EC-J-51.00-09a: Instrumentation Erection

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Construction Specification:

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9a JUNE 2019 EC-A-50.00 OF TEST PROTOCOLS ARRIBAS 2019.07.01 E.A.G.
22:17:47 +02'00' 2019.07.01 D.G.F.
22:17:54 +02'00'


(name and signature) (name and signature) (name and signature)


© REPSOL S. A. Madrid, 2019
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1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Responsibility ............................................................................................................................................. 4

2. OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1. Labor .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Materials ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Installation quality certificate ....................................................................................................................... 5

3. ERECTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 6

3.1. Tray installation........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Conduit tube installation .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3. Box installation ........................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4. Laying and hanging cables and multicables ................................................................................................ 8
3.5. Connecting cables ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6. Instrument supports ....................................................................................................................................10
3.7. Connections to process............................................................................................................................... 11
3.8. Pneumatic connection .................................................................................................................................13
3.9. Instrument installation .................................................................................................................................14
3.10. Instruments on the line ................................................................................................................................ 16
3.11. Analyzers .................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.12. Local panels ............................................................................................................................................... 17
3.13. Steam tracing ............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.14. Local electronic indicators (milliammeters) ..................................................................................................17
3.15. Telematics. Voice and data ......................................................................................................................... 17
3.16. Control rooms and rack rooms .................................................................................................................... 18

4. WELDING ................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1. Considerations on welding .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.2. Heat treatment ............................................................................................................................................ 19

5. INSPECTION AND TESTING ..................................................................................................................... 19

5.1. Property inspector rights ............................................................................................................................. 19
5.2. Contractor obligations .................................................................................................................................19
5.3. Non-destructive examination. operational methods and applicable codes ................................................... 19
5.4. Inspection costs .......................................................................................................................................... 20
5.5. Instrument precalibration............................................................................................................................. 20
5.6. Instrumentation cable testing ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.7. Hook-up testing........................................................................................................................................... 21
5.8. Loop tests ................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.9. Test protocols ............................................................................................................................................. 23

6. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT STANDARDS ........................................................................................ 24

6.1. Tray installation........................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2. Tray or box support ..................................................................................................................................... 25
6.3. Conduit tube installation .............................................................................................................................. 25
6.4. Installation of boxes with their support ........................................................................................................ 26
6.5. Laying and hanging cables and multicables ................................................................................................ 26


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6.6. Connecting cables and multicables ............................................................................................................. 26

6.7. Principal tappings of instruments ................................................................................................................ 26
6.8. Assembly of piping/tubing for other uses ..................................................................................................... 26
6.9. Instrument installation .................................................................................................................................27
6.10. Instrument precalibration............................................................................................................................. 27
6.11. Loop tests ................................................................................................................................................... 27
6.12. Inboard switchboard assembly .................................................................................................................... 27
6.13. Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................................................ 27

7. REFERENCE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 27

7.1. Repsol standards and technical specifications ............................................................................................ 27
7.2. Globally and nationally relevant codes and standards ................................................................................. 29

8. APPENDIXES ............................................................................................................................................. 29


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1.1. Introduction

This document is part of the latest edition of Repsol's technical specifications. It references the latest editions
of the standards and codes that are mentioned and/or applicable, as well as the Basic Design Details (BDD)
that set out specific aspects for each project and that are transcribed when specific material requisitions are
The total or partial application of this specification shall be confirmed in the specific Basic Design Details of
each project.

1.2. Scope

This specification sets forth the criteria with which the instrumentation specialty erection works shall be
performed within Repsol projects (hereinafter, the Owner).
The regulations listed in the most recent revision of chapter 7 “Norms and Specifications of Reference,” shall
apply to the works that are the subject of this specification; the Contractor must be aware of them.

1.3. Responsibility

Compliance with the rules and recommendations issued in this specification do not exempt, either in full or in
part, the contractors of their respective responsibilities and guarantees or any other contractual obligations.


The Owner shall not provide any of the materials referenced herein for erections contracted in the turnkey
The Owner shall provide the Contractor with the design of the installation, comprised of the following drawings
and documents:
• Project BDD
• Hazardous area classification drawing.
• Pneumatic/electric/electronic instruments location drawing (in separate drawings).
• Drawing of trays and boxes distribution.
• Instrument list.
• Drawing of multicable pathway.
• List of cables.
• List of E/S to SCD and PLC signals.
• Pneumatic and process connection schemes and steam tracing diagrams.
• Data sheets and technical sheets on instruments.
• Equipment location in rack rooms and control room drawings.
• Ground for distributed control system diagram.
• Interlock ground system diagram.

1 GENERAL © REPSOL S. A. Madrid, 2019

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• Typical diagram for electrical connections.

• Gas detector location drawings.
• Power supply cabinet drawings (220 V and 110 V).
The Contractor shall take into account that in the instrumentation drawings the scales and routes are
guidelines, and therefore the location of the instruments and trays shall be determined during the work, in
accordance with the Owner's Representatives.

2.1. Labor

The labor to be employed by the Contractor shall always be of the highest qualification required for each
position. For certain specialties, the Owner may require the Contractor to provide the appropriate certifications
or proof of experience with regard to these professional qualifications, such as tubing installers, welders,
instrument makers, etc.
This specification must be known by all Contractor supervisors with the title of Team Manager or above.
The Contractor must maintain a team on staff with experience in instrumentation installations in explosive
atmospheres. The Owner shall provide the Contractor with drawings, materials, and instructions on the
Classification of Hazardous Areas, and the latter must select the most appropriate material to be used in these
areas in accordance with the particular standards and drawings provided. The Contractor shall be accountable
for any incorrect changes made to the materials installed for this reason.

2.2. Tools

The Contractor shall provide all the tools necessary for the assembly and required testing, such as individual
hand toolkits for each operator, hardware such as drills, tubing screwing and bending machines, welding,
scaffolding, and stairway groups.
The Contractor shall have a laboratory equipped to perform any testing and calibrating required. This
equipment shall have official accreditation certificates.

2.3. Materials

The Contractor shall consider within its scope and include in its unit prices the withdrawal, discharge, receipt,
inspection, and revision of the materials supplied by the Owner, removing the packaging and any dirt, ensuring
that they are in perfect condition for assembly.
The small materials to be supplied by the Contractor needed to carry out the erection such as terminals, kits,
tools, clamps, fasteners, self-drilling devices, etc., and generally any other item not specified clearly by the
Owner as supplied by it, shall be top quality, galvanized or cadmium plated, wherever possible they shall be
procured precast, or at least with the anti-corrosion coating on the surfaces before placement.
The use of these materials must be approved previously by the Owner's Representative, and the cost must be
included in the Contractor’s prices.
The Contractor must provide the consumables necessary for the execution of the work. Consumables are
understood to be: electrodes, oxygen, acetylene, castolin, nickel silver, powdered flux, Teflon tape, metallic
tape for stapling, flexible tape for cabling, wires, filler liquid for the branches of transmitters or any other
product necessary for the start-up of the instruments, all of which is included in the price.

2.4. Installation quality certificate

The Contractor must strictly comply with the construction standards to be applied in electrical/instrument
installations and pay special attention to flame proofing for use in explosive atmospheres.
Therefore, the Owner may require, in addition to the final certification, a certificate where the Contractor must
prove that it has followed the appropriate standards in accordance with the hazard classification of each of the
areas and the applicable legislation.

2 OVERVIEW © REPSOL S. A. Madrid, 2019

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The Owner reserves the right to use said certificate with the competent authorities in its liability disclaimer and
to enforce against the Contractor any civil liability that may arise from the falseness of said document or from
inaccuracy in the material execution of the work with enforcement of the guarantee set forth in the contract of
which these specifications are part.


3.1. Tray installation

The trays to be erected shall be metallic, made of perforated galvanized steel plate, wire, or they shall be
ladder cable trays, except where the Detail Engineering Company specifies trays made of plastic. In the event
that a raised access floor (electric substation, rack rooms, control rooms, etc.) is made according to
specification ES-R-01.00 “Raised Access Floor. HILTI MQ Channel System,” the fact that the cable trays
located under said floor are made based on modular channels shall be reported and subject to prior approval
by the Owner and installed as set forth in said specification.
For tray connections, the Contractor shall always supply and erect the materials of the commercial technology
available, avoiding the use of alternative solutions of any kind.
The Owner shall provide the accessories for curves, T-pieces, and reducers. If this does not occur, these
accessories shall be built on-site with the trays handed over by the Owner, with payment of the unit prices in
the contract. The need for accessories and their manufacture is defined in the table in Chapter 6 of these
specifications, “Measurement and Payment Standards.”
All cuts and welds that must be carried out to be able to install the trays must be cold galvanized.
Perforated or wire cable trays, every 1,500 mm in longitudinal lay-outs (based on a uniform load of 75 kg/m; for
uniform loads over this amount, the distance between supports shall be consequently reduced), and their paths
shall be chosen so as to prevent the possibility of mechanical damage and they are as straight as possible.
Ladder trays may be supported at greater distances upon of the Contractor's proposal and with prior approval
from the Owner's Representative.
Supports shall be made with UPN-80 or L-80 channels. Supports shall be supplied and manufactured by the
Contractor and, after they are created, they shall be hot dip galvanized or painted according to Diagram 1 of
the standard drawing PE-B-0600.01 “Painting diagrams” and specification EC-B-53.00 “Application of Paint”.
Alternatively, the Contractor may supply and erect the support based on the hot dip galvanized modular
channels, of the type approved by the Owner. During assembly, the Contractor shall repair the surface of
cutting zones where the base material of the channel is exposed with cold galvanizing.
In any case, the type and size of the supports must be approved by the Owner's Representative.
The design of the supports must allow the trays, structures, and equipment to be flame proofed, avoiding
Trays shall not be supported on piping or process equipment without the express authorization of the Owner's
Representative and under no circumstances if the temperature of the piping or equipment goes above 150ºC.
A safety distance of 300 mm shall be maintained between the tray pathway and the hot piping or equipment,
including the thickness of any potential insulation on piping/equipment.
The trays shall be grounded to the general plant network, at several points, in accordance with the Owner's
Representative. Continuity shall be ensured between sections. The two ends shall be connected as well as at
intervals less than 50 m as a general rule.
The same trays shall not be used for pneumatic cables and tubes.


