Power System Stability Enhancement by Using Series Compensation

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Submitted to Arba Minch University, Institute of Technology, Electrical and Computer

Engineering Department in partial fulfillment of the requirements
The award of degree of
Electrical power stream
Belsti Fetene…………….........RET/575/01
Dekeba Abrahim….…………..RET/729/01
Muzemil Ahmed………. …..RET/1143/02
Shumsa Dekeba……………….RET/1695/01
Main Advisor: Mr. Vijay Sardinah

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Arba Minch Institute of Technology
Arba Minch University
Arba Minch, Ethiopia
June 2014.
This is to certify that the present work titled “Power system stability enhancement by
using series compensation”, submitted by
Belsti Fetene…………..RET/575/01
Dekeba Abrahim….……RET/722/01
Muzemil Ahmed……….RET/1143/02
Shumsa Dekeba…………RET/1695/01
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of B.S.C, is a record of
his original work carried out by him. He has worked under my supervision and has
fulfilled the requirement for the submission of this report. The results presented in this
work have not been submitted in part or full to any other university for award of degree.
Date: June 2014 Signature of main Advisor…
Name of the Main Advisor: Mr. Vijay Sardinah

Firstly, we would like to say thanks to God and to our parents whose firm love and
support made us what we are today. words can’t express our gratitude for all they have
provided us our appreciation and heart full thanks also goes to our project advisors, Mr.
Vijay Sardinah, Mr. Animut bekel and Mr. Yared Tasew, for their guidance to follow the
right way in our project and a heart full thanks to Mr.Engdaw Abel for his responsible to
help us and thanks to all electrical engineering departments of Arba minch university for
their encouragement, love and emotional supports that they had given to us throughout
the progress of this project.
we would also like to thank for our parents for their hopefully co-operations, guidance
and helps in this project.

The stability of an interconnected power system is its ability to return to normal or stable
operation after having been subjected to some form of disturbance. Transient stability
analysis has recently become a major issue in the operation of power systems due to the
increasing stress on power system networks. This problem requires evaluation of a power
system's ability to withstand disturbances while maintaining the quality of service.
A Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) belongs to the flexible alternating current
transmission systems (FACTS) family of devices. It is a variable capacitive and inductive
reactance device that can be used to provide series compensation in power transmission
lines. One of the significant advantages that a TCSC has over other series compensation
devices is that the TCSC's reactance is instantaneously and continuously variable. This
means that the TCSC can be used not only to provide series compensation but can also be
used to enhance the stability of the power system .In this project, performance of TCSC
is analyzed. Initially, Real and reactive power flow through the transmission line have
been analyzed for fixed and then after the same parameters are evaluated by inserting
controllable capacitor in the same transmission network. The considered topology of
TCSC consists of back to back thyristors that controls the reactance of the TCSC. By
changing the firing angle of these back to back thyristors it is possible to vary the
reactance of the TCSC.
As per the TCSC characteristics, in inductive region at the firing angle α=90 to 130 the
power flow decreasing and in capacitive region at the firing angle α=140 to 180 degree
respectively the power flow increasing. The simulation of 3-phase model is the
appropriate degree of compensation to increase power transfer capability. The simulation
is carried out by using software package MATLAB Simulink

CERTIFICATE .................................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. ii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF PICTURES ......................................................................................................... vi

ABBREVIATION............................................................................................................. vii

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................... 3

1.2 General Objective ..................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Specific objective ...................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Methodology and tools ............................................................................................. 4

1.5 Scope of the Project .................................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................ 5

THEORY & RELATED REVIEW OF LITERATURE ..................................................... 5

2.1 Literature review ....................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Review of the components and theories used in this project ............................. 5

Definition of power system stability ........................................................................... 5

2.1.3 TYPES OF POWER SYSTEM STABILITY ..................................... 6

2.1.4 STABILITY LIMITS:- ...................................................................................... 6

2.2 Transient Stability ..................................................................................................... 7

2.2.1 The methods to improve the transient stability .................................................. 7

2.3 EQUAL AREA CRITERION ................................................................................... 9

2.3.1 How to find critical angle and critical clearing time........................................ 11

2.4 The Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC ....................................... 12

2.41 Some Advantages of the TCSC in power system transmission and distribution
lines ........................................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 16

SYSTEM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 16

3.1MODELING AND SIMULATION OF THE SYSTEM ......................................... 16

3.2 SYSTEM MODELLING ........................................................................................ 30

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................. 36

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................... 36

CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................. 38

CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE -SCOPE OF Work ..................................................... 38

