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5, OCTOBER 2001 657

State of the Theory of Vacuum Arcs

Isak I. Beilis, Senior Member, IEEE

Invited Paper

Abstract—A review of vacuum arc phenomena including the

cathode and anode processes with cold and hot electrodes as well as
the processes in the interelectrode plasma is presented. In the case
of cold electrodes, the current continuity mechanism, the nature
of mass loss, spot motion, plasma jet generation in the spots, and
the cathode potential drop are reviewed. The explosive and gas-dy-
namical models of cathode spot operation are described. In the case
of hot electrodes, the diffuse current continuity mechanism is ana-
lyzed and a model for electron-current fraction calculation in dis-
charge with cathode-anomalous electron emission is proposed. The
present state of electrical and plasma characteristics of high-cur-
rent arcs in magnetic fields are discussed.
Index Terms—Anode spot, arc voltage, bulk cathode, cathode
potential drop, cathode spot, crater, emission center, erosion
rate, film cathode, gas-dynamical model, hot electrode vacuum Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of a cathode spot crater on the bulk cathode
arc, magnetic field, plasma expansion, plasma jet, sheath, spot and a track on the film cathode.
luminous region, spot motion, track, vacuum arc.

general review of the state of the theory of vacuum arc processes

I. INTRODUCTION will be presented. The following questions will be discussed.
What is the mechanism of current continuity at the electrode-
V ACUUM arcs are used in many plasma processes
including high-current vacuum switching, vacuum
arc deposition of hard coatings, vacuum arc degassing, and
plasma interface? How does the cathode spot operate on mate-
rials with strongly differing thermal properties?
re-melting of metals. There are two general types of the vacuum Why do different spot types exist? What causes the group
arcs—those with cold and hot electrodes. In the case of cold spot? Does the existence mechanism of nonstationary cathode
electrodes, an intense interaction between the solid electrode spots differ from that of stationary spots?
and the arc plasma occurs at the cathode spots, regions of What is the cause of the plasma acceleration in the cathode
extremely small size and high current density. The cathode plasma jet?
material emission in the spot’s area supports the arc. Thus, What is the mechanism of anode spot plasma electron
the cathode spots are responsible for current continuity and heating?
cathode erosion. The anode is a collector of arc current. A What is the role of ion current in the effect of cathodic
fundamental issue in the study of the vacuum arc anode spot is “anomalous electron emission”?
the relationship between the arc current, the plasma parameters How does the arc voltage in an axial magnetic field depend
(density, temperature), and the anode erosion rate. Two types on the cathode plasma jet parameters?
of hot electrode vacuum arcs exist. 1) In the hot cathode arc,
the main problem is the contradiction between the measured II. CATHODE SPOT PROCESSES
current density and known mechanisms of cathodic electron The Subject—Definition: In the observation, the cathode
emission. 2) In the hot anode arc, the energy balance is very spots are very small luminous plasma regions that move on the
important for understanding self-sustained arc operation. cathode surface. In the theory, the spot is an arc-constricted
The study of cathode and anode spot processes as well as region that includes the cathode body and dense plasma
the interelectrode plasma parameters holds the key for under- generation area where the current continuity is supported.
standing vacuum arc plasma device operation. In this paper, a Brief Description : The experimental investigation [1], [2]
indicates that the cathode spot can disappear and again appear
Manuscript received September 18, 2000; revised May 24, 2001. This work with a typical spot lifetime on bulk or film cathodes (see
was supported by a grant from INTAS and the Israel Science Foundation. Fig. 1). We consider the cathode spot parameters with values for
The author is with the Electrical Discharge and Plasma Laboratory, Depart- copper, as that the most studied case. In the case of bulk cathode,
ment of Interdisciplinary Studies, Fleischman Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. these are: cathode potential drop [2], [3] 15 V, threshold
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-3813(01)09270-0. arc current [2] 1.6 A, arc voltage [4]–[6] 20–23 V, jet
0093–3813/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

velocity [4]–[7] 10 cm/s, ion energy/unit charge [4]–[6]

