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32 TheStructuralEngineer Project focus

November 2013 Digital surveys

Current status of BIM on
refurbishment projects
One of the key aims in BIM is to build
information-rich models that inform all
project activities, including operation and
maintenance. Hence, one of the main

with existing
challenges for the use of digital surveys in
construction, is how to economically add
good quality information.
To date, the focus of BIM implementation
has largely been on new build projects.
This has been primarily due to the

structures difficulties of accurately capturing and

processing digital information on existing
assets. Digital surveys are very good
at capturing the form and location of
everything visible but not at capturing

in a model
detailed information about the individual
objects. That has to be added manually.
Within the construction industry the
use of point cloud data (see page 33)
has largely been focused on converting
the point cloud information into a BIM

model, such as Revit. The original point
cloud data is then largely ignored in the
on-going works.
As such, the successful use of the survey

data is reliant on the modeller transferring
all necessary information from the point
10% 40% 100% cloud into a BIM model. This approach
E Figure 1
proportion of
is, in turn, reliant on knowing exactly how
construction the model will be used when scoping the
embodied carbon 2016
(dwellings) survey. Unfortunately, all too often, little
1970s 2010
2019 thought is given at this briefing stage,
(offices) meaning that opportunities to maximise the
Embodied carbon
use of the survey are lost.
For this approach to be economic at
Operational carbon (After Sartori 2007) (After Thormark 2002, Rawlinson 2007) (After NHBC 2009) the modelling stage, not all the information
can, or should be, processed and
Tony Bassett Director of Project still a relatively small part of the whole reasonable rounding errors need to be
Excellence, Ramboll life energy use of a building. However, introduced. Conversely, time can be
as the operational efficiency of our built wasted modelling information that is not
Carl Brookes Team Director, Advanced assets improves, so the importance of the needed.
Engineering and Geomatics, Ramboll embodied energy grows (Figure 1). This introduces limitations into the
This energy improvement is relatively easy quality of the BIM model that are not always
to manage on new build projects but proves understood by the design and construction
Introduction much more challenging for existing assets. team who, all too often, wrongly see the
As a global society we need to reduce the Successful environmental design of buildings BIM version of the point cloud as the source
energy we use to reduce environmental relies on a holistic, not elemental approach, to of truth about the asset.
demands on our planet. An important step energy performance. This requires a complete Encouragingly, better tools have emerged
towards this, is to improve the energy picture of how the building works, requiring such as Pointools and more recently Recap,
efficiency of our built environment. Hence, engagement from the whole project team. to allow unprocessed point clouds to be
the construction industry has a vital role in Many structural engineers feel they have viewed in building modelling software
developing viable solutions to reduce our limited influence in environmental design of such as Revit or Microstation. This allows
energy and carbon use. buildings, believing their main impact is in the design team to easily interrogate the
In recognition of this, the UK the specification of the structural materials. original point cloud data at any stage of the
Government's recent Construction 2025 The extent to which this is true depends on project.
report1 has set a target of a 50% reduction the degree of collaboration in the design. These tools enable hybrid models to
in greenhouse gas emissions in the built This is also true of BIM projects where be used where the point cloud and the
environment. BIM is seen as an important success relies on collaboration between model of the new works can be seen in the
enabler in meeting this target. all members of a project team, not silo same environment. This means that the
The biggest gains are envisaged in mentalities. Hence, successful BIM should existing building can be integrated into the
the operational stage of buildings. The create a design culture that helps improve design model without spending time turning
energy use in the construction stage is environmental outcomes. the point cloud into a building model.

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Table 1: The use of point cloud data

CIC Work Stage

Description Effort Usage
(stage number)

3D geometry model for design and early analysis Concept design to

Approximate manual surfacing of point cloud Medium
(structural, environmental simulation using CFD) construction (2-3)

Provides 3D model for mainly organic forms, for Concept design to

Semi-automatic meshing of point cloud Medium
visualisation within CAD and BIM construction (2-4)

Virtual inspection and good for desktop Concept design to

Scan visualisation using web browser Low
investigation, measurement, planning etc. installation (2-5)

3D geometry mode for structural assessment Developed design to

Detailed manual surfacing of point cloud High
and design proposals where fit is critical installation (3-4)

