Scope2 U2 Gworksheet C Key

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Unit 2 Grammar Challenge


1 2 wanted 6 didn’t like

3 arrived 7 got

4 switched 8 said

5 was 9 didn’t know

2 2 What did they want to do / watch?

3 Did she switch off her phone?

4 Why did she switch off her phone / switch it off?

5 Was the show good?

6 Did they like (any of) the contestants?

7 Were her parents happy?

3 2 didn’t use to use 5 didn’t use to make

3 used to be 6 used to talk

4 didn’t use to be 7 used to write

4 2 Why were you and Tony sitting together?

We were having a drink (together).

3 What were your other friends doing?

They were arriving / ordering their drinks.

4 What was Tony doing at 10.30 p.m.?

He was speaking to the waitress.

5 2 didn’t have; went; was watching

3 was asking; ended

4 were watching; showed

5 finished; went

6 was laughing / laughed; didn’t hear

7 was singing; fell

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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