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Counterargument and Refutation Exercise

Write the counterarguments and refutation paragraphs that would negate the following propositions :-
1. Malaysia’s decision to lower the voting age from 21 years old to 18 years old is the right decision.
Lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 in Malaysia might not be the right decision for several reasons.
Firstly, 18-year-olds may lack the maturity and life experience necessary to make informed decisions
about complex political and social issues. This age group is often still in the process of completing
their education and may not yet have sufficient exposure to the workforce, taxation, and other adult
responsibilities that provide a broader perspective on the implications of policy decisions.
Additionally, the change in voting age could lead to increased political instability. Younger voters may
favor more radical or populist candidates, which could result in more frequent and abrupt policy shifts
that destabilize the country's governance and economic planning. The inclusion of this demographic
might amplify polarization, making it more difficult to achieve consensus on important national

2. The punishment of maximum RM50,000 or up to one year imprisonment or both for the crime of
cyberbullying is too much.

The punishment of a maximum RM50,000 fine or up to one year imprisonment, or both, for the crime
of cyberbullying may be considered excessive for several reasons. Firstly, this level of punishment
may not fit the crime, as cyberbullying can vary greatly in severity. Some instances might involve
relatively minor online disputes or insensitive comments that, while harmful, do not warrant such
harsh penalties. The broad application of severe punishment could lead to disproportionate
consequences for less severe offenses.
Secondly, imposing such stringent penalties could have a chilling effect on free speech. Individuals
might become overly cautious about expressing their opinions online, fearing that their comments
could be interpreted as cyberbullying. This could stifle legitimate discourse and debate, which are
essential components of a healthy democracy.

3. Online learning is an effective way to educate students in tertiary education.

The assertion that online learning is an effective way to educate students in tertiary education can be
contested on several fronts. Firstly, the lack of face-to-face interaction in online learning can impede
the development of critical soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and networking. These skills
are often honed through in-person interactions, group projects, and extracurricular activities, which
are harder to replicate in a virtual environment.

Secondly, online learning can exacerbate educational inequalities. Not all students have equal access
to reliable internet connections, appropriate technology, or quiet study environments. This digital
divide can disadvantage students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, leading to disparities in
academic performance and overall educational outcomes.

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