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Surrogacy Amendment Bill, 2019

Need for The bill
Unethical practices, commercialisation, exploitation of surrogate mothers, abandonment of child(if divorced in
Fashion surrogacy to prevent body shapes lost due to pregnancy
In line with Law commission recommendation
Ban commercial surrogacy but allow altruistic surrogacy for couple with proven infertility
No monetary compensation other than medical expenses

Certificate of essentiality and eligibility(one couple infertile) issued by appropriate authority

Indian citizen
Child should have biological or adopted child, exception for differently abled children
Age restriction for couples( 5 years into marriage) and surrogate mother(25-35) and close relative
Clinics should be registered under the Act
National and state boards for advisory, supervisory and code of conduct
Penalties for commercial exploitation
Family pressure on close relative
Dearth of surrogate mothers due to severe eligibility restrictions
Denial of compensation to mother
Only for married couple
In this regard government accepted recommendations of select committee
Bring ART bill before
Relax 5 years rule
Not just close relative, willing women
Medical plus other payments
Increase insurance coverage
Expand to single mother, father, OCI
Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Bill, 2020 on lines Sabha Vishwas(Legal Dispute resolution scheme) Scheme
Need for the bill
To tackle tax disputes where 4.83 lakhs cases of worth 9.5 lakh crores are pending (72,480 crore collect till
November 2019)
This bill proposes that a tax payer would be required to pay only the amount of the disputed taxes and will get
complete waiver of interest and penalty if the amount is paid by march 31
Cases not covered Benami, PMLA
Tax terrorism to tax friendly regime
Improve tax compliance

Bill Summary - The Direct Tax Viv… 398 kB

Banking Regulation(Amendment) bill, 2020

IBC(2nd amendment) Bill, 2020

Need for the bill
Parliament on Thursday passed amendments to the insolvency law that will help safeguard successful bidders of insolvent
companies from the risk of criminal proceedings for offences committed by previous promoters.
New promoter should not have connection with old promoter, then immunity will not be there
Home buyers as financial creditors but put a threshold for them to invoke insolvency proceeding
Running the critical services of company though it is in hands of Insolvency professionals.
Adress the weakness and concerns of implementation issues
Government has shown dynamism to amend where nascent act
For example Jet Airways promoter was involved in all unethical activities, this will provide immunity from past
This will make bid more attractive and quick resolution
Bill Summary-Insolvency and Ban… 258 kB

DNA Technology (Use and Application) regulation bill, 2019

The Transgender Persons(protection of rights) bill, 2019

Definition: person whose gender don’t match the gender assigned at birth
Certificate of identity from DC
Prohibition against discrimination in terms of right to residence, employment, education, health care, welfare measures
Offenses and penalties
National Council for Transgender Persons(NCT)
Certification requirement is against to self determination of their sex
No redress of DC didn’t certify
No policy of including them as SEB classes, though NALSA judgement is its favor

Consumer Protection Act, 2019(notified)

Bill Summary - Consumer Protecti… 360 kB

National River Ganga(Rejuvenation, Protection, Management Bill, 2019
National ganga rejuvenation authority to ban extremely polluting activities
20-30% uninterrupted flow
Punishments for obstruction of flow, illegal pollution
Armed ganga protection corps

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