Agent Based Water Balance Model

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Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

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Agent-based modelling of water balance in a social-ecological system:

A multidisciplinary approach for mountain catchments
Lisa Huber a,⁎,1, Johannes Rüdisser a,1, Claude Meisch a,b, Rike Stotten c, Georg Leitinger a,2, Ulrike Tappeiner a,d,2
Department of Ecology, University of Innsbruck, Sternwartestraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable, Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, 4361 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Department of Sociology, University of Innsbruck, Universitätsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Institute for Alpine Environment, Eurac Research, Viale Druso 1, 39100 Bozen/Bolzano, Italy


• Transdisciplinary scenario approach

evaluating changes in social-ecological
• Water balance assessment at catchment
scale and with hourly resolution
• Agent-based modelling of local water
users and managers and their behaviour
• Participatory scenario development to
evaluate effects of land use and tourism
• All scenarios considering climate
change until 2050 predict imminent
water scarcity

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The European Alps are known as the ‘water towers of Europe’. However, climatic and socioeconomic changes in-
Received 8 June 2020 fluence both water supply and demand, increasing the need to manage this limited and valuable resource prop-
Received in revised form 5 September 2020 erly to avoid user conflicts and water scarcity. Two major challenges emerge when assessing water scarcity in the
Accepted 6 October 2020
Alps: Firstly, mountainous regions are very heterogeneous regarding water availability and demand over space
Available online 14 October 2020
and time, and therefore water scarcity assessments need to be done at low temporal and spatial scales. Secondly,
Editor: Pingqing Fu the tight coupling of the natural and the social sphere necessitate an integrative approach considering dynamics
and interactions of the social-ecological system. Hence, we applied the agent-based water supply and demand
Keywords: model Aqua.MORE, which is designed for catchment scale and sub-daily temporal resolution, to a case study
Water demand and supply balance site in the Italian Alps. In the model, the water supply, the local water managers and water users are represented
Watershed management by interacting model agents. We estimated the water supply by refining the annual runoff data provided by the
Water resources modelling InVEST water yield model for within-year variations. Local stakeholders contributed to the development of quan-
Matsch valley titative and spatially-explicit scenarios for land use and tourism evolution. To evaluate water supply and demand
Participatory approach
dynamics, we assessed six scenarios for the period of 2015 to 2050: three different socio-economic policy path-
ways, both alone and in combination with a climate change scenario. In all six scenarios, the water demand:sup-
ply (D:S) ratio continuously rises from 2015 to 2050.The highest D:S ratio values are prognosed at the beginning
of the irrigation period in May. In all scenarios considering climatic changes, the D:S ratio exceeds 20% for several

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. Huber), (J. Rüdisser), (C. Meisch), (R. Stotten), (G. Leitinger), (U. Tappeiner).
These authors contributed equally as first authors.
These authors contributed equally as senior authors.
0048-9697/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

days, indicating potential water scarcity. The simulation results reinforce the importance of analysing water bal-
ances at a high temporal resolution and can support management processes and stakeholder dialogues for sus-
tainable watershed management.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction and apply a framework to assess potential water scarcity situations of