5.1CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................... 38

5.2 ASPECTS OF FUTURE WORK............................................................................ 38

Reference .......................................................................................................................... 39

APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 40

Figure 1the overall picture of the stability problems .......................................................... 2
Figure 2 types of power system stability ............................................................................ 6
Figure 3power angle curves for equal area criterion ........................................................ 10
Figure 4 TCSC basic modules .......................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 operational region of TCSC................................................................................ 14
Figure 6 single line diagram of the power system ............................................................ 16
Figure 7 the mathematical model of the swing equation .................................................. 18
Figure 8 using the mathemathecial modeling of the swing equation................................ 19
Figure 9 using the mathemathecial modeling of the swing equation................................ 20
Figure 10 the simulation diagram of the system without the thyristor controlled ............ 21
Figure 11 voltage &current wave form without tscs ........................................................ 22
Figure 12 results of active reactive power respectively .................................................... 22
Figure 13 single line diagram of SMIB system with TCSC controlled ............................ 30
Figure 14internal sub system of TCSC ............................................................................. 31
Figure 15 simulating diagram of the system with tcsc ..................................................... 33
Figure 16 voltage &current wave form result ................................................................... 34
Figure 17active &reactive power wave form at =70 degree ............................................. 35

AC Alternating current
CCT Critical clearing time
DC Direct current
EAC Equal area criteria
EMF Electro motive force
FACTS flexible ac transmission system
MW Mega watt
MVA Mega volt ampere
NR Newton rabsen
SMIB Single machine infinite bus
SSR Synchronous controlled resonance
TCR Thyrister controlled rectifier
TCSC Thyrister controlled series compensation
XTCSC Reactance of thyrister controlled series capacitor

Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation


The classical model of a multi- machine may be used to study the stability of a power
system for a period of time during which the system dynamic response is dependent
largely on the kinetic energy rotating masses. The classical three-machine nine bus
system is the simplest model used in studies of power system dynamic and requires of
minimum amount of data. Hence such studies can be connected in a relatively short time
under minimum cost. Among various method of load flow calculation Newton Rap son
method is chosen for calculation of load flow study.
If the oscillatory response of a power system is during the transient period following a
disturbance is damped and the system settles in a finite time to a new steady operating
condition , we say the system is stable, if the system is not stable, it is considerable
unstable. This primitive definition stability requires that the oscillation system should be
damped. This condition is the same times called asymptotic stability and means that the
system contains inherent forces that tend to reduce oscillation.

Power system stability is the ability of an electrical power system, for given operating

Conditions, to regain its state of operating equilibrium after being subjected to a physical

Disturbance, with the system variables bounded, so that the entire system remains intact
and The service remains uninterrupted.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

The figure below gives the overall pictures of the stability

Power system

Rotor angle stability Frequency stability Voltage stability

Small Transient
disturbance stability Large Small-
disturbance disturbance

Short term
Short term Short term Long term Long term

Figure 1the overall picture of power system stability problems

Out of all the stability problems mentioned above, our specific focus in this project is the
Large disturbance stability which is a part of the rotor angle stability. Also, the voltage
Stability due to small disturbances is covered.
Rotor angle stability:
This refers to the ability of the synchronous generator in an interconnected power system
to Remain in synchronism after being subjected to disturbances. It depends on the ability
of the Machine to maintain equilibrium between electromagnetic torque and mechanical
torque of each synchronous machine system is Instability of this kind occurs in the form
of Swings of the generator rotor which leads to loss of synchronism.
Small Disturbance Stability:
Small Disturbance stability may refer to small disturbance voltage or rotor angle stability.
The disturbances are sufficiently small so as to assume a linearized system model. Small
Disturbances may be small incremental load changes, small control variations etc.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

1.1 Statement of the problem

Occurrence of fault may lead to instability in a power system or the machine fall out of
synchronism. Load flow study should be done to analyze transient stability of the power
system. If the system cannot sustain till the fault is clearer then the fault instant ability of
the power system. If the system cannot sustain till the fault is cleared then the fault
instabilities the whole system. If the oscillation in rotor angle around the final position go
on increasing and the change in angular speed during transient condition go on increasing
then system never come to its final position. The unbalanced condition or transient
condition may lead to instability where the machine in a power system falls out of
Generally the power system stability analysis is very important aspects of in power
engineering fields. Since the system is exposed to the different disturbances and loss of
huge energy. Therefore considering this series problem we have to interest to minimize
this problem.

