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Teenegers EUA

How American teens Spend their free time?

American teens engage in various activities during their free time. Their activities
include hanging out with friends, playing video games, using social media,
participating in sports or extracurricular activities, watching TV or streaming services,
listening to music, reading, and engaging in hobbies like art, writing, or playing
musical instruments. Activities vary on personal interests and available resources.

Picture 1. hanging out with friends Picture 2. playing video games

How American teens spend their money you may also refer to their favorite
Where Americans spend the most money:
-Clothing and fashion: shoes and accessories to keep up with trends and personal
-Food and Meals: Eating out with friends or eat snacks and meals from fast-food
restaurants or cafes
-Technology and Electronics: Smartphones, video games, laptops and other
technological devices are often priorities for teenagers.
-Entertainment: Movies, shows, streaming services, and social events.
-Transportation: Costs associated with transportation, such as gas money and public
transportation fares, are also common expenses for teens.
-Personal Care and Cosmetics: Spending on personal hygiene items, cosmetics and
hygiene products
These spending patterns can vary depending on personal preferences, family
financial situation, and regional influences within the United States.
Picture 3 Restaurants that teenagers frequent most in the United States

Picture 4. Top Brands American teens spend their money on

Streetwear, athleisure and vintage styles are commonly embraced Social media
platforms play a significant role in shaping and spreading fashion trends with
platforms like TikTok and Instagram influencing clothing choices and styles.
The education system in the United States varies across states but generally
follows a structure of elementary school they start on kindergarten, middle school
and high school and some of them go to higher education (college or university).
Higher education includes various institutions, from community colleges to
universities. Admission to colleges often depends on test scores, GPA and
extracurricular activities.
Private schools and homeschooling are also popular alternatives in the USA,
offering different approaches to education outside the public system.

Picture 5. Oxford Academy Picture 6. University High School

Social problems
American teens often face a lot of social issues, including peer pressure, mental
health problems, bullying and challenges related racism and discrimination that can
also impact their experiences.

Picture 7. Racism Picture 8. Bullying

Dreams and future prospects:
American teenagers often dream about academic success, social acceptance, and
future career paths. Perspectives vary widely, with some focused on personal growth
while others navigate challenges such as peer pressure and identity exploration. It’s
a diverse landscape shaped by individual experiences and aspirations.

Picture 9. Career future


Many teenagers in the US take on part-time jobs during high school to earn their own
money and gain work experience. Common jobs include food service, babysitting,
and tutoring. American teens have diverse interests, from sports, music and the arts
to activism and technology. They take part in a wide range of activities both inside
and outside of school. Teenagers in the USA come from diverse cultural backgrounds,
contributing to a rich landscape of traditions, languages, and perspectives in schools
and communities. Teenagers in the USA are required by law to attend school until
they reach a certain age, typically around 16-18 years old. High school education is
the norm, and many go on to pursue higher education in colleges or universities.
The teenage population in the US is incredibly diverse, reflecting the country's
multicultural society. Teenagers come from diverse ethnic, racial, and cultural

Picture 10. Multicultural society in USA



Work done by:

-Elsa Guimarães
-Iara Rodrigues
-Margarida Ferreira
-Vânia Fernandes

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