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Micro-hydro power development technologies in Indonesia mainly consist of those
relating to electrical and mechanical equipment which were originally transferred by the
GTZ. A small number of technologies are firmly rooted in local NGOs, constituting a
unique feature which is not observed in other Southeast Asian countries.

Under the present Study, a manual featuring a comprehensive technological system

relating to micro-hydro power development has been prepared to solve the problems
described above. In addition, OJT and workshops were organized through the
construction of the pilot plant for the purpose of extending these technologies.



12.2.1 Overview
The extraction of promising micro-hydro power generation sites in Indonesia has
traditionally been conducted by a kabupaten(district)-related body based on information
provided by local residents in unelectrified areas. However, a full-scale survey of these
sites has often found the construction of a hydropower plant to be difficult because such
information, the nature of which is listed below, sometimes fails to appreciate the
negative factors described in brackets.

① Ease of securing the necessary head because of the presence of a waterfall (steep
topography makes it difficult to set up a settling basin and headrace, etc.)

② Sufficient water volume (there is no quantitative data on the droughty water


③ Existence of a micro-hydro power plant with an output of __ kW in the past (the

output figure simply indicates the installed capacity of the past hydropower plant
and is not based on the available hydraulic energy and discharge)

④ Existence of many unelectrified households (households are scattered over a large


⑤ Others (there is a lack of information on the local socioeconomic situation,

particularly on a possible body to be in charge of power plant management in the
future and other vital aspects)

For the present Study, it was recognized that there is a need for technology transfer with
emphasis on the following points to enable government offices to accurately extract
promising sites instead of depending solely on information provided by local residents.

① Topographical and functional conditions relating to the introduction of various

power plant structures

② Estimation of the discharge based on the rainfall level and size of the catchment
area and an on-site discharge observation method

③ Measurement method of the available head

④ Method of setting the scope of a study

⑤ Study method for the socioeconomic conditions and importance of the balance
between supply and demand

12.2.2 Civil Engineering Aspect

(1) Indigenous Technologies Effective for Micro-hydro Power Development
Paddy rice cultivation is very popular throughout Indonesia and the irrigation
technologies which have been nurtured by such farming can be effective for
micro-hydro power development. The technologies listed below are particularly
effective from the technical viewpoint to ensure the durability and stability of
hydropower generation equipment and these technologies are incorporated in the
manual in one way or another.

a. Intake Weir Using Gabions

b. Intake Using Orifice

c. Manually Dug Water Channel

(2) Technical Problems

The traditional irrigation technologies are possible in Indonesia. There is a single

decisive difference between the irrigation technologies and micro-hydro power
generation technologies in regard to the prevention of sediment inflow and sediment

At some micro-hydro power development sites, the prevention of sediment inflow and
sediment disposal have not been taken into proper consideration and many power plants
at these sites have been destroyed by sediment inflow.

Under the present Study, the prevention of sediment discharge and sediment disposal
are the subject of intensive guidance and are described in detail in the manual.

12.2.3 Electrical and Mechanical Aspects

(1) Current Situation of Technologies

• Water Turbine

Although a domestic manufacturer in Indonesia claims that it is capable of

manufacturing various types of water turbines, only the cross-flow type or reverse
pump type (small output) is recommended from the technical point of view because of
the current situation in Indonesia where no reliable technical backing in the form of
model tests, etc. exists. The water turbines, which can be designed and manufactured in
Indonesia for micro-hydro power generation, are as follows.

- Cross-flow type: turbine output (10 – 250 kW); effective head (4 – 50 m); flow rate
(100 – 820 litres/sec)

This turbine is designed by SKAT (T13 or T14 model) and its technical base is well
established with design data being fully available. It can be commended in the sense
that the design of a water turbine which is compatible with the actual on-site civil
engineering design conditions can be produced with relative ease. Some are already in
actual use.

