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A. Research Design
This research will use the Quantitative Method, as Aliaga and Gunderson
(2002) described, is a research method that explains aims to understand a
particular issue or phenomenon by collecting data in numerical format and
analyzing it using mathematical techniques, specifically statistics, to
investigate the effectiveness of pop music on improving english pronunciation
skill for students. The research design will be a pre-experimental design,
specifically a one group pre-test post-test design.

B. Research Setting
The research will be conducted in a local high school setting, more
precisely in MA SMIP 1946 Banjarmasin on 19 February 2024 until 7 March

C. Research Variable
This study investigates the effectiveness of pop music as a pedagogical
tool to enhance English pronunciation in high school students. The independent
variable is the use of pop music in pronunciation instruction, while the
dependent variable is English pronunciation proficiency.
D. Population and Sample of Research
The target population will be students, specifically 3rd grade students.
This research will focus on a single group of participants with a sample size of
15 who will undergo both pre-test and post-test assessments. Because of the
small sample size, the researcher chose a census sampling method because this
aligns with the view of Fraenkel et al. (2012), who stated that "when the
population is small, it is often feasible to include everyone in the sample,
which eliminates sampling error and ensures that the findings are truly
representative of the population.".

E. Technique of Data Collection
Data will be collected using a pre-test and post-test design. The pre-test
will be administered at the beginning of the research to assess the initial
pronunciation skill of the participants. All the participants will be exposed to
pop music. After a period of time, the post-test will be conducted to measure
the pronunciation skill again.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Inferential statistics will be utilized to analyze the collected data.
Statistical tests, such as t-tests, will be employed to examine the significance of
differences in pronunciation skill on the group exposed to pop music.
According to Fiandini et al., (2024), Paired samples are the same subjects, but
experience different treatments. This different test model is used to analyze the
research model before and after. The formula that will be used is as follows:

𝑇= 𝑠
D = mean of the differences
D = standard deviation of the differences
n = sample size


In this chapter, we present the results of our study and provide a detailed analysis
of the data collected through a pre-test and post-test method. We begin by
summarizing the key findings, supported by visual aids such as tables and graphs.

A. Data Presentation
The effectiveness of pop music in improving english pronunciation on
students was demonstrated through the use of it in the teaching process. This
study aims to determine whether pop music can increase in post-test score of
the students. A total of fifteen students participated in this research.
To gain information whether pop music can increase the students’ post-test
score, the researcher conducted a pre-test on the students. After the pre-test
was conducted, the researcher administered a treatment to the students.
Following the treatments, the researcher then conducted a post-test. The
students’ fluency in pronouncing words is evaluated using three criteria which
are Articulation, Fluency and Accent.

1. Pre-Test Results
The pre-test was conducted on Monday, February 19, 2024. With
permission from the principal and the English teacher, the researcher
proceeded with the pre-test. The reason for this pre-test is to gauge the
students’ English-speaking skill, more precisely their pronunciation before
they were given treatment. The students’ pre-test results are shown below:

Ar Fl Ac Score
1. 17 25 23 65
2. 17 23 25 65
3. 15 25 30 70
4. 13 27 15 55
5. 20 22 25 67
6. 11 24 10 45
7. 17 24 29 70
8. 19 21 25 65
9. 17 15 8 40
10. 19 21 15 55
11. 21 13 5 40
12. 15 15 20 50
13. 18 22 15 55
14. 12 22 25 60
15. 9 15 25 50

In which:
Ar: Articulation
Fl: Fluency
Ac: Accent

2. Treatment Activities
On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the researcher started the initial
treatment with procedures as follows:
a. The researcher gave a greeting to the class.
b. Group prayer led by the class representative with help from the
c. Explaining what the researcher will do with the research.

d. Showing the first slides of a power point with pictures of animals to
warm up their vocals.
e. Play an ice breaking game in which if they lose, they have to
pronounce an animal correctly.
f. Starting the treatment with lyrics that have blanks in them while
listening to music that corresponds to the PowerPoint.
g. Filling in the blanks with music that is slowed down so they can learn
how to pronounce them.
h. Pronouncing the lyrics shown in the PowerPoint.

