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Commercial and Small Scale

Cultivation o f the Mushroom,
Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing.

James P. San Antonio1

U.S. Department o f Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland

The world’s total production of class study or demonstration has not

cultivated fleshy fungi is estimated to be been practical. Use of commercially
about 6 x 10^ kg/year. Approximately available mushroom-growing kits is James P. San Antonio
75% of this production is of one species, unsatisfactory because these involve approach (18, 19) is not yet a practical
the so-called cultivated mushroom only the last few steps of mushroom commercial alternative to composting.
or champignon, Agaricus bisporus. cultivation. On the basis of economics, compost
Shiitake, L entinus edodes (Berk.) Sing., Important changes and developments continues to be the most satisfactory
is second in importance with about 20 % have occurred during the past 10 years substratum for commercial mushroom
or 1.2 x 10° kg. Included in the in all aspects of the commercial production.
remaining production of 2.5 x 10^ kg production of A. bisporus (2, 29, 44).
are species of Volvariella (Paddy straw This report reviews the essential steps Substratum preparation
m u s h r o o m ) , P le u r o tu s (o y ste r and recent developments in commercial R aw materials. Mushroom growers
m u s h r o o m ) , T u b e r , (tru ffle s ), mushroom production and describes a traditionally have used horse manure
Auricularia (ear fungus), and Tremella re la tiv e ly sim ple procedure for (specifically: straw bedding, droppings,
(jelly fungus) (16, 40, 46). Flam m ulina cultivation of mushrooms on a small and urine) to prepare mushroom
velutipes (Fr.) Sing, (winter mushroom) scale. The procedure illustrates all the com posts. Mushroom growth and
also is cultivated commercially. About major stages in cultivation of A. fruiting do not require, however, the
1/4 of the world’s production of bisporus except spawn making and is inclusion of any animal manure in
Agaricus bisporus , 1.3 x 10$ kg, was useful for demonstration and class composts. A variety of materials
produced in the U.S. in 19742. Present study. properly supplemented and composted
farm value of the U.S. mushroom crop have been used to grow mushrooms
is about $123 million. Today, especially COMMERCIAL MUSHROOM
PRODUCTION (4, 6 , 50). Depending on economic,
in Europe and Asia there is considerable m aterial availability, and handling
interest in commercial production of The major stages in cultivation of factors, synthetic composts, e.g., corn
cultivated mushrooms other than A. Agaricus bisporus are outlined in Fig. 1. cobs and hay supplemented with
bisporus. Because A . bisporus is a hetero- nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash, have
A lth o u g h m ushroom s are an trophic organism, substratum prepar­ been used in recent years by many
im p o rta n t minor vegetable crop, ation is the essential first step in mushroom growers.
firsth a n d stu d y of A. bisporus mushroom cultivation. The substratum C o m p o s tin g . Composting, i.e.,
cultivation is not included ordinarily in used univ ersally in commercial decomposition by microorganisms, has
most horticultural curricula in the U.S. m ushroom production is compost become increasingly important as a
One reason is about 65% of the obtained by fermenting (composting) means of utilizing wastes, controlling
production is still centered in the organic waste materials. However, the d i s e a s e s , and prod u cin g soil
northeastern U.S., with almost 60% in production of mushrooms on other amendments (11, 12, 15, 22, 33, 36).
Pennsylvania2. However, the increasing substrata, e.g., nutrient-supplemented Obviously, the primary objective of
importance of mushroom production in calcined earth and vermiculite ( 8 , 47), composting in mushroom cultivation is
California and Michigan indicates that straw and seedmeal mixtures (53), and th e production of a substratum
this situation is slowly changing. rye grain (38) indicates that neither satisfactory for the growth and
Mushrooms were produced in 26 states compost nor any specific product of the development of A. bisporus. Regardless
in the U.S. in 1974. Secondly, unlike composting process per se is a biological of composting objective(s), however,
m ost vegetable crops, growing requirement for the growth and fruit the principles and practices of all
mushrooms on a small scale suitable for production of A. bisporus. To insure composting are essentially the same (13,
that A. bisporus colonizes such a 14, 15).
n o n -co m p o sted su b stra tu m , the Traditional composting usually took
substratum is sterilized, inoculated 4 — 7 weeks and could not be relied
1 R esearch H orticu ltu rist, Agricultural aseptically with A. bisporus , and upon always to produce uniform
Research Service, Northeastern Region, m ain tain ed aseptic or otherwise com post of th e type required.
Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, protected until the substratum is
Maryland 20705. Important progress in understanding
2Mushrooms, Release: August 21, 1974.
completely colonized by mushroom and controlling the composting process
Statistical Reporting Service, Crop Reporting m ycelium . D espite considerable began early in the 20 th century ( 11, 12 ,
Board, U.S. Dept, of Agriculture. ingenious development, however, this 15, 57). By 1940, the principles and