1.2 General Objective

The objective of this project is focus on power system stability by using thyristore
controlled (TCSC) Series compensation and the mathematical modeling of the swing

1.3 Specific objective

Stability studies are helpful for the following purpose
 To investigate the power quality disturbances that arise from both the customer
Side and the electric utility side, at selected industrial plants,
Analysis of power system stability is complex and nonlinear .consequently, final design
are generally based on computer simulations. For approximate purpose simplified
calculation are used. It provided starting point, for and checks of computer simulations.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

1.4 Methodology and tools

MATLAB is used in wide range of applications, including power system stability
analysis and processing, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and
analysis, and computational methods. Add-on toolboxes (collections of special purpose
MATLAB functions, available separately) extend the MATLAB environment to solve
particular classes of problems in these application areas.
Our hard copy contains description of overview of project, problem of statement,
objectives, and scope of the project. The compensating devices and power electronic
application in compensating devices is discussed and also the compensation using the
TCSC modeling is also discussed. Theoretical analysis of the Different types of control
strategies use for the control of TCSC is discussed and the necessary block diagrams and
the transformations required are discussed. Mat lab description and various blocks used
for the Simulink in modeling of stability improvement of the system.

 MATLAB. Simulation
 Thyristore controlled series capacitor (TCSC)
 Bus bar
 Transmissions lines
 Coupled transformer
 Capacitor
 Control unit
 Converter- used for conversion of one form to another

1.5 Scope of the Project

The aim of the project is improving the power system stability by using TCSC shows to
implement with control strategies in the MATLAB, Simulink using Simpower systems
tool box and to verify the results through various case studies applying different loads
and study them in detail. The most widely known custom power device

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

2.1 Literature review
In recent years, energy, environment, right- of-way, and cost problems have delayed the
generation facilities and new transmission lines, while the electric power has continued to
grow. This situation has necessitated a review of the traditional power system concept
and practices to achieve greater operating flexibility and better utilization of existing
power systems.
This project deals with power system stability by using Series compensation

2.1.2 Review of the components and theories used in this project

Definition of power system stability

A large power system consists of a number of synchronous machine operating in
synchronism. It is necessary that they should maintain perfect synchronism under steady-
state conditions. When system is subjected to some form of disturbance, there is tendency
for the system to develop force, to bring it to normal condition.
The ability of system to reach a normal condition after being disturbed is called stability.
Under stable conditions the system stays in synchronism .Synchronous stability may be
divided in to three main categories depending up on magnitude of disturbance

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation


Power system

Steady state
Transient Dynamic
Stability Stability
Figure 2 types of power system stability

I. Steady-state stability refers to the ability of the power system to regain synchronism
after small and slow disturbance, such as gradual power change.
II. Transient stability: the ability of the system to regain synchronism after a large
disturbance. This occurs due to sudden change in application or removal of large
load, line switching operation fault on the system, sudden outage of the line or loss of
III. Dynamic stability: It refers to the stability of a power system subject to a relatively
small and sudden disturbance, the system can be described by linear differential
equations, and the system can be stabilized by a linear and continuous supplementary
stability control


The stability limit is the maximum amount power that can be transferred in the network
between source and loads without loss of synchronism.
The steady-state stability limit is the maximum amount of power that can be transferred
from the source to the load without the system becoming unstable when the load is
increased gradually under steady state conditions.
Transient stability limit is the maximum power that can be transferred without the
system becoming unstable when a sudden or large disturbance occurs.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

2.2 Transient Stability

Power system transient stability is a term applied to alternating current electric power
systems denoting condition in which the various synchronous machines of the system
remain in synchronism or in step with each other. Conversely, instability denotes a
condition involving loss of synchronism, or falling out of step.
Under normal operating conditions, a power system will have all the synchronous
machines running at synchronous speed. In the event of a large disturbance or fault, the
machines start swinging with respect to each other. The period between the initiation of a
large disturbance and restoration of the synchronous operation or the damping out of the
swings is called the transient period. The motioned the swings of the machines are
governed by nonlinear differential equations. For the power system to be transiently
stable after a large disturbance, the disturbance has to be removed or isolated in a short
period of time. The time duration between the instant of disturbance initiation and the
instant of disturbance removal is termed as the fault clearing time.This fault clearing time
primarily constitutes the time taken by the relays and the circuit breakers to operate after
a disturbance has been detected.
The upper bound on the fault clearing time is termed as the critical clearing time (CCT).
The CCT is the maximum time between the disturbance initiation and its fault clearing
time such that the power system is transiently stable. The process of determining whether
the power system will reach a stable state following a disturbance is known as the
transient stability assessment Equal area criterion (EAC).
2.2.1 The methods to improve the transient stability are:
1. by using Swing equation
2. Step-by-Step (Point-by-Point) Method