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3.2. Conduit tube installation

The conduit tube shall be rigid, cold-stretched steel with or without seams, galvanized inside and out.
The diameter of the conduit tubes shall be indicated in the engineering drawings. The Contractor shall ensure
that three or more cables do not occupy more than 40% of the tube section, two cables nor more than 30%,
and one cable no more than 50%. As a general standard, the sum of the diameters of all the cables can never
be above two tube diameters. In the event that these criteria are not met, the Contractor shall report this to the
Owner's Representative.
The Owner's Representative shall oversee the creation of the threads, not allowing the use of die stocks that
do not guarantee the automatic alignment of the cutters and an accurate adjustment of the diameters. The
thread openings of the pipes shall have a thread length sufficient to reach the bottom of the accessory, and
shall also have at least two extra threads. The number of threads in the accessory shall be at least five.
The interior flashes caused by cutting the pipe shall be completely eliminated with a round file or reamer, killing
the sharp edges that may be made by cuts to cable insulation.
In installations exposed to the outdoors, Hylotyte compound or equivalent shall be used on all screw joints in
order to provide the installation with the appropriate protection against water.
The conduit shall be supported with clamps so that the stacked boxes do not support mechanical stress.
Connection nuts shall be used immediately before the switchboards so that, wherever possible, the installation
is disassembled without cutting the conduit. Best practice in the position shall determine their use in the most
appropriate places. Connection nuts installed in vertical sections shall be assembled in the “pro rainwater”
position. In order to prevent galling, the threads shall be protected with Molykote grease (in oxygen plants and
other highly explosive atmospheres, instructions shall be required from the Owner's Representative about the
product to be used).
For changes of direction, conduits smaller than three inches shall be curved with an appropriate machine that
shall not deform the circular section of the tube. For sizes of three inches and larger, a standard threaded
elbow fitting shall be used.
The elbows of the tubes shall have a radius of curvature no less than 10 times their exterior diameter. The
connections between straight sections of piping shall always be made with threaded sleeves.
The Contractor shall be responsible for carefully inspecting the inside of the conduit, removing any dirt that it
may contain before use and throwing out any that may have scum from galvanizing, reporting this to the
Owner's Representative.

3.3. Box installation

The box shall be supported at 1350 mm from the floor using the lower side as a reference.
In the event that it must be attached to pillars with clamps or welding, the material necessary to manufacture
these components shall be provided by the Contractor, as well as the anchor materials and those for attaching
the box to the support. Supports with a frame anchored to the pavement are accepted.
The box support shall be in accordance with the place where it shall be anchored. It shall always be in the
format most appropriate to perfectly secure the box.
Supports shall be manufactured by the Contractor and subsequently, hot dip galvanized or blasted and painted
according to Diagram 1 of the standard drawing PE-B-0600.01 “Painting diagrams” and specification EC-B-
53.00 “Application of Paint.”
Alternatively, the Contractor may supply and erect the support based on the hot dip galvanized modular
channels, of the type approved by the Owner, similar to the provisions of point 3.1 “Tray Installation.”
The cable entries on the boxes shall be available both on the bottom and/or sides, preventing kinks in the
cable, if the diameter so allows. To do so, sufficient space must be left for the tray to pass through the back of
the box, and it must vertically reach up to approximately half a meter from the lower side of the box, allowing
for cables in said area to be handled. The connection of trays to boxes shall be done according to standard
drawing PE-J-1302.01, Examples of tray assembly for junction boxes to pillars.


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The boxes shall be grounded with a fastener designed for this purpose. Welding on the boxes shall not be
permitted. Grounding is the Contractor’s responsibility,and shall be done at the closest possible point.
The Contractor shall verify that the type of gland (increased security or anti-explosion) to be assembled in each
box is appropriate for the classification of the area in which it is installed. Special attention shall be paid to
connecting anti-explosion devices in locations at risk for explosion. When explosion-proof glands are required,
the Contractor shall check that the rubber ring to hold the cable is the exact size for said cable. Otherwise, the
Contractor shall report this to the Owner's Representative.
When glands, tubes, or other accessories must be connected to threaded inputs with different types of threads,
the appropriate and certified gear unit parts shall be installed (if applicable).
In the boxes, bungs shall be placed on drills that have not been used.
The fasteners on the connection boxes must be completely clean before they are closed. In order to prevent
them from rusting and/or seizing up, they shall be coated with a mineral-based lubricant film, supplied by the
Contractor. In areas with high levels of rainfall (e.g., A Coruña and Bilbao), they shall also be given a
watertightness treatment, consisting of a full taping of the joints on boxes and glands.

3.4. Laying and hanging cables and multicables

Cable spools shall be collected from the Owner’s warehouse, transported to the site, unloaded, and handled by
the Contractor, as many times as necessary. Unpacking them shall also be the Contractor's responsibility.
In order to lay or hang the cables, the spools must be erected over the jacks supported on slabs on the ground.
The amount of cable designated in the purchase order and marked on each spool shall be cut. Additional costs
shall be charged to the Contractor if it does not respect the forecasted amounts from each spool and this
circumstance leads to a lack of cable. The amounts of cable that are cut from the spools shall be monitored in
order to prevent excessive waste. In order to maintain control over cabling, the format attached as Annex I
shall be used.
Before cutting the lengths of the cables, the Contractor shall verify the real lengths required in the
corresponding field, accurately measuring the channels built or the tray routes, leaving a reasonable margin on
the ends to connect it to the equipment. This margin shall be a maximum of 2 m on each end. If the real length
required is above the designated amount for said length on the corresponding spool, the Contractor shall notify
the Supervisor immediately, prior to cutting the length.
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to return all the spools to the warehouse, indicating the remaining meters of
cable on the spools that are not empty.
During the time in which the spools are in the Contractor’s position, it shall be responsible for safeguarding
them; if any spool is returned in poor condition, it shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense.
Cables shall be complete in a single length, from one tip to the next. Cable splicing shall not be allowed, and
may only be done in junction boxes and in the event that the length of the cable is greater than the supply.
These splices shall be done with bushing.
All provisional ends of the cables shall be protected from dirt and moisture in order to prevent their insulation
from being damaged. Caps made of heat-shrinkable material shall be used. The cap or hood shall remain until
the last phase of connection.
Cable insulation and continuity testing shall be performed on the cables before they are placed at the site.

3.4.1. Underground cables

Before laying the cable, the Contractor must verify that the trench is free of obstacles, dirt, and foreign objects
that may damage the cable. The removal thereof shall be the Contractor's responsibility.
The trench must be kept clean and free of water. The Contractor shall consider this work to be included in its
scope until the trench is fully filled in with sand.
The cables shall normally be laid in trenches lined with concrete, distributed without horizontal spacing, and
with 150 mm of vertical spacing. Each cable shall be laid by adjusting for the cable laid previously.
Several cables cannot be laid simultaneously through the same trench, even if they are subsequently


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Cables shall be laid with the gap necessary to prevent stress due to being placed at the bottom of the trench.
Once the cables are laid and before the trench is filled in with sand, an insulation test shall be performed on
each cable, in the presence of the Owner's Representative.
The cable outputs through pavement shall be protected with galvanized steel conduit tubes that are 1 m high
and sealed with compound paste. The gross supply of the tube shall be carried out by the Owner, and the
Contractor must cut it, curve it, thread it, place the nozzle, and affix it properly in place, until the mortar is
poured and set.
Street crossings, entrances into buildings, etc. shall be made using plastic tubes (PE or similar), or a steel
tube, supplied and placed with others. The Project shall set the number of cables assigned to each tube,
editing a drawing that includes the layout. In the event that this information is not available, the Contractor shall
request it from the Owner's Representative. The instructions from the Owner and the standard drawings PE-J-
1300.03 “Instrumentation Cable Routes” pages 1 to 3, as well as PE-P-0100.03 “Strength and Control” shall be
The cables shall go through pipelines without being forced, and measures shall be implemented to prevent
damage. Where necessary, talc or another commercial product especially designed to facilitate the movement
of the cable shall be used. Covering them for this purposes with grease or Vaseline shall not be permitted. In
the points where the cable enters into a pipeline, it shall curve with a wide radius.
When spare tubes are to be used for cables at crossings or building entrances, they shall be left at the top in
order to facilitate future use.
Cables that go up to rack rooms, control rooms, or substation elevated over the ground shall be distributed on
the floor of the building through trays or tubes. Once the cables have been laid, the holds shall be sealed in
accordance with the specifications of design specification ED-N-02.00 Passive anti-fire protection of structures,
equipment, and cable trays.
Underground cables shall be identified with stainless steel markers that shall have a cable number stamped on
them. These markers shall be affixed to the cable at intervals no greater than 30 m, 50 mm from the ends, at
changes of direction, and at the inputs and outputs of roads or similar made with precast concrete blocks or
tubes. The type of band and format of the marking shall require approval from the Owner's Representative.
The use of mechanical means for tensile cable must be authorized by the Owner. In this case, the stress must
be controlled by a dynamometer.
The cables shall slide over a sufficient number of rollers to avoid their covers being damaged. The appropriate
accessories shall be used to attach the end in order to guarantee that the insulation shall not be damaged.
The same amount of attention shall be had when sliding the cable from the spools, avoiding the formation of
kinks that, if subject to tensile stress, shall damage the layers of insulation in the cable.

