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PROJECT Vabakkjen 7 DOCUMENT CODE 126914-RIEn-NOT-02

CONTRACTOR Statsbygg PROJECT LEADER Stanislas Merlet
CONTACT Thomas Sannum CASEWORKER Stanislas Merlet
COPY Åge Atterås RESPONSIBLE UNIT 1065 Oslo Energibruk og

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................2
2 General Requirements ...................................................................................................................2
3 Technical Description.....................................................................................................................2
3.1 Building, Location & System Design ......................................................................................2
3.2 Minimum Performance Requirements ..................................................................................4
3.3 Equipment .............................................................................................................................5
3.4 Security ..................................................................................................................................8
3.5 Monitoring .............................................................................................................................8
4 Documentation ..............................................................................................................................9
4.1 General ..................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Annual Production .................................................................................................................9
4.3 Operation Manual .................................................................................................................9
4.4 Commissioning and Test ........................................................................................................9
5 Warranty ........................................................................................................................................9
6 Standards .......................................................................................................................................9
7 Attachments ............................................................................................................................... 10

01 12/12/2014 Comments Statsbygg Stanislas Merlet

00 08/12/2014 Draft Stanislas Merlet Bjørn Thorud

MULTICONSULT | Nedre Skøyen vei 2 | Postbox 265 Skøyen, 0213 Oslo | Tlf +47 21 58 50 00 | multiconsult.no NO 910 253 158 MVA
Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

1 Introduction
Statsbygg wants to make use of Solar Energy (Photovoltaic - PV) on the new building located in
Vabakkjen 7, Stord (Hordaland). The building will host the Norwegian Public Roads Administration
and the local Police. The total surface is planned to be 3 171 m². The Solar Power Plant must
produce at least 210 000 kWh/year to meet Statsbygg’s energy goals.

2 General Requirements
The offer shall include design, installation, commissioning and documentation of the PV Plant. The
PV Plant shall be delivered turnkey and include all the required equipment such as PV modules,
inverters, wiring, junction boxes, DC and AC switches, including general AC switch located in the
main electrical switchboard, surge protection, operation monitoring with display (option) and
Preferably solar panels are mounted only on the roof, but if necessary walls can be used as well.
The limits of the offer are:
- Electrical: Ensuring sufficient space in main electrical switchboard
- Mechanical: existing completed and insulated roof or facades. Establingshing pathway
throug exterior/interior walls/slabs for electrical cables, and subsequent patching.
The PV Plant shall not contain substances listed on the OBS list of the Norwegian Environmental
Protection Agency and the list of particularly hazardous substances. This includes, between others,
Cadmium (Cd) and BFRs (Brominated Flame Retardants).
The PV Plant shall comply with all applicable requirements regarding fire safety concerns, and shall
be equipped with lightning and surge protection.
The PV Plant shall be adapted to the connection to the local electrical grid (IT-230 V).
The installation of the PV Plant shall be performed in compliance with the Norwegian legislation for
work on roofs.
The construction supervisor must master English or Norwegian, oral and written, and all O&M
(Operation & Maintenance) documentation shall be delivered in English or Norwegian.
Prices in the offer shall be detailed (PV modules, balance-of-system, transportation, installation,
etc.) and shall be indicated in Norwegian Kroner (NOK) or in Euros (€), with and without value-
added tax (VAT). The price may also be indicated partially in Kroner and Euros, to avoid risk
regarding currency.
When Statsbygg evaluates the offer the currency rate at the time will be chosen to convert all
prices to Kroner, but payment will be made in the currency named in the offer.

3 Technical Description

3.1 Building, Location & System Design

The address of the building is Vabakkjen 7, N-5411 Stord, Norway.
Coordinates: 59°46'26"N 5°29'2"E
A 3D model of the building is shown in Figure 1.

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

Figure 1: 3D model of the building

The roof is oriented Southwest (South + 45°) and tilted 5°. A cross section of the roof is shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2: roof cross section

Plans and models are enclosed (attachments 3 and 4).

The PV Plant shall be built on facades or on top of the existing roof on the surfaces A, B and C, as
shown in the situation plan in Figure 3.


Figure 3: situation plan

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

PV modules can eventually exceed the roof edge on surface C, for one module row maximum (as
seen in example Figure 4).
There are two ventilation systems located on the surface A (shown in Figure 4). These areas shall be
free of PV modules.
An example of the pattern layout is shown in Figure 4. This example is made with the following PV
- 345 Wp
- 1 559 x 1 046 mm - 1,63 m²
- Efficiency 21,2 %
- Total capacity: 264,96 kWp

Figure 4: example pattern layout

Two examples of pattern layouts are enclosed (attachment 2).