Swing Equation
Under normal operating conditions, the relative position of the rotor axis and the
Resultant magnetic field axis is fixed. The angle between the two is known as the Power
angle or torque angle. During any disturbance, rotor will decelerate or Accelerate with
respect to the synchronously rotating air gap mmf and a relative Motion begin. The
equation describing this relative motion is known as the swing Equation.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

If Tm is the driving mechanical torque and Te is the electrical torque then under steady-
state operation with losses neglected we have

Neglecting the losses, the difference between the mechanical and electrical torque gives
the net accelerating torque Ta. In the steady state, the electrical torque is equal to the
mechanical torque, and hence the accelerating power will be zero. During this period the
rotor will move at synchronous speed s in rad/s.
The angular position  is measured with a stationary reference frame. To
represent it with respect to the synchronously rotating frame, we define

Where  is the angular position in rad with respect to the synchronously rotating
reference frame taking the time derivative of the above equation we get the equation.

Defining the angular speed of the rotor as

Then we can write

We can therefore conclude that the rotor angular speed is equal to the synchronous speed
only when ddt is equal to zero. We can therefore term ddt as the error in speed. And
Taking (2) & Multiplying both side of thus by m we get

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Where Pm, Pe and Pa respectively are the mechanical, electrical and accelerating power in
We now define a normalized inertia constant as

Stored kinetic energy at synchronous speed in mega - joules J s2

H 
Generator MVA rating 2S rated

In steady state, the machine angular speed is equal to the synchronous speed and hence
we can replace r in the above equation by s. Note that Pm, Pe and Pa are given in MW.
Therefore dividing them by the generator MVA rating Stated we can get these quantities in
per unit. Hence dividing both sides
Of (3) by Srated we get

The Equation describes the behaviour of the rotor dynamics and hence is known as the
swing equation. The angle  is the angle of the internal emf of the generator and it
dictates the amount of power that can be transferred.


Now consider the situation in which the synchronous machine is operating in steady state
delivering a power Pe equal to Pm when there is a fault occurs in the system. Opening up
of the circuit breakers in the faulted section subsequently clears the fault. The circuit
breakers take about 5/6 cycles to open and the subsequent post-fault transient last for
another few cycles. The input power, on the other hand, is supplied by a prime mover that
is usually driven by a steam turbine. The time constant of the turbine mass system is of
the order of few seconds, while the electrical system time constant is in milliseconds.
Therefore, for all practical purpose, the mechanical power is remains constant during this
period when the electrical transients occur. The transient stability study therefore
concentrates on the ability of the power system to recover from the fault and deliver the
constant power Pm with a possible new load angle.
Suppose the system of operating in the steady state delivering a power of Pm at an
angle of 0 when due to malfunction of the line, circuit breakers open reducing the real

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

power transferred to zero. Since Pm remains constant, the accelerating power Pa becomes
equal to Pm. The difference in the power gives rise to the rate of change of stored kinetic
energy in the rotor masses. Thus the rotor will accelerate under the constant influence of
non-zero accelerating power and hence the load angle will increase. Now suppose the
circuit breaker re-closes at an angle c. The power will then revert back to the normal
operating curve. At that point, the electrical power will be more than the mechanical
power and the accelerating power will be negative. This will cause the machine
decelerate. However, due to the inertia of the rotor masses, the load angle will still keep
on increasing. The increase in this angle may eventually stop and the rotor may start
decelerating, otherwise the system will lose synchronism.

Figure 3power angle curves for equal area criterion

Hence multiplying both sides of (4) by d dt and rearranging we get


Multiplying both sides of the above equation by dt and then integrating between two
arbitrary angles 0 and c we get

( ⁄ ) ∫

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Now suppose the generator is at rest at 0. We then have d/dt = 0. Once a fault occurs,
the machine starts accelerating. Once the fault is cleared, the machine keeps on
accelerating before it reaches its peak at c, at which point we again have d/dt = 0. Thus
the area of accelerating in the above fig is as

A1 ∫
In a similar way, we can define the area of deceleration. The area of acceleration is given
by A1 while the area of deceleration is given by A2. This is given by