30–37 eV, ion current fraction in the plasma jet [8], [9]
0.1, and erosion coefficient [10]–[12] 0.05-0.1 mg/C.
At low arc currents ( 10 A), the arc voltage oscillates at a
high-frequency [2] and, thus, peaks above the cathode potential
drop. The minimum arc voltage is considered to be equal to the
cathode potential drop. The oscillation amplitude of the single
Fig. 2. Emission center model.
spot decreases with its arc current.
The luminous regions on the spots were observed mainly by
high-speed optical photography earlier [10], [13]–[15] and more on intensive local heating of a micro-area [named emission
recently [16]–[23]. Spot types were classified according to the center (EC), Fig. 2] at the cathode surface in a short time. It was
spot velocity , the spot lifetime , and the spot current . assumed that the EC initiated at cathode microprotrusions (or
High-speed motion (10–100 m/s) and short lifetime ( 10 s) microcraters) heated by Joule energy dissipation and that the
are associated with type 1 spots. The type 1 spot current is rel- cathode material emission is in the form of plasma generated
atively small, e.g., 10 A. The spot velocity is lower when the by the microprotrusion explosion. This model [30]–[34] was
cathode surface is cleaner. Slow, ( 0.1 m/s) spots with life- proposed in connection with studies of the explosive electron
times of about 100 s and spot currents of about 10 A are defined emission processes in electrical breakdown and nanosecond
as type 2 spots that preferably appear when a small gas pres- discharges [33]–[38] and then was developed in recent years
sure is present. Sometimes, several spots can appear together [35], [38]–[42]. An emission center model (ECM) was consid-
on the cathode surface with distances between them equal or ered for conical microprotrusions and spherical craters on plane
smaller than the overall spot size [10], [13], [14], [16]–[18], cathode surfaces, which are created by a previous adjacent
[24]. This collection of spots is called a “group spot,” For arc microprotrusion explosion. In both cases, the initial radius of
currents 1000 A, the group spot current for copper is in the the EC is given sufficiently small ( 0.1 m) so that the Joule
range of 100–200 A [10], [13], [14]. Recently [19]–[23], sepa- heating is very large. The time dependencies of the temperature
rate fragments were observed also in fast moving (type 1) spots. and radius of the EC were calculated. In the case of a copper
The cathode surface luminosity in vacuum arcs up to 150 A, EC, the temperature was about 50 000 K in the beginning and
was investigated with high spatial ( m) and temporal ( ns) 10 000 K at the end of EC operation. The higher temperature
resolution using laser-absorption photography and a high-speed was obtained due to larger current density in the beginning of
image converter and streak camera. The periodic fluctuations of the EC operation. According to the ECM, the EC on smooth
the spot brightness, on a nanosecond time scale, are associated cathode surfaces is dead when the calculation indicates that
with the lifetime of the spot fragments. A fragment size of about the temperature sufficiently decreases with time and electron
10 m and current/fragment of about 10–20 A were found. emission cannot support the EC current. The ECM indicates
The crater sizes on bulk cathodes and tracks on thin-film cath- that the current density is 10 –10 A/cm and the rate of
odes after arc extinction were also studied. Craters with sizes of current rise is relatively high ( 10 –10 A/s) during the
about 5–30 m were observed on copper cathode surfaces by EC lifetime of about 1–10 ns. Good agreement of calculated
Daalder [25] and Juttner [19], [20]. Kesaev [2] experimented results with measured parameters (erosion rate, crater size, spot
with vacuum arcs on copper thin films with thickness in the current, etc, [35], [39]) is obtained.
range of 0.01–0.1 m deposited on glass. The spot moved Cathodic Evaporation: The first systematical analysis of the
and left a clear erosion track in which all the metal thin film was cathode processes was based on evaporation of the cathode ma-
removed. From observation of the tracks, the following parame- terial [43]–[46]. Lee and Greenwood [43] formulated a system
ters were determined: spot velocity 10 –10 cm/s, erosion of equations describing the cathode heating and the current den-
rate 50–500 g/s, spot current 0.1–0.9 A, and track sity of the cathode electron emission, where the ion (or electron)
width 1 10 m. current fraction is a free parameter. Ecker [44]–[46] proposed an
The spot current density was estimated from measurements of “existence diagram” determining the spot temperature and
the optical images of the arc and the crater size to be 10 –10 current density using only the conservation laws for the men-
A/cm on bulk cathodes and about 10 –10 A/cm on thin-film tioned cathode processes (electron emission, cathode heating,
cathodes. etc.). Other later models [47]–[51] also used input-free parame-
ters and arbitrary conditions, similar to Lee and Greenwood [43]
A. Current Continuity Mechanism and the plasma processes were not always analyzed. The models
[43]–[46] calculated the dependence between the spot current
The electrical current at the cathode-plasma interface can be density and cathode spot temperature as well the minimal
supplied by the electrons emitted from the cathode as well as by current (where the Ecker’s diagram is available) for a mathemat-
ions from the near-electrode plasma. Two cathode spot models ical solution. Harris and Lau [52] considered the plasma pro-
have been proposed, depending on the cathode material emis- cesses taking into account different zones of the near-cathode
sion process: i) explosive generation of the material and ii) ca- plasma. An approximation for ion multiplicity, based on a sep-
thodic evaporation. arate calculation, which does not depend on the neutral density,
Explosive Generation of the Plasma: In the near-cathode is used in the system of equations. It was also assumed that each
region [26]–[29], explosive generation of the plasma is based ion flux on the cathode and anode side of the ionization zone is

work function by the Schottky effect. The spot current density

does not strongly depend on the cathode electric field when
is changed to twice the calculated value. The spot size reaches
sufficiently large values (10–100 m) that cathode heating by
ion energy flux is much larger than by Joule energy when the
spot lifetime is 1 S [55], [56]. This result is relevant to
the observed fast spots (type 1) as well as to the slowly moving
group spots [10], [13]. In the case when 1 S and rate of
spot current rise is large ( 10 A/s), the spot current density
significantly increases and cathode heating by ion and returned
plasma electron energy fluxes can be comparable with the Joule
heating. In this case, the calculated (without consideration of the
explosion phenomena) spot size and spot lifetime by GDM may
correspond to the nanosecond spot experiments [18]–[23].
Fig. 3. Schematic presentation of the different plasma regions in the cathode Spot Operation on Different Cathode Materials
region in a vacuum arc.
(GDM): Analysis showed that a mathematical solution to
the system of equations in the GDM does not exist for all
equal to half of the cathode-evaporated atom flux. The ion ve- cathode materials. The cathode surface conditions can be
locity at the anode and cathode side of the ionization zone is characterized by a surface temperature and electric field ,
assumed to be equal to the sound velocity. resulting in an atomic flux from evaporation of and
It should be noted that in all the above-mentioned works an electron emission flux of . Their ratio defines the
the mechanism of ions moving in the ionization zone toward parameter
the cathode was not studied and, therefore, the main spot
characteristic, ion current fraction, remained unclear. Beilis
et al. [53]–[56] calculate the ion current fraction, taking into
account resonance charge-exchange ion-atom collisions of
the ions moving toward the cathode. The model is based on where
a gas-dynamic description of the mass and energy flux in the ;
near-cathode plasma and the problem was formulated in a
cathode material dependent constant;
self-consistent manner and will be described below. Later, in
order to calculate the cathode potential drop, Nemchinsky [57] energy of evaporation in electronvolts;
supplemented the gas-dynamic spot model [54], [55] with an work function with the Schottky factor.
additional “minimal principle” condition (see below). The materials having intermediate thermophysical properties
Gas-Dynamic Model (GDM): The cathode heated and (eg. Cu, Ag, and Ni) have values of slightly greater than unity
evaporated by interaction with near-cathode plasma in the spot and solutions are readily found. However, when 1, i.e., for
region. The electron beam is emitted from the cathode and refractory metals (e.g., W), increasing the surface temperature
accelerated in the cathode sheath (space charge or ballistic results in . Under these circumstances, be there is high
zone). The kinetic energy of the beam electrons is sufficiently electron emission, causing plentiful electron emission cooling,
high that their relaxation length in the plasma, where plasma but there is no ion current and, hence, insufficient ion bom-
heating and atom ionization take place, is much greater than the bardment heating and, thus, a solution cannot be found for the
mean-free path of the ions (Knudsen layer, Fig. 3). Therefore, cathode energy balance [55], [56].
the ion flux toward the cathode could be calculated based on Likewise, the GDM has no solution if , e.g., for Hg.
the hydrodynamic equations for a three-component plasma. There is insufficient electron emission and too much vapor den-
This permitted calculation of the electron current fraction at the sity. Thus, also for the volatile materials, the plasma energy bal-
surface, thus closing mathematically the system of equations, ance cannot be established with the present model, due to insuf-
which had not been closed in the previous models. In the ficient electron beam heating.
first approach [53]–[55], the values for the cathode potential The near-cathode sheath structure determines the mechanism
drop , current/spot and erosion rate were taken from of spot operation. For cathode material with intermediate ther-
experiments. The use of these values relates the results of the mophysical properties, the GDM was corrected by adding a
calculation to a certain spot type. In the next approach, the sheath at the cathode surface with large electric field. For the
parameters and will be obtained from consideration of refractory materials, the effect of the electron space charge near
the processes in the kinetic layer (see below). the cathode produces an electric field in the direction that re-
A wide range of parameters was evaluated by the GDM de- duces the large thermoionic electron emission, thus acting as
scription at the bulk cathode and in the near-electrode plasma, a virtual cathode [58]. The potential distribution for different
one of them being the spot current density (i.e., radius of the heat cathode materials is presented in Fig. 4. In the case of the volatile
source) on the cathode. The calculated results were summarized materials, an additional plasma layer adjacent to the cathode
in detail in [56]. The calculations showed that the mechanism of layer is hypothesized, which serves as a “plasma cathode” (see
electron emission basically is thermoionic with correction of the Fig. 5), supplying electrons to the remainder of the discharge