mountainous catchments at a high temporal and spatial resolution by
Although the European Alps provide freshwater to wide parts of considering the whole human-water system with an interdisciplinary
Europe (Immerzeel et al., 2020), selected regions in the Alps have his- approach. For a case study site in Matsch valley (Italian Alps), we
torically and recently experienced water scarcity (de Jong, 2015) and temporally downscaled annual values of water supply provided by the
will be increasingly affected by water scarcity in future (Kajfež-Bogataj InVEST water yield model (Meisch et al., 2019) for within-year varia-
et al., 2009). The higher frequency and magnitude of water scarcity sit- tions. Moreover, we defined six future social-ecological scenarios
uations in the Alps is triggered by both the supply and the demand side: (considering changes in land use, tourism, and climate change) for
Water supply is affected by temperature increase and changing precip- the case study site via a participatory scenario process. We imple-
itation patterns and frequency (i.e. drought events) (Briffa et al., 2009). mented the model ‘Agent based Modelling of Resources’ (Aqua.
At the same time, water demand in several sectors (e.g., irrigation water MORE; Huber et al., 2019) for the scenarios and simulated the
and artificial snowmaking) has increased and will further increase in water allocation between relevant water use sectors at the catch-
the Alps (Steiger, 2010; Hohenwallner et al., 2011). ment scale and with a sub-daily temporal resolution, which we con-
When quantifying the effects, the assessment of water balance in the densed to daily values for evaluation. For the assessment of water
Alps includes at least two major challenges: Firstly, water balance as- scarcity in the catchment, we applied a water demand:supply (D:S)
sessments in mountainous regions are especially challenging due to ratio for the six scenarios.
their heterogeneity in water supply and demand over both space and
time. Global water scarcity assessments (e.g. Alcamo and Henrichs, 2. Material and methods
2002; Islam et al., 2006) and assessments of the Alps on an annual
time scale (e.g. Meisch et al., 2019) have indicated a positive water 2.1. Site description
supply-demand balance in the Alps in an average year. However, several
authors have already noted that water scarcity often only becomes ap- The study site is the Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER)
parent during occasional periods of high demand or below-average pre- site ‘Mazia/Matsch valley’, in the Province of Bolzano/Bozen, South
cipitation and may affect narrow regions only (Meigh et al., 1999; Tyrol, Italy (Fig. 1). The catchment has an area of 91.6 km2, with eleva-
Hanasaki et al., 2008; van Beek et al., 2011; Wada et al., 2011; Brunner tions ranging from about 1200 m a.s.l. to 3725 m a.s.l. (Weißkugel/Palla
et al., 2019b). Bianca peak). Due to the sheltering effect of the surrounding mountains,
Secondly, the European Alps are among those mountainous areas of the Matsch valley is one of the driest valleys in the Alps, which had a
the world that are most strongly influenced by human impacts (de Jong, mean annual precipitation of 550 mm and a mean annual temperature
2015), making them to complex social-ecological systems (SES) that are of 5.6 °C at 1500 m a.s.l from 1980 to 2010 (Hydrographic Office of the
subject to behavioural uncertainty, involve nonlinear relationships, and Province Bolzano, South Tyrol). The summer is characterized by convec-
have emergent and embedded properties (Dorward, 2014). The tive rainfall events, while the winter is relatively cold with little precip-
water scarcity problems in the Alps are rather provoked by insuffi- itation (Hydrographic Office of the Province Bolzano). In the middle of
cient water management and water user conflicts than by physical the valley a runoff gauge is situated in the main creek, the Saldur/
shortage in the water supply (Rijsberman, 2006; Hohenwallner Saldura River at 1632 m a.s.l. This gauge covers only a part of the
et al., 2011). To understand these water user conflicts, it is necessary water supply of the catchment area because (1) non-river water re-
to go beyond the static comparison of water supply and demand, but sources are not included, (2) the runoff gauge is not located at the outlet
rather to obtain sound understanding of social behaviour (de Jong, of the valley, rather centrally, neglecting several downstream tributaries
2015) and the complex interactions between competing water and (3) water users have already withdrawn water (e.g., for irrigation
users and between the users and the resource water (Huber et al., and hydropower use) upstream. However, the hydrograph at the
2019). A recommendable way to estimate the behaviour of agents in gauge is representative of the seasonal variation of the water flow as
changing framing conditions is an intensive stakeholder and/or experts being driven by snowmelt (in the spring) and ice melt (in the summer)
process (An, 2012). from the glaciers in the upmost regions of the catchment (Engel
To the best of our knowledge, no study so far has assessed water et al., 2016).
scarcity in the Alps including both (a) high spatial and temporal resolu- Agriculture is known to be a dominant water use sector in Matsch
tion and (b) detailed analyses of behaviour and interactions within the valley. Within the valley there are two irrigation managers who regulate
coupled human–water system. For water scarcity evaluations it has to water distribution among fields. In addition, some farmers have access
be stated that literature provides a wide range of water scarcity indices to private springs or irrigation ditches without fixed rules (Bertoldi
(White, 2012; Pedro-Monzonís et al., 2015). Most of them are either et al., 2014). In 2015/2016, a hydropower plant was installed that ab-
based on per capita water availability (e.g. Water Scarcity Index by stracts water from the weir, which is situated upstream of the runoff
Falkenmark, 1989) or a direct comparison of water use or demand gauge (Tscholl, 2016). Households and tourism are additional, but
and water availability (e.g. Withdrawal-To-Availability ratio by Raskin smaller, water use sectors.
et al., 1996; or the Supply:Demand ratio applied by Boithias et al.,
2014). We refer to the latter understanding and define water scarcity 2.2. Aqua.MORE model basics
as an imbalance of water supply and water demand, whereby ‘water de-
mand’ is characterized by the volume of freshwater required by humans Aqua.MORE (Huber et al., 2019) is an agent-based model (ABM)
to satisfy their needs and ‘water supply’ by the volume of freshwater simulating water resources in a supply and demand system. Both,
that is available for human use within the catchment in the form of sur- water fluxes and socioeconomic actors are represented by individual
face or groundwater. Here, the objective of this study was to develop agents that mutually interact and cause complex feedback loops. The

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

Fig. 1. The case study site Matsch valley: Overview, location of runoff gauge and powerplant weir, boundaries of the three sub-catchments, and the estimated water supply according to the
InVEST water yield model (Meisch et al., 2019).