Creating point cloud sub-sets, increasing Used in hybrid CAD to represent the built
Developed design to
granularity and unifying file formats for Medium environment. Useful to overlay proposals to
installation (3-5)
subsequent processes check appearance and fit. Backdrop for BIM

Developed design to
Scaled and orthotropic projections of point cloud Medium Recording archaeology and historic fabric
as constructed (3-6)

Used in hybrid CAD to precisely fit new build Developed design to

Zoned raw scan data Medium
components installation (4-5)

To monitor structural movement and physical Installation to in use

Zoned raw scan data from different periods High
changes (5-7)

Managing site surveys photography may be more appropriate. Point cloud

While most major surveying companies For analysis, approximate data is often Laser scanners as well as some other
are familiar with different methods of fine and for structural monitoring precise digital measurement technologies can
laser scanning and the ways in which measurement will be required for comparative very rapidly record millions of distance
this technology integrates with other work. Quite often, because of the difficulties measurements. These are then configured
measurement methods (often using of gaining access for surveys, making repeat into a single coordinate system that may
scanning as a method of first choice over visits is costly. Fully comprehensive data is contain billions of measurement points.
traditional survey techniques) there is captured, which is subsequently sampled to The whole assembly is then referred to as
generally little communication with the produce models with appropriate detail and a 'point cloud' with measurement density
design teams. As a result, many surveys features, often referred to as 'granularity', for so fine that the cloud can often be used
continue to be defined in terms of 2D each future work stage. directly to visualise the surveyed object.
drawing requirements e.g. the measurement Managing point clouds also presents new The Government’s BIM Task Group has
brief is phrased in terms of the detail challenges for the IT infrastructure. With produced a client guide to 3D scanning
required for different drawing scales. Also, data sets measured in hundreds of Gbytes and data capture2.
the recipient of the data who thinks in terms for each project, conventional networks and
of drawings gives no consideration to the intranets cannot stream data fast enough
very basics of 3D modelling, such as the for on-demand CAD applications. Instead, Digital survey methods
use of a single and consistent coordinate to circumvent this problem, data is moved Various digital measurement techniques
system. Successful usage of laser surveys temporarily to local devices and subsequent have emerged including those associated
to feed BIM, requires proactive engagement changes are backed up manually. As the use with photogrammetry, ground penetrating
from all parties, certainly until protocols of point cloud data expands, the solution radar and bathometric investigations,
are well established and whilst the industry to data management would seem to be but laser scanning is now the most
adjusts to a new way of working. a combination of dedicated servers (for popular digital survey method used in the
The objectives of laser surveys have to be modelling) and web hosting (for viewing construction sector. Commercially available
defined in terms of how the data will be used applications). laser scanners from the likes of Leica, Z+F,
in subsequent applications and processes, How point cloud data is subsequently Riegl and Faro among others, are able to
not simply accuracy. Uses will vary according used will depend on the nature of the scan up to one million points per second.
to the stage of a project, and include subsequent modelling processes and the Instruments vary in their measurement range
3D visualisation, to provide approximate construction stage. Some of the most and precision but typical land surveying
geometry to be used with analysis and to common processes are outlined in Table 1 equipment can be expected to perform well
record detailed geometry. For purely visual along with the CIC stages where they would in ranges up to 100m with measurements at
applications other technologies based on most likely be used. best within 2-3mm. Different measurement

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34 TheStructuralEngineer Project focus
November 2013 Digital surveys