The PV Plant shall be designed in compliance with the standard IEC 60364-7-712 (Electrical
installations of buildings – Requirements for special installations or locations – Solar photovoltaic
(PV) power supply systems) and in compliance with the Norwegian standard NEK400:2014
(Electrical low voltage installations) in general.
All the components of the PV Plant shall be in compliance with the standard IEC 62093 (Balance-of-
system components for photovoltaic systems – Design qualification natural environments).
The PV Plant shall be designed so that daily operation and periodic maintenance and inspection can
be easily performed.
The PV Plant shall be designed to meet minimum aesthetic considerations in order to not denature
the building. PV arrays shall be flat, homogeneous and parallel to the roof/facades.
Production data shall appear on a separate display in the entrance of the building (option).

3.2 Minimum Performance Requirements

The power of the PV Plant shall be indicated in kWp at Standard Test Conditions (STC), according to
IEC 60904-3 (Photovoltaic devices – Measurements principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar
devices with reference spectral irradiance data).
The PV Plant shall produce a minimum of 210 000 kWh/year based on the solar radiation data for
Stord enclosed (attachment 1). The simulation/calculation method shall be documented (complete
software report and assumptions).

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

3.3 Equipment

3.3.1 PV modules
The PV modules shall have a power warranty of minimum 80 % at STC (Standard Test Condition)
after 25 years. The product warranty shall be at least 10 years.
In order to achieve the energy production requirements, it is recommended to use high efficiency
PV modules.
The PV Plant shall consist on only one type of PV module and all the modules shall have the same
rated power.
It is assumed that the module strings are optimized to minimize the mismatch losses according to
the flash test data.
The PV modules shall have a TÜV certification and, as a minimum, be in compliance with the
following standards:
- IEC 61215 (Crystallin silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and
type approval)
- IEC 61730-1 (Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Requirements for
- IEC 61730-2 (Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Requirements for testing)
- IEC 62716 (Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Ammonia corrosion testing)
- IEC 61701 (Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules)
The PV modules shall meet the sales requirements of the EEA (European Economic Area) and be
marked CE.

3.3.2 Inverters
The inverters shall be approved for solar photovoltaic applications.
The inverters shall be adapted for the connection to the local electrical grid and the grounding
system (IT-230 V).
The inverters’ warranty shall be minimum 5 years. The offer shall include an extended warranty up
to 10 years as an option.
The inverters shall be placed in the technical room on the 3rd floor of the building. The technical
room is 501,1 m², shown in Figure 5.

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

Figure 5: plan of the technical room

An area of 3 x 7 m (height 1,8 m) is allocated in the technical room for the inverters, nearby the
The inverters shall have a TÜV certification and as a minimum be in compliance with the following
- IEC 61727 (Photovoltaic (PV) systems – Characteristics of the utility interface) or EN 50438
(Requirements for micro-generating plants to be connected in parallel with public low-
voltage distribution networks)
- DIN V VDE 0126-1 (Automatic disconnection device between a grid-parallel generator and
the public low-voltage network)
- IEC 62103 (Electronic equipment for use in power installations) or EN 50178
The inverters shall be located so that daily operation and periodic maintenance and inspection can
be easily performed. All inverters shall be labelled in order to ease the O&M.

3.3.3 Wiring
All DC cables shall be approved solar cables for outdoor use, and otherwise meet the requirements
of the Norwegian standard NEK400:2014 (Electrical low voltage installations).
The cable length shall be kept as short as possible.
Interconnections between module cables and string cables shall be made with connectors type
MC4 using the equipment recommended by the supplier.
The cables shall be fixed (with UV-resistant plastic strips, for example) to avoid movement and
mechanical damage.

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

Cable entry through the roof/wall structures shall be performed without damaging the function of
the roof/wall or its insulation.
The offer shall include AC cables to connect the PV Plant to the general AC switch located in the
main electrical switchboard.
All cables shall be labelled in order to ease the O&M.

3.3.4 Mounting System

The PV modules are mounted on an existing completed and insulated roof or on facades, as a BAPV
(Building Adapted PV) system.
The mounting system shall not impact the insulation neither the sealing of the roof/facade.
The roof structure is detailed in the plans enclosed (attachment 3). The roof is made of wood
battens with an asphalt underlayment, as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.

Figure 6: wood battens

Figure 7: roof cross section, wood battens and asphalt

The fastening system of the PV Plant to the existing roof shall be documented in detail.
PV arrays shall be flat, homogeneous and parallel to the roof/facades.

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

The mounting system shall meet the local requirements of wind and snow loads according to the
- NS-EN 1991-1-3:2003+NA:2008 (Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-3: General
actions - Snow loads)
o Sk0 = 2 kN/m²
o Conversion factor: 0,8
- NS-EN 1991-1-4:2005+NA:2009 (Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General
actions - Wind actions)
o Reference wind speed: 26 m/s
o Maximum wind speed: 40,8 m/s
o Suction pressure: 1,04 kN/m² with local variations

The extra weight per m² due to the PV Plant on the roof (including the mounting system and the PV
modules) shall not exceed 25 kg/m².
The mounting system shall allow air circulation between the PV modules and the roof.