agent categories are waters, managers, and users. Waters represent the actual evapotranspiration. For this study, the annual water yield for
water supply, while managers and users represent socioeconomic actors the sub-catchments was extracted using ArcMap 10. Here, three
and their water demand. Waters are created every time step at one side sub-catchments are defined (Fig. 1):
of the model environment and move all the way through it to the other
(1) the Upper Sub-catchment
side (i.e., downstream), thereby forming a one-dimensional down-
(2) the Saldur River Gauge Sub-catchment
stream flow. Waters have the obligatory state variable ‘amount_water’,
(3) the Lower Sub-catchment
representing the amount of water available at this point, the value of
which is initially imported from an external data file and is adapted
whenever water is extracted by managers or users. Managers and For temporal downscaling, we followed the seasonal characteristics
users have the state variables ‘residualwater’, ‘demand’, ‘scarcity’ of runoff provided by the runoff gauge. Runoff data from the gauge in
and ‘excess’. ‘Demand’ represents the amount of water the man- the Saldur River were available in 10-minute steps from 01.06.2009
agers/users want to extract, but they eventually need to leave resid- on. The powerplant was installed in 2016, but powerplant operations
ual water in the resource flow (‘residualwater’) to satisfy the showed some irregularities in the first few months; therefore, we
demands of downstream users and to fulfil legal and ecological re- only included data from 01.06.2009 until 31.12.2015. For every day
quirements. In contrast to the users, the managers do not consume n of the year, a mean value qn of the measured runoffs was calculated.
the water themselves, but redirect all or a part of it to the associated To smooth out short-term fluctuations, we calculated the average
users. over 10 days:
qn−4 þ qn−3 þ . . . þ qnþ5
qroll10,n ¼ ð1Þ
2.3. Setting up an Aqua.MORE application for the study site 10

2.3.1. The water supply in Matsch valley where qroll10, n is the ‘rolling mean’ of runoff for day n (n = 1 − 365 for
The water supply for the sub-catchments was derived from the every day of the year) after being averaged over 10 days. qroll10, n is
work of Meisch et al. (2019), who applied the water yield model
related to the total annual runoff ∑ qroll10,n , and the ratio was further
from the InVEST toolbox (Reservoir Hydropower Production n¼1
model) (Sharp et al., 2018) for the cooperation area of the Alpine multiplied with the total annual runoff of (1) the Upper Sub-
Space programme covering the Alps and their surrounding lowlands. catchment, (2) the Saldur River Gauge Sub-catchment, and (3) the
Meisch et al. (2019) estimated the total annual water yield as the dif- Lower Sub-catchment. The resulting values for the Lower Sub-
ference between the total catchment annual precipitation based on catchment were used as initial input for Qin,lower (Fig. 2); values for
the Historical Instrumental Climatological Surface Time Series of the Upper Sub-catchment were used as initial input for Qin,upper; and
the Greater Alpine Region (HISTALP) precipitation maps for the pe- values for the Saldur River Gauge Sub-catchment were compared to
riod 1979–2010 (Auer et al., 2007) and the total catchment annual runoff measurements in order to validate the approach.

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

irrigation manager is initialized with 60 l s−1 in the first year of the

model run to meet the need of the farmers in year 1. Every three
years, the irrigation manager increases his/her ‘demand’ if any of
the farmers has experienced water shortage (demand > supply)
within the last 3 years, but none of the inhabitants or hotels has expe-
rienced shortage. However, if inhabitants or hotels have experienced
shortage, the irrigation manager is forced to decrease his/her ‘de-
mand’. Moreover, we assume that he/she is bound to leave a mini-
mum of 96 l s−1 ‘residualwater’ in the stream all year round to
maintain the ecological quality of the Saldur River.
c) According to land-use maps based on geo-rectified aerial images, ag-
ricultural census data, and on-site assessments, more than 215 ha
were irrigated in 2015, i.e. 210.9 ha of grassland, 3.7 ha of straw-
berries, 0.3 ha of cherries, and 0.5 ha of raspberries (Fig. 3).

