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Chapter 1



Teaching is a noble profession that shapes a person's character, caliber, and future.

(Abdul Kalam A.P.J.)1. Teaching is the noblest of all professions because all professionals

received their education from a teacher. Additionally, it is a process (Aguilar, Lea J & Santos,

Julieto D., 2018)2 for educating the next generation of skilled professionals and workers such as

politicians, engineers, doctors, police officers, priests, educators, legislators, and good citizens.

Pre-service teacher education programs strive to prepare graduates to be effective

teachers equipped with the pedagogical practices necessary to meet the increasing demands of

the teaching profession. Over the last decade, education has placed a greater emphasis on

developing high-quality teachers (Mergler, Amanda G. and Spooner-Lane, Rebecca, 2012)3.


In order to execute this investigation, the researcher reviewed some relevant research

works and studies.

Understanding the factors that contribute to being a successful teacher can influence the

selection and preparation of pre-service teachers, as well as the outcomes of students in their

classroom. A study conducted by Corcoran, R. P., and O'Flaherty, J. (2018) 9, used teacher

performance rankings derived from classroom observations to investigate factors that may

contribute to differences in levels of teacher performance. The prior teaching performance of

pre-service teachers, as well as their personality characteristics and previous academic

achievement, were evaluated as predictors of their future teacher performance. The findings of
this study indicated no statistically significant relationship between personality traits and the

outcome variable teaching performance.

According to the findings of the study, academic achievement is a significant predictor of

future teaching performance. The survey conducted by Akiri and Ugborugbo (2009) 10 revealed

that effective teachers were associated with higher levels of student achievement. However, the

observed differences in student performance were not statistically significant, even though they

were observed. This could be due to the influence of student and school environment-related

factors, which were not considered in the current study. It was concluded that the impact of

teachers on students' academic achievement is not the only factor to consider.

All of the preceding studies and literature influenced the concept of the present study.


This study revealed the impact of the experiential learning to the pre-service teaching

performance of the BEEd pre-service teachers of the College of Teacher Education, Abra State

Institute of Sciences and Technology, Bangued, Campus, School Year 2020-.2021.

Specifically, it seeks to answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of performance of the BEEd pre-service teachers in terms of the following

experiential learning/field study courses:

a. Field Study 1; and

b. Field Study 2?

2. What is the level of performance of the BEEd pre-service teachers in terms of the following

academic teaching performance criteria:

a. Teacher;

b. Teaching Procedure;
c. Students;

d. General Observations?

3. What is the level of scholastic rating of the BEEd pre-service teachers along practice teaching

in terms of:

a. Instructional Competencies;

i. Teaching Skills

ii. Guidance Skills

iii. Management Skills

iv. Evaluation Skills

b. Personal and Social Competencies?

4. Is there a significant relationship between experiential learning performance and pre-service

academic teaching performance?

5. Is there a significant relationship between experiential learning performance and scholastic

rating along practice teaching?


The following are the hypotheses of the study:

1. There a significant relationship between experiential learning performance and pre-

service academic teaching performance.

2. There is a significant relationship between experiential learning performance and

scholastic rating along practice teaching.

Chapter 2


This section presents the research method, population and locale of the study, data

gathering instruments, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Method

The study made use of the descriptive survey method of research. This was used to

describe and analyze the performance of BEEd pre-service teachers of the Teacher Education

Department of the Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, Bangued, Campus, Bangued,

Abra, Philippines.

Population and Locale of the Study

This study considered the 300 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) pre-service

teachers of the College of Teacher Education of the Abra State Institute of Sciences and

Technology Bangued Campus during the School Year 2021-2022.

Data Gathering Instruments

The instruments utilized for the study were the Evaluation Sheet for Classroom

Instruction and the Performance Rating Form for Practice Teachers.

The Evaluation Sheet for Classroom Instruction consists of evaluation for teachers (8

indicators), teaching procedure (7 indicators), students (2 indicators), and general observations (4


Meanwhile, the Performance Rating Form for Practice Teachers is composed of two

parts: Part 1 is instructional competencies with sub-headings of teaching skills (10 indicators),

guidance skills (5 indicators), management skills (5 indicators), and evaluation skills (5

indicators). Part 2 is personal and social competencies (14 indicators).

The cooperating teacher, the principal of the cooperating school, and the pre-service

teaching adviser all have a percentage share for the overall grade of the student-teacher.

Data Gathering Procedure

The collection of data started with the writing of letter of permission to the respondents in

their voluntary participation to the study and informing them of the confidentiality of the data

gathered from them – their performance in FS 1 and 2. A copy of their academic teaching

performance and practice teaching performance will be gathered from their pre-service teaching


After the collation of the documents utilized in this study, data was tabulated and

subjected to appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Mean was used to describe the level of teaching performance of the pre-service teachers

on their actual pre-service teaching. Point-biserial correlation coefficient was used to determine

the relationship between the experiential learning performance and actual pre-service teaching

performance, experiential learning performance and practice teaching performance. The study

tested the significance of correlation coefficients at the 0.05 probability level.


1. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2020, from Web site:

2. Aguilar, Lea J & Santos, Julieto D. (2018). Teaching, A Noble Profession. Retrieved from
3. Mergler, Amanda G. and Spooner-Lane, Rebecca (2012) "What Pre-service Teachers need to

know to be Effective at Values-based Education," Australian Journal of Teacher Education:

Vol. 37: Iss. 8, Article 5.

4. Wilson, Jim. 2011. Importance of field study programs, Journal of Sierra Collage Natural

History Museum, 4(1), Spring 2011. Retrieved last August 25, 2014.

5. Patan, J. P.. (2010). Implementation of Field Study Courses in the Pre-Service Teacher

Education Program in Selected Higher Education Institutions in Caraga . JPAIR

Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 5(1). Retrieved from


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