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11 AHSS – Term 3 (2023-2024)

Introduction to Business – Worksheet
1. Practice Multiple choice questions from given links:

2. Define the following terms:

A. Interest
B. Consumer credit
C. Warranty
D. Debtor, creditor
E. Credit rating
F. Collateral
G. Trade laws
3. Long questions:
A. Benefits of consumer credit (any three)
B. Who use credit – commercial, individual & federal government
C. Laws related to workplace – price discrimination, fair packaging labeling act, uniform
commercial code (UCC)
D. Purpose of advertisement
E. Factors of interest rate (three)
F. Types of loan (three)
G. Types of cards – single purpose, multi-purpose, travel and entertainment cards
H. Types of warranties – limited, full and express
I. Different length of time for obtaining loan
J. Factors of using credit

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