A2 ∫
Now consider the case when the line is reclosed at c such that the area of acceleration is
larger than the area of deceleration, i.e., A1 > A2. The generator load angle will then cross
the point m, beyond which the electrical power will be less than the mechanical power
forcing the accelerating power to be positive. The generator will therefore start
accelerating before is slows down completely and will eventually become unstable. If, on
the other hand, A1 < A2, i.e., the decelerating area is larger than the accelerating area, the
machine will decelerate completely before accelerating again. The rotor inertia will force
the subsequent acceleration and deceleration areas to be smaller than the first ones and
the machine will eventually attain the steady state. If the two areas are equal, i.e., A1 = A2,
then the accelerating area is equal to decelerating area and this is defines the boundary of
the stability limit. The clearing angle c for this mode is called the critical clearing angle
and is denoted by cr. We then get from Fig.by substituting c = cr

∫ ∫
We can calculate the critical clearing angle from the above equation

2.3.1 How to find critical angle and critical clearing time?

Since we are interested in finding out the maximum time that the circuit breakers may
take for opening, we should be more concerned about the critical clearing time rather
than clearing angle. Furthermore, notice that the clearing angle is independent of the
generalized inertia constant H. Hence we can comment that the critical clearing angle in
this case is true for any generator that has a d-axis transient reactance of 0.20 per unit.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

The critical clearing time, however, is dependent on H and will vary as this parameter
To obtain a description for the critical clearing time, let us consider the period during
which the fault occurs. We then have Pe = 0. We can therefore write from

Integrating the above equation with the initial acceleration being zero we get

Further integration will lead to

Replacing  by cr and t by tcr in the above equation, we get the critical clearing time as

2.4 The thyristors Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC)

TCSC is one of the most important and best known series FACTS controllers. It has
been in use for many years to Increase line power transfer as well as to enhance system
stability. The basic module of a TCSC is shown in bellow Fig3. It consists of three
components: capacitor banks C, bypass inductor L and bidirectional thyristors T1 and T2.
The firing angles of the thyristors are controlled to adjust the TCSC reactance in
accordance with a system control algorithm, normally in response to some system
parameter variations.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Figure 4 TCSC basic modules

2.41 Some Advantages of the TCSC in power system transmission and

distribution lines.
TCSC - Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor compensator consisting of the series
compensating capacitor, where to parallel connected thyristors controlled reactor (TCR)
is, and it is one of FACTS Devices which are mainly used to control active power flow in
power system and increase the transmission power lines capacity.
TCSC is involved in a series to line (in terminal) and allows changing impedance of the
transmission path and thus affecting the power flows. Control is fast, efficient and
increased between the transmitted powers. Basic scheme of TCSC device is shown in the
above figure

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Operational region of TCSC

Figure 5 operational region of TCSC

Some Advantages of the TCSC
 Improved voltage regulation and reactive power balance,
 Improved load sharing between parallel lines
 Elimination of sub synchronous resonance risks (SSR),
 Increased dynamic stability of power transmission systems,
 Improved load sharing between parallel lines,
 Remove of damping of active power oscillations,
 Improved stability,
 Dynamic power flow control,
 Minimizing system losses,
Generally Thyristor is a powerful tool for efficiency in power transmission and
distribution system by Change of impedance of TCSC is achieved by changing the
thyristor controlled inductive reactance of inductors connected in parallel to the capacitor.
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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

The magnitude of inductive reactance is determined by angle switching thyristors α,

which can also be
Controlled continuously flowing amplitude of current reactor from the maximum value to
zero. Angle switching thyristors can change inductive reactance controlled choke from a
minimum value ( ) the theoretically to infinity ( Xtcsc

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Single line diagram of the power system

Synchr Infin
onous bus

Figure 6 single line diagram of the power

This model is useful for stability analysis but is limited to the study of transients for only
the “first swing” or for period on the order of one second.
The following assumptions are used for a system of one machine connected to an infinite
bus often assume valid for a multi-machine system are:
 Mechanical power input is constant.
 Damping force provided by the damper winding is neglected or synchronous
power is negligible.
 Constant-voltage-behind –transient-reactance model for the synchronous
machines is valid
 The mechanical rotor angle of a machine coincides with the angle of the voltage
behind the transient reactance.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Now we want to do an example of the most simple power system that we can consider –
the so-called one-machine against an infinite bus.
Let’s considering the per faults, during fault and post fault calculation

Where X=the reactance between the generator and the load

We ended our last set of notes, concluding that the following equation characterizes the
electromechanical dynamics of a synchronous machine system.

