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THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT, 1960 (59 of 1960) amended by Central Act 26 of 1982 Short title, extent and commencement (1) This Act may be called the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, (2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. , (3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different States and for the different provisions companied in this Act. Laws for Animals Cruelty — Wildlife — Control The Constitution of India The Indian Penal Code, 1860 The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 The Police Acts The Municipal Corporation Acts. Objective To prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals as well as to prevent cruelty to animals. Definitions » “Animal" means any living creature other than a human being. “Domestic animal" means any animal which is tamed or which has been or is being sufficiently tamed to serve some purpose for the use of human or which, although it neither has been nor is intended to be so tamed, is or has become in fact wholly or partly tamed. » “Captive animal" means any animal (not being a domestic animal) which is in capacity or confinement, whether permanent or temporary, or which is subjected to any appliance of contrivance for the purpose of hindering or preventing its escape from captivity or confinement or which is pinioned or which is or appears to be maimed. >» “Owner", used with reference to an animal, includes not only the owner but also any other person for the time being in possession or custody of the animal, whether with or without the consent of the owner. ¢“Phooka" or “Doom dev" includes any process of introducing air or any substance into the female organ of a milch animal with the object of drawing off from the animal any secretion of milk ¢ “Street" includes any way, road, lane, square, court, alley, passage or open space, whether a thoroughfare or not to which the public have access © Cruelty: infliction of unnecessary pain or sufferin, y YP 8 EXPERIMENTATION OF ANIMALS advancement by new discovery of physiological knowledge or knowledge which will be useful for saving or . for prolonging life or alleviate suffering or for combating any disease, whether of human beings, animals or plants. Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) » Constituted by Central Govt » CG nominates one of the member as chairman » Committee has power to regulate its own procedure » CG gives grants and funds to CPCSEA » Subcommittee can be formed to execute various functions » Committee may appoint staff members, officers and other employee Duties and powers of the Committee * To take all such measures as may be necessary to ensure that animals are not subjected to unnecessary pain or suffering before, during or after the performance of experiments on them. * (a) the registration of persons or institutions carrying on experiments on animals is essential; * (b) the reports and other information which shall be forwarded to the Committee by persons and institutions carrying on experiments or, animals Objectives of the rules made by CPCSEA ~ In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, rules made by the Committee shall be designed to secure the following objects, namely |. In cases where experiments are performed in any institution, the responsibility therefore is placed on the person in charge of the institution. In cases where experiments are performed outside an institution by individuals responsibility therefore is placed on the person. The individual person must be technically qualified and competent Ml IV. experiments should be performed with due care and humanity and that as far as possible experiments involving operations are performed under the influence of some anaesthetic of sufficient power to prevent the animals feeling pain. that experiments on animals are avoided wherever it is possible to do so; as for example; in medical schools, hospitals, colleges etc. if other teaching devices such as books, models, films may equally suffice. that experiments on larger animals are avoided when it is possible to achieve the same results by experiments upon small laboratory animals like guinea-'pigs, rabbits, frogs and rats. VI as far as possible, experiments are not performed merely for the purpose of acquiring manual skill. animals intended for the performance of experiments are properly looked after both before and after experiments. Vi. suitable records are maintained with respect to experiments r performed on animals All rules made by the Committee shall be binding on all individuals performing experiments outside institutions and on persons in-charge of institutions in which experiments are performed Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Functions To review and approve research proposals involving lab animals To provide suggestions for modification of the proposals wherever necessary To conduct periodic supervision of Institute’s animal facility To ascertain ethical use of animals and protection of well being of animals during and after research. When research activity is not found in accordance to CPCSEA guidelines to help adopt correct measures. Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Functions \v. To see that all those persons involved in animal care and research are adequately trained to handle the animals. VY. To ensure that GLP guidelines are followed in animal facility to protect the researchers and all others involved in animal handling. VI Vu Constitution of IAEC Biological Scientist, Chairperson Scientist Incharge of Animal House Facility- Member Secretary Scientist from different discipline (From different institute and from same institute) Veterinarian CPCSEA Main Nominee Socially Aware Nominee Link Nominee »The IAEC is valid for a period of five years and is renewed after that period. » Any change in IAEC members can be made only with prior approval of CPCSEA. ~IAEC is required to be reconstituted at the time of renewal of registration as per CPCSEA guidelines. ~It is required to convene the meeting of the reconstituted IAEC within a period of 30 days and upload the same on the website of the CPCSEA. ~ Only above approved IAEC members shall sign, with date, on the attendance sheet of the IAEC meetings, and decisions will be taken only in meetings where quorum is complete. >The quorum for holding IAEC meeting is six (6), and CPCSEA Nominees must be present in such meetings. » Link Nominee can attend in case main nominee conveys his unavailability in writing to the chairman IAEC. ~ Socially aware member's presence is compulsory in cases referred to CPCSEA and at least in one meeting in a calendar year. » Any decision taken in the meetings of IAEC without quorum shall be considered invalid. ~ Before commencing any research on large animals it is required to send research protocols with due recommendation of IAEC to CPCSEA for further approval. ~The Main Nominee is requested to ensure that the [AEC meetings are held regularly as stipulated in the SOP of CPCSEA and submit the Annual Inspection Reports of the Animal House Facility regularly on the Website of CPCSEA. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS- ‘Treating animals cruelly (1) any person Beats, kicks, over-rides, over-drives, over-loads, tortures or otherwise treats any animal so as to subject it to unnecessary pain or suffering; or Wilfully and unreasonably administers any injurious drug or injurious substance to (any animal) or wilfully and unreasonably causes or attempts to cause any such drug or substance to be taken by (any animal;) Conveys or carries, whether in or upon any vehicle or not, any animal in such a manner or position as to subject it to unnecessary pain or suffering; or Vi VIL Keeps or confines any animal in any cage or other receptacle which does not measure sufficiently in height, length and breadth to permit the animal a reasonable opportunity for movement; or Keeps for an unreasonable time any animal chained; or Being the owner, neglects to exercise or cause to be exercised reasonably any dog habitually chained up or kept in close confinement; or Being the owner of (any animal) fails to provide such animal with sufficient food, drink or shelter; or Vill. Without reasonable cause, abandons any animal in circumstances which XL. tender it likely that it will suffer pain by reason of starvation thirst; or Wilfully permits any animal, of which he is the owner, to go at large in any street, while the animal is affected with contagious or infectious disease or, without reasonable excuse permits any diseased or disabled animal, of which he is the owner, to die in any street; or Offers for sale or without reasonable cause, has in his possession any animal which is suffering pain by reason of mutilation, starvation, thirst, overcrowding or other ill treatment; or Promotes or takes part in any shooting match or competition wherein animals are released from captivity for the purpose of such shooting Offences and Penalties * Treating animals cruelly is punishable with fine NLT Rs. 10/- which may extend to Rs. $0/- on first conviction * On subsequent conviction with in three year of previous offence, it is punishable with fine NLT Rs. 25/- which may extend to Rs. 100/- or imprisonment of three months or with both. Offences and Penalties ¢ Preforming operation like Phooka or any other operation to improve lactation which injurious to health of animal is punishable with fine up to Rs. 1000/- or imprisonment up to 2 year or with both. Animal may be forfeited by the government, Offences and Penalties * Contravention of any order made by the committee or breach of any condition imposed by the committee is punishable with fine up to Rs. 200/-. Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) Members 1. Two members each of the a. ICMR b. ICAR c. CSIR 2. Nominated members: By central Govt. * Two members from universities giving medial and veterinary degree. * Five non official members from the persons actively engaged in the promotion of animal welfare nominated by the central govt. 3. One member from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha elected by respective houses. Animal Procurement . All animals must be acquired lawfully as per the CPCSEA guidelines. . A health surveillance program for screening incoming animals should be carried out to assess animal quality. . Methods of transportation taken into consideration. . Each consignment of animals should be inspected for compliance with procurement specifications, and the animals should be quarantined and stabilized according to procedures appropriate for the species and circumstances. QUARANTINE * Separation of newly received animals from those already in the facility until the health and possibly the microbial status of newly received animal have been determined. * A minimum duration of quarantine for small animal- 1 week and for larger animal-6 week. * An effective quarantine minimizes the chance for introduction of pathogens into an established colony. STABILIZATION * Physiologic, psychological and nutritional stabilization should be given before their use. * Duration of stabilization will depend on type and duration of animal transportation and species of animal. SEPARATION Physical separation of animal by species is recommended to prevent interspecies disease transmission and to eliminate anxiety and possible physiological and behavioural changes due to interspecies conflict. It shall be acceptable to house different species in the same room ,e.g. two species have a similar pathogen status and are _behaviourally compatible. SURVELLANCE, DIAGNOSIS, TRETMENT AND CONTROL DISEASE 1. All animal should be observed for signs of illness, injury, or abnormal behaviour by animal house staff. 2. Animals that show signs of a contagious disease should be isolated from healthy animals in the colony. PERSONAL HYGIENE Animal care staff maintain a high standard of personal cleanliness. Clothing suitable for use in the animal facility. It acceptable to use disposable gear such as gloves, masks, head covers, coats, coveralls and shoe covers. Person should change clothing as often as is necessary to maintain personal hygiene. Personnel should not be permitted to eat, drink, smoke or apply cosmetic in animal rooms. TRANSPORT OF LABORATORY ANIMALS * The main considerations for transport of animals are 1. the mode of transport, 2. the containers, the animal density in cages, food and water during transit, 3. protection from transit infection, injuries and stress. TRANSPORT OF LABORATORY ANIMALS * The main considerations for transport of animals are 1. the mode of transport, 2. the containers, the animal density in cages, food and water during transit, 3. protection from transit infection, injuries and stress. Requirements for transport of laboratory animals by road, rail and air. Mouse Rat = Hamster, «= G.pig = Rabit Cat’ «Dog Monkey in transport Cardboard, Cardboard, Cardboard, Cardboard, Cardboard, wood / metal box Syriheic — Sythetic—«Syrtheic-—«Synthetc Synthetic material §=—- material material = mallerial ‘Space per 20-25 80-100 80-100 160-180 1000-1200 1400-1500 3000 2000-4000 Avimal (crf) Minimum 12 4 2 6 w 0 0 4g HUSBANDRY & MANAGEMENT PHYSICAL FACILITIES * BUILDING MATERIALS- moisture-proof, _ fire-resistant, seamless materials are most desirable for interior surfaces including vermin and pest resistance. * CORRIDOR- wide enough to facilitate the movement of personnel as well as equipments and should be kept clean. * UTILITIES- water lines, drain pipes and electrical connection « ANIMAL ROOM DOORS- rust, vermin and dust proof. it properly within their frames and provided with an observation window. + FLOORS- smooth, moisture proof, non-absorbent, skid-proof,. WALLS & CEILINGS- free of cracks, unsealed utility penetrations, or imperfect junction with doors, ceilings, floors and corners. STORAGE AREAS- separate storage areas should be designed for feed, bedding, cages and materials not in use. FACILITIES FOR SANITIZING EQUIPMET AND SUPPLIES- an area for sanitizing cages and ancillary