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South African Journal of Plant and Soil

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Effects of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride and

manganese sulphate on kikuyu (Pennisetum
clandestinum) growth and ion uptake

A. J. Mills , M. V. Fey & C. E. Johnson

To cite this article: A. J. Mills , M. V. Fey & C. E. Johnson (2004) Effects of sodium sulphate,
sodium chloride and manganese sulphate on kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum)
growth and ion uptake, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 21:4, 209-213, DOI:

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S. Afr. J. Plant Soil 2004, 21 (4) 209

Effects of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride and manganese sulphate

on kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) growth and ion uptake

'II 1 2* , M .V . Fey'
A .J. MIS' " J 0 hnson 3
1 an deE
1 Department of Soil Science, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X01,
Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa .
2National Botanical Institute, Private Bag X7, Claremont, 7735, South Africa
3Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, New York, 13244, USA

Accepted 24 February 2004

Irrigation with saline water is increasingly practised yet an understanding of plant response to different salt types
remains largely elusive. Our study investigated the effects of irrigation with simulated effluent containing three
salts on the growth and composition of a common South African pasture grass. We treated pots of kikuyu (Pen-
nisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov.) in a controlled environment with solutions of sodium sulphate
(Na2S04) or chloride (NaCI) at saturated soil solution electrical conductivity (EC) of 0,5, 10 and 20 dS m- 1 , com-
bined with 0, 900 or 1800 mg kg- 1 Mn as MnS04' Kikuyu yields in the Na2S04 treatments were significantly
lower than in corresponding NaCI treatments. This could be explained by increased ion imbalance and osmotic
stress as a result of higher ionic strength and a greater concentration of neutral ion pairs in the Na2S04 system
at similar EC. An apparent Na2S04-induced Ca deficiency was attributed to suppressed Ca 2+ activity through
Downloaded by [] at 01:11 31 January 2016

ion pairing at high ionic strengths. Under the conditions of this experiment ionic strength appeared to be more
effective than EC as a measure of salinity stress when comparing the effects of S04 and Cion growth of kikuyu.

Key words: ionic strength, Pennisetum clandestinum, salinity, sodium chloride, sodium sulphate

* To whom correspondence should be addressed (E-mail:

Introduction and their interaction with MnS04 on the growth and composi-
Irrigation with saline waters is becoming increasingly com- tion of kikuyu and to develop a better understanding of the
mon as agriculture expands into marginal areas with lower salinity response mechanism by studying the chemical com-
quality water (Ayers & Westcot, 1985; Awada et al., 1995). position of the soil solution.
Furthermore, because of stringent water quality regulations, it
is difficult and expensive to discharge saline water to surface Materials and methods
water, making irrigation an attractive management alternative Kikuyu was grown from I dm 3 sods in non-draining pots in a
(Devitt,1989). loamy soil (23% clay) containing 3.8% organic matter taken
A thorough understanding of salinity effects on plants and from a road verge on the University of Cape Town campus.
soils remains largely elusive (Cheeseman, 1988) and is con- Basal nutrients were added to the soil in the following quanti-
founded by the highly variable nature of salinity effects on ties, per kg dry soil: 100 mg P as NaH 2P04.H20; 31 mg Mg
plant growth (Curtin, Steppuhn & Selles, 1993). The relative as MgS04.7H20; 49 mg K as KCI, and 200 mg N as
sensitivity of plants to Na2S04 versus NaCI salinity, for NH4N0 3. Salinity effects of Na2S04, NaCI and MnS04 were
example, varies considerably according to the plant species determined in a factorial experiment involving 24 treatments
under investigation (Mengel & Kirkby, 1978; Paek, Chandler in a randomised block design with two replications. Soils
& Thorpe, 1988; Manchanda & Sharma, 1989; Warne et aI., were treated before planting with sufficient Na2S04 or NaCI
1990; Awada et al., 1995). The explanations proposed for the to produce a range of electrical conductivity (EC) in the satu-
varied responses include physiological differences between ration extract of the soil (corresponding to a water content of
plant species or even cultivars (Datta et al., 1995), as well as 430 cm3 kg- I dry soil) up to a maximum of 21 dS m- I . In
ionic differences between salt types and the consequent addition, three levels of MnS04 (0,900 and 1600 mg Mn kg- I
effects on nutrient uptake (Sposito, 1989). Furthermore, the dry soil) were superimposed on each of the series of Na salt
time frame of response measurement can be important in treatments. The concentration and volume of salt solution
determining the dominant response mechanism which can be added to soils in each treatment are presented in Table I. The
dual, with osmotic or water stress being followed by internal grass was maintained on a daily regime of II hours artificial
injury (Munns, 2002). ' I lighting (sodium halide and incandescent) and temperature
This study was prompted by the proposed disposal of' control between 20°C (night) and 28°C (day). Pots were irri-
three saline effluents, dominated by Na 2S04, NaC!, or MnS04, gated with tap water every day to a field capacity of 170 cm
onto kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov.) kg- until harvesting after 3 weeks of growth. Shoot mass was
pasture in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Kikuyu is determined after oven drying at 65°C. Milled shoots were
known to be highly tolerant of both NaCI (Russell, 1976) and ashed at 480°C and dissolved in 5 MHCl at 50°C for 30 min-
MnCI 2 (Rayment & Verrall, 1980). The response of this grass utes. The diluted digests were analysed by direct current
to other salt types has not, however, been documented. Our plasma (DCP) optical emission spectrometry for Ca, Mg, Na
objectives were to compare the effects of Na2S04 and NaCI, and K. Saturated paste extracts (Rhoades, 1982) were pi'e;.
210 S. Afr. Tydskr. Plant Grond 2004, 21 (2)

