
23. The writer feels the rock so .........
a. Soft c. Balmy
b. Rough d. Cushy

The following text is for question number 24.

I am Adinda and my younger sister is Melinda. My younger sister and I look very
different. I have got blue eyes and she has got brown eyes. We have black hair,
but I have long straight hair and she has short curly hair. I am tall and thin, but
she is short and heavy. I do not look like my younger sister. We look different
each others.

24. Based on the text above, we know that Adinda is .........

a. Tall and thin c. Short and thin
b. Tall and fat d. Short and heavy

The following text is for question number 25.

I have a friend named Gugun. He is my classmate. He has got fat body.

His hobby is eating. He likes all kinds of foods. He eats everyhing in front of him.
His weight is 90 kilograns. He has a very chubby cheek. His family and friends
like him very much.

25. Based on the text above we know that ..........

a. His hobby is sleeping
b. He has chubby cheek
c. He has 80 kilograms weigh
d. Gugun is the writer’s brother

The following text is for question number 26.

My Pet

I have a pet rabbit. It’s name is Blackie, due to its black fur. Blackie has
round red eyes, long ears and long tail. It likes to eat carrot and green vegebtables.
It is fun to wacth it nibble at its food. Blackie lives in a smaell cage under our

26. According to the text above, we know that the rabbit has ........
a. Slanting eyes and long ears
b. Round eyes and short ears
c. Round eyes and long ears
d. Slanting eyes and short ears

The following dialog is for question number 27.

Diandra : Good morning, Tina

Tina : Good morning too

Diandra : Have you seen our newest Math teacher?

Tina : Yes, I have. She is so beautiful.

Diandra : What do you think about her?

Tina : She is tall woman. She has pointed nose and smiling face. And how

about you ?

Diandra : she is fat enough but she alwys uses the uniform elegantly. The
conclusion is that she good looking.

27. What can we conclude about the dialog above?

a. Tina has got pointed nose
b. Diandra is a beautiful girl
c. The math teacher is good looking
d. Both Tina and Diandra are fat enough

The following dialog is for question number 28.

Nando : Do you know Ikal?

Harry : Yes, I do.

Nando : What does he look like?

Harry : He has got fat body. He also has short curly hair.

Nando : What about his older sister. What is she like?

Harry : She is slim and beautiful. She has got long straight black hair.

Nando : Does she wear glasses?

Harry : No, She does not.

28. According to the dialog, we know that ..........

a. Nando is a fat person
b. Harry does not know about Ikal
c. Ikal has got fat body. He has a short curly hair
d. Ikal’s sister is a slim girl. She has got short blonde hair

The following text is for quention number 29.

Dimas : Good morning? How are you today?

Rudi : Good morning. I’m fine

Dimas : Do you know Aditya?

Rudi : Ye, I do. He is my neighbour

Dimas : Really? What is he like?

Rudi : He is very kind snd polite. He is diligent, too. He likes helping others


29. Based on the dialog above, we know that Aditya is not ........
a. Friendly c. Helpful
b. Polite d. Naughty
The followung dialog is for question number 30.

Andi : Do you have balls and marbles at home?

Lilo : Ye, I have

Andi : what do you think of your balls?

Lilo : they are round, soft and flexible

Andi : how do your marbles look like?

Lilo : they are round and hard

Andi : Are your marbles fragile?

Lilo : No, they are not

Andi : Oh, I see

30. Based on the dialog above we know that .......

a. Lilo has got the ball and the marbles
b. The balls look round soft and flexible
c. The balls lool hard and fragile
d. The marbles look round and flexible
31. Look at the pctures below

What can we conclude about the information above?

a. Steve is a tall kid
b. Johan has got a short body
c. Thomas has a strong body
d. Leo has got a fat and strong body
The following text is for questions number 32.

Aprilana is my classmate. She is thirteen years old. She has tall body . he is not
fat. Her hai i black straight and long. She is very helpful to her friends. Her friends
often ask for her helps to solve English problems. All her friends and teachers
like her. She likes reading stories, cyling, gardening and playing badminton.

32. Pay attention to the following statements.

(1) The writer is twelve years old.
(2) Apriliana is writer’s neighbor.
(3) Apriliana is the writer’s classmate.
(4) Apriliana has short and fat body.
(5) Apriliana is friendly and really helpful.