- Reverse e pump type: turbine output (2 – 7 kW); effective head (4 – 20 m); flow rate
(4 – 130 litres/sec)

In the case of this type, the pump used for pumping water is reversed as a generating
turbine. Readily available pumps of this type in Indonesia are small with a generating
capacity of up to around 7 kW. This type of pump turbine can be applied at site where
the flow rate does not vary but cannot be applied, at sites where the flow rate
considerably varies The generator will be a direct-coupled induction motordue to small

• Generator

As explained in clause 11.5.5.,the speed of water turbine with dummy load type speed
governor hardly increases and does not reach to run-away speed even in case the full load
is cut off suddenly during operation due to the reason that the actual load is transferred
fully to dummy load. Therefore, the generator for diesel engine can be used.As explained
in clause 11.5.5.,the speed of water turbine with dummy load type speed governor hardly
increases and does not reach to run-away speed even in case the full load is cut off
suddenly during operation due to the reason that the actual load is transferred fully to
dummy load. Therefore, the generator for diesel engine can be used.

- Synchronous generator (for Cross flow type water turbine: under license from
European manufacturer: 380/220 V, 1,500 rpm, 12 – 250 kVA, with a brushless exciter
and automatic voltage regulator) ). As these are manufactured with several capacities in
Indonesia, the selection of a standard type of this generator makes procurement quick
and easy

- Induction generator (for reverse pump:using an induction motor incorporated with

a small pump, speed 1500rpm as standard or speed of pump, 2 – 7 kW) ). The
induction motor is strong and cheaper in cost due to squirrel-cage type. For using as
generator, it is required for excitation to add capacitors (condensers) separately. It is
afraid that additional cost for replacement may be required due to the quality
(particularly regarding its lifetime) of the capacitor and some power-cut may occur in

• Speed Increaser

In case of synchronous generator, Speed- Increaser is required to coordinate the speed

of the water turbine and speed of the generator. Given the small output associated with
micro-hydro power generation, belt type increaserusing a pulley is appropriate. This
increaser is manufactured in Indonesia (the material for the belt is imported and is kept
in stock) and the price is not high. Belt type increaser which is commonly used and of
which the technological base is well established can be safely opted for.

• Speed Governor (Dummy Load Type)

The use of an ordinary hydraulic governor which regulates the rate of water flow by
automatically moving the guide vane is impossible for a small water turbine because of
its prohibitive high price. Accordingly, a dummy load type governor which is cheap and
already used in Indonesia should be opted for. The control part, which is equipped in
one substrate, is furnished in ELC type panel for synchronous generator or IGC panel
for induction generator. . It is strongly requested for proper operation to select either
type carefully because the excitation system of both kind of generator is completely
different. Because of the use of a thyrister for ELC and trasister for IGC, the reaction
performance of this type is excellent for interchanging between consumer and dummy
load. This type of governor is the best choice for micro-hydro power generation despite
its shortcoming of the some energy consumption from generator output by the dummy
load. The performance of a dummy load type governor is judged to be good enough for
micro-hydro power generation as it is of static type without mechanical moving part.

• Control Panel

The recommended control panels are the ELC type and the IGC type (both of which are
equipped with a dummy load type governor) manufactured in Indonesia. Many of these
have already been used for micro-hydro power generation and no immediate problems
regarding their use are foreseen. The ELC type is used for a synchronous generator
while the IGC type is used for an induction generator. Each type is equipped with the
minimum range of devices and instruments (meters) required for a micro-hydro power

• Inlet Valve

The inlet valve is to control the water inlet to the turbine and such manual operation
butterfly valve with international standard of the sizes required for micro-hydro power
plant (MHP) can be procured in Indonesia and its simple manual operation ensures its
long life. The relevance of an inlet valve for micro-hydro power generation is debatable
because of its extra cost. However, it is judged that the use of an inlet valve is
preferable in view of better equipment maintenance, easy starting up and stoppage of
operation and better safety for operators, etc. Dummy Load Heater

Dummy Load Heater

The dummy load heater used for above speed governor is a simple air-cooled electric
heater which can be cut to achieve a suitable length corresponding to the capacity of the
dummy load. The dummy load is same in its construction but it is used as AC load for
ELC type and DC load for IGC type. The installation location of the dummy load
should be determined to ensure its efficient cooling. To be more precise, a separate
room with louvred window should be set up as described in Chapter 11.