Pm=mechanical constant
Ea=voltage at the generator in per unit
V∞=voltage exist at the infinite bus

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The mathematical modeling of the swing equation

Figure 7 the mathematical model of the swing equation

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Note that the graph is drawn the rotor angle vs. time for the mathematical modeling of
the swing equation

Figure 8 using the mathematical modeling of the swing equation

The simulation result of single machine connected to infinite bus bar system by using
mathematical modeling of swing equation as shown below. This is clearly for the solution
behavior we desired. Since it is bounded limit of the result.
Note that the graph is drawn the rotor angle vs. time for mathematical modeling with
numerical value for stable condition

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Figure 9 using the mathemathecial modeling of the swing equation

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation



Figure 10 the simulation diagram of the system without the thyristor controlled

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation


Using with out of thyrostered (TCSC) controlled series compensation at the time interval
between 0.02sec≤t≤0.023sec and the output of voltage and current results will be shown

Note that the results is shown below the voltage and current respectively

Figure 11 voltage &current wave form without tscs

Results of Active and reactive power without thyristored controled (TCSC)

\Figure 12 results of active reactive power respectively

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

We ended our last set of notes, concluding that the following equation characterizes the
electromechanical dynamics of a synchronous machine system.

Pm=mechanical constant
Ea=voltage at the generator in per unit
V∞=voltage exist at the infinite bus
Consider the power system in Fig. 1. It is referred to as a one-machine against an infinite
bus. So many engineers use it to provide a conceptual basis for understanding
fundamental machine behavior. It would not be used, however, to provide precise
machine response as the computer serves well for this purpose
We ended our last set of notes, concluding that the following equation characterizes the
electromechanical dynamics of a synchronous machine system.
| || |

Pm=mechanical constant
Ea=voltage at the generator in per unit
V∞=voltage exist at the infinite bus
Consider the power system in Fig. 1. It is referred to as a one-machine against an infinite
bus.So many engineers use it to provide a conceptual basis for understanding
fundamental machine behavior. It would not be used, however, to provide precise
machine response as the computer serves well for this purpose

j0.1 j0.4
X’d=j0.2 V= 1.0<0°


Bus 1 Bus 3 Bus 2

|Vt|= |V1|=1.0

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Bus 2, the infinite bus, is so-called because it has a voltage and angle that is constant
under all conditions, and it can absorb infinite power. Although there is no real infinite
bus in power systems, a single small machine connected to a very large power system
behaves as if it is connected to an infinite bus.
Given that the machine is delivering 1.0 per unit power under steady-state conditions, we
have the following objectives in this problem.
1. Determine the voltage pastor Ea.
2. Draw the power-angle (P-δ) curve.
3. Determine the point corresponding to the 1.0 Pu power condition on the pre-fault
power angle curve.
4. Consider the fault in the middle of one of the lines between buses 3 and 2,
determine the fault-on power angle curve
5. Determine the post-fault or after fault power-angle curve after protection has
operated to clear the fault.
6. Use the three curves to describe what happens to the angle δ during the three
periods i.e. in pre-fault, fault-on, and post-fault condition.
Case 1
Determine voltage at the generator Ea.


Compute the impedance x between the generator terminals and the infinite bus:

Note that we have two bus voltage magnitudes, the reactance between them, and the
power flowing out of one of them, so our familiar relation for power flowing out of
generator terminals will work here, i.e.,

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| || |

From this we can compute the current flowing from the machine terminals (bus 1) to the
infinite bus, according to the voltage current relation.

And from this, we may compute the internal voltage pharos E a, according to

Note that the above procedure is typical of what is done in full-scale commercial power
flow programs where the program will begin from a power flow solution, from which it
computes the current flow from every gen bus, and then it computes each generator’s
internal voltage just as we have done in the above.
2. Draw the power-angle (P-δ) curve
We can draw the power angle curve for different angles. Some of the choices are

Note that the electrical power (left-hand-side) is the same in all three cases since there is
no resistance in this circuit. We should choose the most restrictive power angle curve,
i.e., the one that gives the largest angle for the same power. Since the voltages are all
reasonably close, the most restrictive curve is determined by the one with the largest

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

By using the above numerical data to find the pre fault power pre

The operating point corresponding to the 1.0 pu power condition on the pre-fault power
angle curve.
This is where Pe=1.0, i.e.
Solving for δa=28.44°.
We can show this point on the pre-fault power-angle curve,
However, that there are really two solutions, one at 28.44° and the other at 180-
28.44=151.56°. Both of these points constitute equilibrium, i.e., a location in terms of the
problem variables where all equations are satisfied, since the two angles complementary.
Case 2
Consider the three phase fault in the middle of one of the lines between buses 3 and 2,
determine the fault-on power angle curve.
The equivalent circuit diagram corresponding to the faulted system is.