3.4.2. Aerial cables

Aerial cables shall be installed over trays or held inside steel tubes throughout their path, with unsupported
sections of cable being allowed in connection terminals to instruments where a kink shall be left before
The cables must be correctly combed and they cannot be crossed. Only one layer shall be allowed in the vertical
channel trays when there are several of them that make accessing lower layers more difficult.
Cables shall be supported on the tray so that they are taut and not unhooked. Generally, the distance between
clamps cannot be more than 300 mm in horizontal sections or 900 mm in vertical sections.
Cables shall be temporarily hung with black nylon tape or similar, never with wire. The excess plastic flanges
shall not be cut in order to prevent damage to the cutting end. Plastic tape can never be used as a definitive
outboard mounting method.
To be definitively affixed to the tray, the cables shall be stapled with a perforated aluminum or galvanized steel tape
and galvanized steel fasteners in order to prevent galvanic corrosion on the tray.
Any other method of stapling cables must be previously approved by the Owner. If it authorizes stapling with metallic
strips of a material compatible with the tray, the seals (closures for fastening) thereof must be done under the tray and
not above, in order to minimize potential damage to the cover of any second layer of cables that may be subsequently


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Each cable shall be identified with stainless steel bands that shall have the cable number stamped on them.
The identifiers shall be placed on the cables every time they enter or exit the trays; at intervals of a maximum
of 8 m, and close to junction boxes. Individual cables shall also be identified when they reach each instrument
and box.
The power cables shall be hung in trays other than those for signals, as indicated in design specification ED-J-
13.00 “Electrical Connection of Instruments”. Moreover, the Intrinsically Safe Cables must go through different
trays than NOT Intrinsically Safe Cables, unless otherwise indicated in said specification.

3.4.3. Laying cables in a raised access floor

In rack rooms or control rooms, one part of hanging cable in the air or laying it underground may require laying
it in the raised access floors of rack rooms or control rooms, with ladder trays installed between the supports of
the technical floor or under the soleplates of the equipment.
They shall continue to be separated by signal type.

3.4.4. Data paths or fiber optic cabling

When necessary, data path or fiber optic cabling shall be done on the paths designed for such purpose.
Cabling shall be done through tube conduits made of corrugated metal or on trays with or without bonnets,
following the Owner’s instructions.
Fiber optic cables and data lines shall be connected by others.

3.5. Connecting cables

Cables shall be stripped so that the exterior PVC covering is inside the glands or cable glands and without
gaps. No connections in which cable was stripped before reaching them shall be accepted.
Multicables shall enter the box from below and individual cables shall enter from the sides or below in order to
prevent water from getting in. Cables cannot enter from above.
The cable mesh or shield shall be assembled according to the appropriate instrumentation grounding scheme.
The signal cable shield shall be insulated with insulation tape or similar on the side connected to the
instrument. Connected on the side of the junction box, there shall be the corresponding bushing, bushing P, as
indicated in the connection diagram.
The shield threads (drain) shall be coated with a thin insulating tape before connection.
The third threads from each cable, power equalizers, where available, shall be connected to the plate below it,
which is installed for this purpose. From this plate, a separate 10 mm cable shall be taken out, which shall be
insulated with a yellow/green coating, which shall go to the box’s fastener for this purpose and shall be
connected to the grounding network from the outside.
The appropriate terminals shall be installed on conductors with flexible cables, not threaded ones. NOT on
thermocouple compensation cables.
The threads must be identified before they are connected to terminal board clamps. A small kink shall be left so
as to not put stress on the conductor.

3.6. Instrument supports

Supports shall be manufactured according to the models and dimensions stated in the project documentation
and/or Owner specifications.
The supports shall be assembled once their location has been verified in the field, considering that they must
be installed so that they are easily accessible, avoiding interference with plant entrances and equipment.
The supports shall be placed on the floor with a concrete block where necessary, on structures or platforms.
They shall not be assembled on piping.
The supports shall be perfectly anchored vertically and they shall be reinforced so as to avoid vibrations.


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The instruments shall be placed as close as possible to the principal tapping but shall be easily accessible for
calibration and maintenance from the ground or work platforms. Where possible, and unless otherwise
indicated by the Owner's Representative, the instruments shall be installed at a height of 1,350 mm from the
reference drawing (floor or platform).
Instrument supports shall be supplied and manufactured by the Contractor from 2” L-7 carbon steel tube and,
after they are manufactured, they shall be hot dip galvanized. They may also be painted according to Diagram
1 from standard drawing PE-B-0600.01 “Painting diagrams” and in compliance with the requirements of
specification EC-B-53.00 “Application of Paint”, if authorized by the Owner's Representative. The measures
contained in standard PE-J-1700.01 “Standard Supports for Instruments” Sheet 1/2 are approximate and they
shall adapt to the needs of the site location.
Alternatively, the Contractor may supply and erect the support based on the hot dip galvanized modular
channels, pursuant to standard PE-J-1700.01 “Standard Supports for Instruments” Sheet 2/2. This erection
shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s technical instructions of said modular profiles and if
the supports of the instruments so allow. During erection, the Contractor shall repair the surface of cutting
zones where the base material of the channel is exposed with cold galvanizing.
Either way, before manufacturing begins, the type and size of the supports must be approved by the Owner's
Representative with the structural drawing.
The manufacture and/or supply of the tools required is within the Contractor’s scope, except for those denoting
“to be supplied and assembled by Others,” in order to affix the components and elements of instrument
Welding vessels, piping, or equipment to affix supports is prohibited.
When supports are affixed with welding, the Contractor shall protect weld seams with patching and two layers
of finish for Diagram 1 of standard drawing PE-B-0600.01 “Painting diagrams” and in accordance with
specification EC-B-53.00 “Application of Paint”.
Metal structures cannot be drilled without written authorization from the Owner's Representative.
Supports shall be measured so that there is sufficient distance (at least 150 mm) between the supported side
and the support surface, in order to allow for subsequent painting, fireproofing, or thermal insulation to be
carried out.
Supports shall not be affixed to places or elements where there are vibrations or expansion phenomena. They
shall also not be affixed to equipment or components whose maintenance involves frequent disassembly.

3.7. Connections to process

The erection of the process taps from the first shutoff valves assembled by others; (root valve) to the
instrument, according to the erection diagrams and materials defined in the project and in accordance with
specification ED-J-17.00 “Instrument Assembly”.
Process connections to the first shutoff valve (root valve) shall be done by others, as well as dissimilar welding,
where necessary. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to verify the type, size, material, position, and
general suitability of these connections and their alignment with the service to be carried out and the
instrumentation drawings.
The instrumentation Contractor shall carry out the hook-up including welding the root valve, where required. All
welds with LP 100% shall be inspected. Connections of hook-ups to root valves, be they threaded or welded,
as well as to the manifold taps, shall be done by the instrumentation Contractor in accordance with the
instructions of Quality Control (QC).
The installation shall avoid blocking the path of platforms, stairways, and maintenance areas, as well as
interference with other assembly components.
The path of the lines to the instruments or equipment shall be made to avoid vibrations, supporting the tube
sufficiently. The process tap piping shall be assembled so that, although it is firmly supported, it remains
sufficiently flexible to facilitate disassembly and expansion of the lines without harming connections to the