The correct statements based on the text are shown by number .........

a. (1) and (2) c. (3) and (4)

b. (2) and (3) d. (3) and (5)

The following table is for questions number 33 and 34.

Item Price
Tape Recorder Rp. 575,000

Television Rp. 775,000

Refrigerator Rp. 1,250,000

Fan Rp. 2,375,000

33. Based on the table above, we can be concluded that ..........

a. Tape recorder is more expensive than television
b. Tape recorder is more expensive than refrigerator
c. Television is more expensive than tape recorder
d. Television is more expensive than refrigerator
34. Which item is the cheapest?
a. Tape recorder c. Refrigerator
b. Television d. Air conditioner

The following table is for question number 35.

No Name Age Height

1. Amanda 11 years 150 cm
2. Mita 10 years 155 cm
3. Andra 12 years 160 cm
4. Sandi 12 years 160 cm
5. Natalia 11 years 165 cm
35. Pay attention to the following statements.
(1) Amanda is older than Andra
(2) Sandi is talller than Natalia
(3) Amanda is as old as Natalia
(4) Amanda is the shortest of them
(5) Andra is as tall as Mita

The correct statements are shown by number ........

a. (1) and (2)

b. (1) and (3)
c. (2) and (3)
d. (3) and (4)

Read the following text for question number 36.

Dhika Andreas
Age : 6 years old Age : 9 years old
Weight : 35 kilogram Weight :60 kilogram
Height : 144 cm Height : 160 cm
Sheila Tasya
Age :5 years old Age : 7 years old
Weight : 30 kilogram Wieght : 40 kilogram
Height : 140 cm Height : 150 cm
36. Pay attention to the statements.
(1) Dhika is taller than Andreas
(2) Dhika is younger than Tasya
(3) Tasya is heavier than Sheila
(4) Tasya is as old as Andreas
(5) Andreas is lighter than Sheila

The correct statements are shown by number .........

a. (1) and (3)

b. (2) and (3)
c. (3) and (4)
d. (3) and (5)
37. Look at the following pictures and answer the question for number 37.

Pay attention to the statements.

(1) The horse is tallert than the giraffe
(2) The elephant is as tall as the giraffe
(3) The giraffe is the tallest animal of them all
(4) The turtle is as small as the horse
(5) The elephant is bigger than the turtle

The correct statements are shoen by number .......

a. (1) and (3) c. (3) and (4)

b. (2) and (3) d. (3) and (5)
38. Look at the picture. What best describe about it.

a. The motorcyle is as fast as the car

b. The motorcyle is as slow as the bicyle
c. The car is faster than the motorcyle
d. The bicyle is the fastest if them

The following dialog is for questions number 39 and 40.

Lili : I think we should go to the library to find more references.

Arga : I think so. Let’s go to the school library during the second break.

Lili : I went there yesterday and there were few references. How about going to

The public library after school?

Arga : All right.

39. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
a. On the way to the public library
b. In the school library
c. In the public library
d. In the classroom
40. What can we conclude from the dialogue above?
a. The public library has more references
b. The public library has less book colletions
c. The school library is better than the public
d. The school library is the best library in town

B. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form

(Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan bentuk kata yang benar!)
1. Maya is the ........ girl in the class. (tall)
2. Rahma is ....... than her younger brother. (old)
3. A wallet is ........ than a book. (expensive)
4. Jakarta is the ......... city in Indonesia. (large)
5. A girrafe is ....... than a horse. (tall)

C. Answer the following questions correctly.

(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat!)
My name is Ula. I have 3 siblings, one older brother and two younger sisters.
My older brother’s name is Rio, he is 17 years old. I am 12 years old. My
younger sisters are Fia, 10 years ols, and Lia, 8 years old. My older brother
Rio is the tallest among us, while my youngest sister Lia is the shortest. Even
though I am older than Fia, Fia is taller than me. I love my family.
1. How many siblings does Ula have?
Answer : .....................................................................................................
2. Who is the tallest sibling?
Answer : .....................................................................................................
3. How is Ula compared to Fia?
Answer : .....................................................................................................
4. Who is the shortest sibling?
Answer : .....................................................................................................
5. Who is the youngest sibling?
Answer : .....................................................................................................

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