Ho r t Sctfncf V ol ! 0f5V Oc t o b e r 1975 451

m eth o d s o f rapid aerobic, high environment. Although fumigants have pickers have been developed for
temperature composting had been been used to eliminate pests in a commercial use.
a p p lie d to m aking m ushroom specially modified compost-preparation Yield. The present average
substratum. Commercial application of procedure (17, 56), pasteurization at commercial yield of A. bisporus in the
two of these methods, i.e., composting 60-70°C for 4—6 hr sometime during U.S. is about 13 kg of mushrooms/m^
in a revolvin g drum (52) and Phase II is used most commonly to per crop (2.6 lb/ft2 per crop). The
co m p o stin g e n tir e ly within the control mushroom pests (27, 44). The “production efficiency” of commercial
mushroom house (25, 26), was not room is closed and steam is injected into mushroom crops is 0.5—1 kg of
practical at that time. However, Sinden the room usually to supplement the mushrooms (FW)/kg of compost (DW)
and Hauser’s “Short Method” of heat generated by metabolism of at spawning time. Approximately one
composting (45) typifies the practical microorganisms to obtain the desired half of the yield is obtained within the
approach to m odern “outdoor” p a s te u r iz a tio n and co m p o stin g first 30 days of harvest. After the 2nd
composting in the mushroom industry. temperatures. Whatever temperatures flush there is a marked and continuing
Although traditionally regarded as an and aeration regimen is used during the decrease in the number and total weight
o u td o o r a c tiv ity , composting is 3—10 days of Phase II, the cooled of mushrooms in succeeding flushes.
frequently done under a roof for finished compost should be free of pests Depending on the temperature, depth of
p r o te c tio n against the weather. and ammonia and contain approx 2.2% substratum, market, and economics of
R egardless o f th e predominant N (DW). t h e g r o w in g o p e r a t io n , the
temperature within the compost pile mushroom-picking stage is 30-150 days.
(70-85°C in Short Method or 50-60°C Spawn and spawn making
However, a 40-55 day harvest period is
in longer procedures) commercial The mushroom grower obtains the common in commercial practice.
composting requires rigorous control of spawn used to inoculate finished When diminished returns no longer
the (a) composition; (b) density, compost from a commercial spawn justify continued cropping, mushroom
dimensions, and shape; (c) water maker. Grain spawn (44), the kind used beds are termed “spent.” The biology of
content; and (d) turning or mixing for alm ost universally in commercial spentness is not well understood.
aeration of the compost pile. mushroom production today consists of Despite the often strong mushroom
The first step in composting for the vegetative stage, the mycelium, of odor and healthy appearance of the
m ushroom c u ltiv a tio n as most A. bisporus grown aseptically on cereal mushroom mycelium in spent beds,
com m only practiced today is to grain, e.g., rye, sorghum, or millet (38, there is yet no way known to rejuvenate
assemble the thoroughly wetted raw 5 1 ). Spawn makers preserve and these mushroom beds.
materials in long heaps (1.5—3.0 m wide maintain aseptic growing stock cultures Spent compost (containing about 2%
and 1.5—2.0 m high, depending on the of different spawn strains. In the U. S., N (DW)) is usually pasteurized at 60°C
method used). Approximately 30 kg of spawn makers sell specific strains of A. for 4 hr before it is removed from the
gypsum/ton fresh weight (FW) of bisporus spawn for the production of mushroom house (“clean out”). Spent
materials is added during this initial white, brown, or intermediate color compost (includes the casing) is used as
stack in g o p era tio n to decrease mushrooms. Results of recent studies of nursery and garden mulch, replaced on
“greasiness” (a condition resulting from spawn preservation (21, 41) and the life land in a 3-5 year program to make new
undesirable colloid formation) during cycle and genetics of A. bisporus (34) casing (7), or used as an ingredient in
composting. Specially designed, large, help provide a basis for the future making new substratum (30, 53).
self-propelled machines (“Turners”) are breeding of better mushroom strains.
used to turn the heaps, automatically The average commercial rate of
forming new heaps, at scheduled 1—4 spawn used to inoculate compost is
Material handling and
day intervals. At the times that compost approx. 0.5 - 1% spawn/compost (FW)
is mixed and aerated, water and environmental control
or 1 liter spawn/ 1.5m2 of bed surface.
supplements are added to the compost In c o m m e r c ia l m u s h r o o m
Casing. A . b is p o r u s -colonized
as req u ired . Supplementation of cultivation, 4-8 tons of compost (FW)
compost is covered (cased) with a thin are required to produce 1 ton of
com post, usually to increase the
layer of soil-limestone or peat-limestone
nitrogen content, is an important aspect mushrooms (FW). Production units
mixture to promote fruiting. Although necessitating the handling of 80-350
of the art of composting in the
many mushrooms growers in the U.S. tons of compost are common. New
mushroom growing industry. Any of a
use soil for casing, peat is used almost
variety of materials containing 4% or systems and equipment are continually
universally in Europe. Before the soil being developed to more efficiently
more of nitrogen/dry weight (DW) basis,
and peat mixtures are used for casing,
e.g., brewers’ grains, fish oils, or chicken handle substratum and control
h o w e v e r , th ey are fu m ig a ted , environment.
manure, are added as supplements. This
pasteurized, or treated with aerated
aerobic fermentation, at 50-85°C for In the presen t typ ical tray
steam (3, 27, 44, 58, 60) to kill
5—20 days, called “Phase I,” yields a (“two-zone”) system of commercial
organisms injurious to mushroom
d a r k -c o lo r e d , h o m o g e n e o u s , mushroom cultivation, pasteurization,
mycelium. In addition, a fungicide, e.g.,
partially-broken down product. spawn run, and fruiting-picking occur in
This partially decomposed material benomyl (59) is often applied to the separate specially equipped room s. The
casing layer. crop unit of this usually highly
containing 70-75% water is placed in
Though the biology of the change
wooden trays or beds (the “filling” mechanized system is a large wooden
from vegetative to fruiting stage is not
operation) placed or located within a tray co n ta in in g 300-600 kg of
completely understood (10, 20), fruit
specially constructed room. Subsequent substratum. Such trays are moved at the
initiation is readily controlled in
compost treatment, “Phase II,” mostly proper time to special machinery for
practice by adjustment of temperature,
depends on the degree of decomposition automatic filling, spawning, and casing.
of materials achieved in Phase I. Phase II casing moisture, and ventilation (42,
54). Plastic bags are used now in some
treatment includes a continuation of modifications of this system.
composting under carefully controlled Picking. Mushrooms are harvested In the older “bed” system, the
aerobic conditions and elimination of presently by hand though picking mushroom house contains fixed beds
mushroom pests, e.g., harmful fungi, machines are being currently developed that are filled with compost substratum.
insects, mites, and nematodes from the (31, 32, 43). Picking systems in which A fter the fillin g operation, all
com p ost an d i n t e r i o r room the trays are moved past the mushroom operations and cultivation stages occur