12.2.4 Transmission and Distribution Aspects
The PLN has well-established technical capability to handle 20 kV as well as 380/220
V distribution lines related to micro-hydro power generation and it is judged that no
problems exist in regard to transmission and distribution, including indoor wiring at
user premises.


12.3.1 Members of Working Group

A working group, i.e. the subject for technology transfer, was formed with the
following members in view of the facts that it would play a leading role in (i) the
development of the pilot plant and technology transfer and (ii) the extension of rural
electrification by micro-hydro power in the three target provinces (the working group
was formed during the fourth field survey period).

① Representatives of the central government (MEMR, SMOC and SMEs)

② Representatives of provincial governments (three target provinces: Minerals and

Energy Division and Cooperatives Division)

③ Representatives of the kabupaten government (Tana-Toraja: Minerals and Energy

Division and Cooperatives Division)

④ Representatives of NGOs (those operating in Tana-Toraja: Yayasan, NTT: EDEN)

o Yayasan Turbine Desa: This NGO is based in South Sulawesi Province and is
engaged in rural electrification based on technologies transferred by the GTZ
in the early 1990’s (particularly technologies relating to the manufacture of
SKAT-T3 turbines).

o EDEN: This NGO is based in Kupan in East Nusa Tenggara Province and the
teaching staff of an industrial college play a leading role in forest conservation
and rural development. It plans to assist rural electrification using micro-hydro
power as a new field of activity and participated in the OJT in collaboration
with the provincial government.

⑤ Representatives of the local community: Head of Lembang (new administrative unit

replacing Desa) Berau (who also acts as the representative of the Masanda Power
Plant management body) where the pilot project was implemented and two local
residents (to be trained as power plant operators)

12.3.2 On-the-Job Training

The OJT as a technology transfer exercise consisted of the following items.

(1) Preliminary Survey

① Selection of candidate development sites

② Site conditions survey

③ Demand survey

(2) Project Planning

① Supply and demand plan

② Evaluation of development potential

③ Electrification plan

④ Design

(3) Establishment of Maintenance System and Charge Collection System

① Establishment of maintenance system and charge collection system

② Funding plan to sustain operation

(4) Detailed Design

① Detailed design

② Cost estimation

③ Preparation of tender documents

(5) Supervision Regarding Construction Work Under Pilot Project

The construction work under the pilot project (micro-hydro power plant) by a local
contractor was supervised. The technical know-how required for the smooth progress of
the work was transferred.

(6) Operation and Maintenance

The operation of the pilot plant, the test operation and inspection of which was
completed, commenced. Guidance was provided to ensure an appropriate operation
system based on the already established maintenance system and charge collection
system. The system to continue monitoring by local people without reliance on
outsiders was established by clarifying the check items for monitoring and actually
commencing monitoring work.

(7) Monitoring

The progress of operation control at the pilot plant was checked.

(8) System Evaluation

The entire system of the pilot plant was evaluated from various angles, including
technology, maintenance and financial management

12.3.3 Workshops
Various workshops were organized to extend the achievements of the OJT to a wide
range of people related to the pilot project. The timing of the workshops which
corresponded to the progress of the OJT is given below.

First Workshop: during the fifth field survey period (preliminary study and project

Second Workshop: during the second half of the sixth field survey period (detailed
design, work supervision and operation and maintenance)

Third Workshop: during the second half of the seventh field survey period (monitoring)

Fourth Workshop: during the eighth field survey period (system evaluation)


During the various field study periods, OJT was conducted as described below.

① Locations

Kabupaten Tana-Toraja, South Sulawesi Province (Masanda, Makare and Rantepao)


- OJT during fifth field survey: 13 days between 24th June and 10th July, 2002

- OJT during sixth field survey (first half): from 30th August to 4th September, 2002

- OJT during sixth field survey (second half): from 24th to 28th October, 2002

- OJT during seventh field survey (first half): from 16th to 20th January, 2003

- OJT during seventh field survey (second half): from 20th to 23rd February, 2003

- OJT during eighth field survey: 5th and 6th June, 2003

② OJT Participants
Table 12-4-1 List of OJT Participants
Name Affiliation Remarks