pared from 400 g dry soil taken from each pot of treated soil stress on plant growth than NaCI solutions at the same EC.
prior to planting. The extracts were analysed for EC, pH, Mn This can be mechanistically explained by ion speciation of
by atomic absorption spectrometry, and other soluble cations the sulphate-dominated soil solutions, which revealed that up
(Ca z+, MgZ+, K+, NH4+ and Na+) and anions (Cr, S042- and
to 57% of cation species are bound as neutral ion pairs (e.g.
NOT) by ion chromatography using CS 12 and Ionpac AS4A
CaS04 and MgS0 4; Table 3). These ion pairs contribute to
columns on a Dionex DX300 instrument. Data were analysed
using a multifactorial ANOV A design and the software pack- osmotic stress but do not affect EC which, as has been previ-
age Unistat 5.0. Salinity treatment effects were assessed ously suggested (Papadopoulos, 1986), consequently is
using the Tukey-HSD test. Equilibrium ionic strength, ion unsuitable as an index of osmotic stress in sulphate-domi-
speciation and the activity of free ions in solution were com- nated solutions.
puted using the PHREEQC ion speciation model (Parkhurst
& Appe10, 1999). Table 2 Mean kikuyu yields (g dry matter pot-1) under
different treatments of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride and
Table 1 Concentration and volume of Na2S04, NaCI manganese sulphate. Values are means of the two replicates
and MnS04 solutions added to soils of each treatment for each treatment
Solution Level Volume added Dry matter yield (g poe!)
Treatment (g 1- 1) (dS m- 1)
Manganese treatment Mean(!)
(ml kg-1 soil) Sodium sulphate(2) 0 800 1600
Na2S04 14.2 -5 125 o 2.7 3.6 2.6 3.0 a
5 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.6 ab
Downloaded by [] at 01:11 31 January 2016

