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2021-2022 2
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Môn thi: Ngữ pháp Chức năng
ANHA083 1A
90 phút 3

BLACKEN the most correct answer A, B, C or D in the answer sheet.

1. Which of the following complementation patterns is correct for the clause “The boss
found the initiative fruitful.”?
A. S-P-Cs B. S-P-O-O C. S-P-O-A D. S-P-O-Co
2. Which of the following complementation patterns is correct for the clause “Dave gave her
the purse.”?
A. S-P-Cs B. S-P-O-O C. S-P-O-A D. S-P-O-C
3. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “They make a good couple” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P-Cs D. S-P-O-C
4. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “I rubbed the rod-case through the
dust” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-O-A C. S-P-Cs D. S-P-O-O
5. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “My brother is a physiotherapist.” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P-Cs D. S-P-O-A
6. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “They appointed James President” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P-Cs D. S-P-O-Co
7. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “I went into the hotel” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P-Cloc D. S-P-O-C
8. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “Tom disappeared” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P D. S-P-O-C
9. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “The situation made him mad.” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P-Cs D. S-P-O-Co
10. Which of the following patterns does the sentence “Tim works in Paris” fit?
A. S-P-O B. S-P-A C. S-P-Cs D. S-P-O-C
11. “the event of the season” is an example of
A. a VG B. an AdvG C. a PrepP D. a NG
12. “right across the road” is an example of
A. a VG B. a PrepP C. a NG D. an AdjG
13. “will be playing” is an example of
A. a VG B. a NG C. a PrepP D. an AdvG
14. Which class of groups does “a little village by the seaside” belong to?
A. AdjG B. NG C. PrepP D. AdvG

Mã đề 1A
15. Which class of groups does “truly grateful” belong to?
A. AdjG B. NG C. PrepP D. AdvG
16. Which class of groups does “despite the bad weather” belong to?
A. AdjG B. NG C. PrepP D. AdvG
17. provided you bring them back in “I’ll let you borrow the CDs provided you bring them
back” is an example of
A. embedding B. subordination C. coordination D. Ø
18. That he left so abruptly in “That he left so abruptly doesn’t surprise me” is an example of
A. embedding B. subordination C. coordination D. Ø
19. Which of the following is a verbless clause?
A. As soon as she got home B. She certainly would
C. when tired D. hit by the car
20. Which of the following has a to-infinitive clause?
A. out of sight, out of mind B. They want to hire a caravan
C. If necessary D. He let her do it.
21. Which of the following is an abbreviated clause?
A. While everyone’s at home B. No matter how cold
C. She does care D. I won’t
22. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “You are making me angry”?
A. Od B. Co C. Cs D. Oi
23. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “I put the casserole in the
A. Od B. Oi C. Cloc D. Cs
24. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “I have sent them an invitation”?
A. Od B. Oi C. Co D. Cs
25. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “He became a professional player
at a very early age”?
A. Od B. Oi C. Co D. Cs
26. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “Our advice is to work harder”?
coi lại Oi và Cs A. Od B. Oi C. Co D. Cs
27. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “It was the same room I had slept
A. Od B. Oi C. Co D. Cs
28. What is the syntactic function of the underlined word in “He works in London” ?
A. Od B. Oi C. Adjunct D. Cs
29. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “Have you seen that new movie we
mentioned to you earlier?”?
A. Od B. Oi C. Co D. Cs
30. What is the syntactic function of the underlined part in “That seemed a very long time
A. Od B. Oi C. Co D. Cs
31. The sentence “I heard two shots fired” has the complementation pattern of
A. V+ NG+-ing clause B. V+ NG+-en clause
C. V+ NG+ bare infinitive D. V+ to-infinitive
Mã đề 1A
32. The sentence “They believe him to be a genius” has the complementation pattern of
A. V+ NG+-ing clause B. V+ NG+-en clause
C. V+ NG+ bare infinitive D. None
33. The sentence “He kept us waiting” has the complementation pattern of
A. V+ NG+-ing clause B. V+ NG+-en clause
C. V+ NG+ bare infinitive D. V+ to-infinitive
34. The sentence “She saw two men enter the shop” has the complementation pattern of
A. V+ NG+-ing clause B. V+ NG+-en clause
C. V+ NG+ bare infinitive D. V+ to-infinitive
35. The sentence “Put the dish in the microwave” has the complementation pattern of
A. V+ NG+-ing clause B. V+ NG+-en clause
C. V+ NG+ bare infinitive D. None
36. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “Why don’t you see a doctor?” carry?
A. An order B. An offer C. An exclamation D. A suggestion
37. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “Have a drink” carry?
A. A warning B. An offer C. An exclamation D. A suggestion
38. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “What an angel you’ve been!” carry?
A. An order B. An offer C. An exclamation D. A suggestion
39. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “Shut up!” carry?
A. A command B. An offer C. An exclamation D. A suggestion
40. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “Will you please sit down!” carry?
A. A request B. An offer C. An exclamation D. A suggestion
41. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “Keep off the lawn” carry?
A. An order B. An offer C. A prohibition D. A suggestion
42. Which of the following illocutionary forces does “Don’t forget your umbrella” carry?
A. An order B. A reminder C. An exclamation D. A suggestion
43. The underlined word in “Adam hit the stranger” represents a(n) ... process.
A. Existential B. Mental C. Relational D. Material
44. The underlined word in “The gangster destroyed the whole city” represents a(n) ...
A. Existential B. Mental C. Relational D. Material
45. The underlined word in “They kept quiet” represents a(n) ... process.
A. Existential B. Mental C. Relational D. Material
46. The underlined word in “Peter boiled the water” represents a ... process.
A. Causative B. Mental C. Relational D. Verbal
47. The underlined word in “My wife quickly rang the bell in front of her” represents a ...
A. Causative B. Mental C. Relational D. Verbal
48. The underlined word in “Jill liked the present” represents a ... process.
A. Causative B. Mental C. Relational D. Verbal
49. The underlined word in “The news delighted me” represents a ... process.
A. Causative B. Mental C. Relational D. Verbal
50. The underlined word in “The old President resigned at last” represents a ... process.
A. Behavioural B. Mental C. Relational D. Material
51. The underlined word in “She has forgotten our names” represents a ... process.