452 H o r t Sc i e n c e V o l . 10T5V O c t o b e r 1975

in the same mushroom-house structure. measures and recognition of symptoms Dry shredded horse manure is
Some operations in this system, i.e., (1) are important aspects of farm safety probably the best raw material for
filling, spawning, and clean out are in the cultivated mushroom industry. illustrating the making of a fibrous-type
mechanized. Though there is indication compost substratum for A. bisporus,
of change, the bed system is still the and its use helps to insure obtaining a
more common production system in the SMALL-SCALE CULTIVATION
satisfactory compost. Its appearance
U.S. mushroom industry. OF Agaricus bisporus
and breakdown during composting are
Reports on completely controlled There are often several different similar to that of materials used in the
fermentation in special bins (5, 35) and ways to obtain a given stage of mushroom industry. Successful use of
control chambers (28, 52) indicate a mushroom growth or development. In other compost ingredients is more likely
continual interest in other methods and com m ercial cultivation, moreover, after experience with composting horse
systems (48) for substratum preparation practices necessarily are influenced by manure.
and mushroom growing. e c o n o m ic considerations. In the Dry the fresh horse manure by
In a recent procedure, Express procedure to be described, mushroom spreading it in a 5—10 cm thick layer on
Preparation o f Substratum (23), cultivation practices were adapted as a polyethylene plastic sheet in a
shredded material is wetted, mixed, and required to cultivate mushrooms on a ventilated area protected from the
filled into trays “outdoors” ; but the small scale. The stages of mushroom weather. Occasionally turn the material
entire subsequent completely controlled cultivation in this procedure are the during a 3—7 day period until it
fermentation-pasteurization process (7 same as those outlined in Fig. 1, except becomes air dry (max 10% moisture).
days) occurs in special rooms. th a t {xast e u r iz a t ion p reced es Use a shredding machine or lawnmower
Both substratum preparation, Phases composting. to chop the dry material so that the
I and II, and the spawn run are done in Although the composting process can maximum straw length does not exceed
the same controlled environment tunnel be simply and easily demonstrated in 5—10 cm. Store the chopped dry horse
in a recent commercial development. the laboratory (55), a more elaborate manure in a tightly-closed polyethylene
During these 3 cultivation stages, the procedure is required to use the plastic bag (size a). For class study, it
non-shredded material is handled in co m p o stin g p rocess to prepare may be more convenient to dry and
bulk, i.e., as a continuous pile approx 2 substratum for A. bisporus. In the shred a greater quantity of horse
m high throughout the tunnel (60 x 4.5 following procedure the substratum for manure (20-40 kg FW) at one time.
x 4.5 m). After spawn run is completed growing mushrooms is made by means Such dry chopped material may be
- approx by the 26th day, the of controlled fermentation (5, 23, 28, stored for several years before use.
colonized compost is packed into beds, 35). Grain spawn used in commercial
trays, or bags.
As with aerobic, rapid outdoor
com p ostin g, completely controlled
ferm e n ta tio n procedures require
sp ecia lly d esign ed facilities and MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION
m a c h in e r y . F uture w idespread 10 kg FW (or more as Horse manure, straw not sawdust bedding
commercial use of such new approaches required to provide
to substratum preparation depends 2 kg dry matter)
mostly on the economics of large-scale 10 m 2 Polyethylene plastic sheet, 4 mil thick
1 Compost shredder or lawnmower
production of substratum. Polyethylene plastic bags (size a), clear, 4 mil thick, approx
Today, newly constructed mushroom 1.0 x 1.5 m
production plants almost invariably are 100 g Dried brewers’ grains
equipped for control (often automatic) 1 Watering can with rose nozzle