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Lines must be supported on structures or other fixed elements. They cannot be supported on lines or
equipment that can be disassembled.
The torsional stress due to maneuvers of primary connection valves must be absorbed by a support, without
transmitting the stress to the instrument or to compression fittings in cases where connections with tubing are
The instrument must not receive stress transmitted through the connection to the process line.
The lengths of the principal tapping shall be as short as possible, allowing access to the instrument.
Taps shall be placed far from active lines and hot equipment.
The pathways shall be made to avoid the accumulation of gas or liquid at the high and low points of the taps. In
the event vent or drain valves must be installed, they must be approved by the Owner's Representative.
Process lines must have a minimum slope of 3% toward the instrument or toward the primary connection,
depending on the relative position of the instrument with respect to the slope.
Although generally, unless otherwise specified, all instruments shall be installed on supports set on the floor or
on platforms. Care must be taken to ensure the visibility of the local indicators is appropriate for an observer
located in the normal operating areas of the instrument, valve, or equipment associated with it.
The connections of process lines and equipment or instruments shall be welded or flanged with the corresponding
accessories if piping is used and with the appropriate compression fittings if tubing is used, as per the indications of
the erection drawings.
The tubes shall be cold bent, using the appropriate tools.
The interiors of the tubes and accessories must be clean before they are used in the work.
Threads of primary connections on processes at normal temperature, up to 150ºC, must be covered with
Teflon tape or similar. Seal welds shall be avoided. In the case of temperatures above 150ºC graphite shall be
Bungs must be left in place and tightened.
Plug connections and corresponding welding shall be in accordance with the conditions set forth in chapter
Principal tappings on instruments that are not made of stainless steel or do not have thermal insulation must be
painted with the same diagram as the piping they are associated with.
Purges shall lead to drains as projected. If there is no information about the case, the Contractor shall lead the
instrument purges to the tap set forth in drains made by third parties in accordance with the following:
• Toxic products:
o High-capacity instruments (control valves, stand pipes, magnetic levels, radars, transmitters, etc.):
closed purges leading to the acid network.
o Instruments with limited capacity (dp/cell, pressure gauges, etc.): drain to the area requiring working
with gas masks. If these instruments are liquid and they are more than two meters high, vents must be
installed to the floor, as per the specification.
• Non-toxic products:
o High-capacity instruments: purge to the environment. Those that measure liquids and are more than
2 m away, lower and lead to the ground.
o Low-capacity instruments: purge to the environment.
• Hydrocarbon:
o High-capacity instrument: purges to the oil network.
o Low-capacity instruments: Hot products (understood to be those whose flash point is lower than the
temperature of the working point and can be lit upon being released into the atmosphere) are to be sent
to the oil network. Others, free.
Once the assembly of the primary connection to the instrument and/or equipment is complete, the installation
shall be insulated and vented to prevent it from being affected by hydraulic testing on process lines and/or


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The instrument piping pressure test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of point 5.7 “Hook-
Up Tests” in this specification.

3.8. Pneumatic connection

This includes laying the galvanized steel piping from the insulation valve of the main header
(piping/instrumentation limit) until distribution with copper tubing to feed the instruments, including the block
valves or distribution on the galvanized piping.
The pathways shall be established so that block valves are easily accessible, avoiding interference with other
Cabling shall not be carried out in areas near hot piping.
Connections between tubes shall be carried out with threaded sleeves, using Teflon to seal the thread.
On 90º curves a threaded elbow up to 2” can be used. For smaller sizes, the tube shall be bent cold with the
appropriate tools so that it is not strained.
The piping must be supported with clamps supplied by the Contractor. Clamps and fasteners shall be stainless
Exhaustive cleaning shall be carried out, removing any dirt or dust inside the piping and valves before they are
used for erection.
After erection, the subcollectors as well as the main header shall be blown with dry, filtered air from the
appropriate source. First, the main header shall be blown for at least 6 hours. During this blowing process
the valves of the subcollectors shall be blocked. The subcollectors shall then be blown, starting with those
closest to the main header’s start-up point. Subcollector blowing time shall depend on their path and length. In
all cases, the indications of the Owner's Representative shall be followed.

3.8.1. Copper tube for pneumatic connections

The copper tube shall be 6 mm OD or ¼” and shall be covered with black PVC tubing.
The copper tube to supply the air shall be hung over the tray, tele-rail, or any other support, and affixed with
perforated stainless steel tape. Only in cases where they coincide with the pathway of the air subcollectors
may they be supported on them.
Only unsupported copper sections shall be allowed on connection terminals to instruments.
Each connection section in copper tubing must be hardened by drafting and cleaned before being used in the
The copper tube ends must be flared and never filed.
Splicing shall be carried out with compression fittings. They must be separated from the tray for best placement.
When a brass connector is assembled over the tube, the correct penetration of the tubing olives as well as its
connector must be checked in order to perfectly tighten and close it.
Connectors must be perfectly tightened in order to prevent leakage, paying special attention in torques on
instruments to prevent damaging their connections. The torque shall be done with the correct size open-end
wrench and the use of adjustable wrenches is prohibited.
The cutting and bending of the tube must be done with the tools specified for this task, and cutting with saws or
bending by hand are prohibited.
The assemblers who connect the tubing must be specialized in this type of work, demonstrating their specialty
with a certificate of the courses they've done with specialized companies or on the work carried out.
Cabling near connections to instruments, filters, valves, etc. shall be done so that they are flexible to absorb
expansion, vibration, and so that they can be easily disassembled, with kinks.


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3.9. Instrument installation

Flanged components shall be installed by others.

All instruments must have a visible identification plate, as per standard drawing PE-J-1700.02 “Instrument
Identification Plate.”
During erection, the Contractor shall take care to protect the equipment from rainwater and dew, and said
equipment must be uncovered with provisional protections for this purpose, and in the vent that they contain
water for any reason, it must adequately dry and clean them.

3.9.1. Differential pressure transmitters and pressure transmitters

The erection of the instrument includes its support, the connecting of the principal tapping to process and the
connecting of the signal cable.
Principal tapping shall be connected according to the process connection assembly diagrams (standard
drawings associated with specification ED-J-17.00 “Instrument Assembly” and its addenda), and considering
the specifications of point 3.7 “Connections to Process” in this specification.

3.9.2. Pressure gauges

This includes the assembly of the pressure gauge at the tap, both for local and remote assembly.
They shall be assembled following the process instrument connection diagrams.
The erection shall normally be direct, vertical, oriented toward the place of operation, above the piping or
equipment as long as it is accessible for reading and does not vibrate excessively. It can also be remote,
supporting the pressure gauge on a flat surface or an appropriate support.
When the pressure gauges are tightened, no stress should be put on the box thereof in order to avoid
damaging it. All the torque stress shall be made on the connection spigot using an open-end wrench.
Welding shall not be done on the connection spigot.

3.9.3. Pressure switches

This includes assembly of the pressure switch and connecting the cable.
Where necessary they shall be assembled on supports appropriate for each type of pressure switch. The
location shall be chosen so that they can be easily adjusted.
A Molykote lubricant or similar product, approved by the Owner's Representative, shall extend in the threading
on the bonnets so as to prevent seizing up. It shall not be used on anti-explosion devices.

3.9.4. Instruments with capillaries

The Contractor shall apply the installation criteria recommended by the instrument’s manufacturer.
The capillary shall be affixed to a metal support (tray, telerail, etc.) and shall be well affixed until its connection
to the receiving component. The pathway must be chosen so that it is compatible with the length and ensure
the utmost mechanical protection. The capillaries shall go together and be protected from the sun.
The capillary regulators and membrane shall be disassembled and shall not be installed until pressure testing
and water flushing have been carried out.

3.9.5. Sheath, sheath with thermocouple or dial thermometers

Erection of the sheath to install a thermocouple or dial thermometer shall be done by others. The Contractor
shall install the thermostats, thermometers, or thermocouples on the sheaths.
The thermocouples and thermometers shall have a stainless steel identification card or tape installed on them.
The thermometers shall be oriented so that they are visible from the places of operation associated with them.


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Sheaths or thermowells that are not used must have a bung or flange installed on them.
Pad temperature transmitters may be used on the thermocouple head or conventional transmitters may be
used, in which case they shall be installed on a support like the other transmitters, and it is the Contractor’s
responsibility to connect the compensating cable from the thermocouple head to the transmitter and the signal
cable to the field box. This transmitter shall be installed near the control valve (TV) associated when it is part of
a loop.

3.9.6. Liquid/magnetic level gauges

Erection of the gauge on the corresponding taps shall be carried out by others. They shall be assembled as
indicated in the corresponding diagrams (installation drawings). And they shall be oriented so that they are
visible from the place of operation associated with them.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to check that the instrument was correctly assembled and connected
to the grid, as per the documentation from the engineering company.

3.9.7. Displacer level, radars, and guided wave

Assembly of the gage on the corresponding taps shall be carried out by others. The head shall be oriented so
as to facilitate operation and subsequent maintenance.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to check that the instrument was correctly assembled and connected
to the grid, as per the documentation from the engineering company. The same shall hold for pneumatic
connection, where applicable, which shall be carried out in accordance with the corresponding diagrams, with
the recommendations made in the section on copper tube and air supply piping being valid.
It should be checked that the field of instrument measurement is within the requirements in the vessel.
The transport brakes shall be removed at the time of precalibration.

