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FS 2: Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process

October 6, 2023 # 6 – Prelims

The Teacher and the Community
Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render
the best services by providing an environment and growth.

Teachers are facilitators of learning and the development of the student.

Teacher needs to provide an environment for

Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community movements
for moral, social, educational, economic, and civic betterment.

Teachers are really shown that they can be a leader, or they can participate in the community.
Election - Teachers are the ones who are inside the rooms, they are the ones who monitors the voters.

 Of all professions? Why teachers are teachers who are assigned in this type of event?
 Teachers are trustworthy.
 Part of the Code of Ethics of the teachers is that we should not promote any candidate or politicians. We
are not allowed to promote any party list.
 Teachers are the ones being tasked to monitor the voters and to tally the votes.
 They know how the teacher works. How a teacher acts and if you really follow the professional ethics
for teachers then you will be really trusted.

It is a must that teachers have a very good relationship with the community. We have to extend our hand in the
community. There are some activities that we can do in order to be a help to our community, in order to be a
help to improve the community.

 Community Services
 “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a
 We can help the children that don’t have the chance to study by giving them books and making time to
teach them even in the most simple and little ways.
 You should take the initiative to help the community. Always extend your help.
 As a teacher, we also have a role to fulfill outside the school which is the community.

Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor
and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling, smoking, conducive to such learning
drunkenness and other excesses, much less illicit relations.

A teacher must set a good example for everyone, especially in their community.
Prevent doing things that are inappropriate.

Section 4. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community, and shall, therefore, study and
understand local customs and traditions in order to have a sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from
disparaging the community.
Not all teachers teach in their own place or own community. There are teachers who are assigned in other
communities or another place.
And as a teacher, you have to adapt to their community for you to belong. You have to respect their beliefs and

Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about the school's
work and accomplishments as well as its needs and problems.

School is a big part of the community. Therefore, as a teacher you need to inform the people around the
community about the school. They need to know what’s going on the school. Because not all students are
opening and updating their parents on what happened in the school.

Inform them on what the student needs and what the school needs.
Even when we have activities in school. The community should be invited.
PTA and Conferences in order for them to be informed about all the activities that we are doing at the school.
Community is really a big help, especially to the public schools. They provide help and support to the school.

Section 6. Every teacher is an intellectual leader community, especially in the in the barangay, and shall
welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counseling services, as appropriate,
and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the people.

Teachers have a lot of opportunities to speak in the big crowds or in the community.

Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations with other
professionals, with government officials, and with the people, individually or collectively.

Respect other professions and don’t take for granted your profession.
Everything will follow if you are respected.

Section 8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worship, as appropriate, but shall not use his
position and influence on proselyte others.

Don’t take advantage of your profession to evangelize the students.

We are free to attend churches, but we need to make sure that we do not influence our students or other people
because we have our own beliefs. We have the freedom to choose our religion.
Show your fairness and show that you are not biased.
Teachers are known to be fair and have this code of ethics that is really being followed by them.

As a professional teacher, he/she is a facilitator of learning by ensuring that he/she provides a favorable
environment for learning. He/she acts as a leader by initiating and participating in community activities for the
benefit of community members and the community as a whole. As a community leader he/she deals with other
professionals and community officials harmoniously and professionally. Because he/she wants to work with the
community, he/she keeps people informed of developments in school. He/she does not take advantage of his/her
position as a professional teacher to proselyte. Neither does he/she criticize community customs and traditions.
Instead, he/she exerts effort to understand them with a sympathetic attitude. Above all, to be a credible
community leader, he/she earns the respect of community by behaving with dignity at all times and so will not
engage in vices such as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and illicit relations.

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