31.8 -10 125

to 1.9 2.0 1.1 I.7bc
33.6 -20 250 20 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.2 c
NaCI 32 -5 25 Mean 2.0 2.4 1.9 2.1
70 -10 25 Sodium chloride
o 3.1 3.4 3.0 3.2 a
147 -20 25
5 2.1 2.8 3.4 2.8 ab
(g Mn kg-1) 10 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.4 ab
20 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 b
MnS04· H20 549 0.9 5
Mean 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.5
1.8 10 ANOVA, F-Value
Salt type Sodium chloride
Results and discussion Sodium sulphate 31.5 (P<O.OOI)
(I)Means within a column followed by the same letters are not signif-
icantly different at P=0.05 (Tukey-HSD test); (2)Four salinity treat-
Yield patterns ments: no addition of salt; addition of salt to achieve an electrical
Kikuyu shoot yields in the NaZS04 treatments were signifi- conductivity of -5, -10, -20 dS m- I in a saturated paste extract.
cantly lower than in NaCl treatments (P<O.OO I), while Three manganese treatments: 0, 900 and 1600 mg Mn kg-I.
MnS04 had no significant effect in any of the treatments
(P>0.05) (Table 2). Yields decreased in a curvilinear manner
with an increase in EC (Figure 1). A good measure of salinity Table 3 Ca speciation in saturated paste extracts of selected
stress would reflect an equal increase in salinity stress in treatments, as calculated using PHREEQC
response to a given increment of all salt types. Electrical con-
ductivity, the conventional measure of salinity stress (Camp-
bell, Bower & Richards, 1948), does not meet this c;
requirement for our comparison ofNaz S04 and NaCl salini-
ties. The inadequacy of EC is demonstrated by the results in
= se ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Figure 1 and might be explained by additional osmotic and/or ~! ~ ~!
ionic stresses imposed by the S04 ion. Sodium sulphate treatment (no manganese addition)
o 6.4 6 0.4 3.1
Osmotic stress: a function of total solute concentration 0.5 10.2 6.4 3.8 2.6
The normally linear relationship between EC and ionic 12.7 6.8 5.9 2.3
strength, as reported for different soil solutions by Snoeyink
2 14.5 6.2 8.3 1.8
& Jenkins (1980) appears to be a poor model for solutions
Sodium sulphate treatment (Plus 1600 mg Mn kg-I)
dominated by Na ZS04 or NaCl. The total solute concentration
(including uncharged ion pairs) of Na2S04 solutions in our 2 12.5 5 7.5 1.3
experiment was up to 40% greater than that ofNaCl solutions Sodium chloride treatment (no manganese addition)
at the same EC. Ionic strengths were up to 53% greater in o 6.6 6.2 0.4 3.3
Na ZS04 solutions than in NaCl solutions at the same EC.
0.5 10.4 10.1 0.3 4.4
Osmotic potential is directly proportional to total solute con-
12.4 12.1 0.3 4.6
centration (Kramer, 1983) and thus the higher solute concen-
tration of Na2S04 solutions should impose a greater osmotic 2 14.3 14 0.3 4.8
S. Afr. 1. Plant Soil 2004, 21(2) 211

We thought that total solute concentration (a summation of Calcium and S04 interactions
major cations and anions in a saturated paste extract) might Calcium availability is of critical importance for plants cop-
better reflect osmotic potential than EC. When using this ing with salinity stress because it is a structural component of
measure, however, lower yields at the same solute concentra- the plasmalemma, playing a role in controlling cell membrane
tion in Na2S04 treatments compared with NaCI treatments permeability and selectivity (Maas & Grieve, 1987; Hansen
are still evident (Figure 2). This pattern could possibly be & Munns, 1988; Suhayda et ai., 1992; Gratton & Grieve,
explained by an additional salinity stress factor associated 1999). Sodium-induced Ca deficiency has been cited as a
with ion imbalance and the effect ofS0 4 on Ca uptake. major cause of reduced yield under Na salinity stress (Maas
& Grieve, 1987; Awada et ai., 1995; Ashraf, Arfan and
4.5 Ahmad, 2003; Kaya, Ak & Higgs, 2003). Kikuyu did not
4 exhibit a marked reduction in Ca uptake with increasing NaCI
..•.. Sodium sulphate
3.5 stress (Figure 3), which suggests that it is Na-tolerant in this
- 0 - Sodium chloride
0 3 respect. Sodium sulphate salinity stress, however, resulted in

.9 2.5 ~ a highly significant reduction (P<O.O I) in Ca foliar level (Fig-

Qj 2 ........ ure 3), which could therefore, as has been suggested previ-
~ 1.5 " .... -._-. ously (Janzen & Chang, 1987), be the main cause of lower
yields in Na2S04 treatments.
0.5 Reduced Ca uptake in Na2S04 treatments might be
0 .--- accounted for by higher ionic strength and a different compl-
5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
Downloaded by [] at 01:11 31 January 2016