sion could be initiated by a very strong electric field (about

100 MV/cm) that can occur in high-voltage discharges and
for relatively large rates of arc current rise. In low-voltage arc
spots, the size of the microprotrusions is larger than the electric
sheath width and, therefore, reaching the necessary electric
field is problematic [56]. According one of versions of ECM
the new explosive center can be initiated at the narrow part of
droplets flying from the cathode during the arc discharge [39].
This mechanism should be additionally investigated.
Three cases that could be explained by GDM and difficult
understand by ECM. In the first, when the initial plasma covers
a relatively large area (high-current arc) around the micropro-
Fig. 4. Potential distribution in the cathode sheath in the cases of Cu ( 0), trusion, the Joule heat is small (low-current density, group spot,
Mo ( E 0), and W ( E< 0). U is the minimal potential at the distance of
Z from the cathode surface in the case of W material (virtual cathode).
where the fragment could also large and 10 A/cm ) and
further spot operation can be supported only by the energy flux
of ions arriving at the cathode surface from the plasma [56]. An-
other case is the measured difference between minimal spot cur-
rents on bulk (2–10 A) and film (0.1 A) copper cathodes and es-
tablished difference between motion mechanisms (discrete and
continuous). This result may be explained in the frame of GDM
by taking into account the difference between the cathode heat
losses in the bulk and in the film electrode. Finally, the self-sus-
tained operation of different spot types on the different cathode
materials could be understand by consideration the sheath struc-
ture in GDM while in ECM the characteristic explosion param-
eter is mainly constant.

Fig. 5. Schematic presentation of the current continuity in the case of a B. Mass Flow and Cathode Erosion Rate
mercury cathode: plasma cathode and double sheath model.
Usually, the erosion rate was obtained by calculating the
volume of the cathode in the liquid state and assuming that
[59]. The arc current at the cathode surface is closed by ion flux all of this material is removed [2], [62], or by calculating the
from the adjacent cathode plasma. evaporation rate [33], [47], [51] when the spot temperature
Film Cathode: In order to understand the spot mechanism is known by the Dushman formula [63]. In both cases, the
on thin-film cathodes, the modified GDM was solved [60] using calculated values depend on the type of heat source (Joule or
the experimental dependence between the film erosion rate and ion bombardment), which is a given parameter. However, the
track size in the form . It is assumed that the spot Dushman evaporation rates [63] are correct only in vacuum,
moves when the underlying film is evaporated [2]. The equation while in the arc cathode spot region the pressure is very large
of heat conduction for thin films in the cathode energy balance [40], [43]–[46], [54]–[56]. Presenting this case, the calculation
was taken in account. The calculation for different film thick- of cathode mass flow should be based on a kinetic treatment of
ness is presented in [56] and [60]. The calculations show that atomic evaporation, as considered by Moizhes et al. [64] and
the spot diameter is approximately equal to the observed track Beilis [65]–[67].
width and that energy loss by film heat conduction (with an ef- Moizhes et al. considered the near-cathode Knudsen layer,
fective voltage for heating of 1 V–2 V) is smaller than in bulk taking into account the electron momentum while neglecting the
cathodes (6 V–7 V [56], [61]). This result and the small spot electric field force in the plasma-flow momentum equation. The
size for thin-film cathodes ( m), indicates that the spot cathode mass loss was calculated by assuming a sonic plasma
operation on the thin-film cathode is different than on the bulk velocity on the external boundary of the Knudsen layer, similar
cathode, due to different heat loss and spot motion mechanisms to the same assumption made by using the Dushman formula
(see below). [63].
Comparison of the Explosive and Evaporating Models: The Beilis [65] considered a kinetic model (KM) with two atomic
last formulation of the ECM uses the equations of electron emis- fluxes near the cathode surface in the Knudsen layer (see Fig. 6),
sion, cathode heating and electric field at the cathode-sheath consisting of evaporated atoms flowing from the electrode and
boundary that were used in the GDM and in previous models of a return flux of electrons, ions, and atoms that is formed in the
cathode evaporation processes [2], [43], [45], [55]. The finite sheath and nonequilibrium plasma layers. The difference be-
lifetime of the EC could explain the nonstationary spot function tween these fluxes determines the plasma density and velocity
during the arc operation. However, the assumption about the and, therefore, the cathode mass erosion in the vapor phase. This
relatively small size of the EC only allows a solution for high analysis used a bimodal velocity distribution function [68]. The
values of spot current density ( 10 A/cm ). According to the calculation according to the KM shows that the evaporated atom
experiments [34]–[36], [38] the explosion of the microprotru- flux is comparable with the return heavy particle (atom and ion)

Fig. 6. Model of the kinetic region in the cathode plasma.

Fig. 8. Dependence of the cathode erosion rate versus the spot current. The
calculated values is marked by Gt, The measured values, marked by Ge, are
taken from [5] for an Al cathode and from [10] for Cu a cathode.

Fig. 7. Condition for nonfree plasma expansion: external plasma cloud.