equipment is essential with adequate water supply. EXPERIMENTALAREA- should be carried out in a separate area from the place where animals are housed. ENVIRONMENT ¢ Air conditioning is for laboratory animals. temperature with in the range of 18° -299 * Relative humidity- 30-70% throughout the year for large animal comfortable zone-18-37 °C * POWER & LIGHTING- the electrical system should be safe and provide appropriate lighting and a sufficient no. of power outlets. Atime control light system should be used. NOISE CONTROL- noise free environment ANIMAL HUSBANDARY * CAGING & HOUSING SYSTEM- v Adequate ventilation ¥ Meet the biological need of animal v Keep the animal dry and clean v Cages made of steel or painted steel ¥ Feeding and watering devices should be easily accessible for filing, changing, cleaning and servicing. FOOD * Should be fed palatable, non-contaminated and nutritionally adequate food. * Diet should be free from heavy metals. BEDDING = Absorbent, free of toxic chemicals or other substances that could injure animals or personnel * Should be removed and replaced with fresh materials as often as necessary to keep animal clean and dry. Water Ordinarily animals should have continuous access to fresh, potable, uncontaminated drinking water, according to their particular requirements. SANITATION CLEANLIESS * Sanitation is essential in an animal facility. Animal rooms, corridors, storage spaces, and * other areas should be cleaned with appropriate detergents and disinfectant . Waste disposal * Wastes should be removed regularly and frequently. All waste should be collected and disposed in a - safe and sanitary manner. The most preferred method of waste disposal is incineration. Emergency, Weekend And Holiday Care Animal should be cared for by qualified personnel every day, including weekends and holidays, to safeguards their well- being including emergency veterinary care Na WwW PF WN Record keeping The Animal House should maintain following records: Animal House plans, Animal House staff record - both technical and non - technical Health record of staff! animals. All SOPs relevant to the animals Breeding, stock, purchase and sales records Minutes of institute Animals Ethics Committee Meetings Records of experiments conducted with the number of animals used (copy of Form b) Death Record, Clinical record of sick animals, Training record of staffinvolved ANAESTHESIA EUTHANASIA ANAESTHESIA * It must also be ensured that the anesthesia is given for the full duration of experiment. * and at no stage the animal is conscious to perceive pain during the experiment. * sedatives, analgesics and anaesthetics should be used to control pain or distress under experiment Annexure-§ Commonly used anaesthetic drugs for laboratory animals. _—_ Drugs (mga) Mouse Rat ~—sHamser Gopi Rabbit, = Cat Dog Markey Ketarine HO Duin DWim - 2M 24 Dim Dim 160 Pentobartitone sodum SW BW ON DN DW BW ON BW ‘ Dib =D Hib Hip - : Thcpentene sodum By WOON ‘ Hip = ib ib NHN BIN ING Urehane : O7sip 15ip 10ip.iv 125M 100IV 10W : 150ip —_—— ‘Atropine: Dose 0.02 - 0.05 mghkg for all species by sic or im or iW routes used to reduce salivary and bronchial secretions and protect heart from vagal inhibifon, given prior to anaesthesia. ‘m= intramuscular, W = intravenous, ip = intraperitoneal, sic = subcutaneous Euthanasia (eu =good.thanatos =death) PURPOSE End of experiment , to provide tissue for scientific purpose. Free the animal of pain Diseased animal or animal in bad condition Methods * Physical methods: electrocution, cervical dislocation * Drug administration: overdose of chloral hydrate, ketamine , chloroform | i 18) Physical metnods Electrocution NROOONR NR ONR NR ONR NR NR Exsanguination A A A A a A NR NR Decapitation (for analysis of stress) A Aa NR NR NR ONR) NR ONR Cervical distocation A a a NR OONR | ONR NR NR b) Inhalation of gases: Carbon monoxide a a a A A A a A Carbon dioxide a A A A A A NR NR Caron dioxide plus A A A a A a NR ONR A a A A A A a A ) Drug administration Barbiturate overdose (route) (Chlorat hydrate overdose (route) Ketamine overdose (route) Sodium pentotnol [overdose (route)] IP ° WP = intrepentonea! Methods Not Acceptable for any species of animals 8) Physical memods fio ieee (1) Decompression iM = Intremuscuter @)Surning ) inhalation of gases @) Nirogen Pushing (0) Argon Pushing Drug administration ()Curanorm drugs (v) Strychnine () Nicotine siphate —(v) Paraquat (i) Magnesium sulphate (vt) Dichlorvos (w)Potassium chiodde (vi) Ar Emooligm AIP) AIP) AIP) AIP) AVIV. IP) ATV. IP) AVIV. IP) AlTV, IP) NROOONR NR) OR AIV) IV) UI), AUIV) IMAP) IMAP) AIMAP) AUIMAP) ACIMMV) A{IMUTV) A{IMITY) ACIMITY) ” © v uv von

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