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The new HTTP Client API - Sip of Java

Billy Korando on June 27, 2022

Need to send or receive data from a remote service over HTTP? The HTTP

Client added in JDK 11 improves upon and replaces the

HttpUrlConnection API. In this article, we will explore how to use the

new HttpClient and some new functionality it offers that wasn’t available

with HttpUrlConnection.

HttpClient Overview

The HTTP Client was added in JDK 11 after first being introduced as an

incubator feature in JDK 9. The goal of the HTTP Client was to replace

HttpUrlConnection, which, along with having a difficult-to-use API,

didn’t offer support for protocols like HTTP/2 and WebSocket.

The HTTP Client addresses these shortcomings by offering support for the

HTTP/2 and WebSocket, having an easier-to-use API, and adding new

functionality like support for asynchronous calls and reactive streams.

Creating a Client

A new instance of HttpClient is created through its builder API:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()








newBuilder() has methods for setting properties like; HTTP version,

redirect behavior, proxies, timeout, an authenticator, and more. Once

created, an HttpClient is immutable.

Creating a Request

Like HttpClient, an HttpRequest is also created through its builder API:

HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()







The newBuilder() provides methods for setting properties like; URI,

timeout, headers, HTTP method, and others. Like HttpClient, an

HttpRequest is immutable; however, a request can be used multiple


##Sending Requests

Requests can be sent either as a synchronous blocking call or

asynchronous non-block call.

Synchronous Requests

HttpResponse<String> response =





Asynchronous Requests



.thenApply(response ->

{ System.out.println


return response;

} )



Reactive Streams

Asynchronous requests can also be used as a reactive stream. As a

reactive stream, the HttpRequest acts as the publisher and the

HttpResponse as the subscriber, with the corresponding methods in their

classes for handling the stream:

public abstract class HttpRequest {


public interface BodyPublisher

extends Flow.Publisher<ByteBuffer>

{ ... }

public abstract class HttpResponse<T> {


public interface BodyHandler<T> {

apply(int statusCode,

HttpHeaders responseHeaders);

public interface BodySubscriber<T>



{ ... }


Additional Reading

● Introduction to the Java HTTP Client

● OpenJDK HTTP Client

● HttpClient JDK 18 Javadoc

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