flux. It was obtained that during the spot operation the plasma
velocity must be smaller than the sound velocity and, therefore,
the plasma flow in the Knudsen layer is not free. The nonfree
plasma flow in the near-cathode region is one of the conditions
Fig. 9. Dependence of the calculated CPD versus spot current for Al and Cu
for the self-consistent cathode spot mechanism. when the cathode is at room temperature (300 K) and heated (1500 K).
The calculation of plasma parameters according to the KM is
presented in [56], [66], and [67] The heavy particle density parameters and different condition were used in the various
does not strongly deviate from the saturation value theories. Kesaev [2] tried to estimate CPD from the plasma
[66], while the nonequilibrium plasma velocity at the particle balance and Khvesuk et al. [69] tried by solving
external boundary of the Knudsen layer is one or two orders of the Poisson equation, assuming that the atoms are ionized
magnitude smaller than the sound velocity . The analysis of by cathode-emitted electrons accelerated in the CPD zone.
the kinetic layer indicates that the spot can appear only in the However, this approach is weak because the electron beam
case when the condition is fulfilled, i.e., the plasma contribution in the ionization process is small and the ion
flow in the electron beam relaxation zone is not free. The last generation depends on ionization by thermal electrons in the
condition could occur in the case when a plasma cloud is present plasma [55]. In other calculations [46], [57] of the CPD, the
before spot initiation as shown in the Fig. 7. Therefore, deter- “minimal principle” was used. The weak point of this method
mines the cathode mass loss. The results of the cathode erosion is that the minimal value of the CPD depends on many spot
rate calculation are presented in the Fig. 8, as an illustration. parameters, including the current density, temperature, size,
It may be seen that the calculated and measured [9], [10], [12] lifetime, etc and it difficult to obtain by complicated spot
values agree well. The calculation also shows [65], [66] that the processes [56].
electric field force in the cathode sheath compensates the mo- In general, the CPD depends on the electron momentum and
mentum of plasma electron pressure and they do not affect the energy balances in the sheath. Taking into account the processes
near-cathode plasma flow in Knudsen layer. in the sheath, the CPD was calculated from a KM (Fig. 4) [70].
The electron fluxes from and to the cathode surface were ob-
C. Cathode Arc Characteristics tained by assuming that the kinetics of emission electron flow
Cathode Potential Drop: The theoretical calculation of the is similar to kinetics of atom evaporation. The equation for the
cathode potential drop (CPD) always was problematic in electric sheath together with the equations for the mass flow in
spite of its relatively exact measurement for both bulk and the nonequilibrium Knudsen layer and in the electron relaxation
thin-film cathodes [2], [3]. The calculation is difficult because zone form a closed system of equations for calculating as a
of the CPD multiparametric dependence. Therefore, arbitrary function on the spot current I (see Fig. 9). It may be seen that

Fig. 11. Model of the dynamics of spot motion on a rough cold clean cathode.
Fig. 10. Calculated thin Cu film CPD U as a function of film thickness.

Presently it is understood that spot motion is caused by the

for the bulk cathode, the CPD weakly depends on the current exhaustion of the material under the spot, i.e., the metallic film
for 100 A and sharply increases when the spot current de- on thin-film cathodes, or the protrusion [56] on bulk cathodes.
creases for 30 A. The CPD decreases when the cathode is The discrete motion on bulk cathodes is, thus, related to the
heated (see Fig. 9, 1500 K). The CPD for film cathodes spot lifetime. When a spot “dies,” a new spot is “born” at an
is smaller than that for bulk cathodes, even for small spot adjacent location and, thus, the spot appears to have a random
and weakly depends on the film thickness (see Fig. 10, calcu- hopping motion.
lated spot current is 0.1–0.9A depending on the film thick- According to the ECM, the spot is dead after the explosion of
ness [2]). The calculated value of 10 V is close to the measured the microprotrusion or when the electron emission in an emis-
value of 11 V [3]. Low CPD values occur when the cathode sion center has stopped. According to the GDM, the type of
heat losses can be balanced by a current-dependant heat source. cathode heat losses and type of near-cathode plasma flow deter-
Therefore, both the film cathode and rough bulk cathodes (with mine lifetime of the spot and its motion mechanism [56], [70].
protrusions, or preliminary heating) have spot currents, which The type of heat losses depends on the cathode geometry (i.e.,
are much smaller than the spot current for the flat bulk cathode. bulk, thin-film, micro-area) and determines the dependence of
Thus, the relatively small cathode heat loss is the second con- the CPD on the spot current. In the case when the spot current is
dition for operation of the vacuum arc when it is characterized relatively small ( 10 A), the spot could operate on the cathode
as an electrical discharge with relatively small interelectrode micro-area with low cathode heat losses balanced by the low
voltage. This means that the cathode effective voltage should be heat source of the spot. The motion of low-current ( 10 A)
smaller than the measured CPD. spots depends on the rate of cathode voltage growth (Fig. 9)
In order to understand the contribution of different spot during evaporation of a microprotrusion or film on the cathode
parameters, the equation for SPD calculation, obtained from surface. A model of the dynamics of spot motion is presented in
the plasma and cathode energy balances, was investigated Fig. 11. When a protrusion is completely evaporated, the spot
[56] using the solution of full system of equation by GDM. continues to operate on the bulk cathode. The heat loss in the
It was shown that the quantity is determined by the work bulk increases and the voltage reaches such high values that the
function, electron energy, cathode erosion rate, cathode heat old spot dies and a new spot easily appears at the nearest neigh-
loss and energy carried to the cathode by returned electrons. boring protrusion, where the voltage will be smaller. The char-
For copper cathode ( 200 A) the main contribution is due acteristic time of the protrusion evaporation is small ( 1–10 s)
to expenditure of energy to electron emission and the heating [56] equal to the spot lifetime and, therefore, the spot velocity
of the plasma electrons ( 6 eV). Similar is the contribution is relatively high (10 cm/s). During the spot motion the CPD
due to cathode heat loss (cathode effective voltage is 7–8 eV, oscillates as the spot hops from one protrusion to another. The
i.e., about half of the 15 V). The contribution of the atom spot motion resembles a random walk, as observed by Juttner
ionization term in CPD is small ( 0.1 eV) and significantly [19], [20].
less than atom potential ionization. A combination of processes In the case of higher spot currents (several hundreds of am-
characterized by the cathode emission capacity, its thermal peres) under vacuum conditions with a bulk cathode, the high
conductivity and material losses influences the magnitude of current heats the cathode surface so that the energy loss from
the CPD in different cathode materials and spot types. Thus, the individual spots is compensated by the spot energy flux and
for more refractory cathode materials the SPD is higher [56]. the cathode spots have a low CPD. When the arc current ex-
Cathode Spot Motion and Voltage Oscillation: High tem- ceeds a critical value, which depends on the cathode material,
poral resolution photography and postarcing observation of several spots operate simultaneously. When the spots are close
craters indicate that the spot motion on bulk cathodes consisted to each other, they form a common plasma cloud, which im-
of discrete hops [10], [15]. In contrast, track studies indicate pedes the plasma flow, increasing the near cathode plasma den-
that the motion was continuous on thin-film cathodes [2]. sity. This concentration of spots is favorable and new spots can