1 Teta Baturante Dinas Keperasi Tator Cooperatives and SMEs Division,

Tana-Toraja Government

2 Ilham “ “

3 Markus Molloli Pinas Pertambangan Tator Energy and Mineral Resources

Division, Tana-Toraja Government

4 Purwanto Kamurullah “ “

5 Andarias T.P. Masanda Resident in the Project Area

6 Welem Sambolangi “ “

7 Paulus Pappang Dats “ “

8 Helmi P. Nainggolan MEMR MEMR counterpart

9 Rusdi Taher SMOC and SMEs SMOC and SMEs counterpart

10 Abdullah “ “

11 Habel P. Yayasan Turbin Desa NGO active in Tana-Toraja

12 Yunus Tandi “ “

13 Luther Pongrekun “ “

14 Haris Yasi Dera “ “

15 Simon Boroh LPA-SDA Eden (Institute NGO active in NTT, voluntary

of Study and Management participation
of Natural Resources

16 Okitavianus Dharma “ “

17 Silas Kase “ “

③ Outline of OJT Subjects

- OJT during fifth field survey: preliminary study; project planning

- OJT during sixth field survey (first half): establishment of maintenance and electricity
charge (collection) systems; detailed design

- OJT during sixth field survey (second half): operation and maintenance; distribution
equipment; work supervision

- OJT during seventh field survey (first half): monitoring

- OJT during seventh field survey (second half): monitoring

- OJT during eighth field survey: system evaluation

Theme Date Contents

Fifth Field Preliminary 24th.Jun- 10th Basic Lecture on Micro-hydro Power

Survey Study; Jul. Development and Formation of Training
Project Groups
Planning 2002
Practical Exercises on Simple Surveying,
Measuring and Village Survey

Lecture on Preliminary Field Survey and

Selection of Candidate Micro-hydro Power
Plant Sites

Practical Exercise on Selection of Candidate

Micro-hydro Power Plant Sites

Preliminary Survey Exercise (Field Survey)

Lecture on Planning

Exercises on Project Planning and Overall


Preparation of Wrap-Up Workshop

Wrap-Up Workshop

Sixth Field Establishment 30th Aug. Cost Evaluation

Survey of th
Maintenance -4 Aug. Construction
(First Half) and Electrical
tariff Design of Electrical Equipment
Systems; Maintenance System

Sixth Field Operation 24th – Operation and Maintenance

Survey and
Maintenance; 29th Oct. Distribution Equipment
(Second Distribution
Half) 2002 Work Management
Management Preparation of Wrap-Up Workshop

Wrap-Up Workshop

Seventh Field Monitoring 16th ~ Monitoring
20th Jan.
(First Half):

Seventh Field Monitoring 20th. Monitoring

23rd Feb. Wrap -up Workshop

Eighth Field System 5th ~6th System Evaluation

Survey Evaluation
Jun Wrap-up Workshop


12.5.1 Important Points for Preparation of the Manual (Knowledge Obtained Through
OJT, etc.)
The following knowledge as shown in Table 12.5-1 obtained through the OJT was
incorporated in the preparation of the manual.

12.5.2 Roles and Scope of Application of the Manual

The manual in question compiles technical knowledge relating to the community-based
development of micro-hydro power in unelectrified areas, targeting kabupaten officials
and members of cooperatives and NGOs which are anticipated to play a central role in
electrification efforts.

The manual also intends to achieve the active use of locally procurable resources in
Indonesia (human resources, local materials and equipment made in Indonesia, etc.) and
its target scale of development is outlined below.