technologies are used, time of flight or

frequency modulated, and the type of
technology also influences the rate and
accuracy of measurements as well as
the cost of the instruments themselves.
Scanners are generally used on fixed
tripods but the use of mobile scanning is
increasing where scanners are mounted on
moving platforms such as aircraft, drones,
boats, trains, road and off-road vehicles,
and hand held. For updating the scanner E Figure 5
Using hybrid
CAD to change
position and orientation, mobile scanners existing arrangements
have to be used with other systems, for and explore options
example GPS (Global Positioning System)
and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) but the
speed of measurement means that surveys Geomatics is a relatively new term and to visualise laser survey data with digital
over similar ranges can be almost as includes land surveying, remote sensing, photography using a web browser and a
accurate as those obtained using stationary cartography, geographic information systems mapping interface to navigate to the location
platforms. The aim of both stationary and (GIS), GPS, photogrammetry, geography of the site. Laser scanning data sets can also
mobile scanning systems is to assemble a and related forms of earth mapping. As be georeferenced to allow wider access,
point cloud (Figure 2) that will often contain in the case of mobile scanning, many of particularly if different BIM environments
billions of individual x, y, z measurements of these technologies are combined together co-exist as part of a large estate.
the surveyed environment. to deliver point clouds and to provide Point clouds are becoming an increasingly
Laser scanning is one example of structured and easy access of the data. common method of capturing high fidelity
technology described generally as geomatics. For example, technologies are combined 3D measurement data. Apart from laser
scanning, point clouds are being produced
by sonar devices used in bathometric
surveys, by ground penetrating radar
investigations and more recently obtained
indirectly from spatially coordinated
digital photography. How this data is
then used depends on the downstream
applications, but the first stages generally
involve sampling and meshing of one form
or another. Interestingly, in other areas
such as fine art and gaming, point cloud
data is nearly always associated with a
triangulated mesh that is assembled during
the measurement process, never available
as raw x, y, z points, and subsequent
applications start by using the triangulated
mesh. This is probably because the meshes
are largely required for visualisation only.
Although point clouds connect the

NS Figure 2
Point clouds obtained from stationary platforms (above) and mobile platforms (below) of the same environment
existing environment to BIM, precise
geometry is not always required. If purely
3D visual information is needed then digital
photographical techniques may be sufficient.
Spheroidal photography can give good
viewpoint 3D imagery, and photography
with images post-processed for spatial
coordination can be used (in some cases) to
build reasonable 3D geometry. Both these
photographic techniques are generally
less expensive than laser scanning but
measurement accuracy is compromised.

Benefits of using digital surveys

The ability to precisely integrate the
new proposals into an existing building
is an important part of managing risks in
refurbishments. Accurate digital surveys
allow the implications of site tolerances,
such as bowing walls, to be more fully

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understood and allowed for. Being able health and safety risks. of information being missed during site
to interrogate an accurate model of the Many of the free viewers of point data inspections and allow understanding of
existing building improves understanding cloud such as Leica TruView, allow all the building to be developed in a safer
and, for example, helps avoid issues project stakeholders easy access to carry environment; your desk, not on site.
associated with aligning and fitting out site inspections from their desk via Digital surveys offer significant benefits
proposed works amongst existing features. a web hosted model (Figure 3). These in the recording of historic monuments.
Digital measurement allows accurate allow dimensions to be taken, full 3D They are able to accurately record the full
surface models of everything to be photographic quality views (black and white detail of all surfaces even at high level. Such
scanned. The fact that laser scanning or colour) and mark-up capability to share models can be accurate enough to make
allows accurate capture of distant objects, comments with the project team. casts for reproducing historic artefacts
reduces the need for scaffolding and safe A well planned digital survey will minimise e.g. gargoyles. Software to automatically
access platforms and hence, associated the need to visit sites, reduce the risk mesh surfaces is making the cost of such
techniques more affordable (Figure 4).

SE Figure 3
Desk based survey of
London Bridge station vaults
Where digital surveys bring the biggest
benefits to BIM is in their use as a platform
to improve the efficiency, accuracy and
effectiveness of the next stage project
processes. BIM models also provide a
powerful platform for the basis of asset
databases. To do this the survey needs to
capture the right data. This needs to be
processed in a way that imports seamlessly
into the software used in the next stages.
This is currently not straightforward but
the rapid progress in the tools over the last
few years, show this will be a commonplace
approach in the future.

Scan data supporting the design phase

W Figure 4
modelling of Landsoldat statue
Hybrid CAD can be used to rapidly visualise
concepts by placing models of proposed
ideas into the point cloud (Figure 5). This
process allows 3D visualisation of early
concepts, to explore the architecture without
the need to generate complex CAD models,
saving time and money.
When working with existing buildings, 3D
models of proposed developments can be
combined with the existing built environment
(Figure 6) removing the need to develop
models of the existing environment. This
enables detailed designs to be developed
and coordinated with more confidence,
knowing that interface issues with the
existing fabric are understood and resolved.
Setting up survey models in a way that
allows direct import into analysis software
brings about real efficiencies. This has
several benefits; firstly the time saved by