3. Post-Test Results
To find out whether the students’ pronunciation has improved after the
treatment using pop music, the researcher administered a post-test. The
post-test took place on Thursday, March 7, 2024. The difference between
the post-test and pre-test is that in the post-test, the students listened to
the pop music given to them at the pre-test, which is only the chorus, but
they must read the lyrics from the beginning to the first chorus. The
results of the post-test are as follows:

Ar Fl Ac Score
1. 25 25 25 75
2. 20 25 25 70
3. 20 30 30 80
4. 18 24 18 60
5. 23 27 25 75
6. 15 25 15 55
7. 21 25 33 80
8. 20 25 25 70
9. 20 21 14 55

10. 25 25 20 70
11. 22 17 16 55
12. 19 20 21 60
13. 20 25 20 65
14. 20 25 25 70
15. 13 22 25 65

Post- Gained
Students Pre-test
Test Score
Muhammad Hasbi Al Amidy 65 75 10
Muhammad Ridwan 65 70 5

Abdurasyid Siddiq 70 80 10

Alvin 55 60 5
Muhammad Reyvan Abashariyan 67 75 8
Rahmi 45 55 10
Siti Mahfujah 70 80 10
Mahda Hartina 65 70 5
Hafiz 40 55 15
Nur Regina 55 70 15
Dimas Saputra 40 55 15
Muhammad Fazil Amar 50 60 10
Mia Audina 55 65 10
Ahmad Nasrullah 60 70 10
Sofa Nabila 50 65 15
N 852 1005 153
Average 58,80 67 10,2
Max 70 80 15

4. Results of overall tests
To find out more detailed results, the researcher used SPSS (Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences) software and used precise paired t-test
procedure. The results are as follows:
The table above presents the results of the normality tests for both pre-
test and post-test scores.
a) Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
For the pre-test scores, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is .188 with
a significance level (p-value) of .160. For the post-test scores, the
statistic is .169 with a p-value of .200. Both p-values are greater than
the threshold of .05, indicating that the data do not significantly
deviate from a normal distribution.
b) Shapiro-Wilk Test
The Shapiro-Wilk test results show a statistic of .921 for the pre-
test scores with a p-value of .201, and a statistic of .922 for the post-
test scores with a p-value of .203. Similar to the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test, both p-values exceed .05, suggesting that the data are
normally distributed.
In summary, the results of both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
Shapiro-Wilk tests indicate that the pre-test and post-test scores are
normally distributed. This normality supports the validity of further
statistical analyses, such as the paired samples t-test, to compare the
effectiveness of using pop music in improving English pronunciation
skills among high school students.

The table shows a paired sample statistics data that describes
paired sample statistics that illustrate the differences in students'
speaking skills when implementing pop music versus not using it.
The data encompasses multiple measures of central tendency,
dispersion, and error. As shown in the table, students'
pronunciation skills improved after using pop music, with the mean
score increasing from 56.80 in the pre-test to 67.00 in the post-test.
With the acknowledgable decrease in standard deviation, as shown
in before utilizing pop music with 10.248 and after utilizing pop
music with 8.619, this means that there is considerable
improvement in students’ pronunciation skill.

The correlation between the pre-test and post-test scores is

remarkably high, with a correlation coefficient (r) of .943. This
value indicates a very strong positive relationship between the
scores before and after the intervention with pop music. This high
correlation value (.943) demonstrates that students who performed
well on the pre-test tended to show significant improvement on the
post-test. Furthermore, those with lower pre-test scores also
showed improvement, but the pattern of high correlation indicates
consistent gains across the board.

The table shown here indicates a significant improvement
in students' pronunciation skills after using pop music. Specifically,
the mean difference in scores between the pre-test and post-test is -
10.200. This negative value suggests that post-test scores are
higher than pre-test scores, indicating improvement.
The standard deviation of 3.570 shows some variability in
the improvement levels among students. However, the standard
error mean of 0.922 suggests that the estimate of the mean
difference is precise.
The 95% confidence interval for the mean difference ranges
from -12.177 to -8.223, meaning we can be 95% confident that the
true mean difference in pronunciation skills falls within this range.
The interval does not include zero, reinforcing the significance of
the improvement.
The t-value of -11.067, with 14 degrees of freedom, is
significantly large, and the p-value is less than .001. This p-value is
well below the conventional threshold of 0.05, indicating that the
observed improvement is statistically significant.

B. Discussion
The results of this study indicate that the use of pop music significantly
improves high school students' English pronunciation skills. Students were
asked to read the lyrics of a song as a part of the post-test. After that, the
researcher used SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to examine
the students’ test results. Research using SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences) showed a statistically significant improvement in English
pronunciation abilities. The paired samples t-test showed a mean difference of
-10.200 between the pre-test and post-test scores, with a standard deviation of

3.570 and a standard error mean of 0.922. The 95% confidence interval for the
mean difference ranged from -12.177 to -8.223, and the t-value was -11.067
with 14 degrees of freedom. The 2-tailed significance value was less than
0.001, indicating a highly significant result. Additionally, the tests of
normality, including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests,
confirmed that both pre-test and post-test scores were normally distributed,
with p-values greater than .05.
The class showed better preparation for the test after using pop music as
a learning tool. Students who engaged with pop music reported higher levels
of motivation to improve their English pronunciation skills. This approach to
classroom instruction appears to effectively keep students engaged and
motivated throughout the learning process.


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