Ea=|Ea|<δ j0.2 j0.2

So we want to be able to write another equation in this condition

To write such an equation, however, we will need the series reactance between the two
voltage sources. This series reactance is not obvious from the circuit diagram we can get

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

it, however, if we replace the circuit to the right of the two marked nodes then by using
the venin equivalent. The relevant part of the circuit is shown
We obtain the venin voltage

We get the venin impedance by ideal the source and computing the composite
impedance, as shown



Then power-angle equation will be

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Pe Ppre
1.0 ● ●
0.4 Pfault
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 δa

Case 3
To determine the post-fault power-angle curve after protection has operated to clear the
The post-fault system is obtained from the understanding of basic protective relaying
which results in removing the faulted circuit. The resulting one-line diagram is shown,
and the corresponding equivalent circuit diagram is

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

j0.1 j0.4
X’d=j0.2 V= 1.0<0°

Bus 1 Bus 3 Bus 2

|Vt|= |V1|=1.0

j0.1 j0.4


On the post-fault power angle curve

This is where Pe=1.0, i.e.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Solving for δa we get δa=41.81


In the present work SIMULINK has been used as a simulation tool. SIMULINK is an
interactive environment for modeling, analyzing a wide variety of dynamic Systems.
Single machine infinite bus system with all the required components is modeled and is
described in the following section. The Single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system of Fig
8 has been considered for the present study and opening of the corresponding line clears a
symmetrical three-phase fault.

Transmission line
Infinite bus

Synchronous Generator transformer bus

Figure 13 single line diagram of SMIB system with TCSC controlled

The synchronous generator is delivering power to the infinite-bus through a transmission

line and a TCSC. In Fig. 7, Vt and Eb are the generator terminal and infinite bus voltages
The complete Simulink model for the SMIB with TCSC controller is shown in Fig. 8.
Figs 9 and 10 show the subsystem for the calculation of XTCSC required for the
compensation. Input to the TCSC controller block is rotor angular speed (dw) and
corresponding XTCSC is the output, which damps the oscillations and hence improves
the transient stability of the system.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Figure 14internal sub system of TCSC

Calculation of the TCSC Parameters

The variable inductive impedance XL (α):-

𝐿 𝐿 , 𝐿≤ 𝐿 ≤

The impedance of TCSC:-

L=0.9337*10 H/Km standard at 200Km
L=0.9337*10 H/km*200km=0.1867H

XL=2 𝜋fL=2 𝜋*50*0.1867H =58.62838

The impedance Z=√𝑅 𝐿 = 58.62838

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

When 60% composition for

The Compensation Ratio 𝑜 then

=0.2, XL=0.2XC

𝐿 𝐿 For



C = =2.72 F

Inclusion of TCSC device to one of the lines changes the power flow in given lines
according to level desired. This change is achieved by changing the impedance of line, in
which is installed TCSC device. With the entry values of angle switching thyristors α,
TCSC can change the impedance of the line and thereby regulates the power flow as
required. When such a change power flow, the power flow on lines is reallocated to
another ratio, but the resulting flow performance remains unchanged.
First the system has been simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The voltages
and powers in all the buses have been found out and given as a “Table” below. Because
of the variation in powers at bus 2, it is selected as the candidate bus to which TCSC has
to be installed.
After simulation we have been obtained the real time voltage, current, power variations at
bus. The active and reactive powers at bus got oscillated due to large loads of the system
and which keep continuing for almost 3 sec. Because of the ohmic loads the active power
oscillations are more compared to reactive power oscillations. The preliminary
controlling systems such as governor, PSS are used for damping these oscillations.
According to the figures it is also clear that the voltage and current waveforms are closer

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

to sinusoidal waveforms. The voltage amplitude is 0.25 per unit and the current
amplitude is 0.12 per unit. TCSC is mainly used for controlling the active and reactive
power flow through the transmission system and also to improve the transient stability of
the system. Form the simulation result it is clear that after the installation of TCSC the
active power oscillation damping time will be less than the mode without TCSC. Also it
will decrease the reactive power damping time.

