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s+fr iEfqr frfris coal llrdia Linited

Company Secretariat
*q* sfuer*q Regd. Office:3rd floor, Core-2
3 a";n, +{-2, qms-04-(rq3rR,rd.-q Preftises no-04-MAR. Plot no-AF-lll.
qs-rlr,(r+?ra vftqr-l e, ;qerra, rsffc, Action Area 'lA, Ne\(.tou'n,
' Rajarhat,Kolkata-700 156
*l-f,flafl 7oot 56, mia o::-leryasle, PHONE; 033-232.+-6526,
!-fi'a.6RETin.q* E-MAIL: comsec2.rrl,r t oalindia in
fSd'omser-2.r'i1tr? coalrn( A Maharatna WEBSITE:
aagqa: i ri ,L r Company CIN I,]J I09 \\ B I 97 r( ,( )t)tNS.1.i
d-{r* I'1 -!ll t09\,\'a I 97 (i( 'l\s.l.l

TiE f:CII.:XI(D) :0121 1 :2024: 3 I ?76 Eaio.: 28'r'May'24

Sub: Incorporation of new subsidiary Company "Bharat Coal Gasification and Chemicals

Pr.rrsuant to the approval of 463'd Board meeting held on 26th March'24, a Subsidiary
conrlrany n':rs incorporated on 21.05.24. The salient I'eatures of the subsidiary company are as
trnrlcr': -

l. The name of the Subsidiary Company is 'Bharat Coal Gasification and Chemicals
I inritcd'
2. In the Subsidiary Company, CIL will have a shareholding of 5l% and BHEL 490/0.

.1. N{( A has giren the Certificate of lncorporation No. U2393 5OD2024(]OI045 884 dated
21.05.2'+ r ide their mail dated 28.05.24.
.i. 'l
hc pre scnt .,\uthorised share capital of the Company is Rs. I I crores and paid up
capital ofRe. I lakh.
i. Iirc Nomince Directors from CIL are as undcr: -
L Shri Dehasish Nanda, Director (BD)
2. Dr. Peeyush Kumar, General Manager (BD)
3. Shri Sanjay Kumar Jha, General Manager, Lakhanpur Area
6. I1c r!'gistered office olthe Company is as under: -

[]andhabahal Old PO Bclpah, BIT Colon1,, MCL (ln fiont, Bandhbahal Colony),
Jharsugucla. l-akhanpur, Orissa, India, 76821 ]
I-lmail- rrril. bc g cltrr cou lind ia. irr

i. Consequent upon incorporation of the aforesaid company, Coal Videsh Dept. shall be
the Nodal Dept. for looking after the day to day allairs olthe Company

This ollicc order is issued with the approval of Competent Authority

(B.P. Dubey)
Company Secretary

l. All FDs, Clt.

2. All HODs. CIL

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