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Junk food : What do you know about food?

New document : a video

Objectifs : Savoir extraire des informations d'une vidéo sur une thématique
travaillée en classe.

Watch the video and answer the questions in English.

1) What's the name of this TV show ? The name of this TV show is JAMIE
OLIVER’S FOOD REVOLUTION. ........................................................................
2) Who is the most important person in this show (give his name) ? Jamie Oliver is
the most important person in this show .…........................
3) Give details about this person (job, clothes...) : This person is a cook. He is
wearing a white blouse with blue and white apron . He’s wearing also a black
trousers. ….....................................................
4) How old are the kids ? The Kids are 6 years old
5) What does the man do with the kids (Qu'est-ce que l'homme fait comme
activitéavec les enfants) ? …The man does a little test about vegetables with
kids .......................................................................................................
The kids □ know every vegetable □ don't know anything about
vegetables 7) Give 3 examples of vegetables you can see in the video :
Eggplant tomato potatoes

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