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36 TheStructuralEngineer Project focus
November 2013 Digital surveys

EE Figure 6
Visualisation of concepts within Hybrid
CAD for new build infill terrace development

not remodelling, and secondly by reducing

the time taken in coordinating design
development by a seamless transfer of
information between geometry and analysis
models. As this integrated design approach
improves, so will the use of direct structural
Direct structural assessment is the use
of simulation to predict stiffness, deflection,
strain, strength, cracking, damage etc. without
carrying out separate code of practice
calculations. This brings real benefits when
structures (and their materials, geometry and
loading) are complex. In such cases, code of
practice calculations are very time consuming
and, therefore, expensive. In such situations
direct assessment can be more cost effective
and accurate.
Where a project has a high level of
interaction with the built environment,
the use of laser surveys can help link
architecture and engineering at a very
early stage, increase design certainty
and contribute significantly to reducing
construction time and cost. This was
NS Figure 7
CFD environmental simulation to predict wind patterns and comfort levels: typical mesh (above) analysis
of wind flows (below)
illustrated in recent work at London
Bridge station where the impact of new
roof foundations on the concourse and
underlying masonry arch vaults could be
immediately recognised. For instance,
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software
can be used to simulate the microclimates,
taking account of factors such as
meteorology, solar heating and air handling,
and people movement (Figure 7). Being
able to design for good levels of comfort at
an early stage should significantly reduce
overall project and long-term asset costs.
Costs of such activities have historically
been prohibitively expensive at concept
stage but reuse of simplified, yet accurate,
geometry from visualisations makes
numerically simulating environmental
conditions a viable option. Simple 3D
models of cityscapes and ground terrain
are also readily available at reasonable cost,
although some pre-processing is generally

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S Figure 8
Overlays of laser scan survey information

required for analysis modelling. Concluding remarks up to export into other BIM models, provides
Integrated modelling also brings the major Digital survey information offers a a powerful platform for the basis of an asset
benefit of improved communication, improving powerful method of capturing appropriate database.
stakeholders’ understanding of proposals geometry information about existing There are still numerous challenges
through the use of 3D model and animations. assets, that can significantly improve the associated with the technologies for digital
This can be economically done from the early quality and efficiency of subsequent work. surveying but the techniques and software
stages of the project using the digital survey However, digital surveys only provide the are advancing rapidly, offering more
information. Better understanding brings 3D geometry, and to enable information rich opportunities to improve building modelling.
better decision-making that benefits everyone BIM, consideration has to be given to the The success of effective use of digital
and reduces wasted time and effort. collection of additional attributes such as surveys relies on thinking ahead. When
materials and specification data. commissioning a survey, the approach
Laser scans for building monitoring Digital surveys only give surface geometry and processes for project delivery have
Work carried out to existing buildings information. Full information, such as to be considered to allow models to
always raises the risk of triggering material or assembly requirements needs to seamlessly support future stages. Adopting
movement. Traditional monitoring processes be added in other ways. However, having a traditional approaches to design will stifle
are often carried out as a separate body comprehensive 3D model, which can be set opportunities.
of work using new survey information and
targets around the building. Survey targets
can easily be damaged during the works
leaving important gaps in information.
It is now possible to overlay one laser
scan survey on to another allowing E1 HM Government (2013) Industrial Strategy:
comparative movement to be assessed government and industry in partnership - Construction
(Figure 8). This has the advantage of being 2025 [Online] Available at: www.gov.uk/government/
able to track movements in all directions uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/
allowing heave, subsidence and lateral file/210099/bis-13-955-construction-2025-industrial-
movements to be measured. strategy.pdf (Accessed: October 2013)
Traditional monitoring has often relied on
comparative movements of isolated points, E2 HM Government Department for Business,
making assessments of the bigger picture Innovation and Skills (2013) BIM Task Group Client
of movement more taxing. Hence, although Guide to 3D Scanning and Data Capture [Online]
the use of laser scan information for Available at: www.bimtaskgroup.org/wp-content/
monitoring is still in its infancy, its benefits uploads/2013/07/Client-Guide-to-3D-Scanning-and-
over traditional techniques means it will start Data-Capture.pdf (Accessed: October 2013)
to be more widely used.

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