1 Styrofoam3 plastic picnic basket approx 30 x 50 x 30 cm deep,
o f tem p era tu re, hum id ity, and with lid
ventilation. As a protection against Wooden sticks, each approx 25 cm long and 2.5 cm in diam
m ushroom virus infection, some 1 pc, 0.5 x l m Galvanized hardware cloth, 4 mesh, 23 gauge
mushroom growers use filters to remove 1 Steam-producing electrolytic vaporizer with reservoir, e.g.,
Prak-T-Kal mod #909. (Prak-T-Kal Vapordynamics Corp.,
particles greater than 0.2 micron Elizabeth, N.J.)
diam eter from the air entering Autotransformer, variable, 0-140 v, 10 amps, e.g., Fisher Scientific
pasteurization and spawn running Co., #9-521-100, Pittsburg, Pa.
rooms. Thermometer, centigrade, 30 cm
Laboratory jack support
Most older mushroom houses in the Ring support stand
U.S. are equipped now with cooling Split ring support
units topermit growing mushrooms Gallon glass bottle, with rubber tubing (15 cm long, I.D. 2.5 cm,
during the summer. Operations using wall thickness 4 mm) securely fitted over opening
Hemostat or clamp to close 2.5 cm rubber tubing
mine galleries for mushroom growing Pan (size a), metal or plastic approx 20 x 40 x 5 cm deep
rooms have special structures equipped Roll of labeling tape, 2 cm wide, e.g., Scientific Products,
for environmental control outside the #L 1600-75, Evanston, 111.
m ine area. Filling, pasteurization, Polyethylene plastic bags (size b), clear, 4 mil thick, approx
spawning, spawn run, and casing occur 50 x 60 cm
1 Roll of pH 6-10 indicating test paper
outside the mine; the cased trays are 200 g Dried mushroom spawn
then transported into the mine for 1 Pan (size b), metal, 20 x 40 x 15 cm deep
fruiting and picking. 600 g Spaghnum peat, dry, compressed
Mushroom Worker’s Lung. Following 600 g Ground agricultural limestone, 80-95% CaCC>3
1 Water sprayer (either a spray attachment on a garden hose or the
exposure to compost dust, sensitized spray nozzle and plastic container from commonly available
individuals develop a condition known household spray cleaners can be used to deliver a fine spray
as “Mushroom Worker’s Lung” (37). of water).
This variant of “Farmer’s Lung” is
associated especially with exposure ^Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of
during the spawning and clean out the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the
operations (24, 49). Precautionary exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.

U /\nirC nT rv T n r \T r \ T 1 C \i H r TA D I7D 10 7 ^
at other end of basket (Fig. 6 , D); 6
Aseptic culture of holes, diam 1.5 cm, 3 in each of the
mushroom mycelium (obtained from long sides of the basket, openings
on grain should be 5 cm above the bottom inside
spawn maker) the basket and spaced evenly along each
side (Fig. 2 and 6 , A). Evenly space and
cut 6 holes, diam 1.5 cm, in the basket
lid (Fig. 3, E).
SPAWNING With dense Styrofoam, condensate
(inoculation of finished may leak through the bottom of the
RAW MATERIALS basket during operation. To prevent
com post with spawn) this, line the bottom of the basket with
COM POSTING a sheet of aluminum foil.
New Styrofoam baskets usually have
DAY 14 ■■■DAY 1 4 - 2 8 ^ ^ » a faint but distinct chemical odor due to
PASTEURIZATION FINISHED residual styrene. It is recommended that
SPAWN RUN the pasteurizing-composting heating
COM POST (growth of mushroom procedure be done with the chamber
(substratum) mycelium throughout empty at a temperature of 60—80°C for
4-8 hr or until the odor disappears.
compost) B. Screen Support to Hold Compost.
Use tin snips to cut a piece of galvanized
hardware cloth with the shape and
■■DAY 38-46M dimensions indicated (Fig. 3). Form the
support by bending the screen down at
|xDAY 28 IDAY 28-38;:’ .\; A. PINNING
CASING a right angle all along the dotted line
p Mushroom ^ r o w h lo f l i (formation of indicated.
(addition of a C. Water Reservoir. Cut a hole, diam
Mycelium |M u ||ro c)m || | mushroom
2-3 cm layer 3.5 cm, in the top of the reservoir
Colonized fruit initials) container (Fig. 6 , R) to permit insertion
of soil or peat) | M p e i i u m ' | | | l | |
Com posts W s T O n ll of rubber tube from water bottle (B).