3.4 Security

3.4.1 Overvoltage and Grounding System

The PV Plant shall include a protection against destruction by lightning.
The PV Plant, including the mounting system, shall be grounded in accordance with requirements
from the suppliers of PV modules, inverters and mounting system.

3.4.2 Fire Protection

Inverters and cables shall be located to meet all the fire safety requirements, following the general
guidelines given in ASTM E2908 (Standard guide for fire prevention for photovoltaic panels,
modules, and systems).
A document including information about the PV Plant and how to behave in case of fire shall be
delivered to the local fire department. Any special requirement from the local fire department shall
be satisfied.

3.5 Monitoring

3.5.1 Data Logging

The PV Plant shall include a surveillance system that enables live monitoring and logging, as well as
data transfer to the BMS (Building Management System).
The monitoring shall include, as a minimum, data from every single string. The monitoring solution
shall include option alarms notifying the operator of production disruptions via the BMS, emails or

3.5.2 Display (option)

In option, the PV Plant shall include a digital display at the entrance of the building that shows live
production and total cumulative production and/or annual production. The equipment, installation

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Vabakkjen 7 multiconsult.no
Solar Power Plant

and wiring of the display shall be included in the offer as an option. Requirements for detailed
execution shall be clarified with the construction manager on site.

4 Documentation

4.1 General
All documentation, product information and datasheet of every component of the PV Plant shall be
delivered with the commissioning, according to the standard EN 62446 (Grid connected
photovoltaic systems – Minimum requirements for system documentation, commissioning tests
and inspection). The documentation shall be in English or Norwegian.

4.2 Annual Production

The estimation of the annual production shall be documented (list of detailed assumptions and
complete software report). The simulation shall be performed with a software using hourly based
calculations and widely used in the solar industry. The simulation shall be based on the solar
radiation data for Stord enclosed (attachment 1).

4.3 Operation Manual

An Operation Manual shall be delivered with the PV Plant. The Operation Manual shall include
procedures for the daily operation and describe the needs for periodic maintenance and inspection.

4.4 Commissioning and Test

The commissioning of the PV Plant shall be performed by an independent third party in accordance
with its own procedures and checklists for technical takeover.
In order to ensure that the PV Plant meets the minimum performance requirements (3.2), a PR
(Performance Ratio) test shall be performed during the commissioning. The results of the test shall
attest the quality and the efficiency of the PV Plant.

5 Warranty
The Operation Manual (4.3) shall include an overview of the different components, warranties and
warranty terms.
The product warranty for the whole PV Plant shall be minimum 5 years.
If the PV Plant or any of its components does not meet the specifications during the warranty
period, it shall be rectified without any delay and at no additional cost.
The warranty shall apply in case of any component showing a malfunction or a significant change in
its mechanical or electrical function that can increase the risk of a malfunction.

6 Standards
The offer shall meet the requirements of the following standards:
- NEK400:2014 (Electrical low voltage installations)
- IEC 60364-7-712 (Electrical installations of buildings – Requirements for special installations
or locations – Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems)

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Solar Power Plant

- IEC 60904-3 (Photovoltaic devices – Measurements principles for terrestrial photovoltaic

(PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data)
- IEC 61215 (Crystallin silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and
type approval)
- IEC 61730-1 (Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Requirements for
- IEC 61730-2 (Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Requirements for testing)
- IEC 62716 (Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Ammonia corrosion testing)
- IEC 61701 (Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules)
- IEC 61727 (Photovoltaic (PV) systems – Characteristics of the utility interface) or EN 50438
(Requirements for micro-generating plants to be connected in parallel with public low-
voltage distribution networks)
- DIN V VDE 0126-1 (Automatic disconnection device between a grid-parallel generator and
the public low-voltage network)
- IEC 62103 (Electronic equipment for use in power installations)
- EN 50178 (Electronic equipment for use in power installations)
- IEC 61173 (Overvoltage protection for photovoltaic (PV) power generating systems – Guide)
- EN 62109-1 (Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems – General
- EN 62109-2 (Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems – Particular
requirements for inverters)
- EN 62446 (Grid connected photovoltaic systems – Minimum requirements for system
documentation, commissioning tests and inspection)
- EN 1991-1-3:2003+NA:2008 (Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-3: General actions -
Snow loads)
- EN 1991-1-4:2005+NA:2009 (Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions -
Wind actions)

7 Attachments
1. Climate data at Stord, source: PVGIS Climate-SAF (.pdf)
2. Examples
- Example pattern layout roof, alt. 1: 768 modules (.pdf)
- Example pattern layout roof, alt. 2: 786 modules (.pdf)
3. Plans
- Situation plan (.dwg)
- Roof plans (.dwg)
- Third floor plan (.dwg)
- Cross sections (.dwg)
4. Model
- IFC model (.ifc)

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