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Quiz Clarification Template

Course Code:
Course Name:
Module/Unit Number:
Module/ Unit Name:
Student Full name:

What is a Quiz Clarification

If a student uses up all 3 attempts for a quiz but does not achieve 100% they can still successfully prove that they
have a sound understanding of the question by submitting a quiz clarification.

A quiz clarification allows a student to identify the correct answer and provide a brief explanation which shows that
they have the knowledge required to achieve a satisfactory result for the assessment.

How to do a quiz clarification

If you ever find that you have used up all of your attempts for a quiz just follow these steps to complete your quiz

1.) Fill in your details in the section above

2.) Identify the quiz question/s that you have not passed
3.) Paste the question/s in to this template
4.) Identify the correct answer and provide a brief explanation about the answer.

Please complete a quiz clarification for each of those modules/ units where there is a quiz that you have not passed.
(You need to do a separate quiz clarification per module/ unit)

Tips for explanations

If you aren’t sure of how you can explain the answer, here are some suggestions:

 Why is the answer the answer? As in, why couldn’t the answer be one of the other option/s?
 Provide in-depth information about the answer
 Provide reference details if you found the answer in a resource
 If the answer is mathematic in nature demonstrate the related equation and to show how the answer would
be achieved

The correct answer is c) A cheetah

What is fastest land animal?
Cheetahs can run 72kph
A.) A dolphin
B.) Three-toed sloth
Sloths are considered to be one of the slowest animals on
C.) A cheetah
D.) A carrot
Dolphins and carrots are not a land animal.


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