A s s e m b lin g an d m ix i n g th e
IDAY 46-521
ingredients. The use of a polyethylene
Growth and Development plastic bag (size a) permits convenient,
of Mushrooms producing rapid, and dust-free mixing of compost
ingredients. Place 2 kg of dry chopped
the first of a series of horse manure and 100 g of dried
FLUSHES brewers’ grains in the plastic bag. Entrap
air in the bag and close the bag by
gathering and twisting about 1/3 of the
upper part of the bag. Holding the
Mushroom PICKING <DAY 52'112> twisted plastic firmly in one hand, mix
(fruit occurs in 4 day flushes, 10 days apart) the dry ingredients by tumbling the
plastic “balloon” on the ground for 1-2
min (Fig. 4). This mixture will contain
about 1.5% nitrogen on a dry weight
Fig. 1. Diagrammatic summary of the culture of Agaricus bisporus. basis.
Add 3.5 liters of tap water at
65—75°C to the dry mixture to obtain a
moisture content of about 70%. For
uniform wetting: spread the compost
mushroom cultivation requires special Dept, of Agriculture, Hyattsville, MD materials in a shallow layer inside the
shipping and is not always available in 20782. bag; use a watering can with rose nozzle
sm all quantities. Dried mushroom Construction. A. Pasteurization and to spray the water; mix the materials
sp a w n (“ m anure process spawn” ), Com posting Chamber. A picnic basket each time after adding about 1/3 of the
however, may be obtained in small made of light density Styrofoam plastic water.
quantities (about 500 g) through the is more satisfactory as a steaming
mail. Dried mushroom spawn is simply chamber than one of heavy density Preparation fo r pasteurization and
compost substratum that has been Styrofoam. c o m p o s t in g . B ecause of o d o r,
colonized aseptically by A. bisporus and Use a sharp knife to cut 8 openings pasteurizing and composting should be
dried. Such spawn remains viable for in the basket and 6 openings in the done in a laboratory hood or
6-12 months at room temperature. At basket lid: 1 large central opening in the well-ventilated area.
present, the white variety of mushroom bottom and end panel at one end of the Place a vertical wooden stick in the
only is used to prepare this type of basket (Fig. 2, VH), opening should be center and in each corner of the
spawn. This spawn may be purchased large enough to admit about Vi of the sp ecially-modified Styrofoam picnic
from spawn makers or garden supply vaporizing head, there should be 0.5 — basket. Without delay, transfer the
companies. A list of spawn makers is 1.0 cm space between the vaporizer mixed warm ingredients onto the screen
available from the Information Division, head and the Styrofoam, (Fig. 6 , VH); 1 support inside the basket (Fig. 5). Do
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. hole, diam 1 cm, in center of lower edge not compress the ingredients. There