In the model, only one irrigation manager was implemented in order

to simplify the actual situation of several irrigation managers and irriga-
tion systems. To account for the various irrigation areas, we imple-
mented 6 farmers who, in the first year of simulation, irrigate an area
of 35 ha of grassland and 0.75 ha of special cultures each, summing up
to the mapped total of 210 ha of grassland and 4.5 ha of special cultures,
which corresponds to the actual irrigation situation in 2015 (Fig. 3). The
farmers do not abstract water from the main water flow directly, but
they are provided with waters from the irrigation manager. Every farmer
is provided with irrigation water for 24 h in a period of 6 days between
May 1 and September 21 so that every farmer can consume water on
24 days per season. On these 24 days, the current specific demand for
grassland is approximately 5.2 m3 ha−1 h−1 to reach a total irrigation
of 300 mm per season, which is the actual irrigation demand in Matsch
valley (Bertoldi et al., 2014). Based on findings about physiological and
environmental controls of evapotranspiration for annual crops and
grassland (Sutherlin et al., 2019), we assumed the water demand of
the special cultures to be approximately double the demand for grass-
land, i.e. 10.4 m3 ha−1 h−1.
Fig. 2. Application of Aqua.MORE for the case study in the Matsch valley with the agents
waters (blue circles), managers (green diamond) and users (varying yellow shapes). Qin, −1 −1 −1
demandirr;grassland ¼ 24 d  24 h  5:2 m3 ha h ¼ 3000 m3 ha ¼ 300 mm
upper, Qin, lower and Qout describe the water supply in the Upper Sub-catchment, the water
supply in the Lower Sub-catchment and the outflow at the lower border of the model ð2Þ
domain, respectively.
−1 −1 −1
demandirr;special culture ¼ 24 d  24 h  10:4 m3 ha h ¼ 6000 m3 ha ¼ 600 mm
2.3.2. The water demand in Matsch valley
Five agent categories of managers and users (i.e., hydropower plants,
irrigation managers, farmers, inhabitants and hotels) were chosen to rep- d) The ‘demand’ of the inhabitants is determined by the number of in-
resent the local water demand characteristics of the model region habitants, which was 449 in the first year of model run, the status
Matsch valley (Fig. 2). By setting the order of the users, upstream and as of January 2018 (Municipality Mals, 2018), multiplied by the
downstream users were divided. This schematic representation of the mean daily water consumption of citizens in South Tyrol of 237 l
spatial dimension also allows the investigation of upstream– d−1 (=0.009 m3 h−1) (Tasser et al., 2008).
downstream relationships: The hydropower user is fed by the water e) To account for the ‘demand’ of the hotels, the approximately 14,000
supply of the Upper Sub-catchment (Qin,upper). The residual water of overnight stays per year were distributed equally to 365 days (=
the hydropower user, combined with the water supply of the Lower 38.4 per day) multiplied by the median water consumption in a
Sub-catchment (Qin,lower), are available for the irrigation manager hotel per guest and per day of 290 l d−1 (=0.012 m3 h−1)
(who supplies the farmers), the inhabitants, and the hotels. (Neunteufel et al., 2010).
With the help of data from literature and land-use maps, initial ‘de-
mand’ and ‘residualwater’ values for the managers and users can be es- The model code as well as the detailed model description following
timated as follows: the ‘updated Overview, Design concepts and Details’ (updated ODD)
protocol can be downloaded from
a) Presuming a maximum utilization of the powerplant, the ‘demand’ release/6be4a0ef-0144-4125-9f30-1dbc0323cfb7/ (running of the
of the hydropower user is 900 l s−1, which is the maximum flow model requires NetLogo 6.0.4 or higher). The updated ODD protocol
rate of the water turbine (Pelton® turbine). ‘Residualwater’ is set ac- also includes lists of the model variables and their initial values.
cording to the legal requirements, being 96 l s−1 all year round, and
an additional 25% of the original flow in the months from April to Oc- 2.4. Scenario development and modelling
tober (Tscholl, 2016).
b) During the irrigation season (May to September) the irrigation man- 2.4.1. Land use and climate scenarios
ager extracts water from the main resource flow and passes it to var- In order to produce quantitative and spatially explicit land-use sce-
ious farmers (i.e., for farmland irrigation). The ‘demand’ of the narios incorporating social, economic and environmental dynamics

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

Fig. 3. Land use of Matsch valley (status as of 2015). SC indicates ‘special culture’.

fitted to regional climate challenges, we applied a transdisciplinary pro- with the workshop participants regarding their plausibility and consis-
cess. For this, researchers in the field of ecology and sociology were in- tency. Further, we integrated their remarks into the storylines (already
volved along with local stakeholders. Socio-economic storylines were included in Table 1; see also Henrichs et al., 2010). Thereupon, we trans-
developed on the basis of several expert interviews (Bogner and lated them into land-use scenarios i.e., ‘trending’, ‘positive’ and ‘nega-
Menz, 2002) among six local and regional stakeholders (5 male, 1 tive’, incorporating the actors' knowledge of local issues and of social
female). Experts represented local municipal administration, local poli- and ecological dynamics (Kohler et al., 2017). We produced a qualitative
tics, forestry and regional farming representatives. The semi-structured specification of spatially explicit land use and management until 2050.
interviews focused on issues of the local farming system, local politics, All GIS tasks were executed with ArcMap 10.
the local farming community, and the reputation of farming within
the municipality and helped to contextualize the general discourse.
The interview material was structured into following categories: local Table 1
Description of the driving forces applied for the spatial scenario development in Matsch
farms and farm management, political restrictions, laws and political
guidelines, (farming) community cohesion and broader agricultural
structures. Based on this information, we developed storylines of Trending Agriculture is diversified, but of reduced importance for income.
storyline The total number of farms is decreasing. Part-time farmers further
social-ecological future development until 2050 along the
reduce management intensity or even abandon it, while the
above-mentioned categories, including ‘trending’, ‘positive’, and ‘nega- remaining full-time farmers are increasing their managements'
tive’ versions (Table 1) inspired by the concept of community resilience intensity. Tourism is growing slightly. Only a few local
by Wilson (2012) describing resilient and vulnerable social systems. employment opportunities remain, resulting in many commuters.
A participatory workshop attended by 12 stakeholders (7 males, 5 Positive Agriculture is diversified and many part-time farms gain
storyline additional income from local products and direct selling. The
females) from the Matsch Valley served to systematically involve local
valley is recognized as an organic region and successful in
knowledge to deepen and validate the developed storylines and to maintaining sustainable winter and summer tourism seasons. The
translate them into quantifiable data (Walz et al., 2007; Kohler et al., population numbers remain stable, and local employment
2017). Further, the workshop contributed to the legitimacy of the opportunities exist.
Negative Despite the existence of some persisting part-time farms, only a
socio-economic scenarios (Nilsson et al., 2017) and enabled the dialog
storyline few full-time farms with increasing size and focus on the most
among experts, decision-makers and stakeholders, and supported to productive fields and the most profitable cultivation remain. The
bridge the gaps between the latter and the research community number of part-time farms is decreasing as there are no
(Schermer et al., 2018; Mallampalli et al., 2016). During the workshop, investments and few if any successors. Income from tourism is
taking place in May 2017 in the Matsch valley, we presented the declining, and the local infrastructure is deteriorating. Large,
formerly managed grassland areas are being abandoned.
storylines developed from the expert interviews and discussed them

