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com Vectors and Dot Product BalajiSampath

Vector representation magnitude resolution components addition and subtraction positionvectors

3T145 515 and D It 2J 319 then find

If a

fat tatty 128 3571

If OTI 29 3J and FB ZR 59 319 and coats 98 then find 2

3 A vector of magnitude 5 at an angle of370to the horizontal is added

to another vector of magnitude 10 at an angle of 530 to thehorizontal
Find the magnitude ofthe resultant vector

4 Vector a has magnitude 10 and points North Vectorts has magnitude to units
and points 600 East of South Find ta 51

Vector Resultant Formula Unit vectors

5 Two magnitude 20N each act

between the forces is 609 find the magnitude
a on particle
Ifthe angle
the resultant force
6 Twoforces whose magnitudes are in the ratio 3 5 a resultant
of 35N
the angle between the vectors is 600 find the magnitude eachforce of
7 Findthe angle between two forcesPtQ and Ed so that theirresultant is ftp.OF

E andB
I tbf lot51 then
find the angle between
9 Two forces suchthat the sum of their magnitudes is 18N and their resultant
has magnitude 12N and is perpendicular to the smaller force Find the magnitudes
the two forces
unit vector 0.8J ok then find
If a is represented
by 0.5T e

11 F and 13 74 249 find the vector havingthe

If 3 at
g direction same magnitude
as B and same as

12 38 45 and b 88 65 then find 1Gtb and 18 51

If Vectors and Dot Product BalajiSampath

Dot ProductofVectors
13 If a 2E 39 519 and I GE 1J 2K then find at.b

14 Find the angle between a It 29 kn and b 9 9 8


15 Find the angle between a 39 49 519 and D 34 49 ska

I are 135 and 13 respectively and

Ifthe magnitudes
of 8,5 and
8 5 7 find the angle between a andb
it Derive the resultantformula using dot product

24 812 is perpendicular to Katagtek then find c

If 39
19 Two equal magnitude vectors have a resultant also of the same magnitude

Find the angle between the vectors

20 I't P and Pt Q R then find the angle between and
lay and CI E Gita 8 then find III
85 18 5 8 and 8b and I 6 4 then find angle between Itb
If a

23 If I I 78 then
find the angle between ab tba and at bot

atbtE then find the value

of d I BE E an
24 o

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