454 H o r t Sc i e n c e . V o l . 10(5V O c t o b e r 1975

tubing is about 0.5 cm below the
water-level mark. Remove the clamp
from the rubber tubing. Connect the
vaporizer head to the transformer and
plug the transformer into a 115 volt AC
Caution and comments
The use of an electrolytic vaporizer
to heat a very small “mushroom house”
(!) is not one intended by the
manufacturer. This appliance should be
employed to heat compost ingredients
only in the manner to be described. It is
im p o rta n t to re alize that this
application involves the same hazards as
those associated with the use of
electrolytic vaporizers in the home ( 9 ).
Because an electrolytic vaporizer
produces steam by electrically charging
water , the possibility o f electrical sh o ck
as well as burn hazards always exist in
Fig. 2. View from underside of Styrofoam any use o f such an appliance.
picnic basket shows central opening (VH) Observe m an u fa ctu rer’s precautions
that fits around the vaporizer head. The Fig. 3. Pattern for making wire screen support
hole (A) is 1 of 6 provided to admit fresh to hold compost in picnic basket. The regarding good repair o f all electric
air. The holes (E) on the basket lid are 2 dimensions L and W are those inside the parts. A lw a ys disconnect the vaporizer
of 6 provided for exhaust of hot air and picnic basket 10 cm above the bottom of before adding water , working on the
vapor from the basket. The cross of white the basket. Each of the 5 flaps extends 10
cm beyond the dotted line. The length of experim ental setup, or cleaning the
tape covering a 3rd hole in the lid
illustrates a simple means for regulating the gap (G) should equal the diameter of vaporizer electrodes. A lw ays properly
ventilation. the basket opening for the vaporizer head. immerse and operate the vaporizing
elem ent in the reservoir provided by the
manufacturer. Do n o t a tte m p t to use
the vaporizing elem ent separately in any
The heating of compost is affected
by a number of difficult-to-control
factors. For instance, vapor production
is influenced by the condition of the
vaporizer, the depth of the water in the
reservoir, and the initial and continually
increasing mineral content of the
reservoir water. Secondly, the quantity
of “dry” heat supplied to the compost
by the vaporizer depends partly on how
much of the vaporizer head is inside the
basket. Another variable source of heat
is that generated by the metabolism of
compost microorganisms. Finally, the
temperature and movement of ambient
air affects the compost temperature in
the basket. Because of such factors, the
transformer settings given for this
procedure should be considered as a
Fig. 5. Styrofoam basket filled with wet
guide only. Different ingredients and
compost ingredients and showing sticks e q u ip m en t may require different
used to form ventilation shafts in the transformer settings.
Fig. 4. Mixing compost ingredients. compost.

Pasteurization and composting. I.

The warm ingredients are heated
w ith o u t delay in an alm ost closed
should be about 2-5 cm of head space. basket filled with compost ingredients basket to kill pests. Turn the vaporizer
Before removing the sticks, wiggle each on the reservoir so as to enclose the on at the line voltage, i.e., at
stick to form a 5-10 cm diameter vapor orifice and about 1/2 of the transformer setting #120. Insert the
vertical shaft in the compost. Such vaporizing head in the basket (Fig. 6 ). thermometer about 1 cm into the
sh afts help provide for uniform Install the bottle of water (B) as ingredients through one of the lid holes
ventilation and distribution of heat follows. Fill the bottle with tap water to furthest from the vaporizer. (The
during pasteurization and composting. about the middle of the attached rubber temperature at this location and depth
Place the lid on the basket. tubing and clamp the tubing. Invert the will be the minimum temperature of the
Fill the vaporizer reservoir (Fig. 6 , R) bottle, place it on the ring support, and compost.) Cover the other 5 lid holes,
with tap water to the manufacturer’s insert the lower end of the tubing into the basket drain opening, and the 6
water-level mark. Attach the vaporizing the reservoir. Adjust the height of the holes in the sides of the basket with
head to the reservoir. Support the ring support so that the end of the tape. Place a weight on top of the lid to

U n D T O r ir M r i: \T r \i 1C \fZ \ O rT r \D rD 107^ ASS

hr) in the undisturbed basket.
The cooled finished compost is
colonized throughout by actinomycete
IK TH growth. In commercial composting, the
ease with which compost straws may be
pulled apart with the fingers is used
often to help in determining the degree
of decomposition of ingredients. Straw
breakdown in stages I-III is less than in
commercial composting.
There is an average total decrease of
about 25% of the initial dry weight
during stages I-III. The water content of
the finished substratum is 70-75%.
The compost substratum should be
spawned as soon as it has cooled.