ions in the expanding plasma capture a considerable fraction of

the electron momentum and energy. Tonks [71] first proposed
taking into account the momentum of the plasma electrons in
order to explain the force on the cathode and the plasma acceler-
ation mechanism by an estimation of the plasma electron pres-
sure. But he used arbitrary values of the plasma electron tem-
perature and ion current fraction. Later the gas-dynamic mech-
anism for the plasma jet expansion zone (Fig. 3) was developed
for conical [56], [72], [73] and spherical [64], [74]–[76] plasma
expansion geometries. In the ECM, it was assumed that the ve-
locity of the expanding plasma after the thermal EC explosion
Fig. 12. Schematic presentation of the model of the group spot creation. is equal to the velocity of the expanded plasma in the cathode
jet [35], [38]. The plasma velocity in this case was determined
by the adiabatic model [77] and determined by the energy
accumulated in the cathode protrusion. According to the ECM
assumption, the value of is several times of the sublimation
energy of the cathode material atoms [35].
The boundary conditions on the cathode side should be used
to correctly determine the plasma jet expansion and plasma pa-
rameter distribution. In the case of conical jet expansion, the
plasma parameters in the Knudsen layer [65]–[67] were used as
Fig. 13. Single cathode spot appearance in the case of an arc burning in an the boundary conditions on the cathode surface for the gas-dy-
external gas. The distance between the spots L is much larger than the spot namical plasma jet expansion (see Fig. 3). In contrast to the
conical case, in the spherical case the boundary conditions were
used as arbitrary parameters on a hemisphere with a radius equal
be ignited under the same plasma cloud by the nonfree plasma to the spot radius and were not determined by the conditions on
flow condition. The spot existence conditions are met with a the cathode surface. Afanasjev et al. [78] and Krinberg et al. [79]
low cathode drop when the plasma flow is impeded; the spots also considered the shape of the expanding plasma, but only in
tend to be stationary or to have a low velocity. Thus, the “group the supersonic region (i.e., from the critical point).
spot” is formed (see Fig. 12), as observed experimentally [10], According to the GDM, solved together with the KM, the
[13], [14]–[17]. Similarly, if a background gas is present again plasma acceleration characteristic distance is 2–3 times the spot
at relatively high currents, the plasma flow is likewise impeded radius to sound speed and about 10 to supersonic velocity
(without the need of a common plasma cloud as in vacuum) and, 10 cm/s [56], [73]. The potential distribution along the jet has
thus, the spot velocity is slower than in vacuum. As the arc cur- only a small maximum [56], [73] ( ) and, thus, the “po-
rent heats the cathode bulk, the CPD is not large (Fig. 9) and the tential hump” [5] cannot be the cause of the plasma acceleration,
spot can operate on the bulk cathode without cathode voltage but rather is only the result of a plasma expansion in which the
oscillation, as observed [2], [10]. Under these conditions the electron pressure is larger than the heavy particle pressure. The
low-velocity spots exist separately with distance Lg between the supersonic plasma velocity in the cathode plasma jet is due to
spots as it is shown in the Fig. 13. Thus, the spot velocity de- momentum transfer from the electrons to the ions by friction
pends on the physical state of the cathode surface (temperature, and an ambipolar electric field. In both (conical and spherical)
geometry-film or bulk and roughness) and on the plasma cloud approaches, it was obtained that the final jet velocity is about
or background gas present in the electrode gap. 10 cm/s, which agrees with experiments [4]–[7].
One of interesting phenomena of the vacuum arc is the The experimentally observed multicharged ions [4]–[6] are
cathode spot retrograde motion [2]. The phenomena indicate due to thermal ionization occurring during the plasma expan-
that in the transverse magnetic field the cathode spots do not sion [55], [56]. Recently, the influence of the thermal ionization
move in Amperian direction. Recently, the short review of the process on the jet charge state was calculated by Anders et al.
existing explanation is presented in [23]. Still the problem of [80]. In the cathode spot region ( ) where the plasma
retrograde spot motion is very complicate and today it is an is dense ( 10 cm ), the plasma contains mainly singly
opened question. We think that the effect of retrograde cathode charged ions [55]. With increasing distance from the cathode,
spot movement in a magnetic field could be understood also by the plasma density significantly decreases while slightly
taken into account that the plasma flow in near-cathode region changes, causing multiple ionization [56]. The typical distance
can be impeded. Under this idea, the direction of spot motion in which the multicharged ion fraction becomes significant is
is determined by the distribution of different condition of about 3–5 , i.e., in the plasma acceleration region.
impeded plasma flow in the spot region. The detail description Nonstationary Cathode Spot Operation: According to
of this mechanism is subject in an original work and not for observation the cathode spot is a nonstationary subject. In the
this review. present theories (ECM and GDM), nonstationary heat conduc-
Cathodic Plasma Jet and Plasma Acceleration: The near- tion processes in the cathode body determine the nonsteady
cathode plasma flow is strongly collision dominated and the cathode spot operation or its cyclic operation. The spot lifetime

(or cycle) is associated with some characteristic thermal transi-

tion time. In the explosive ECM, the time of cathodic thermal
instability due to Joule energy dissipation in the cathode
micro-area determines the EC lifetime. In the GDM, the time
of spot operation is determined by the time-dependence of
the CPD on cathode heat losses as well as by the plasma
flow regime in the Knudsen layer. In the case of fast (type 1)
spots, the spot lifetime is determined by the transition time
from protrusion heating to bulk cathode heating, which occurs
after the protrusion on the bulk cathode surface is completely
evaporated [56]. In the case of slow-moving spots on bulk
Fig. 14. Anode spot model and plasma expansion.
cathodes with relatively large spot lifetimes and relatively large
heat flux to the cathode surface, the time-dependence of the
spot parameters could be described by a model of nonstationary
heat conductance in the cathode bulk [56]. Thus, in the GDM
the relatively short or long cathode heat transition time deter-
mines the existence mechanism of short-living (nonstationary)
or long-living cathode spots, respectively, and the different
character of arc voltage oscillation in low- and high-current
vacuum arcs. Both in the nonstationary and in steady-state spot
operation the main processes supporting the self-sustained spot
mechanism are the cathode material and electron emission.


