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1. You are free to use the internet while attempting the assignment.
2. The time duration for completing this assignment is 1 day.
3. You can consult for any doubts regarding questions asked with your point of contact.
4. Please ask for ssh details of servers if not already provided. [Host(Domain), IP,
Username, SSH Port, Password]
5. Write down your answers to the questions in the submission section.
6. Make sure to share the screenshot while answering the questions.

Server Details-1:

Host Name:-
Username: root
SSH Port: Default

Task To Perform:

● On the given first VM, install LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL8, MariaDB10.6,
PHP8.1, and PHP8.2) + the latest WordPress in the given
● Both PHP versions should be running simultaneously on the stack.
● Change the open files limit and number of processes limit for all Linux system users to
25000. Ensure the above mentioned change remains intact even on reboot. Now let us
know which file you will edit for making this change?

File Name -

● Enable keep-alive for Apache. Set the keep-alive parameter to a value of 3600 seconds.
● Enable MySQL query cache variable and set cache limit to 1024MB and mention which
file you edited for making this change.

File Name -

● Increase the PHP memory variable to 512MB and mention below how will you verify if
changes are done correctly for the required virtual host.
Server Details-2:

Host Name:-
Password:- dfxLY8MqUow6
Username: root
SSH Port: Default

Task To Perform:

● On the given second VM now install LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL8/Mariadb10.6,

php8.1and php8.2) with Magento 2.4.6 in the given
● Install the additional required packages for Magento (Elasticsearch/OpenSearch etc.).
● Both PHP versions should be running simultaneously on the stack.
● Install the Let’sEncrypt SSL certificate on this Magento site and redirect the site to
HTTPS only.
● Create a folder named 'mydata' in /home directory and add 4 files in mydata folder
named a,b,c,d. Now, create a shell script to backup this folder and copy this backup to
another server (used in Q.1) every day at 10 PM.

Write your shell script below -

4. Prepare a brief 3-minute presentation on any one of the following topics:

○ Proxmox Virtualization
○ OpenVAS
○ Acronis Cyber Infrastructure

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