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

Table 2 3. Results
Global variables for model simulation, to be defined in the graphical user interface of Aqua.
3.1. Water supply refined for within-year variations
Global variable (GUI) Description

‘change_inflow’ Change in water supply (inflow) in % a−1 The mean total annual runoff for the Saldur River gauge catchment
‘change_specdemand’ Change in the specific irrigation demand for both irrigated estimated by the InVEST water yield model for the reference period
grassland and special culture in % a−1 1970–2010 (Meisch et al., 2019) is approximately 10% lower than the
‘change_area_type1’ Conversion from irrigated grassland (2015) to irrigated
measurement based on the runoff gauge between 2009 and 2015
special culture (2050) in ha a−1
‘change_area_type2’ Conversion from non-irrigated grassland (2015) to (Table 3).
irrigated special culture (2050) in ha a−1 Runoff with hourly resolutions for the Upper Sub-catchment and the
‘change_overnights’ Change in the number of overnights in % a−1 Lower Sub-catchment were saved as external csv data files and used as
initial input for the Aqua.MORE model application.

3.2. Water demand in the social-ecological scenarios

Future changes in the water supply due to climate change are
projected to range between −20% and −30% in the period 2030–2070 For the ‘trending scenario’, the ‘positive scenario’ and the ‘negative
(Strauss et al., 2013; Kirchner et al., 2015; Hanzer et al., 2018). In scenario’, the local experts indicated 54 ha, 46 ha and 72 ha, respec-
order not to overestimate the reduction of water supply and for reasons tively, which they expect to turn from irrigated grassland to an irrigated
of simplicity, we chose the lowest reduction (20%) and no seasonal fluc- special culture by 2050 (‘change-area-type1’; Fig. 4). Additionally, they
tuations. Moreover, we assumed the specific irrigation water demand of expect 8 ha, 7 ha and 21 ha of grassland, which has not been irrigated in
all irrigated land (grassland and special cultures) to double from 2015 to 2015, to turn into irrigated special culture land (‘change-area-type2’).
2050 due to the lower precipitation and enhanced evapotranspiration of Moreover, in the trending and positive scenarios, tourism intensity
the plants caused by temperature increases and more frequent drought would increase, while in a negative scenario, it would stagnate. For
periods (Mastrotheodoros et al., 2020). the trending scenario, we assume a yearly growth rate of 2.4%, which
has been the mean growth rate of overnights between 2008 and 2017.
2.4.2. Simulation and output assessment For the positive scenario, we assume a doubling of this growth rate.
For scenario implementation, five input fields in the graphical user For the negative scenario, the growth rate is zero.
interface (GUI) of Aqua.MORE allowed us to set (1) annual changes in
inflow, (2) specific demands of grassland and special culture, (3) two 3.3. Model simulation and output
types of land-use conversion, and (4) tourism increases according to
the respective scenarios (Table 2). Based on these values, six scenarios were calculated with the follow-
For both types of land-use conversion, input is requested in total ing settings (Table 4).
numbers for the whole study site. In the program code, this number is The amount of water supply in the catchment is substantially driven
then distributed randomly among the six farmers. by glacier melt with a runoff peak in June (Fig. 5A). Due to the simulated
In total, six scenarios were simulated: the three socio-economic pol- climate change in scenarios T + c, P + c and N + c, however, the water
icy pathways ‘trending’, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’—all with and without supply in the Lower Sub-catchment is lower than in scenarios T, P and N.
climate change. We did 100 runs per scenario to account for the influ- Water demand in the Lower Sub-catchment (i.e. of the irrigation man-
ence of the random component, the distribution of the land use conver- ager, the inhabitants and the hotels) increased in all six scenarios for
sion types (see above). 2050 compared to 2015 (Fig. 5B). The demand of the single farmers is
The balance between water demand and supply needs to be defined not explicitly presented here because it is only the irrigation manager
in space and time because the results might differ depending on the who abstracts water directly from the main resource flow; the farmers,
considered spatial and temporal extensions (Syrbe and Walz, 2012). Al- however, influence the demand of the irrigation manager. When the
though the Aqua.MORE simulation operates on an hourly basis, we ag- criteria for an increase in irrigation water are fulfilled (i.e., water short-
gregated all outputs to daily values for evaluation, as the usage of age for the farmers and no shortage for the inhabitants or hotels within
lower temporal resolutions was reported to be of little added value the last 3 years), the irrigation manager increases irrigation water. In
(Brunner et al., 2019b). To assess water scarcity on a daily basis, we cal- several runs (out of the 100) of scenarios T and P, the irrigation manager
culated a demand:supply (D:S) ratio because this index allows to ex- increased his/her demand in year 6 for the first time. In scenario N, how-
plicitly compare locally specific water supply and demand (adapted ever, the first increase was already done in year 3 (in 44 out of 100
from Boithias et al., 2014): runs). Also in all scenarios including climate change (T + c, P + c,
D N + c), the irrigation manager first increased demand in year 3 (in sce-
D : S ratio ¼ ð4Þ nario N + c even in all 100 runs!). As the irrigation water makes up a
high share of the total water demand in the Lower Sub-catchment, the
where D is the anthropogenic water demand (m3 d−1) and S is the sur- total demand is significantly higher in the irrigation period between
face and groundwater supply (m3 d−1). The D:S ratio can be used as a May 1 and September 21 (Fig. 5B). The increase in the mean total annual
water scarcity index because the higher the D:S ratio, the more water water demand is between 33% (scenario P) and 196% (scenario N + c).
stressed is the region of interest, whereby S:D ratios above 1 (100%) im- Overall, the risk for water scarcity is highly seasonal with a steep in-
ply that the demand is even higher than overall water supply. crease at the beginning of the irrigation season and a smaller increase at