Scale of generation : up to 200 kW

Applicable water flow : 5 – 800 litres/sec

Effective head : 4 – 50 m

Table 12.5-1 Knowledge Obtained Through OJT and Its Incorporation in the Manual
Knowledge Obtained Through OJT Incorporation in the Manual
Preliminary The concept of “catchment area” is not established. The definition of “catchment area”, calculation
Study method and relationship between rainfall and
discharge are described in detail.
There is no previous experience of extracting The method to extract candidate sites from a
candidate sites based on an existing topographical topographical map is described together with
map. important issues relating to site selection.
It is difficult to establish understanding of the The meaning of the correction factor for each
relationship between a measured flow value and type of flow velocity measuring method and river
correction factor for calculation of the average flow conditions is explained together with illustrations.
There is insufficient understanding of how to A measuring method using locally available
measure the head and flow when a measuring simple measuring tools (such as a hose and float,
instrument is not available (inability to conduct etc.) and a recording method are introduced.
measurement without advanced equipment).
There is no previous experience of conducting a rural The necessary survey items in connection with
social conditions survey. electrification using micro-hydro power are listed
in the form of a survey sheet.
Generation Knowledge of the functions of each civil engineering The functions of each structure and important
Plan structure and of the selection of a desirable location issues relating to the selection of a location are
is insufficient. described.
Knowledge of the selection of generating equipment Procurable equipment in Indonesia and the
is insufficient. selection method are introduced.
Detailed Theoretical understanding of the basic structures of Only basic theoretical issues are described and
Design various civil engineering structures and the method basic dimensions are described in a manner which
to determine their dimensions is occasionally found they can be determined with the use of
to be difficult to achieve. diagrammes and tables.
Basic knowledge of detailed electrical and Only the minimum descriptions necessary to
mechanical design is insufficient. determine the specifications to be ordered are
given and the details of design are described in
the Annex.
Understanding of such detailed issues as the Basic issues for distribution planning are simply
selection of economical cables and the suitability of described. As the details are determined on a case
transformer installation for power distribution by case basis, it is recommended that the
purposes is insufficient. cooperation of the local PLN, etc. is obtained.
Operation and Knowledge of items to be considered when deciding The items to be considered when deciding the
Maintenance the charge level, etc. is insufficient. charge level and the calculation method are
described using examples.
Kabupaten officials have no special difficulty in Concrete descriptions are given using examples
organizing people and preparing rules of of actual pages of an accounts book to ensure
Management, etc. because of their experience of transparent accounting practice.
village-based cooperatives but their knowledge of the
importance of accounting reports and need for
accounting transparency is slightly insufficient.

12.5.3 Composition and Outline of the Manual

The manual consists of eleven (11) chapters and the contents of each chapter are
outlined below.
Table 12-5-2 Composition of the Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction
Purposes of micro-hydro power development; outline of basic components; mechanism of power
generation; concepts of catchment area, etc.
Chapter 2 Extraction of Candidate Development Sites
Site extraction method using a topographical map; important points; flow estimation method
based on rainfall
Chapter 3 Site Survey

Outline survey of the site; measuring of water flow and head; demand survey method and
important points
Chapter 4 Planning
Generation method; scale of generation; selection of installation locations of various structures;
supply and demand balancing method and important points
Chapter 5 Civil Engineering Design
Methods to determine the basic structure and main dimensions of each civil engineering
structure; important points for design
Chapter 6 Design of Electrical Equipment
Selection of generating equipment, mainly cross-flow water turbine or reversible pump turbine,
both of which are procurable in Indonesia; method to decide the items necessary to place an order
for equipment
Chapter 7 Design of Transmission/Distribution Equipment
Basic issues regarding transmission/distribution; design concept
Chapter 8 Estimation
For rough planning: simplified estimation using diagramme and table
For detailed planning: estimation items; quantity surveying; unit price; others
Chapter 9 Work Management
Key points for work management; schedule management; quality management
Chapter 10 Operation and Maintenance
Items to be included in the operation manual; maintenance guidelines
Chapter 11 Plant Management
Composition and roles of the management body; charge system; accounting system; others


12.6.1 Achievements of Technology Transfer

(1) Overcoming Traditional Problems Relating to Micro-hydro Power

The traditional technical problems referred to in Chapter 12.2 were overcome through
technology transfer and the following activities are now being conducted in Kabupaten
Tana-Toraja and East Nusa Tenggara Province.

1) Activities in Kabupaten Tana-Toraja

An electrification cooperative (KLP-CELEBES) described later has been established

and the work to extract potential sites is continuing as outlined below in Kabupaten
Tana-Toraja and neighbouring kabupatens (Kabupaten Luwu, Kabupaten Polewari and
Kabupaten Mamasa). In addition, a database for the preparation of a master plan for
Kabupaten Tana-Toraja is being developed.