Spawning (Day “1 4 ”). The finished

6—7 day compost corresponds to
14-day compost in commercial practice.
The day of spawning in this procedure is
designated as day 14 so that the time in
D days in the following description
corresponds with that in Fig. 1.
Transfer the substratum from the
basket to a new plastic bag (size b). To
Fig. 6. Arrangement of equipment during pasteurization and composting. For the purpose of avoid contaminating the substratum, use
illustration, the front side of both the picnic basket (PB) and the screen support (SC) have clean hands to handle the compost.
been cut away and the basket only partially filled with wetted compost ingredients (I). A During this transfer, spawn the compost
large opening at one end allows the basket to rest on the water reservoir (R) so that about V2
of the steam-producing vaporizer head (VH) is inside the basket. Another support (SU) by mixing 100-200 g of crumbled dried
serves to hold the basket at a slight incline so that condensed water can drain out through a mushroom spawn evenly throughout the
hole (D) into the pan (P). During operation, water from the bottle (B) maintains a constant compost. (When grain spawn is used,
water level in the reservoir (R). Steam production to heat the ingredients (see CAUTION distribute the uncrushed individual
and COMMENTS in text) is controlled by a variable transformer (TR) which regulates
electric current to the vaporizer. Steam is discharged into the 10 cm-high space beneath the grains throughout the compost.) Lightly
ingredients. Three of the 6 holes through which fresh air enters this space are visible on the pack the spawned substratum in the
back side of the basket. To measure compost temperature at different locations, a bag. Reserve about 10 g of the spawn to
thermometer (TH) is inserted in the ingredients through one of the 6 exhaust holes in the lid sprinkle on the top surface of the
c o m p o s t . C lo se th e bag by
loosely-folding over the upper part of
the bag. (Never tightly close or seal the
insure that the lid fits tightly. During decrease to 55-65°C. After 16 hr of plastic bag containing the mushroom
pasteurization (and composting) keep stage II composting, ammonia is not culture.) Cut 6 holes (about diam 5
the water bottle filled to maintain the detected usually. During this stage, the mm) evenly spaced in the plastic on the
initial level of water in the reservoir. surface color of the straw continues to bottom of the bag; and cut off the two
U nder th ese c o n d itio n s, the d ark en and actinomycete growth basal ear-like corners of the bag to
minimum temperature of the compost becomes visible on the compost surface permit drainage. Incubate the culture in
increases steadily reaching 60°C after as patches of white specks. After 40 hr a pest-free environment at 24°C. Do not
2— 4 hr steaming. Note the time and of stage II composting, actinomycete incubate the mushroom culture in a
continue heating for the next 3—4 hr at growth (commonly called “fire fang” by B.O.D. type incubator. The excessive air
transformer setting #120. During this mushroom growers) is apparent over the movement and culture drying in such a
3— 4 hr pasteurization period, the entire compost surface. cabinet makes it difficult if not
minimum temperature of the compost impossible to obtain mushroom fruiting.
approaches 70°C and the odor of the III. The ingredients are com posted atOrdinary natural or artificial room light
exhaust air becomes acrid. Usually, 4 5 -5 5 °C w ith m axim um ventilation fo r has no apparent effect on the growth
ammonia cannot be detected in the 3 - 4 days. To begin stage III, set the and development of A . bisporus.
exhaust air during stage I. tra n sfo rm e r at # 1 0 0 . Compost
temperature will decrease to 50-60°C Spawn R u n (Day 14-28). Mushroom
II. The ingredients are com posted atw ithin several hours. T hereafter as m y c e liu m becom es apparent after
5 5-65°C with m axim um ventilation fo r re q u ire d , ca refu lly ad ju st th e several days as a white cottony mass of
40-48 hr. Begin stage II by removing the transformer setting 2-3 divisions at 4 hr fungal threads about the spawn
tape from all lid and basket openings. in terv a ls to m ain tain com post particles. Mushroom mycelium usually
Continue to operate the vaporizer at temperatures at 45-55°C. (Disregard begins to invade and colonize the
transformer setting # 120 . temperatures exceeding 55°C in the compost 4—6 days after spawning.
Ammonia can be detected in the compost immediately adjacent to the Avoid large fluctuations of temperature
exhaust air by odor and the reaction of vaporizer). Continue composting at this during spawn run to prevent excessive
moistened pH test paper within the first temperature range for 3—4 days. During wetting of the compost by condensed
30 min of stage II. Occasionally, insert this stage, ammonia is not detected water. Discard any bag of spawned
the thermometer through each of the 6 usually in the exhaust air which assumes compost that develops a sour or
lid holes in turn to determine the progressively a characteristic fresh fermenting odor or green-colored mold
co m p o st temperature at different compost odor. At the end of this stage, growth on more than 10% of the
locations and depths. After the first turn the vaporizer off and allow the compost surface. After 14 days of
several hours, compost temperatures compost to cool to 24-28°C (about 6 spawn growth, the substratum should