Table 3
Water supply in the sub-catchments; values modelled by the InVEST water yield model (InVEST) and measured by the gauge (gauge).

Catchment area m3 year−1 (InVEST) m3 year−1 (gauge) m3 h−1 (InVEST) m3 h−1 (gauge)

Saldur River gauge catchment 55,073,503 60,862,706 6287 6948

Upper Sub-catchment 26,341,328 – 3007 –
Lower Sub-catchment 47,383,686 – 5409 –

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

Fig. 4. Land-use changes (in ha) for the future scenarios ‘trending’, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ in the Matsch valley from 2015 to 2050. Conversion type 1: irrigated grassland in 2015 to
irrigated special culture in 2050. Conversion type 2: non-irrigated grassland in 2015 to irrigated special culture in 2050.

the end. While in the start year 2015, the D:S ratio is 8.5% on the first day and temporal scales (Lippe et al., 2019). As the study aimed at investi-
of irrigation (May 1st), it varies between a mean of 11.4% (P) and 15.3% gating sub-daily water dynamics at the catchment scale, the water sup-
(N) for the scenarios without climate change and between 24.8 (P + c) ply was downscaled, and a few local water users were represented as
and 31.8% (N + c) for the scenarios with climate change. A maximum actor groups. Large-scale social actors such as institutional or gover-
value of scarcity can be observed in scenario N + c, which combines nance structures can have a significant impact on all kinds of processes
the climate change scenario with the negative land use and the tourism at the local or regional level. However, these effects were not repre-
scenario. In all three scenarios that include climatic changes, the D:S sented within the Aqua.MORE model structure, but were considered
ratio exceeds 20% for 17 (N + c), 8 (T + c), and 7 days (P + c), which during socio economic storyline development. To answer other research
indicates looming water scarcity. questions, the large-scale actors could be integrated stronger, e.g. via
separate agents.
4. Discussion
4.2. Characteristics of water supply in mountainous regions
4.1. Development of the scenario modelling framework
Our case study represents a high mountain catchment, with the
The influence of socioeconomic developments, land-use changes water supply having a high seasonal variability, characterized inter
and climate change on water resources is an emerging social- alia by the melt of snow and glacier ice. To capture the particular runoff
ecological issue in mountain catchments (Zierl and Bugmann, 2005; regime of our case study site, we temporally downscaled the annual In-
López-Moreno et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016; Meisch et al., 2019). As VEST water yield data from Meisch et al. (2019) on the basis of long-
the adequate investigation of such dynamically coupled SES is facilitated term average within-year variations measured at the runoff gauge.
by ABMs, we developed and applied a scenario modelling framework The same approach could be applied to any other runoff regimes of
using Aqua.MORE (Huber et al., 2019) to simulate future water use dy- mountain catchments. To make a downscaling of InVEST data also pos-
namics. The LTSER site Matsch valley, one of the driest catchments in the sible for catchments without runoff gauges, we suggest consulting
Alps, was selected to apply and evaluate this framework. As reported for hydrographs of hydrological similar catchments (e.g. in terms of eleva-
many ABMs, a main challenge of the application was dealing with the tion and glaciation level). For validating the downscaling to catchment
various social and natural aspects of interactions at different spatial level, we compared the InVEST outputs to the yearly sum of measured

Table 4
Variable settings for scenario simulations. Explanations for the variables in Table 2. The values are annual changes.

