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Expanded Definitions#1: Question 1-10


Institutional Affiliation

Expanded Definitions#1: Question 1-10

Question 1 (Key question 1-1): What are some principles of sustainability?

Some principles of sustainability are reliance on solar energy, chemical recycling, and

biodiversity. The principles can hep in ensuring that there is environmental sustainability,

which is conscientious relationship with the environment in a manner which can help stop

depletion of natural resources. Environmental scientists envision a situation whereby people

can use natural resources without degrading them so that the ability of future generations to

carry out their activities is not affected. The three principles of sustainability presented above

enable maintenance of lasting environmental quality.

In the case of Mojave Desert, some of the principles of sustainability can be

successfully applied. Mojave Desert is the driest desert in the northern part of the United

Sates of America. However, it is a strategic location for solar energy and other sources of

renewable energy such. It is well endowed with resources such as solar and wind. As such,

human beings can capitalize on these resources which are non-renewable. Additionally, the

place provides a great ecosystem for biodiversity as it is home for diverse species.

Question 2 (Key question 1-2): How are our ecological footprints affecting the Earth?

Simply put ecological footprints are the effects of activities of human beings as

calculated by taking into consideration land and water spaces needed to generate goods used

and to absorb the waste which is released. In other words it can mean the usage of natural

resources compared to the bio-capacity to produce them. As days are progressing, human

beings are consuming more than the capacity of the earth to produce in a given time period.

The Global Footprint Network has indicated that human beings continue to deplete the

natural resources as they are consuming more than the capacity to produce the goods.

In Mojave Desert, activities such as agriculture and mining take place every day. As

such, huge amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. In fact, research has

indicated that the amount of carbon dioxide which is released due to the activities of human

kind in the desert supersedes what the environment can absorb. Once greenhouses gases are

released into the atmosphere, they lead to climatic change which affects biodiversity and the

ability of future generations to use natural resources.

Question 3 (Key question 2-1): what do environmental scientists do and what are the


Environmental scientists employ the knowledge they gain to come up with solutions

which help them tackle the problems facing the environment. They utilize the scientific

knowledge they have to come up with theories and laws which are used to identify

environmental challenges and minimize them. The process involves collecting scientific data,

analyzing it, and making recommendations. Some of the efforts which environmental

scientists are involved in are: minimizing water and air pollution, improving the health of

people, enhance recycling process, and proper waste disposal. Environmental scientists

encounter several challenges w3hen they are carrying out their activities. Some of the

challenges they face are: The first one is the problem of comprehending the main

biogeochemical cycles of the Earth and identifying how they can be improved. Other

challenges encountered are climate variability and inadequate resources to do their work.

The work of environmental scientists can be applied to the case of Mojave Desert. For

instance, scientists can gather data and come up with laws which can help improve the

situation. They can give their reports to governments and other agencies which are

responsible for environmental maintenance. They can also look for financial help from

donors and governments so that they can get funds that can be used to purchase resources.

Question 4 (Key question 3-1): What is biodiversity and why is it important?

Biodiversity in its simplest forms can be defined as variety of species on earth. It

encompasses plants, animals, microorganism, as well as ecosystems like deserts and forests.

Additionally, diversity can be referred to as the variety of species which are found in a given

area. It is significant in a number of ways as described below: First, it aids in life support. For

instance, biodiversity helps in provision of products such as food, genes, drugs, as well as

pharmaceuticals. Secondly, biodiversity helps create balance in a given eco-system.

Specifically, it assists in sustaining eco-balance, protecting sources of water, protecting soil

from being eroded, and recycling as well as storing nutrients. Thirdly, researchers can use

biodiversity to do their work.

The application of biodiversity to the case of Mojave Desert is immense. Biodiversity

can help sustain life in Mojave Desert. Some plants such as cacti, acacia, and Texas ebony

survive in the desert. Also, small animals such as rodents and turtles are found in the desert.

If more plants and animals that can survive in the desert can be added, the eco-system can

support life of every species, including human beings who are found in it.

Question 5 (Key question 3-4): What are Biomes, and how have human activities

affected them?

Biomes are big ecological areas which have distinctive characteristics such as plants

and animals. The living things found in a certain biome adapt to it. Essentially, biomes are

meant to divide the earth into areas with the same characteristics. Examples of Biomes are

deserts, grasslands, tropical rainforests, boreal coniferous forests, chaparral, as well as tundra.

The activities of human beings have greatly affected biomes. In their quest to survive, human

beings carry out activities such as logging, grazing, urbanization, agriculture, and

industrialization. In the end, they end up destroying the biomes by depleting resources in

them or degrading them.

Humans’ activities have affected the desert biome in many ways. In the context of

Mojave Desert, a lot of activities have led to pollution of its atmosphere. For instance, there is

mining, agriculture, and disposal of smog. Mining and agriculture have led to the

degradation of the environment. On the other hand, disposal of smog has contributed to

emission of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other green house gases. The

end result is that global warming has continued to affect the biome of Mojave Desert by

drying up even wells which are found in it.