3.9.8. Tank gauges

The erection of the gauge and its accessories on vessels or storage tanks, except resistance thermometers
and local indicators on the berm, shall be carried out by others.
Connection to the grid shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, as per the documentation from the
engineering company.
In the assembly of float gauges, it shall be checked that the guiding tubes of the tape are perfectly aligned and
affixed to the storage tank. It shall also be checked that the tape is perfectly in line with the pulleys, and that
the float slides perfectly with the guiding cables, which must be perfectly vertical and tense.
The erection of the special gauges, such as ultrasonic sensors, capacitive sensors, etc. shall be done in
accordance with the instructions of the equipment manufacturer, which shall come with the shipment. The
Contractor shall perform all the necessary connections.
Servomechanism and radar gauges shall be installed on the storage tanks with flanges, by others. The
Contractor shall connect the cables in accordance with the indications of the corresponding diagrams, including
the data transmission cables.

3.9.9. Level switches

Switches shall be erected on the vessel by others.

Connection to the grid shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, as per the documentation from the
engineering company.
It shall be checked that they have been erected in such a way that does not block the passage of stairways,
platforms, or walkways.


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3.9.10.I/P and P/I converters

They shall be installed as close as possible to the valve (I/P) or pneumatic transmitter (P/I).
Pneumatic and electrical connection shall be carried out as per the indications of the corresponding diagrams.

3.9.11.Local instrumentation and accessories

This includes the assembly and connection of local sensors or regulators and other accessory instruments
such as solenoid valves, limit contacts, pneumatic boosters, etc.
For their location and connection, the recommendations established for the other instruments in this
specification shall be valid. In the case of doubt due to a particularity of an instrument or accessory lacking
erection instruments, the indications of the Owner's Representative shall be followed, in addition to the
recommendations of the manufacturer.
Solenoid and booster supports, signal limiters, etc. shall not be placed on regulator valves.

3.10. Instruments on the line

The assembly of instruments on the line such as: rotameters, volumetric counters, electromagnetic
measurement instruments, integral orifice transmitters, vortex flow meters, mass meters (Coriolis) and similar,
as well as motorized valves, shall be done by others, and the Contractor must check that they have been
assembled correctly. The Contractor must perform all electrical and/or pneumatic connections for these
Instruments on the line shall be monitored, as well as instrumentation associated with vessels not requiring
hook-up, to ensure that they are disassembled to conduct pressure testing and water flushing on the piping,
pursuant to section “Definition of Piping Circuits for Pressure Testing” in specification EC-B-51.00.

3.10.1.Control and shut off valves

The Contractor shall verify proper erection of the control valves on the piping, which shall have been performed
by others.
In the event that the control valve is disassembled for line water flushing, the Contractor shall check said valve
after reassembling it.
The Contractor shall carry out pneumatic and electrical connection of the control valves with their pneumatic
positioners, solenoid valves, and anything necessary to ensure the valve is fully operable.
Pneumatic connections as well as the electrical connection of the electro-pneumatic positioners shall be
performed as indicated in this specification.
If the solenoid valves have a manual reset, they must be easily accessible from the ground or platform.
If regulator valves have accessories such as wheels, positioners, local regulators, or similar, before performing
the connection, the Contractor shall orient them as per the engineering company’s indications in the mock-up
in order to facilitate maintenance and operation.

3.10.2.Orifice plates

Orifice plates shall be erected by others, but never before the water flushing of the process line has been
carried out. Meanwhile, plates more than 9 mm thick shall be replaced by a spacer of the corresponding
thickness, in order to guarantee the appropriate space for the subsequent installation of the plate.
During mechanical assembly, before the definitive welding of the orifice flanges, proper orientation of the
flanges and the taps should be checked.
The Contractor must check that the plates are properly assembled in accordance with the direction of flow.


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3.11. Analyzers

Erection and connection of the analyzers and their sample collection systems shall be carried out in
accordance with the drawings and diagrams pursuant to specification ED-J-07.00 “Process Analyzer Systems”
and standard drawing PE-L-0100.33 “Connection for the Collection of Smoke Samples.”
They shall be assembled in accordance with the general recommendations and diagrams of the analyzer
manufacturer, as well as the indications of the Owner's Representative. The above sections of this specification apply.

3.12. Local panels

The Contractor shall assemble the local panels according to existing drawings and diagrams, unless the
Owner's Representative determines otherwise should be done as they are equipment supplied and assembled
by others. The provisions of specification ED-J-09.00 “Local Field Panels” shall be considered.
Panels shall be anchored to frames or soleplate. With regard to connections, the provisions of the points above in this
specification shall apply.

3.13. Steam tracing

When instruments are placed at least 0.5 m of the main pipe, their tracing shall be included in the piping tracer.
Otherwise, they shall be connected to an independent tap of the steam manifold and condensate manifold.
The Contractor shall install steam tracing on instruments requiring it that cannot be included in the piping
tracer. This installation shall be considered to go from the tap on the steam station, to its return to the
condensate station including the support thereof. The Contractor shall be responsible for installing the tubing
for steam tracing on the principal tappings of process connection.
Stainless steel tubing shall be used pursuant to specification ED-L-03.01 “Steam Tracing Piping and
Tubing pathways shall be made so that they offer the largest possible contact surface with taps or instruments
in order to supply them with the greatest amount of heat.
Trace tubing shall be conveniently affixed to the taps or instruments with stainless steel wire.
On instruments that have purges in measurement chambers, they must remain accessible, avoiding placing
tubes in front of them.
The tube shall have the shape that does not constrict due to bending or pinching, which hinder the passage of
Steam tracing shall preferably be placed at the back and shall be carried out according to the corresponding

3.14. Local electronic indicators (milliammeters)

This includes assembly of the indicator on the support and connecting the cable.
The support shall be required because of the shape of the indicator, and the indications above with regard to
building and painting shall be followed.
It shall be placed next to the control valve, attempting to use the same support as the associated transmitter,
where possible. It shall be oriented toward the corresponding control valve.

3.15. Telematics. Voice and data

In general, the corresponding installation shall be carried out in accordance with the designs of the engineering
company, considering the provisions of the Owner’s design specifications.


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For assembly in the field, the following standard drawings should be considered: PE-V-0100.01 “Security
System Symbols,” PE-V-0100.02 “Sample Diagram Drawing,” PE-V-0100.03 “Sample Connection Diagram
Drawing,” PE-V-0100.04 “Mechanical Cabinet Assembly,” PE-V-0100.05 “Field Sensor Connection
Components,” PE-V-0100.06 “Connection of Field Shut Off Components. Electromechanical Lock Connection,”
PE-V-0100.07 “Connection of Passive Field Components. Port Connections,” PE-V-0300.01 “Sample
Perimeter Fence Drawing,” PE-V-0700.01 “Sample Door and Island Drawings for Cars, Vans, and Trucks.”
The provision of the equipment part of this set shall be agreed with the Client before installation. In the case of
security elements, the installation shall be done with minimum requirements with regard to exposure to
intentional or accidental physical force.
Wherever possible, all outboard cabling shall be brought through the previously enabled pathways, with the
instrumentation cables and separate from electrical cabling. Cabling shall be done as discretely as possible.
The cabling criteria used for instrumentation shall apply.
Inboard cabling shall be brought through rack gutters in a structured fashion. Loops shall be left under the raise
access floor, never in distribution gutters. Cable stripping shall be done inside the gutters, even before the
threads are shunted. The threads shall be guided through the grooves of the gutters, without forcing them, in
an orderly fashion.
If there is no other indication, the labeling of the cables shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of
standard drawing PE-V-0100.01, with the Brady TLS2200 labeling equipment or similar. The label must be
fitted and thermally affixed to the cable covering without any gaps and without flapping.

3.16. Control rooms and rack rooms

This includes the assembly of panels and cabinets or consoles in the control room, work for which the
provisions of the equipment room layout drawings shall be followed, laying multicables from the field and
interconnection cables and/or multicables between the panels and cabinets, as well as connecting them.
The Contractor must protect the panels and cabinets from dirt, dust, water, etc. both during its storage and
transport and when they are installed in the control room.
Cabinet frames and trays under the raised access floor may be installed by others, and it is the Contractor’s
responsibility to make any necessary modifications, with prior authorization from the Owner.
Grounding of the cabinets and panels shall be done as indicated in the corresponding drawing.
The room shall be locked to restrict access to only authorized personnel. The Owner shall determine the
number of keys and people who should have them.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain the room clean and free of outside materials.


4.1. Considerations on welding

The requirements set forth in this regard in the following specifications shall apply: EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and
Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.02 “Precasting and Assembling Stainless Steel Alloy Piping,” in
the chapters “Preparation of Welding” and “Welding.”
Additionally, the following points shall be taken into account:
• Presentation:
Bridge welding shall not be used on orifice flanges with short nipple fittings. Provisionally, stiffeners shall be
installed at the 60x60 angle base that shall straighten the set of the taps with the main piping.
In process taps where vibration is expected, the nipple and SW valve shall be replaced with API-602
elongated by ¾” or 1”, as indicated in the standard drawings PE-L-0100.31 “Construction Details for
Common Piping and Instrument Assembly,” and this shall be reported to Detail Engineering.