Fig. 15. Copper anode spots current density versus anode erosion rate.
Kimblin [81] and Miller [82] discussed the transition into
the anode spot mode. In vacuum arcs, this transition depends
on the electrode geometry, inter-electrode gap and arc current. the total current [44]. Because the system of equations is not
Four stages of anode phenomena (diffuse arc, footpoint, anode closed, different authors assumed some free parameters such as
spot and intense arc) are distinguished as dependence of the anode radius [84], electron temperature [47], [85]), or arbitrary
inter-electrode gap and arc current [82]. In the diffuse mode, conditions such as Steenbeck’s minimum principle [85], or that
the anode is a passive collector of the cathode plasma jet. In the the self-magnetic pressure is equal the vapor pressure in the spot
footpoint mode, the anode begin to play an active role in the [44], [86]. These theories did not consider the plasma energy
vacuum arc. A small bright spots appear on the anode and spot balance and, therefore, the main questions about the mechanism
appearance associated with anode melting and with anode ma- of the plasma electron heating and the degree of the anode vapor
terial emitting into the arc gap. The anode spot appears when ionization remained unsolved. The erosion rate was calculated
the threshold current reaches from 400 A to a few kiloamps in using the Dushman relationship [47], [86].
the case of a high-current vacuum arc with planar copper elec- A model based on a kinetic treatment of atom evaporation
trodes [1], [81], [82]. However, the anode spot threshold current [56], [66] as well as on plasma production and plasma en-
can decrease in the case of a planar anode and rod cathode in ergy-dissipation processes was developed by Beilis [87], [88].
a low-pressure ambient gas [13], [83]. Experiments [13], [83] It considered the near anode space sheath, nonequilibrium
showed that when the ambient gas pressure was in the range of plasma layer and a plasma acceleration region (Fig. 14). The
0.1 to 100 m torr an anode spot was formed on different anode plasma energy balance include the Joule energy in the anode
materials at currents that could be low as 5–50 A. The Cu anode plasma jet the energy dissipation caused by ionization of
erosion rate ( 0.5–3 kA) can reach relatively large values atoms, energy convection by the electric current and the energy,
of 25–120 g/C [81] in spite of the fact that electrons sup- required for plasma acceleration in the plasma anode jet. The
port the anode current. As the vacuum arc current is increased Cu anode spot parameters as functions of the anode erosion
above a few kiloamps, the anode spot activity develops from rate are presented below. The calculation for a spot current
small “footpoints” to an intensely active anode spot and also the of 200 A shows that the anode surface temperature
vacuum arc reaches an intense mode for relatively small gaps. 3200–3900, heavy particle density 10 –10 cm and
In intense mode, a very bright luminosity appears to cover the electron temperature 0.4–0.5 eV, for 3–40 mg/s,
anode and the cathode and fill the interelectrode gap. The impor- respectively. The spot current density increases with is
tant vacuum arc characteristics are the strong anode and cathode shown in Fig. 15. The degree of ionization in the anode
erosion and the parameters (temperature, density, etc) of inter- plasma is small (8.10 –2.10 , Fig. 16) in comparison with
electrode plasma (see below). the cathode spot plasma (0.1–0.5 [56]). In the case of a graphite
Anode spot existence theories have been presented [44], [47], cathode 10 –5.10 , when the spot current increases
[84]–[86]. The mathematical description includes a system of from 10 to 400 A, respectively [88]. It should be noted that
equations based on the anode energy balance and equation for increase and the heavy particle density decreases with spot

Fig. 16. Degree of ionization of the Cu anode vapor versus anode erosion rate. Fig. 17. Electron current fraction versus plasma jet velocity in a hot-cathode
vacuum arc (Cr-cathode).
current. For a current of about 1 kA can exceed 0.1. The
electron density and the degree of ionization in the anode spot that the electron current fraction is 10 –10 . Dorodnov
plasma are considerably smaller than in the cathode plasma (in [92], [93] suggests that the discrepancy could be explained if
the case when the current density is the same in the anode and the work function of the cathode material were lowered by
cathode spots), due to the larger electron velocity in comparison approximately 1.5 eV, but offers no explanation about what
with the ion velocity at the plasma-electrode interface. might cause this.
The measured Cu anode spot temperature, 2970 K–3770 K, Nemchinsky [94] and Zektser [95] suggest that current conti-
[89] is mostly within the calculated range quoted above. The nuity can be maintained at the cathode surface by ion flux. Their
calculated electron density is (0.7–2) 10 cm and approach is analogous to the GDM used in explaining cathode
in order of magnitude agrees with the measured values in an
spots on cold cathodes [55], [56] but without consideration of
Al anode spot [84] ( 10 cm ) and in the near anode spot
the cathode energy balance. In addition, they neglected Joule
region for Cu [90] ( 10 cm ). These results illustrate that
heating [94] and nonelastic losses in the electron energy bal-
the anode plasma density is much lower than the plasma den-
ance [95].
sity in the cathode spots ( 10 cm [56]). Furthermore, both
Let us consider the GDM approach [55] in order to study
the measured electron temperature (0.67–0.47 eV for Al [84])
the role of the ion current. We take in account the equation of
and the calculated value are also lower than in the cathode spot
heat conduction for a disk Cr cathode [93], the equation for the
plasma (1–2 eV [56]).
cathode sheath [59], where the plasma electrons are repelled
and the equation for plasma expansion in the cathode jet [72],
[73]. A calculation with A shows that the electron cur-
The “spotless” arc, i.e., with a “diffuse attachment” of the rent fraction decreases from 0.2 to 10 (see Fig. 17), the arc
plasma to the electrodes has been observed for many years in voltage increases from 11 V to 18 V and the cathode tempera-
low-pressure arcs on refractory cathodes [91]. The transition ture decreases from 2800 K to 2000 K when the jet velocity in-
from an arc with cathode spots to the “spotless” arc is due to creases from to 2 10 cm/s. The calculated values are
electrode heating. Hot cathode and hot anode vacuum arcs rep- in good agreement with the experimental data mentioned above
resent the technological applications of diffuse attachment arcs. and indicate that cathode current continuity in the HCVA can be
supported by ion flux. However the predicted values of the ion
A. Hot Cathode Vacuum Arc (HCVA) density (about 10 –10 cm ) necessary to account for cur-
Two types of the HCVA were observed experimentally: those rent continuity at the cathode surface are below measured the
1) with a hot refractory (nonconsumable) cathode in a noble value of 10 cm [92]. Thus, further investigation, in partic-
gas atmosphere [92] and 2) those with a hot volatile cathode in ular of the plasma density distribution, is necessary for a full
vacuum [93]. In the first case, the arc is stable and there is no understanding of the current continuity problem at the HCVA
significant electrode erosion. In the second case, diffuse attach- cathode surface.
ment to the cathode is obtained with current density in range of Hot Anode Vacuum Arc (HAVA): Two HAVA modes are ob-
10–100 A/cm . For a Cr cathode, the arc voltage was 12–14 V, served when the anode is thermally insulated and heated by the
the cathode temperature was 1900–2200 K, the electron tem- arc current.
perature was 2–4 eV and the electron density was 10 The first mode is observed with anode materials that are more
cm [93]. volatile than the cathode [82], [96]–[99]. The electron tempera-
In both cases, the main theoretical problem is “anomalous ture and density were measured using Langmuir probes at dis-
electron emission” —the contradiction between present ex- tances of up to 24 cm from the anode and found to be in the range
periments at arc current and calculations of the current based of 0.2–1 eV and 10 –10 cm , respectively. The sign of the
on known mechanisms of cathodic electron emission, i.e., anode voltage sheath is important in understanding the anode
explaining current continuity at the plasma-cathode interface. energy balance. Merinov and Petrosov [100], using a combi-
The calculated thermionic emission in the HCVA is between nation of calorimetric and probe methods, measured a positive
factors of 10 to 10 lower than the arc current. This means anode potential at a current of 30 A. The potential crosses zero at