Figure 15 simulating diagram of the system with tcsc


Using with thyristoered (TCSC) controlled series compensation at the time interval
between 0.02sec≤t≤0.024sec and the output of voltage and current results will be shown

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

At firing angleα=70°

Note that in the simulation result when we used thyristore controled capacitor TCSC
the fault clearing time become fast as we compared to without TCSC
Without TCSC fault clearing times=0.0234sec.
The fault cellaring time with TCSC=0.0231sec

Figure 16 voltage &current wave form result

Active and reactive power respectively at α=70°

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Figure 17active &reactive power wave form at =70 degree

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation



In the above system various cases are studied here
Case1: pre fault conditions t<0.02sec.

Case2: during fault conditions (fault occurred ≤ ≤

Case3: post fault conditions 𝑜 ≤
Considering the above cases the behavior of the line is examined here.
The MATLAB simulation result of the power system is shown in the figure given
below. The fault occurred during the period between 0.02to
0.023sec.after0.023sec the line is removed.
The relative variation in rotor angle and the change in angular speed of the rotor
are examined after 0.023 sec the relative variation in rotor angle and relative
change in angular speed starts to damp out. After 0.023sec the line is restore
The simulation result of single machine connected to infinite bus bar system by using
mathematical modelling of swing equation as shown the figure 8. This is clearly far from
the solution behavior we desired. Since it is continuously unbounded limit of the result

The simulation result of single machine connected to infinite bus bar system by using
mathematical modeling of swing equation as shown figure 9. This is clearly for the
solution behavior we desired. Since it is bounded limit of the result.
Note that the transient stability depends on the time when it required to transiently
stabile or unstable. The power is interrupted in small time interval, even in micro second
level.as we shown in figure 8 unboundedly unstable systems the reason why we have
pensioned. But in figure 9 shows that the system is transiently stable after relatively
longer time interval. The above two figures (figure 8&figure9) are drawn the rotor angle
vs. time for the mathematical modeling of the swing equation.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Duing when we used with out of the thyriostered controlled series capacitor(TCSC) case
the time of fault occruance in the interval between 0.02sec.≤ ≤ and the out
put voltagee and current results are shown the above.
But when we used thyristore controlled series capacitor (TCSC) technique the time of
response is fast .the response is taken at the time interval between 0.02sec≤t≤0.024sec
and the output of voltage, current, active power and the reactive power wave forms are
shown in the above figures 16&17

At the firing angle

The simulation result and the fault clearing time become fast as we compared to without
the thyristored controlled series capacitor (TCSC)
Without TCSC fault clearing times=0.0234sec.
The fault clearing time with TCSC=0.0231sec

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

Power system stability is the property of a power system that insures the system remains
in electromechanical equilibrium throughout any normal and abnormal operating
Conditions. Because the power system stability is an electromechanical Phenomenon, it
is thus defined as the ability of designated synchronous machines in the system to remain
in synchronism with one another following disturbance such as fault and fault removal at
various locations in the system. This paper presents the study of transient stability
analysis and also the transient stability analysis using the TCSC.
This paper presents systematic procedure for modeling, simulation of TCSC controller
for enhancing power system stability. A MATLAB/SIMULINK model is developed for a
single-machine infinite bus power system withTCSC model. The controller is tested on
power system subjected to large as well as small disturbances. The simulation results
show that, the TCSC controller improves the stability performance of the power system
and power system oscillations are effectively damped out. Thus, it is observed that the
proposed TCSC controller is effective in damping low frequency oscillations resulting
from small disturbances conditions like increase in mechanical power input and reference
voltage settings.


The power system computational complexity of transient stabilty problems have kept
them from being run in real-time to support decision making at time of a distrurbance.
if a transient stsbility analysis could run in real time or faste than real time.faster transient
stabilty simulation implementations maysignficantly affect.therefore the load flow
analysis may be carred out for the model under investigation using gauss-siedel,newton-
raphson and fast-decoupled methods.

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

[1] Power system dynamics: stability and control second edition, Jan
Machowski, Janus W. Bialek, James R. Bumby.
[2] Dommel, H.W., and Sato, N.,’Fast Transient stability solutions”,
IEETrans, PAS-91, pp.1643-1650) October, 1972.
[3] Martin German-Sobek, ubomír Bea, Roman Cimbala
Using of the Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor in
Electric Power System
[4] Power system and design, second fifth edition.J.DUNCAN GLOVER
[5] Design and Implementation of Firing Circuit for Single-Phase

Tirtharaj Sen, Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee, Member, IACSIT, Manjima
[6]S.B.Griscom, Mechanical analogy of the problem of transmission stability,
Elec.jour. vol.23, pp.230, 5th May 1996

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Power system stability enhancement by using series compensation

The swing equation


Reactance of TCSC
𝐿 𝐿 , 𝐿≤ 𝐿 ≤

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