4 WELDING © REPSOL S. A. Madrid, 2019

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• Type of welding accepted:

Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW).
Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding (GTAW), without backing gas, for carbon steel and with backing gas for
stainless steel.
• Provided materials:
For carbon steel (piping material specifications H-2 and H-4, standard drawings PE-L-0207.02 and PE-L-
0207.04, respectively) the materials provided shall be bare ASME SFA-5.18 and AWS-ER-70S4/ER-
70S5/ER-70S6 rods and SFA-5.1 and AWS-E7015/16/18 coated electrodes.
For AISI-316L stainless steel (piping material specifications UXH-3 and UXH-5, standard drawings PE-L-
0207.03 and PE-L-0207.05, respectively) the materials provided shall be bare ASME SFA-5.9 and AWS-
ER-316L rods and SFA-5.4 and AWS-E-316L-15/16/17 coated electrodes.

4.2. Heat treatment

Welds to plugs of the carbon steel lines for caustic and amine services (MEA, DEA, etc.) and in general when
“NACE applies” is indicated in what is required relief of stress that shall be treated carrying out a heating with
blowtorch or resistance up to 620ºC, maintaining this temperature five minutes and proceeding to cool it with
They must use thermo-indicator pencils or pyrometers to check the preheating temperature. If thermo-indicator
pencils are used the marks they leave on the surfaces to be welded must be removed.
Stainless steel corresponding to the piping material specifications UXH-3 (standard drawing PE-L-0207.03)
and UXH-5 (standard drawing PE-L-0207.05) do not require preheating, but if the ambient temperature is lower
than 5ºC, at least a preheating as indicated in specification EC-L-51.02 must be carried out. If the ambient
temperature is less than 0ºC, the recommended preheating in the applicable code shall be obligatory.


5.1. Property inspector rights

The provisions set forth in this regard in the corresponding chapters of the following specifications shall apply:
EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling
Stainless Steel Alloy Piping.”

5.2. Contractor obligations

The Contractor shall be responsible for the inspection and eventual correction of the welds found to be
The provisions set forth in this regard in the corresponding chapters of the following specifications shall apply:
EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling
Stainless Steel Alloy Piping.”

5.3. Non-destructive examination. operational methods and applicable codes

5.3.1. Visual inspection

The provisions set forth in this regard in the corresponding chapters of the following specifications shall apply:
EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling
Stainless Steel Alloy Piping.”


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5.3.2. Hardness testing

The provisions set forth in this regard in the corresponding chapters of the following specifications shall apply:
EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling
Stainless Steel Alloy Piping.”

5.3.3. Liquid penetrant inspection

100% of the welds on instrument piping (hook-ups) must be inspected with this method.
The inspection shall include a section of base metal at least 25 mm wide on each side of the weld.
The operational methods shall be those indicated in the ASME V code. The liquid penetrants must comply with
the sulfur and halogen contents required in ASME V.

5.3.4. Radiographic testing

The operational method shall be that indicated in Article 2, Section V of the ASME code.
5% of connections to plug shall be x-rayed.
The requirements set forth in this regard in the following specifications shall apply: EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and
Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling Stainless Steel Alloy Piping,”
with regard to everything referring to Weld Control, Radiographic Examination Management, Radiographic
Safety, and Film Quality.

5.4. Inspection costs

The provisions set forth in this regard in the corresponding chapters of the following specifications shall apply:
EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling Carbon Steel Piping” and EC-L-51.01 “Precasting and Assembling
Stainless Steel Alloy Piping.”

5.5. Instrument precalibration

The Contractor shall precalibrate the instruments to be assembled in the project in accordance with the
provisions of the procedure in Annex II “Instrument Precalibration Procedure.”
Not only the field instruments are included in this test and precalibration, but also the instruments on the
control panel and control system or shutdown cabinets. Disassembly and assembly of these instruments on
panels and cabinets shall be exclusively carried out by the instrument markers who carry out precalibration
The Contractor must present a report on the instruments that are tested, such as transmitters, converters, panel
9a instruments, pressure gauges, solenoid valves, and control valves, rotameters, thermocouples, etc. indicating any
anomalies observed. Protocol DI-J.01 “Instrument Precalibration and Verification of Instrument Protocol” shall be used
for this (see paragraph 5.9 “Test protocols”).
The pattern instruments and the tools that are the minimum to be included in the precalibration laboratory are the
• 7 bar instrument air compressor.
• Pressure reducing driers and strainers for air and instrument supply.
• Master pressure gauges with scales in mm of Hg and bar. Minimum 2.
• Differential pressure gauge to the column of mm of H2O.
• Hydraulic scale for pressure instrument calibration up to 550 bars.
• Several master pressure gauges, ranging from 0-1.4 bar to 0-400 bar.
• Precision millivolt potentiometer for thermocouples.
• Calibration equipment for electronic instrumentation.


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• FLUKE or similar polymeter.

• MEGGER insulation resistance measurer.
• It shall have HART or fieldbus transmitters to check instruments with this type of communication.
• The use of multi-functional BEAMEX calibrators or similar shall be included.

5.6. Instrumentation cable testing

The kinds of tests and the phases in which the instrumentation Contractor must carry them out on the cables
laid or hung by it are listed below:
• Once the multicable has been cut and hung or laid, the soundness test thereof shall then be carried out,
which consists of stripping and connecting the tips of all the cables in the multicable into a harness and
checking whether there is continuity between the harness and the cable shield or mesh. If the multicable
does not have a shield, the test shall be carried out against the reinforcement.
• Once it has been successfully completed, the test shall be considered approved and it shall be recorded in
the boxes “cable soundness verification”: “loose ends” and “thread-mesh” of protocol DI-J.04 “Multicable
and Box Inspection Protocol”. This test shall not be necessary “thread-thread” and “reinforcement-shield.”
• In the event that the results of the test are unacceptable because a cable has been damaged, this thread to
thread test shall be carried out against the shield in order to identify which cable or cables are damaged.
Depending on the number of cables damaged, the multicable shall be removed and replaced with a new
one or spare cables shall be used.
• Before connecting the terminals, with the terminals disconnected, a continuity test of all the threads in the
multicable shall be carried out. This test shall be recorded in protocol DI-J.03 “Simple Cable Inspection
Protocol.” Once this has been carried out, each cable may be connected to its terminal board.
• Once the end cables have been connected, the definitive continuity test shall be carried out from the
terminal board. The result of this test shall be recorded in the box “cable-continuity” of the above-mentioned
protocol DI-J.04.
With regard to the simple instrumentation cables, the continuity test shall be carried out on its threads
(including the shield) immediately before connecting the cables, or after, depending on the wishes of the
Owner's Representative. This test shall be recorded in the “continuity” box of protocol DI-J.03 “Simple Cable
Inspection Protocol.”
9a To access to the referenced protocols, see paragraph 5.9 “Test protocols”.

5.7. Hook-up testing

Included in the erection work, pressure tests shall be carried out on all instrument piping.
For hydrostatic testing on principal tappings, the testing pressure of the process lines to which they shall be
connected shall be included.
In hydrostatic testing, the indications of the Owner's Representative shall be strictly followed.
Under exceptional circumstances, if the Owner's Representative indicates that the principal tappings of
instruments should be tested at the same time as the process piping, the instrument piping shall be included in
the corresponding process circuit, up to the shutoff valve closest to the instrument.
In any other case, the hook-up branch shall be tested separately from the connection of the instrument to the
root valve or block valve closest to the process piping. In certain situations, the Owner may authorize the
replacement of this hydrostatic test with an air leak test.
Hook-up testing, separate from the process lines associated, must be carried out by the instrumentation
Contractor in the presence of Quality Control and the Owner's Representative.
In these cases, the root valve shall always be closed, as the hydrostatic test on the process circuits on which
they are located is carried out by others.
Under no circumstances may sensors be connected when the hook-up test is carried out.


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Both during pressure testing and in water flushing on instrument lines, attention should be paid to ensure that
the flow is of the quality required and compatible with the final product (instrument air systems, plant air,
nitrogen, etc.). The testing and water flushing of stainless steel lines shall be carried out with demineralized
For hydrostatic tests, in the case of welded connections (root valve), the valve connected to the instrument
shall be opened and a bung shall be screwed on; in the event of a flanged connection, a blind disc shall be
installed; in the case of a manifold, the input and output valves shall be closed, and the equalizing valve for
both chambers shall be opened.
Pressurized water shall subsequently be injected to test the piping (value indicated by QC).
Once the testing pressure has been reached, the testers shall wait 10 minutes to see the result.
A Contractor representative and a QC representative shall verify the test is correct.
Finally, all the valves shall be closed except the equalizing valve for the processes with differential pressure
transmitters, and the instrument shall be assembled.
A similar procedure shall be followed, where applicable, in the case of analyzers and sampling.
As a record that the pressure test was carried out, the document attached in Annex III “Hook-Up Pressure
The documentation generated during these tests shall be delivered to the Instrumentation Manager by the
Owner's Representative for final filing in the deliverable dossier.
The instrument assembly documents shall be attached to the report, as well as the welder approval.