about 40 A and becomes negative for larger currents. Both the first decreases as the magnetic field increases from zero, then
anode drop and the effective anode heating potential are rela- pass through a minimum value that depends on the arc current
tively constant for currents between 50 and 140 A, having values and then increases slowly (V-shape).
of 4 V and 6 V, respectively. A fundamental issue in the theoretical study of the interelec-
A theoretical description of the HAVA parameters with opera- trode plasma is the variation of the plasma parameters (e.g., den-
tion between disk electrodes was present by Boxman and Gold- sity, temperature) during the plasma expansion and their influ-
smith [101]. The one-dimensional (1-D) model takes into ac- ence on electrode phenomena. The character of the plasma ex-
count the energy balance at the anode surface between plasma pansion depends on the gap configuration. The free-boundary
heating and radiative and evaporative cooling, as well as con- cathode jet expansion was analyzed using a 2-D model for a disk
servation of particles and momentum within the plasma. The cathode and different anode geometries: ring anode [112], disk
discharge parameters were calculated as a function of the cur- anode [113], and small anode [114]. The influence of the radial
rent density from 1 to 10 A/cm . The Cu anode temperature plasma density gradient on the plasma and electrical current ex-
increases from 1350 K to 2500 K and the electron density in- pansion in the jet was investigated. The calculation shows that
creases from 10 to 10 cm , while the electron temperature in the case of relatively small jet current ( A) the plasma
decreases from 1.5 to 0.8 eV. The decrease in electron temper- contracts and the voltage monotonically increases with the axial
ature causes the effective heating potential to drop from 7.3 to magnetic field strength (as observed experimentally [109]), due
6.3 eV, in agreement with measured values mentioned in the to the plasma density and electrical current density increasing
above experimental works. The 1-D model however ignores the near the jet axis.
radial plasma flows and radiation, which are present in labora- The transition region in the V-shaped voltage-magnetic
tory arcs. field characteristic is first explained in [109]–[111] by a
The second mode is encountered when a refractory anode transition between a diffuse arc with one column and an arc
(e.g., graphite or molybdenum) is used. This hot refractory with many parallel cathode-spot columns. The influence of
anode vacuum arc (HRAVA) [102], [103] initially operates as a small magnetic field is connected with voltage decreasing
a conventional cathode spot vacuum arc and deposits cathodic in the diffuse broad column [111]. When a strong magnetic
field is applied, the arc voltage increase is determined by
material on the anode while it is cool. As the anode heats,
the current density growth within the individual arc columns
however, an anodic plasma plume is formed that expands
[111]. Later, the V-shape characteristic was calculated using
radially outside the inter-electrode gap. A steady-state model
a semiquantitative model [115]. However the formulas in
was developed for the plasma in the gap [104], as well as for
[115] were obtained by arbitrary assumption and contain error.
the radial two-dimensional (2-D) plasma flow outside the gap
In particular, the expression for the jet radius was obtained
[105]. The latter model considered the influence of the self
from a simple equation of motion where the momentum of
magnetic field. The calculation showed that the anode effective
plasma motion is balanced only by magnetic field force. In
voltage in the discharge beginning (multispot mode) is about
addition, the condition was used that the radial plasma velocity
12 V and in the steady-state (HRAVA mode) is about 6 V. This
is equal to the axial velocity. The calculation according to a
result indicates the large ion energy in the cathode plasma jet
2-D model [113] shows that the plasma focusing is opposed by
that latter dissipated by radial plasma expansion in the HRAVA the plasma pressure gradient force and the jet radius depends
and, therefore, not collected by the anode. Good agreement on the plasma expansion distance. Schellekens and Schulman
between the calculated anode temperature distribution, anode [116] indicate that the simple model [115] cannot predict the
effective voltage, and electron temperature was found with their transition processes in high-current arc. A calculation of the
measured values. The HRAVA is currently being investigated as high-current arc voltage characteristic in an axial magnetic
a plasma source for producing coatings with a high deposition field using the 2-D model [112], [113] and the interaction of
rate and strongly reduced macroparticle contamination. individual plasma jets is presented in [117].
It should be noted that the interaction of the individual plasma
V. INTERELECTRODE PLASMA jets in high-current arcs determines not only the arc voltage but
also can affect the ion temperature [113] and the radial plasma
Experimental studies of the interelectrode plasma are dis- expansion. The measurements show that the ion velocity in ra-
cussed by Goldsmith [1]. We consider here the inter-electrode dial expanding plasma [110] and the ion energy [118] in high
plasma in an external axial magnetic field. A few aspects are ob- current arcs are considerably smaller than in low-current single
served with arc current increasing and when the axial magnetic jets [4]–[6]. Some theoretical analysis of the arc voltage depen-
field (AMF) is applied: 1) the AMF enhances the ion flux along dence versus the axial jet velocity and electron temperature in
the arc axis and reduces significantly the radial component of the magnetic field is presented in [119]. The calculation shows
the ion flux [106], [107]; 2) constriction of the arc column is re- that the electron temperature in the plasma jet slightly increases
duced relative to the case with no AMF and the arc becomes due to magnetic compression in case of cathode current distri-
diffuse when the arc current is more than a few kA and the bution observed for arc current < 2 kA [18]. The experimental
AMF is sufficiently large [108]; 3) the arc voltage dependence investigation of the ion energy distribution in radially expanding
on the magnetic field strength changes from monotonic for rel- plasma [120] indicates that the plasma velocity could decrease
atively small arc current ( kA) to nonmonotonic for high due to cathode jet interaction with heavy particles emitted from
current arc ( 1 kA) [109]–[111]. In the last case, the voltage the anode and filled the gap. The result of ion energy decrease

