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Which domain you want to prefer?

"As a fresher, I'm open to exploring different domains within IT jobs. My main focus is to gain
valuable experience and develop my skills in a dynamic and challenging environment. I'm
enthusiastic about learning and contributing to any domain that allows me to grow and make a
positive impact."

Which technology you recently learned?

II recently learned [Name of the new technology]. It's [briefly
mention the purpose or application of the technology]. I found i
interesting and have been exploring how it can be applied to
solve specific problems."

Long term goal?

"In long-term ,l want to have a successful and fulfilling career in
[mention your field or industry of interest]. I am excited to keep
learning and improving my skills to make a positive difference.
My ultimate goal is to take on challenging roles and
responsibilities that let me make a meaningful impact and feel
happy in both my personal and professional life."

Tell Me about yourself or Introduce Yourself or Self Introduction?(Best Answer)

Sample Answer: My name is [Your Name]. I am from Bangalore. I recently completed my Bachelor's
degree in Computer
Science from NIT. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively participated in various technical
events and competitions,
which have enhanced my problem-solving abilities and developed my skills in programming
languages such as C, Java and
Python. I come from a close-knit family where my parents have always encouraged me to pursue my
dreams. In my free time, I
enjoy reading books on personal development and playing the guitar. My goal is to continuously
learn and grow in the field of
technology, contributing to innovative solutions and making a positive impact. One of my key
strengths is my ability to adapt
to new situations quickly, which allows me to effectively handle challenges and work well in dynamic
team environments. I am
eager to contribute my knowledge and learn from experienced professionals at Accenture. Thank

Question 8: How do you handle stress and Pressure?

Sample Answer: To handle stress, I employ a few strategies such as prioritizing tasks, breaking them
down into smaller
manageable steps, and creating a schedule to stay organized. Additionally, I find it helpful to take
short breaks, practice deep
breathing exercises, and engage in activities like meditation or physical exercise to relax my mind.
Seeking support from
friends, family, or mentors also plays a vital role in managing stress effectively.
Question 9: Tell me about our company (Accenture)?
Sample Answer: Accenture is a global professional services company that offers a wide range of
consulting, technology,
and outsourcing solutions. It has a strong reputation for providing innovative and cutting-edge
solutions to clients
across various industries. Accenture is known for its diverse and inclusive work culture, emphasizing
learning and career development opportunities.

Question IO: Why did you want to join Accenture? Or Why this Company? Or Why
do you want to work in Accenture?
Sample Answer: I chose to join Accenture because it is a renowned company with a global presence,
offering excellent
opportunities for professional growth and development. The company's emphasis on innovation,
collaborative work
environment, and diverse range of projects align perfectly with my career aspirations. I am excited
to contribute my
skills and learn from the talented professionals at Accenture.

Question 11: Why do want this job (Any Fresher Role)?

Sample Answer: As a fresher, I want this job because it provides me with an opportunity to kickstart
my career in a
reputed organization like Accenture. I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills, learn from
experienced professionals,
and contribute to meaningful projects. This job aligns with my career goals and offers a platform for
growth, skill
development, and making a positive impact in the field of technology.

Question 12: Why should we hire you? Or Why should I hire You?
Sample Answer: You should hire me because I bring a combination of strong technical knowledge,
passion for learning,
and a diligent work ethic. As a fresher, I offer a fresh perspective and adaptability to new
technologies and industry
trends. I am a quick learner, a strong team player, and possess excellent problem-solving skills. I am
eager to contribute
my enthusiasm and dedication to the team and make a positive impact on projects and
organizational goals.

Question 13:Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Or how you see yourself
after 5 years from now?
Sample Answer: In 5 years, I see myself in a senior position within the company, having gained
valuable experience and expertise in my field. I aspire to take on leadership roles and contribute to
strategic decision-making processes. Additionally, I aim to continue expanding my skillset through
continuous learning and professional development
opportunities, ultimately becoming a valuable asset to the organization.
Question 14: What are your strengths and weakness?
Sample Answer: My strengths include strong problem-solving skills, effective communication
abilities, and a keen
eye for detail. I am a quick learner and adapt well to new situations. As for weaknesses, I tend to be
overly self-
critical at times, but I actively work on embracing constructive feedback to continuously improve and

Question 17: Why are you interested in software field? Or Why do you want to
join IT as a non-lT student?
Sample Answer: I am interested in the software field because it offers endless possibilities for
innovation and
problem-solving, allowing me to create tangible solutions that can positively impact people's lives.
The software field provides a dynamic and challenging environment where I can continuously learn
and grow,
fueling my passion for technology and programming.

Question 21: What are your salary expectations? Or How much salary do you expect?
Sample answer. As a fresher, my primary focus is on gaining valuable experience and learning
opportunities. I am more
interested in the growth potential and learning opportunities provided by the role rather than a
specific salary figure.
However, I trust that your company offers a competitive compensation package based on industry
standards and my

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