Scenario abbreviation T P N T+c P+c N+c

Land use & tourism change Trending Positive Negative Trending Positive Negative
Climate change No No No Yes Yes Yes
‘change_inflow’ 0 0 0 −0.0065a −0.0065a −0.0065a
‘change_specdemand’ 0 0 0 +0.0210b +0.0210b +0.0210b
‘change_area_type1’ +1.5 ha +1.3 ha +2.6 ha +1.5 ha +1.3 ha +2.6 ha
‘change_area_type2’ +0.2 ha +0.2 ha +0.6 ha +0.2 ha +0.2 ha +0.6 ha
‘change_overnights’ +0.0250 +0.0500 0 +0.0250 +0.0500 0
Leads to a 20% decrease ofwater supply from 2015 to 2050.
Leads to a doubling of the specific demands from 2015 to 2050.

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

Fig. 5. Model results for the Lower Sub-catchment. N, T, P indicate the three socio-economic policy pathways ‘negative’, ‘trending’, and ‘positive’; N + c, T + c and P + c also include climatic
changes. Dotted lines show the base line in 2015, wheras solid lines show the scenario simulations in 2050 (mean value of hundred simulations with the colour band indicating the minima
and maxima of simulation results). Horizontal black lines indicate the start and end of the irrigation period, as determined by law, and hence a sudden demand change in A) water supply,
B) water demand, i.e. sum of the demands from the irrigation manager, the inhabitants and the hotels, and C) ratio of the demand (B) to the supply (A).

runoff. The measured annual runoff for the Saldur River gauge melt (e.g. Hanzer et al., 2016) and (b) considering climate change di-
Sub-catchment is only 10% higher than the modelled one, which corrob- rectly in the rainfall-runoff model, providing input data for Aqua.MORE.
orates the high accuracy of the study by Meisch et al. (2019) and the va-
lidity of our attempt to extract catchment-scale data from the large- 4.3. Characteristics of water demand in mountainous regions
scale hydrological model. An explanation of the small discrepancy
may be found in the fact that the InVEST water yield model does not In Matsch valley, the total water demand is highest in the summer
consider glacier melt, even though glacier melts can add significantly due to irrigation. The case study thereby represents a characteristic of
to the total availability of water, especially in highly glacierized catch- wide parts in Europe, where the agricultural sector is one of the main
ments such as Matsch valley (Huss, 2011; Hanzer et al., 2018). By water-using sectors, having used 24% of the total abstracted water for
using the InVEST water yield for the scenario simulation, we present a the period of 1997 to 2005 (EEA, 2009). Water demands for irrigation
situation of (almost) vanished glaciers that is predicted to become a re- in the summer might further increase with climate and land-use
ality by the end of the century (Hanzer et al., 2018). For further applica- changes (Bogataj and Sušnik, 2007), thereby reducing water availability
tions we can also recommend the following: (a) including for other sectors, such as drinking water and energy production (Moser
hydroclimatological models that fully account for snow and glacier et al., 2011). Contrastingly, demand for tourism water use is quite low in