is similar to that obtained in the high-current vacuum arc with by displacement to a new site where the cathode heat losses and
arc current increasing in [118]. cathode voltage are relatively small. This condition occurs at rel-
The interelectrode plasma affects the anode spot initiation. atively small arc currents ( A). As a result the arc voltage
Different models (anode vaporization by the cathode jet inter- fluctuates during spot birth and death. With larger arc currents,
action with the anode [121], cathode jet constriction in an axial when the cathode bulk can be sufficiently heated, the slow group
magnetic field before anode vaporization [122], anode voltage spot appears. Here the plasma flow is impeded by the pressure of
sign change [123], etc.) are present in the literature that is well plasma emitted from adjacent cells of the group spot. The high
reviewed by Miller [82]. In the last decade, the theory of cathode jet velocity is a result of nonequilibrium heating of the plasma
jet interaction with the anode was improved by taking into ac- electrons, which pass their energy to the ions and atoms during
count the current distribution in the anode sheath [113], [124] the plasma jet expansion into vacuum. The strong difference in
and the interaction [125] with the low-energy secondary anode the spot current for film cathodes ( A) and for bulk cath-
plasma particles [126]. odes (2–10 A) for Cu is explained in the framework of GDM
Still the quantitative theory of anode spot initiation in high- by taking in account the difference of the heat losses in these
current vacuum arc is in progress. One of the questions is how cathodes.
the threshold current of anode spot initiation depends on the arc Two principle conditions for current continuity supporting are
current, anode material, anode geometry and gas pressure [83]. established: 1) The nonfree plasma flow in the near-cathode re-
gion; 2) The relatively low cathode heat loss with respect to the
input energy flux.
In spite of the progress in spot theory, still there is no con-
The vacuum arc operates by high current density and low- sensus about the explanation of the cathode spot mechanism.
level arc voltage. The existence of such discharge operation is New high-speed, high-resolution experiments are required
due to cathode and near-cathode plasma regions with mutual to elucidate the spot dynamics. The latest experimental data
high-intensity and local heating in the cathode spot. There are [20]–[23] indicate that the spot fragments can change within
different approaches for explaining the existence of cathode 50 ns and, therefore, these results are different from obtained
spots. previous [16]. The reason for the difference is discussed in
The EC theory, in which an electron emission micro area ap- [22]. Another question is comparison of the calculated results
pears after the explosion of a microprotrusion at the cathode sur- with experimental data. The different models (EC and GDM)
face, was developed in the last decade. It is based on the calcu- obtain a good agreement between calculated and measured
lation of electron emission and heat conduction. The system of parameters (jet velocity, erosion rate, etc). This fact bring
equations describes the processes at relatively small areas, com- to conclusion that such comparison is not always could be a
parable with electrode surface features and, therefore, results criterion for correctly calculated model in case of cathode spot
in a solution with relative large spot current density. The ECM theory. In first, the model should not consist the contradicting
theory is well applicable to transient discharge phenomena with assumption and results. In second, it should be noted that the
relatively high rates of current rise. spot type is very sensitive to the experimental conditions (e.g.,
In the gas-dynamic theory, the arc spot characteristics are ob- electrode gap geometry, pressure, applied voltage, electrode
tained by study of the mutual processes in the cathode and in surface state, arc current, and arc duration). Therefore, in order
the plasma flow. GDM operates with a mathematically closed to correctly compare with the theory full information about
system of equations and, therefore, the spot radius could be ob- the experimental conditions and complete experimental data
tained with dependence on the arc condition. The following can (plasma and cathode parameters and arc electrical character-
be concluded from the gas-dynamic theory of the cathode spot. istic) should be used. Not only the order of magnitude of a
In contrast to glow discharge in the arc cathode region, the measured parameter should be compared with the calculation,
plasma is highly dense and, therefore, very intense electron but its dependence must be also investigated.
emission energy dissipation occurs. The sheath created at The anode spot theory is sufficiently developed using the
the plasma cathode interface plays an important role in the GDM [87], [88]. The calculation for copper and graphite an-
cathode and plasma energy-transfer processes by accelerating odes leads to an important conclusion about the relatively small
the charged particles. The sheath also controls the current ionization fraction (i.e., it indicates the high level of neutral den-
continuity at the cathode. It has extremely different physical sity) in comparison with the cathode spot plasma in the case of
properties, depending on the cathode material. It acts as a small anode spot current ( A). This result could explain
plasma cathode for Hg and a virtual cathode for W. the relatively large anode erosion rate. In the case of large anode
Nonequilibrium layers take place near the cathode surface spot current ( A), the anode plasma ionization fraction
where the cathode emission particles change their energy, mo- approaches to the value in the cathode spot plasma. In the fu-
mentum, and mass flux. The kinetic processes of heavy particle ture, the anode spot theory should be extended to volatile anode
evaporation and electron emission from the cathode surface de- materials and the sheath structure in different cases should be
termine the cathode erosion rate and the CPD. The spot motion investigated, as was accomplished for the cathode spot.
depends on the cathode heat losses, which determine how the The hot electrode vacuum arc is an excellent plasma source
CPD grows and on the character (impeded or not impeded) of for different plasma technology applications. However, the
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[118] C. Rustenberg, M. Lindmayer, B. Juttner, and H. Pursch, “On the ion
energy distribution of high current arcs in vacuum,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Isak I. Beilis (M’97–SM’00) received the M.Sc. de-
Sci., vol. 23, pp. 909–914, Dec. 1995. gree from Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys, and
[119] I. I. Beilis and M. Keidar, “Theoretical study of plasma expansion and the Ph.D. and Doctor of Science in Physics and Math-
electrical characteristics in the high-current vacuum arc,” in XIXth IS- ematics degrees from the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sci-
DEIV Xi’an, China, 2000, pp. 18–22. ences in 1966, 1973, and 1990, respectively.
[120] I. I. Beilis, R. L. Boxman, S. Goldsmith, and V. L. Paperny, “Radially From 1969 to 1991, he worked in the Institute
expanding plasma parameters in a hot refractory anode arc,” J. Appl. for High Temperatures (IVTAN), Moscow, U.S.S.R.
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[121] J. M. Lafferty, “Triggered vacuum gaps,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 54, pp. 23–32, Visiting Scientist in the Institute of Mechanics of
1966. the Moscow Lomonosov University. Since January
[122] R. L. Boxman, “Magnetic constriction effects in high-current vacuum 1992, he has been with the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University.
arcs prior to the release anode vapor,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 48, no. N1, His research interests include electrical discharges in vacuum interrupters,
pp. 2338–2345, 1977. MHD-generators, plasma accelerators, arc cathode and anode spots, vacuum
[123] G. A. Djuzhev, S. M. Shkol’nik, and V. G. Yur’ev, “Anode phenomena arc plasma jet expansion in magnetic fields, plasma-wall transition (sheath and
in the high-current arc,” Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., pt. I-II, vol. 23, pp. presheath), dusty plasma transport in ducts, macroparticle charging phenomena,
667–677, 1978. and processes in hot electrode arcs. He is co-author of the books “MHD Energy
[124] C. Wieckert and W. Egli, “Theoretical analysis of the current and energy Conversion—Physical and Technical Aspects” (Moscow, U.S.S.R.: Nauka,
flow to the anode in diffuse vacuum arc,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 1982) and “Handbook of Vacuum Arc Science and Technology” (Park Ridge,
17, pp. 649–652, Oct. 1989. NJ: Noyes, 1995).

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