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LC #2 in ECED 120


The joint position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young
Children (NAEYC) and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at
Saint Vincent College provides a meaningful discussion about technology and interactive
media use in early childhood programs. In an age when technology affects every part of our
lives, recognizing its function and possible impact on young children is critical. This
reflection delves into the statement's core principles, exploring their significance and effects
on early childhood education.

The position statement emphasizes the importance of using technology and interactive
media in early childhood programs, focusing on their role as supplements rather than
replacements. It emphasizes the role of adult mediation in children's interaction with
technology, ensuring it aligns with developmental requirements and learning objectives. The
statement also promotes equal access to technology and interactive media in early childhood
settings, addressing the digital divide and closing educational access and outcomes gaps. It
calls for professional development and support for educators to integrate technology
effectively. However, it cautions against excessive screen time and passive media
consumption, urging active involvement and hands-on learning opportunities. This balanced
approach recognizes the advantages and disadvantages of technology in early childhood
education, ensuring that every child, regardless of socioeconomic status, has equal access to
these tools.

The joint position statement of NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center provides a
thorough framework for analyzing the role of technology and interactive media in early
childhood programming. The statement's emphasis on intentionality, adult mediation, equity,
and mindful use provides valuable guidance for educators, policymakers, and caregivers.
Continuing the conversation about technology in early childhood education is crucial,
ensuring its implementation corresponds with young children's developmental requirements
and best interests. By doing so, we may use technology to improve learning experiences and
promote holistic development in early childhood settings.

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