5.8. Loop tests

Loop tests shall be carried out as part of the installation’s pre-commissioning and shall include:
• Checking that the documentation associated with the loop is appropriate and available: this documentation
must include at least the loop diagram and all the functional and calibration data necessary to be able to
verify the functioning of the loop.
• Visually inspecting the loop components: in order to verify that the instruments are correct and that they
were installed pursuant to the corresponding documentation (diagrams and data).
o Checking proper installation of the flow valves and meters, in accordance with the direction of flow.
o Local instrumentation must be able to be read easily
o All loop components (including cabling, boxes, panels, cabinets, racks) must be accessible, properly
identified and installed, and guarantee proper maintenance.
o Cables must be clearly, unambiguously identified.
o Field components shall be appropriately protected against potential mechanical and environmental
o Instrument tubing and piping, pneumatic connection, and power supply shall also be checked to ensure
that they are properly installed and identified.
• Functional loop test:
When required, these tasks shall be performed under the direction of the Owner's Representative and
9a always under his/her orders.
Adequate functioning of the loop components must be verified individually and jointly, and their response in
the event of failure must also be tested.
The Owner's Representative shall have the authority to demand that the loops they consider relevant from
the process quality or safety standpoint be tested twice.


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o Analog closed loop: This loop corresponds to the transmitter/automatic valve set. In order to run it, the
signal shall be injected into the transmitter, verifying that the signal reaches the operator’s screen in the
control room with the appropriate TAG, manipulation of the output variable checking that the automatic
valve moves within the loop’s adjusted margins and tuning, adjusting the corresponding variables on the
controller. The simulation of alarms in the analog signal and verification on the DCS or PLC is also
included within the scope of this work (if required). The verification of the loop includes the verification of
proper instrument functioning.
o Open loop only analog input: (only transmitter) consists of signal injection into the transmitter and
checking that it reaches the operator's screen in the control room with the appropriate tag. The
simulation of alarms in the analog signal and verification on the DCS or PLC is also included within the
scope of this work (where required). The verification of the loop includes the verification of proper
instrument functioning.
o Open loop only analog output: (only valve) consists of manipulating the output variable ensuring that the
automatic valve moves within the adjusted margins. The verification of the loop includes the verification
of proper instrument functioning.
o Open loop only digital input: Consists in the simulation of the signal in the instrument and verifying the
change of status of said instrument on the control panel. The verification of the loop includes the
verification of proper instrument functioning. Alarm signals on PLC from DCS shall also be considered
digital input loops.
o Open loop only digital output: Consists in the simulation of the signal on the control system and verifying
the arrival of voltage to the final element (solenoid valve, burner, CCM, etc.). The verification of the loop
includes the verification of proper instrument functioning.

9a 5.9. Test protocols

The Contractor shall record all tests carried out with the complete data on the readings taken, which shall be
incorporated into a testing protocol for each part or piece of equipment tested. To do this, the formats set forth
in specification EC-A-50.00 “Pre-commissioning and commissioning test protocols”.
• DI-I.02a Protocol for verification of Fire & Gas (pre-commissioning)
• DI-I.03a Protocol for verification of the PLC/SCD/F&G systems (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.01 Protocol for pre-calibration and verification of instruments (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.03 Inspection protocol for single core cables (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.04 Inspection protocol for multicables and boxes (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.05 Verification protocol for orifice plates and restriction orifices (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.08 Test protocol for control valves, 2-way valves, and bottom valves (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.09a Protocol for verification of analyzer system and analyzer site (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.10a Protocol for verification of electronic scales (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.11 Protocol to monitor weight and checklist for safety valves (pre-commissioning)
• DI-J.12 Protocol to verify the integrity of skin points before H.T. on fired heaters/steam boilers (pre-
• DI-V.01a Telematics protocol (pre-commissioning)
And in the following appendixes of the specification ED-I-04.03 "Instrumented safety systems (SIS). Standard
procedure for site acceptance, testing and validation":
• ED-I-04.03 - Appendix II Inventory check
• ED-I-04.03 - Appendix III Mechanical inspection
• ED-I-04.03 - Appendix IV Wiring and termination inspection


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6.1. Tray installation

The trays shall be certified by linear meters actually installed, including in said measurement elbows, junctions,
reductions, and any other accessory both if it is supplied by the Owner or by the Contractor.
Reductions shall include the linear meters equivalent to the thinnest tray.
Up to a tray width of 300 mm for drawing changes, whose completion only requires cutting the wing and folding
the tray, shall be considered included in the unit price of tray assembly.
When the use of accessories is necessary, the work shall be paid as per the following table bearing in mind
that only separate elements, which, provided by Repsol or manufactured by the Contractor, are elbows, t
junctions, crosses, or reductions shall be inserted in the two or more straight sections of tray to provide the
section with continuity. Lines shall be considered part of tray installation.
Drawing/direction changes, No accessory 1 N/A
≤ 100
By cutting wings, no
Junctions or crosspieces 2 Included in ml tray assembly
With accessory
Drawing/direction changes, Manufacturing and erection
manufactured for the 3 and 4
removals, reductions, included in ml tray assembly
200 same section as the tray
By cutting wings, no
Junctions or crosspieces 3 Included in ml tray assembly
With accessory
Drawing/direction changes, Manufacturing and erection
manufactured for the 3 and 4
removals included in ml tray assembly
same section as the tray
Changes of direction,
Accessory supplied by Assembly included in ml tray
≥ 300 junctions, crosspieces,
Repsol assembly
ONLY junctions, crosspieces, Accessory manufactured Manufacturing unit prices as
and reductions with a larger section than per contract. Assembly
(NO changes of direction) the tray included in ml tray assembly


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The tray erection unit price shall not increase because the layout thereof must adapt to a circular or curved
The Contractor shall create isometric drawings for all lay outs that cannot be measured on drawings from the
Engineering Company.

6.2. Tray or box support

The supports for the channels to be installed shall be included, approx. every 1.5 m, to transfer the weight of
the tray to the structure or bearing element.
The tray assembly unit price shall include the support that shall be created with channels up to L-80x8 or UPN-
Superior channels or channels for another function must be authorized prior to assembly by the Owner's
Representative. In addition, in order to measure and pay for the channels above 80, the Contractor must
present sketches with manufacture authorization from the Supervisor and their approval of the assembly. The
prices agreed upon in the contract shall be paid for the supply, precasting, and assembly of the structure,
minus the weight of the distance equal to 80 channels. With regard to the weight of the steel, the indications of
the Owner's Representative shall be followed.
In the event there is support by modular galvanized channels, the unit price of tray assembly shall include the
fully completed support, i.e., both the rails and the connection components, accessories, or special parts and
the repair of the surface in cutting areas.
The provisions of the paragraphs above shall equally apply for support of boxes.

6.3. Conduit tube installation

The conduit tube shall be certified by linear meter, based on the sketch prepared by the Contractor and
approved by the Owner's Representative. The unit price stated in the contract shall be paid and shall include
the proportional share of bending, accessories, and support required.


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The Contractor shall supply Hylotyte compound, insulating tape, tin, support tools, staples, clamping strips, etc.
The Owner shall supply the conduit and connecting parts thereof, unless stated otherwise in the priced bill of

6.4. Installation of boxes with their support

Boxes shall be certified by unit and this shall be included in the assembly prices, as well as the supply,
precasting, assembly of the support pursuant to point 6.2 Tray, Box, and Switchboard Support, the anchor
materials, and the installation of the box therein.

6.5. Laying and hanging cables and multicables

Cables shall be certified by linear meter based on the trench and tray drawings where they are assembled
when they are laid out or sketched by the Contractor to certify the tray or conduit lay outs.
Cables included in other unit prices such as the cable to be installed between the motorized valve and the
junction box to the bus shall not be included or certified under this chapter.

6.6. Connecting cables and multicables

Connecting cables and multicables shall be certified per tip, i.e., a unit price including the preparation of tips,
adjustment, and installation of each fastener (glands in the field or clamps in cabinets), connecting all the
conductors and all the operations necessary for completion.

6.7. Principal tappings of instruments

The completion of principal tappings shall be paid per hook-up unit, based on the number of transmitter taps
(one or two taps) and the kind of material (Cu/Stainless piping or tubing). Specific prices have also been
defined for completion of the principal tappings with steam traps and an iris and capillary system.
The unit price shall include installation and support of the taps from the root valve (assembled by others) to the
manifold, following one of the Owner’s standard diagrams for connection to process. With regard to
connections, the hook-up price only includes the completion of the connection to the root valve, as the
connection of the manifold shall be paid in the unit price of assembly of the corresponding instrument.
Although an approximate measurement of the length of piping to be installed appears in the standard diagram
for connection to process, the real measurement may be larger or smaller than said estimate. The actual length
installed shall be paid and no Contractor claims arising from differences with said measurement shall be

6.8. Assembly of piping/tubing for other uses

The purpose of the piping installation rates per linear meter in the price list is to pay out the potential
prolongations of air collectors or subcollectors needed by the Contractor in the assembly of instrumentation, as
a result of the need to feed new consumption points far from the existing collectors. These prices shall not
apply for any other purpose.
The Contractor shall be responsible for installing the stainless steel tubing for steam tracing on the principal
tappings of process connection. To do this, it shall pay a price per ml, including the supply and installation of
tubing, the proportional share of bending, supply, and installation of compression fittings, supply and
installation of material for affixing to the line to be traced and completion of the connection on the trace piping
of the main line (installed by others). The price shall include all operations necessary to leave the installation
ready for subsequent insulation.