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

Matsch Valley. In other Alpine regions, tourism demand is certainly Here, we would like to stress that it is important to also consider the
higher and will further increase in future, leading to higher water de- maintenance of appropriate amounts of residual water flow in order
mand that competes with demands for agriculture and hydropower to fulfil ecological requirements (Kajfež-Bogataj et al., 2009). With this
(EEA, 2009). However, a different situation can be found in Alpine background information, we can conclude that we should carefully
catchments that are characterized by predominant winter tourism and monitor situations with D:S of more than 20%. These only occurred on
hence, high water demand (for artificial snowmaking, hotel spas, etc.) several days in scenarios T + c, P + c and N + c, thereby reflecting
in winter: In the Austrian Upper Ötztal, e.g., the water demand increases the strong fluctuations in both supply and demand during the year in
almost fivefold in the winter (Vanham et al., 2009). In recent years, the the case study area, a typical feature of Alpine catchment areas that
production of technical snow has become an important issue in almost has already been emphasised in previous studies (Vanham et al.,
all ski areas and is likely to increase further with climate change (Klug 2008; Brunner et al., 2019a). Although the limited number of days
et al., 2012; Spandre et al., 2019). For the application of Aqua.MORE to with D:S ratio exceeding 20% in our study does not represent a high
a case study dominated by winter sports, further water user agents, threat to the water resources in the Matsch valley, we reinforced the im-
e.g. demanding water for snowmaking reservoirs, can be easily included portance of analysing water scarcity at the daily temporal scale to not to
(Huber et al., 2019). Furthermore, we additionally suggest the follow- overlook these critical days. Our results indicate the significance of arti-
ing: (a) distinguishing between consumptive and non-consumptive ficial reservoirs (Brunner et al., 2019a) to bridge the critical days at the
water use (Zhao et al., 2016) and (b) modelling water quality as well beginning of the irrigation period. These findings can also be used to
to enable a better quantification of water for drinking water purposes stimulate management processes and stakeholder dialogues for sus-
(Keeler et al., 2012). tainable watershed management (Huber et al., 2019).
A D:S ratio of more than 20%, however, was only reached in scenar-
4.4. Participatory scenario development ios that consider climate change, indicating its high relevance (Zierl and
Bugmann, 2005; Zhang et al., 2016). Similar findings have been re-
The participatory scenario development in Matsch valley not only ported by Zhang et al. (2016) who showed for a headwater catchment
provided plausible land-use scenarios, but also provoked an interdisci- in Northwest China that climate changes tend to affect the hydrological
plinary and cross-sectoral dialog and supported the development of a regimes much more prominently than land use changes. Also the find-
shared understanding of the complex SES. By applying cross- ing that irrigation demand is significant for water stress agrees to previ-
disciplinary cooperation and knowledge transfer between stakeholders ous studies: e.g. Weingartner et al. (2014) showed for a region in the
and researchers from social and natural science we gained a deep in- Swiss Alps that the combination of the different runoff patterns and
sight into the dynamic and complex human-water system of the Matsch the higher irrigation demands due to climate change can enhance the
valley and enhanced the probability of evaluating possible future land pressure on water resources, especially in the summer months. In con-
use changes (e.g. Hanspach et al., 2014). Discussing the storylines trast to our results, however, they found highest D:S ratios in the late
with local stakeholders verified the plausibility and consistency and fur- summer (August and September).
ther initiated a lively discussion during the workshop. Such dialogues
are reported to support sustainable regional development (Basco- 4.6. Management implications
Carrera et al., 2017; Allington et al., 2018). Furthermore, the consider-
ation of local, spatially explicit dynamics contributed by stakeholders In order to be able to manage the water resources to competing de-
during the participatory process greatly enhanced the downscaling pro- mands, data sharing and integration need to be enhanced across the
cess (Vannier et al., 2019). Although the approach shows a high demand sectors. In Alpine regions, drinking water supply systems are character-
on time and labor (Kohler et al., 2017), it could also be applied in any ized by small structured infrastructures, which are supplied by thou-
other areas to map possible future land use developments. sands of local water companies in a decentralised manner (Vanham
et al., 2008; EEA, 2009). Moreover, the water abstraction for artificial
4.5. Interpretation of the simulation results snowmaking, tourism and irrigation are often not connected to the pub-
lic system at all, rather coming from surface water and private wells.
As water demand in the Matsch valley is low in the winter, the catch- Hence, monitoring the current water demand and the demand changes
ment is not prone to the risk of water scarcity from October to April. is challenging. Surface and groundwater monitoring networks are also
However, a higher risk of water scarcity occurs in the months of May incomplete (EEA, 2009). Considering the potential impacts of climate
and June, when snow melt in the uppermost regions of the catchment change on water resources and the increasing water demand, future
is still small, while irrigation demand is already high. To a certain extent, water resource management should follow a supply and demand man-
the amount of irrigation water is automatically regulated within the SES agement approach, aiming at technological as well as behavioural solu-
because the irrigation manager reacts to imminent water scarcity not tions (EEA, 2009). Technological solutions, on the one hand, cover the
only of the farmers, but also of hotels and inhabitants; a feature which construction of water reservoirs (Brunner et al., 2019a), improved irri-
is implemented in Aqua.MORE. In all applied scenarios irrigation gation (Jägermeyr et al., 2015) and artificial snow-making techniques
water was increased with the extent of the increase being dependent (Grünewald and Wolfsperger, 2019). Behavioural solutions, on the
from the scenario-specific land use changes by the farmers. Hence, the other hand, aim at influencing water demand and water-use practices
macro-scale system behaviour emerged from the interactions of the in- based on information and education (Levidow et al., 2014; Koop et al.,
dividual agents, which is the core concept of agent-based modelling. 2019) or legal water use restrictions (e.g. by water concessions). Agri-
The evaluation of the actual water stress in Matsch valley is quite cultural long-term measures, such as improving land-use and livestock
challenging, because no clear limits are established for the applied structures towards more efficient and water saving systems, require an
high spatial and temporal resolution. The withdrawal-to-availability inclusion in long-term strategies, objectives and programmes, e.g. in the
ratio (Raskin et al., 1996) is usually applied to national scales and indi- EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) strategies (Wagner et al., 2012).
cates a country being ‘water stressed’ if annual withdrawals are be-
tween 20% and 40% of annual freshwater supply and ‘severely 5. Conclusion
stressed’ if this figure exceeds 40% (Falkenmark et al., 2007; Damkjaer
and Taylor, 2017). These thresholds can not directly be applied to our We assume that water scarcity problems and conflicts of competing
study due to two reasons: (1) We do not consider actual withdrawal, water use sectors, similar to our case study site, will increase in many Al-
but rather demand (e.g. not considering distribution losses) and (2) lit- pine areas due to climate change and changes in land use, land manage-
erature gives no thresholds for daily evaluations at catchment scale. ment and tourism. The transdisciplinary approach of integrating

L. Huber, J. Rüdisser, C. Meisch et al. Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021) 142962

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