• Number of extracted sites : 100

• Number of sites surveyed : 50 out of 100

• Outline planning completed : 25 out of 100

• Detailed design completed : 5 out of 100

2) Activities in East Nusa Tenggara Province

In East Nusa Tenggara Province, EDEN, a local NGO, is conducting the following
study entrusted by the provincial government.

• Target areas : Flores Island and West Timor

• Number of extracted sites : 98

• Number of sites surveyed : 12 out of 98

• Outline planning completed : 11 out of 98

• Detailed design completed : 3 out of 98

During the eighth field survey, the JICA Study Team checked the results of the survey
conducted by EDEN at the respective sites. It was confirmed that the accuracy of these
surveys has reached an acceptable level even though the survey results had some minor

(2) Awareness of Importance of Maintenance and Organized Management of Power Plant

The importance of the maintenance and organized management of a power plant was
fully understood through the OJT and the positive effects of such awareness are visible
with the management and maintenance of the pilot plant as described earlier.

(3) Establishment of Kabupaten-Based Electrification Cooperative

Through the process of technology transfer, the necessity for a cross-sectional

organization has been recognised for the execution of all development processes from
site extraction to power plant management and also for the preparation of a
kabupaten-based master plan for electrification. As a result, the KLP-CELEBES has
been established. The main members of the KLP-CELEBES are officials of the Minerals
and Energy Division and Cooperative Division of the Tana-Toraja government and
representatives of Yayasan Turbine Desa, a NGO. The scope of its activities cover a
whole range of work relating to the electrification of off-grid areas, including the
extraction of potential sites, design, operation supervision, establishment of a power
plant management body and creation of demand.
Table 12-6-1 Field Verification Results for Achievements of Technology Transfer (Flores Island
in East Nusa Tenggara Province)
Site Name Detupera Jerebuu Uggakakleleng Olakile
Survey Detailed Design Basic Design Basic Design Field Survey
Qmax 0.12 0.30 0.15 0.21
(m3/sec) (0.25) (0.15)
He (m) 27.0 40.0 30.0 23
Pmax (kW) 19 70 26 28
(59) (20)
Number of 138 households 318 households 119 households 206 households
Users 4 facilities 8 facilities 4 facilities 4 facilities
(approx. 200
households; a hamlet
with approx. 400
households exists 1 km
Village < Main Products > < Main Products > < Main Products > < Main Products >
Situation Cocoa; copra; cashew Cocoa; copra; vanilla; Rice; coffee Rice; coffee
nuts cloves; cashew nuts <General Description> <General Description>

<General Description> <General Description> Houses are relatively Some households have
Traditional houses are A few households have scattered. Many houses purchased a PVC.
relatively concentrated. purchased a PVC or are of lower quality.
Villagers have high small generator for
expectations for personal use. The
electrification. economic situation is
better than that of most
villages on the island.
General Small irrigation An intake weir and The target river is Irrigation facilities
Situation channels exist. water channels for relatively steep and exist.
irrigation exist. MHP is feasible at
other sites.
Evaluation The survey results are The survey results are There is a slight Given the capacity of
and accurate. The relatively accurate. In problem regarding the the existing channel,
Instructions installation of a view of the possible introduction of a the maximum flow will
Made transformer has been widening of the existing headrace at the site be approximately 0.15
instructed in view of water channel, surveyed by EDEN. An m3/sec.
the long distribution however, the Q value in instruction was given to
length. parenthesis should be change the planned
more suitable. The river location to the upstream
has a high level of where a headrace can
sediment discharge and be more easily
there is a large inflow introduced.
of sediment into the
existing irrigation
channels. An
instruction was given to
consider sediment
Overall Evaluation Results
Out of the four surveyed sites, irrigation channels, etc. already exist at three sites. Measuring of the head and the
selection of the plant location, etc. at these sites have been accurately conducted based on knowledge acquired through
the OJT. The water flow at a new sites has been accurately measured but the ability to select the optimal channel route
(particularly selection of the headrace route) was found to be slightly insufficient. In addition, the numerical checking
of household income, etc. is also insufficient. (This is due to a lack of experience and the accumulation of experience
under the on-site guidance of an expert is important.)
Note: The figures in parenthesis are the survey results of the JICA Study Team.


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