exation chemistry of Ca. Ion activity in aqueous solution is

Electrical conductivity (dS m") reduced by increasing ionic strength and the reduction is
greater for ions of higher valence (Snoeyink & Jenkins,
Figure 1 Dry matter yield versus electrical conductivity of saturated
paste extracts in Na2S04 and NaCI treatments. Data presented are
1980). For example, Ca activity is reduced by more than 50%
from experiments conducted with 900 mg Mn added kg-I dry soil. as ionic strength approaches 0.1 M, compared with its activity
Error bars depict values from the two replicates in each treatment. in an infinitely dilute solution (Snoeyink & Jenkins, 1980).
Solutions of Na2S04 in our experiments resulted in ionic
4.5 strength exceeding 0.4 M at the highest salinity level. The for-
4 mation of neutral ion pairs (CaS04o) lowers Ca 2+ activity
"'"[ 3.5 still further in Na2S04 treatments (Papadopoulos, 1986; Jan-
'"E 3 zen & Chang, 1987). Ion speciation calculations from satu-
~ 2.5· rated paste extract data using the PHREEQC model suggested
3;! 2 that 57% of Ca is bound in CaS040 ion pairs at the highest
~ 1.5
1 ~
..... Na2S04 treatment (Table 3). By contrast, only 2% of Ca is
\ ...•... Sodium sulphate bound in CaS040 at the highest NaCI treatment. Free Ca z+
0.5 - -0- Sodium chloride activity was consequently much greater in the highest NaCI
o treatment than the highest NaZS04 treatment (4.8 vs 1.8;
0.08 0.18 0.28 0.38
Table 3). We therefore attribute reduced Ca uptake observed
Total solute (mol r')
at higher Na2S04 salinity levels (Figure 3) to reduced activity
Figure 2 Dry matter yield versus total solute concentration (summa- of free Ca2 + ions, while recognising that in soil drier than sat-
tion of the concentration of all major cations and anions in saturated uration other factors, such as cation exchange and gypsum
paste extracts) for Na2S04 and NaCI treatments. Data presented are precipitation, might also have played a role in limiting the
from experiments conducted with 900 mg Mn added kg-' dry soil. supply of Ca to plant roots. In this context, it is worth record-
Error bars depict values from the two replicates in each treatment. ing that the calculated saturation index for gypsum in the sul-
phate-dominated solutions was close to zero, suggesting the
0.33 probability of gypsum formation under drier conditions e.g. at

. ·' ": :
field capacity. Nevertheless it is evident from Table 3 that

····_·······f (NaCI2)
total Ca in solution at saturation is effectively identical in
. --1 both salt systems.

1.. .. ···'-1. . ----T ~ Calcium uptake was also reduced by the application of
MnS04' This we attributed to an even greater reduction in
~ I " ' : ... ,."
Ca z+ activity, brought about by an even greater S04 concen-
.••. ••..• •.••.•.•..•..•.•.• (Na,SO,1)
.. ..::.:........... ··········f (NB,SO.2)
tration and hence CaS040 ion pairing. The lowest Caz+ activ-
······l···········.. · .......·...~.t:! ~_a,SO.3t '
ity was recorded in the treatment containing the most Na2S04
0.13 -
3 13 18 and MnS04 (Table 3).
Electrical conductivity (dS m")
S04 effects on osmotic adjustment
Figure 3 Foliar Ca versus electrical conductivity for Na2S04 and
NaCI treatments. Data from all Mn addition levels are included: I =
Increased tissue concentration of osmotically active solutes
a mg Mn kg-I; 2 = 900 mg Mn kg-I; 3 = 1600 mg Mn kg-I. There is a (osmotic adjustment) is frequently utilised by salt-tolerant
missing data point for NaCI (2) due to a laboratory error. Error bars plants to counteract the osmotic stress of salinity (Yeo, 1983).
depict values from the two replicates in each treatment. Total cation uptake by kikuyu increased markedly with an
212 S. Afr. TYdskr. Plant Grond 2004,21(2)

