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The End of the War

21 Feb 1916 - 18 Dec 1916 Battle of V_____________

Germans launched an attack on the heavily fortified French city of Verdun.

The French defended it desperately.
French casualties: 400,000
German casualties: 350,000
This was the longest and one of the bloodiest battles of the war.

1 July 1916 - 18 Nov 1916 Battle of the S________________

The battle was devised in response to the French needing the allies to
draw Germany’s attention away from Verdun.
British casualties: 420,000
French casualties: 200,000
German casualties: 500,000

4 June 1916 - 20 Sept 1916 B_________________ Offensive

A response to Germany pushing Russia back into their own territory and
the French call for assistance in Verdun.
Very effective until the Russian’s ran out of supplies.

27 Aug 1916 R_________________ involvement

This nation saw Russia doing well and decided to join in (the Battle of
Transylvania). They were trying to knock the Austrian-Hungarians out of
the war, but they were not successful.

June 1916 - October 1918 A________ Revolt

Led by Thomas E. Lawrence (a.k.a Lawrence of Arabia), this was an

uprising of Arab forces against the Ottoman Empire - who where one of the
Central Powers. They caused heavy damage of the Ottoman supply lines.

23 Feb 1917 - 3 March 1917 February Revolution in P__________________

Civilians were not happy with the lack of food or governmental decisions.
During this revolution, the Tsar (Russian ruler) was overthrown and
replaced with a new government. This government was then overthrown by
the Bolsheviks, who pulled Russia out of the war.

16 Jan 1917 Z____________________ Telegram was intercepted

This was a telegram from Germany to Mexico that encouraged them to

attack America. It was intercepted by Britain who showed it to America.
This was the final straw that brought them into the war.
21 Mar 1918 - 18 July 1918 S________________ Offensive

Germany’s final offensive to try and win the war before America could send
troops. It involved a series of German attacks along the Western Front, but
overall it was unsuccessful.

8 Aug 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 The H_______________ Days Offensive

This was the Allied response to Germany’s final offensive. The name
doesn’t refer to a battle of strategy, rather, the rapid series of Allied
victories against the Germans.

11 Nov, 1918 at 11:00 am Signing of the A__________________

Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany’s leader abdicated (gave up his leadership) on 9

November 1918 because he refused to sign this agreement. The document
was an agreement for the end of fighting. It was prepared by Britain and

28 June, 1919 Treaty of V______________________

This was a peace document that imposed conditions on Germany. These

included: reducing its military, accepting that they caused the war and
paying reparations (a bill for the war)

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