Mã đề 1A
A. Behavioural B. Mental C. Relational D. Material
52. The underlined word in “She gets tired easily” represents a ... process.
A. Behavioural B. Mental C. Relational D. Material
53. In “She has already passed you the test results”, which of the following participant roles
is of you?
A. Affected B. Beneficiary C. Recipient D. Effected
54. What is the participant role of the underlined part in “My friends made me a cake for my
A. Affected B. Beneficiary C. Recipient D. Effected
55. The underlined part in “His abilities amazed us” is a…
A. Carrier B. Phenomenon C. Possessed D. Possessor
56. The underlined part in “Everybody remembered his face” is a (n)…
A. Experiencer B. Phenomenon C. Possessed D. Possessor
57. The underlined part in “The baby has blue eyes” is a(n)…
A. Agent B. Identified C. Possessed D. Possessor
58. The underlined part in “The teenagers saw a giant elephant in the park yesterday” is
A. Affected B. Phenomenon C. Experiencer D. Agent
59. The underlined part in “Ted kicked the ball” is a(n)…
A. Affected B. Phenomenon C. Experiencer D. Agent
60. The underlined part in “Pat had her hair cut” is a(n)…
A. Affected B. Phenomenon C. Experiencer D. Agent
61. The underlined part in “They are making the road wider” is a(n)…
A. Affected B. Phenomenon C. Experiencer D. Agent
62. The underlined part in “Paul opened the door” is a(n)…
A. Affected B. Phenomenon C. Experiencer D. Agent
63. The underlined part in “Nobody realised that it was too late” is a(n)…
A. Affected B. Phenomenon C. Experiencer D. Agent
64. Which of the following does the sentence “The girl sent her Dad some flowers” fit?
A. Agent+Affected B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
65. Which of the following does the sentence “The officer told him what she knew” fit?
A. Agent+Affected B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
66. Which of the following does the sentence “Tom knows the answer” fit?
A. Agent+Affected B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
67. Which of the following does the sentence “I gave the cat some tuna” fit?
A. Agent+Affected B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
68. Which of the following does the sentence “These people made the bridge much prettier”
A. Agent+Affected+Attribute B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
69. Which of the following does the sentence “Bill’s father has lent us his car” fit?

Mã đề 1A
A. Agent+Affected B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
70. Which of the following does the sentence “Mary told me a secret” fit?
A. Agent+Affected B. Experiencer+Phenomenon
C. Sayer+Recipient+Said D. Agent+Recipient+Affected
71. Which of the following verbs is NOT a material process? make thuộc nhóm nào?
A. Read B. Realise C. Make D. Drive
72. Which of the following verbs is NOT a mental process?
A. Understand B. Cause C. Wish D. Adore
73. Which of the following verbs is NOT a relational process?
A. Get B. Become C. Fetch D. Is
74. Which of the following verbs is NOT a verbal process?
A. Say B. Announce C. Hate D. Repeat
75. Which of the following verbs is NOT a causative process?
A. Open B. Boil C. Ring D. Collapse
76. In the underlined multiple themes in “Well, now, Mrs Jones, what can I do for you?”, Mrs
Jones is…?
A. Continuative B. Connective C. Vocative D. None
77. The underlined theme in“In London last year, we did a lot of sightseeing” is
A. Indirect object. B. Direct object.
C. Adjunct D. Complement
78. The underlined in “Manchester United, their players have been holding up a banner” is?
A. Absolute theme B. Double detachted theme
C. Right-dislocation D. A, B, and C are correct..
79. In “Next time will be better.”, “next time” is?
A. Subject B. Adjunct
C. Theme D. A and C are correct
80. Which of the following is of the relationship of non-equivalence?
A. You can keep it or you can give it away. B. We can go by train or by bus.
C. You can have eggs and bacon. D. Until the pain goes away

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