increase in salinity in both NaCI and Na2S04 treatments, yet tions the activity or functional concentration of an ion is nor-
cation uptake was significantly lower in Na2S04 treatments at mally derived by taking ionic strength, rather than simply
the same EC level (Figure 4) suggesting that osmotic adjust- electrolyte concentration, into account. Accordingly, we ven-
ment was less effective in the latter. One explanation for this tured a guess that ionic strength (I == 0.51 Cj zj2 where Cj =
may lie in a reduced activity of cations as was the case with molar concentration of the ith ion with valence z) might be a
Ca. Magnesium and K also showed reduced uptake in more appropriate index of salinity stress than either EC or
Na2S04 treatments relative to NaCI treatments. An alterna- total electrolyte concentration. This seems to be confirmed by
tive explanation may be found in the effect of Cl. Chloride is Figure 5, where the use of ionic strength as a predictor of
known as a highly effective ion for osmotic adjustment pur- growth response eliminates the difference between Na2S04
poses, particularly in salt-tolerant grasses (Peacock, Dudeck and NaCI treatments that was evident in Figures 1 and 2. Fur-
& Wildmon, 1993). It is thus possible that kikuyu uses CI for
ther investigation of ionic strength as an index of salinity
osmotic adjustment and increased uptake of CI in the high
stress is therefore warranted. It must be emphasised that the
NaCI treatments consequently facilitated foliar cation enrich-
common two-phase response to salinity over time (Munns,
2002) makes extrapolation from the current experiment
impossible. Higher proportions of Ca to Na should also be
1.91 tested in relation to ionic strength effects.
~; 1.8
Because of the convenience of EC as a salinity index we
§. 1.7 do not propose that it be replaced routinely but it does seem
2 1.6 1I . . ··f···· .... ····· ..···· . ····················· . ···! as though we can develop a better insight into salinity effects
Downloaded by [] at 01:11 31 January 2016

that are specific to saIt type (increasingly important in the dis-
~ 1.5 i posal of waste water, for example) by going beyond EC to
g 1.4;
ionic strength, which is both an inherent property of salt solu-
1.3 J 1 ..••. Sodium sulphate
tions, affecting the functional concentration (activity) of spe-
--<J- Sodium chloride
1 . 2 L - - - r------·----,c----------,- cific ions, and a more quantitative measure of osmotic
5 10 15 20 potential. This result may have special relevance to wastewa-
Electrical conductivity (dS m·l ) ter irrigation such as that being developed near South African
coalfields, where sulphate-dominated, neutralised mine water
Figure 4 Foliar cation uptake versus electrical conductivity for
is being applied to crops (Annandale et ai., 2002; Jovanovic
Na2S04 and NaCI treatments. Data presented are from experiments
conducted with 900 mg Mn added kg-! dry soil. Error bars depict val- et ai., 2002). Similar wastewaters are common throughout the
ues from the two replicates in each treatment. world wherever acid mine drainage is alleviated through lime

4.: ~ Conclusions
Ionic strength appears to be more consistent than electrical
... 3.53 i
...... Sodium sulphate
- 0 - Sodium chloride
conductivity for quantifying the salinity stress imposed by
0 J
irrigated Na2S04 and NaCI salt solutions on kikuyu grass
E 2.5 I growing in soil-filled pots. The main difference between the
S 2 1 effects of Na2S04 and NaCI on kikuyu nutrition was an
J;! I ......... tt:
's, 1.~ ~ apparent S04-induced reduction in Ca uptake under Na2S04
~ treatments. This difference was attributed to lower free Ca2+
0.5 j activity due to more ion pair formation and a higher ionic
o, strength. Neutral ion pairs, more prevalent in sulphate solu-
0.075 0.125 0.175 0.225 0.275 0.325 0.375
tions, make a contribution to osmotic potential that is not
Ionic Strength
reflected in electrical conductivity measurements. Without
Figure 5 Dry matter yield versus ionic strength for Na2S04 and challenging the routine usefulness of EC, there may neverthe-
NaCI treatments. Data presented are from experiments conducted less be situations in wastewater management where salinity
with 900 mg Mn added kg-! dry soil. Error bars depict values from
thresholds for irrigated crops ought to accommodate ion spe-
the two replicates in each treatment.
cific effects, in which case ionic strength (readily calculated
from routine water analysis) may prove more useful than
Ionic strength asia more consistent index of salinity
electrical conductivity.
Earlier in this paper a discrepancy in growth response to a
particular salinity level of sulphate or chloride, as indicated
by EC (Figure 1), was attributed to the failure of EC to cor- The authors extend their thanks to Antoinette Upton (Univer-
rectly reflect both osmotic and ionic interaction effects on sity of Cape Town) for assistance in the laboratory. This work
plant growth. Ionic imbalances may occur through a "swamp- was funded by Shell South Africa (Pty) Ltd, the South Afri-
ing" effect of the dominant ion at root exchange sites produc- can National Research Foundation (Grant number 2047381),
ing either antagonism or synergy and impairing a balanced the Eskom Tertiary Education Support Programme and the
nutrient uptake (Cheeseman, 1988). In dilute electrolyte solu- National Botanical Institute, South Africa.
S. Afr. J. Plant Soil 2004, 21(2) 213

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