appear thoroughly colonized by A. cm) in the plastic evenly spaced around
bisporus and have a strong characteristic the bag opposite the casing- compost
mushroom odor. interface. Cut another 6 holes (diam and
Preparation o f casing. Although spacing as above) in the plastic at about
discussed here, the casing may be the midpoint of the compost. Close the
prepared at any convenient time and bag and incubate the mushroom culture
stored until required. at 14-16°C in a well-ventilated but
Add 2 liters of water at 65-75°C to draft-free area.
600 g of sphagnum peat in a When the mushroom mycelium again
polyethylene plastic bag (size b). becomes apparent on 10-25% of the
Thoroughly mix as described previously casing surface, forcibly spray the casing
for compost preparation. Mix 600 g of surface with 15-25 ml of water to
ground limestone with the wet warm inhibit mycelial growth.
peat. The resulting casing material has a To promote initiation of mushroom
pH of approx 7 and a moisture content fruit bodies, the culture hereafter
of about 65%. should be ventilated regularly. To do
Fill a metal pan (size b) with the this, open the bag and allow the
freshly prepared casing mixture and self-supporting plastic sleeve to remain Fig. 7. Well developed 1st break, showing a
clump of mushrooms (white variety). The
place the pan on the screen support in open for 20-30 min at the beginning and mycelium-colonized compost substratum
th e m o d ified Styrofoam basket. end of each day. Water the casing to is visible through the plastic. Card shown
Pasteurize the peat casing at 60-66°C inhibit surface mycelium growth and to measures 12.5 x 20 cm.
for 4 hr using the procedure described maintain casing moisture at about 65%.
for pasteurization of compost (stage I). With proper conditions, it should not be
After the pasteurized casing mixture has necessary to water the casing more than
cooled, transfer the peat mixture to a once in 2-3 days. Whenever the casing is
new polyethylene plastic bag (size b). watered, spray several ml of water also After all the mushrooms of a flush
R eplace any w ater lost during on the inside surface of the plastic bag have been picked, add water to the
pasteurization by mixing enough water to help maintain a high relative casing to bring its water content to
in the casing to bring the weight of the humidity above the casing. (For pin about 65%. Continue incubation at
casing to approx 3200 g. When such formation and fruit development in 14-16°C, daily ventilation and watering
casing is squeezed in the hand, water com m ercial mushroom production, as required to obtain succeeding flushes
should appear between the fingers. ventilation is gradually increased to of mushrooms until the mushroom bed
Casing may be stored in the about 3 m3 of fresh air per m2 of is judged to be “spent.”
tightly-closed plastic bag for 6-12 mushroom bed per hr (10 ft3/ft2/hr).) D epending on v a ria tio n s in
months before use. Daily ventilation coupled with te m p e ra tu re and air movement,
Casing (Day 28). Level the top inhibition of surface mycelial growth adjustment in ventilation and watering
surface of the mycelium-colonized eventually results in the formation of may be n ecessary . A too-high
compost by gently raking the surface mushroom fruit primordia. These pins concentration of CO2 (insufficient
with the fingers. Cover (case) this or pinheads first appear as white, dense, ventilation) inhibits pinning and early
surface evenly with about 5 cm of smooth-surfaced clumps of mycelium fruit development. Later, insufficient
pasteurized casing containing approx (diam 1-5 mm) on or just below the ventilation is indicated by fruit with
65% water. Do not compress this layer. casing surface. Few if any pins are abnormally small caps and elongated
B ecom e fam iliar with and learn to form ed on casing covered with stipes. Excessive watering is indicated
recognize this m oisture level in casing mycelium. Add about 100 ml of water by a continually soaking-wet casing and
by carefully feeling the casing surface at the beginning of this and each water-soaked or rotting fruit. Too little
with the palm o f the hand . Close the succeeding flush to promote fruit water is indicated by dry casing, slow
bag and continue incubation at 24°C. growth and development. development of the break, or discolored
G rowth o f m ushroom m ycelium into G r o w th and d e v e lo p m e n t o f and cracked fruit surfaces.
the casing (Day 28-38). Scattered fuzzy m ushroom s (Day 46-52). Continue Substratum and casing prepared as
patches of A. bisporus may appear on i n c u b a tio n at 14-16°C , daily described should be free of pests. To
the casing surface as early as 3—4 days ventilation, and inhibition of mycelial demonstrate the important effect of
after casing. Begin to inspect the casing growth as the mushroom fruits grow pests on mushroom production, add
surface at 1—2 day intervals keeping the and develop. Depending on the several grams of dry chopped horse
bag closed between observations. When mushroom variety and the growing manure to the compost during spawn
mushroom mycelium covers 10-25% of c o n d itio n s, m ushroom s may be run. A simple incubation technique (39)
the casing surface, use the water sprayer produced in a clump at the first break may be used to help detect and observe
to forcibly spray the casing surface with (Fig. 7). At the first break often, pins pests and their effects.
10-25 ml of water. The mushroom may be few in number and not evenly This procedure for the small-scale
mycelium apparently disappears or distributed over the casing surface. cultivations of mushrooms has been
remains as small patches of flattened However, an increasing number of pins used successfully to produce about 60
mycelium as a result of this watering should become apparent during the next separate crops of A . bisporus during a
(mycelium “knockdown”). 6-12 days. period of several years. A. bisporus
Pinning (Day 38-46). In commercial M ushroom picking (Day 52-112). produced 0.5 — 1.0 kg of mushrooms
m ushroom grow ing, the grower Mushrooms may be picked and eaten at (FW) per 60 picking days on the
carefully and often precisely controls any stage of fruit development. In compost recipe described. This yield is
the initiation, growth, and development commercial production in the U.S. c o m p a r a b le to th a t o b ta in e d
of mushroom fruit. However, such mushrooms are picked usually before commercially.
control is not possible with the the veil begins to stretch (“tight The procedure suitably modified was
fo llo w in g simple though reliable buttons”). Avoid excessive disturbance used also to grow other edible
method. of the casing during picking by twisting mushroom, e.g., Agaricus bitorquis
Immediately after the suppression of each mushroom before pulling it from (Quel) Sacc., Volvariella volvacea (Bull,
surface mycelium, cut 6 holes (diam 2.5 the casing. ex Fr.) Sing., and species of Pleurotus.

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