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6.9. Instrument installation

The following differentiation is made in this section:

• Self-supporting instruments: Are instruments to be installed on direct connection to the piping. For
temperature instruments, in addition to the placement of the instrument, the unit price shall include the
setting of the thermowell on the connection in the event it was not set by others.
• Instruments on metal supports: The corresponding unit price shall include the support and assembly of the
support, affixing the instrument on the metal support, and the manifold connections both with the transmitter
and the principal tappings of process connection. The completion of hook-up and electrical connection are
not included in said price.
In both cases, the unit prices shall not include the execution of instrument connection.

6.10. Instrument precalibration

Precalibration of all instruments, both if their assembly is included in the Contractor’s scope and if they are
assembled by others, shall be included in the Contract prices.

6.11. Loop tests

The loop test shall be certified by unit, according to the type of loop defined in point 5.8 “Loop Tests” and
according to the price list.

6.12. Inboard switchboard assembly

When the design of the base of the switchboard is of sheet metal, the assembly unit price shall include the
adaptation of said sheet metal to the definitive routing of cables.
The assembly unit price of the switchboard shall generally include provisional covering (and subsequent
uncovering) of the openings for cable pathways to cabinets, in order to prevent dirt from reaching the definitive
When cabinets are assembled due to modifications to the existing substation or control room, the cost of
adapting the associated raised access floor shall be considered included in the price of manufacturing and
assembling the corresponding metal frame.

6.13. Inspection and Testing

The cost of all tests required by this specification is included in the Contract prices.


7.1. Repsol standards and technical specifications

7.1.1. Construction specifications

9a EC-A-50.00 Pre-commissioning and commissioning test protocols

EC-B-51.00 Pressure Testing Piping and Equipment in the Field
EC-B-53.00 Application of Paint
EC-L-51.01 Precasting and Erection of Carbon Steel Piping


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EC-L-51.01 Precasting and Erection of Stainless Steel Alloy Piping

7.1.2. Design specifications

9a ED-I-04.03 Instrumented safety systems (SIS). Standard procedure for site acceptance, testing and
ED-J-07.00 Process Analyzer Systems
ED-J-09.00 Local Field Panels
ED-J-13.00 Electrical Connection of Instruments
ED-J-17.00 Instrument Assembly
ED-L-03.01 Steam Tracing of Piping and Instruments
ED-N-02.00 Passive Anti-Fire Protection of Structures, Equipment, and Cable Trays
ED-V-01.00 Comprehensive Security Systems
ED-V-02.00 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System
ED-V-03.00 Anti-Intrusion System
ED-V-05.00 Emergency and Voice Evacuation System Public Address System
ED-V-07.00 Access Control System

7.1.3. Supplier specifications

ES-R-01.00 Raised Access Floor. HILTI MQ Channel System

7.1.4. Standard drawings

PE-B-0600.01 Paint Systems

PE-J-1300.03 Ducts for Instrument Cables - Trench Type Section
PE-J-1302.01 Examples of assembly of trays to junction boxes in pillars
PE-J-1700.01 Standard Supports for Instruments
PE-J-1700.02 Instrument Identification Plate
PE-L-0100.33 Connection for Smoke Sample Taps
PE-L-0207.02 Piping Class "H-2"
PE-L-0207.03 Piping Class "UXH-3"
PE-L-0207.04 Piping Class "H-4"
PE-L-0207.05 Piping Class "UXH-5"
PE-P-0100.03 Power and Control
PE-V-0100.01 Security System Symbols
PE-V-0100.02 Typical Conceptual Drawings
PE-V-0100.03 Typical Connection Drawings
PE-V-0100.04 Mechanical Mounting of Cabinets
PE-V-0100.05 Field Sensor Devices Electric Connection
PE-V-0100.06 Field Lock Devices Electric Connection Electromechanical Lock Connection
PE-V-0100.07 Field Door Devices Electric Connection Port Connections
PE-V-0300.01 Perimetral Fence


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PE-V-0700.01 Field Door Devices Electric Connection - Door Connections

7.2. Globally and nationally relevant codes and standards

7.2.1. Globally relevant regulations

• ANSI/ISA-62382 (IEC 62382 Modified) Automation Systems in the Process Industry – Electrical &
Instrumentation Loop Check
• Other prestigious international standards usually applicable in the region or country where the work is
carried out.

7.2.2. National/local regulations

Local regulations and legislation of the country or geographical area where the work discussed in this
specification is carried out, as applicable to the execution thereof.




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X I-09a.xls

See attached file EC-J-51.00-APPENDIX I-09a.xls

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This procedure shall apply to the precalibration of instruments, control valves, motorized valves where
applicable, PSVs, analyzers, and local control panels.
This procedure supplements, develops, and in no way contradicts or replaces the activities that must be
9a recorded in the test protocols tests referred to in this specification (see section 5.9 "Test protocols").

Temperature instruments:
a) Thermometers shall be calibrated in the Contractor’s laboratory using a controlled temperature bath at the
indicated temperature.
b) Transmitters shall be checked at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% range. The temperature set point shall be
adjusted on thermostats and the action and difference shall be checked. The indicators shall be checked to
see the range on those that have been calibrated.
c) The type, polarity, insulation, and status of hot welding, where applicable, shall be verified on
thermocouples. Once they are assembled, the thermocouples shall be checked to ensure they reach the
bottom of the sheath.
d) Resistance temperature detectors shall be calibrated with a precision decade box.

Pressure Instruments:
a) Transmitters shall be checked at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% range. The set point shall be adjusted on
pressure switches and the action and difference shall be checked. Remote indicators shall be checked to
see the range on the ones that have been calibrated. Pressure shall be simulated with a certified master
b) Capillary pressure transmitters shall be checked and recalibrated with the diaphragm at ambient
temperature. The appropriate flanges must be used for the connections and pressure simulation.
c) Draft gauges or transmitters for ullaging shall be calibrated using a water column.

a) Meters such as radars, ultrasonic sensors, and capacitive sensors shall be checked in the laboratory as per
the manufacturer’s instructions wherever possible. Remote indicators shall be checked to ensure that the
range is 0-100%.
b) Transmitter levels and radars, where applicable, shall be calibrated by filling the chamber with
uncontaminated storm water and measuring the level with a transparent vinyl tube. Once the calibration is
completed, the density shall be adjusted.
c) The status of the sheets, glass, alarm points, where applicable, valves, lighting systems, etc. shall be
checked on water and magnetic gauges.
d) The action spots on float, vibration, capacity, and conductivity switches shall be checked based on their
measuring principle, adjusting it and verifying action.

Flow instruments:
a) For instruments such as Coriolis, vortex, thermal dispersion, etc., calibration shall be carried out after they
were assembled by others and following the manufacturer’s instructions.
b) Remote indicators shall be checked to see the range on the ones that have been calibrated.
c) All transmitters in which the flow meter is a differential pressure flow meter shall be checked based on the
test protocols.

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Control valves:
a) All diaphragm or piston valves shall be pneumatically actuated with a pressure reducer and a precision
pressure gauge, ensuring that the action and range of the spring are in line with the nameplate.
b) The positioners shall be calibrated in accordance with the nameplate, ensuring the action during air failure
and the linearity of the set.
c) On wafer butterfly valves, it shall be verified that the internal disc moves freely and that its opening
corresponds with the action indicator.
d) The functioning and direction of rotation of motorized valves shall be checked.
e) All accessories (booster, solenoids, limits, etc.) shall be checked to ensure functionality.

Safety valves:
Both in safety valves and rupture discs, the control body shall check that the nameplate is in line with the data
The setting of the pressure safety valve (trip) after water flushing, prior to start-up shall be carried out by
others, in accordance with the provisions in this regard in specification EC-L-51.XX “Precasting and
Assembling Piping.” No action by the instrumentation contractor is required.

a) On ph, conductivity, dissolved O2, and similar analyzers the Contractor shall be responsible for checking
and calibrating the equipment with the appropriate products in accordance with manufacturer instructions.
b) On complex analytical equipment such as gas detectors and analyzer houses, calibration and
commissioning shall be done by the equipment supplier. Assisting the systems analyst during calibration
and commissioning under their leadership is within the Contractor’s scope.

Control panels:
The Contractor shall check all the cable, lamp, button, selector, etc. tags according to manufacturer
specifications and drawings, ensuring that they were not lost or damaged during transport.

Special instruments:
a) All instruments that were not listed in these sections shall be calibrated according to vendor instructions.
b) If technical assistance from the manufacturer is required, the Contractor must provide assistance for the
commissioning of the equipment, as it is within their contractual scope of technical assistance during
assembly and start-up.

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Legend of Appendix III: Hook-up pressure tests


Este certificado no libera al contratista de sus This certificate does not free the Contractor from the
obligaciones contractuales de la ficha técnica, contractual requirements of the technical datasheet,
especificaciones, etc. Pero confirma que la tarea ha specifications, etc. But confirms that the task has been
sido realizada de acuerdo con las condiciones done in accordance with the specified conditions and
especificadas y libera el hook-up. frees the hook-up.







SECC./Area: SECT./Area





2 2












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