Question 6 (Key question 4-3): How do communities and ecosystems respond to

changing environmental conditions?

The environmental conditions keep changing and this affects the species in it. Most of

them respond to changes through the process of ecological succession. Simply put, ecological

succession is the gradual process in which communities and eco-systems change over time. It

is a process which is sequential in nature. What this implies is that it takes place in a

chronological way and in stages. In each phase, the ecological systems develop slowly until

they reach a certain level which is the climax. The ability of an environment to support life

depends on ecological succession of its eco-systems.

In the case of Mojave Desert, disturbances have been experienced, leading to

changing environmental conditions. In a bid to cope with the changing conditions, the

communities and ecosystems in the area have responded to the changes through ecological

succession. The habitat has changed over the years as indicated by various scientists.

Ecological succession in the region has taken place in two forms: primary and secondary. For

instance, the ecosystems have changed through primary succession, whereby new sand dunes

have been found. Secondary succession has been witnessed after several cases of fire in the


Question 7 (Key question 5-3, 4): How do humans accelerate species extinction? And

how can we protect wild species from extinction resulting from our activities?

Human beings have accelerated extinction of species in several ways. The major ones

are: habitat destruction, overpopulation, introduction of new species, environmental


degradation, activities such as poaching and hunting, and over-usage of natural resources

through agriculture and deforestation. The main activity of people which has led to extinction

of species is destruction of habitat. In most biomes, animals and living things have their

environment destroyed to an extent that they can not survive anymore. What is sad is that this

activity has continued to increase over time. However, human beings can still protect species

from being becoming extinct through coming up with stringent rules of environmental

protection. For instance, poaching can be discouraged. Also, deforestation and destruction of

habitats can be monitored.

The idea extinction can be applied in the case of Mojave Desert. Most species have

become endangered sue to the activities of human beings. For instance, due to destruction of

habitat, species such as fringe-toed lizard, desert tortoise, and Devil’s Hole pupfish are facing

extinction. The government and other environmental agencies can help in protecting such

species from becoming extinct by conserving the environment in the desert and enacting laws

which can curb degradation.

Question 8 (Key question 6-1, 2): What are major threats to forest ecosystems? And

why should we manage and sustain forests?

For a long time, forests ecosystems have faced several threats. The main threats to

forests ecosystems are overcutting and burning trees; large fires which are caused by human

negligence; as well as climatic change resulting to drought, insect outbreaks, and hurricanes.

In fact, climatic change has heavily affected forests ecosystems. It is essential that human

beings manage and maintain forests. Some of the reasons why human kind should manage

forests are; to realize economic value attached to them; forests contribute to biodiversity; and

to protect water catchment areas. In a bid to sustain forests, human beings can regulate

cutting of trees, avoid reforestation, and avoid spreading fire in forests ecosystems.

The concept of forests ecosystems is applicable to Mojave Desert. It is important to

note that climatic change has been the major threat of forest ecosystems in the desert. Due to

activities of human kind, most trees have been cut. It is imperative that human beings protect

trees in the desert. People can even plant more trees in order to make the situation improve.

Question 9 (Key question 6-6, 7): How can we protect and sustain freshwater

biodiversity? What should be our priority for sustaining Terrestrial and Aquatic


Fresh water biodiversity is very crucial since it supports life of marine species. As

such, it is vital that human beings protect fresh water biodiversity. Some of the measures

which can be taken are: protecting and restoring fresh water lakes and water reservoirs;

eradicating cases of invasive harmful species; protecting water catchment areas so that they

are not polluted; constantly cleaning up freshwater sources; and coming up with strict rules of

environmental protection. The major priorities in sustaining the terrestrial and aquatic

biodiversity are: protecting biodiversity through mapping, considering areas which are

hotspots, and restoring degraded ecological systems. Moreover, people can ensure that they

create large reserves and protect them.

Mojave Desert is mostly comprised of terrestrial biodiversity since it is a dry area.

However, aquatic biodiversity is also a priority given that several types of fish are on the

verge of becoming extinct. As such, human kind can help identify those ecological areas

which are hotspots and protect them. Moreover, reservoirs can be built and dried lakes


Question 10 (Key question 7-5): How can we improve food security and produce food

more sustainably?

Food shortage is a major problem in the world. Due to climatic changes and

population growth, it has become increasingly difficult to enhance food security. However, it

is still possible to improve food security through the following ways: First, people can help

reduce food wastage. Research has indicated that a lot of food is wasted every year. Some of

it can be saved so that there is security. Secondly, governments and relevant agencies can

come up with programs that can address issues such as malnutrition. People should also be

educated and shown the need to depend on indigenous food. It is possible to produce food

more sustainably if the above procedures are followed.

In the case of Mojave Desert, food is scarce and it is important that the government

and other relevant agencies apply the concepts of food security and production of food in a

sustainable manner. For example, programs which address cases of malnutrition can be

implemented. Moreover, there should reduction in food wastage. Locally produced food can

also aid in such a case.

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