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Physical Sciences 9th Class

Lab Activities & Project Works

Aim : To prove law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction.

Apparatus required : Conical flask, Test tube, Spring balance, Stand, etc.
Chemicals required : Lead nitrate, Potassium iodide, Distilled water, etc.
Precautions : i) Care should be taken while handling apparatus.
ii) Care should be taken during tying thread to the conical flask.
Procedure : • Prepare the solution by dissolving approximately 2 grams of
lead nitrate in 100 ml of distilled water.
• Prepare another solution by dissolving approximately 2 gm
of Potassium iodide in 100 ml water.
• Take 100ml solution of lead nitrate in 250 ml conical flask.
• Also take 4ml solution of Potassium iodide in a test tube.

• Hang the test tube in the flask carefully, see that the
solutions do not get mixed. Put a cork on the flask.
• Weigh the flask with its contents carefully by spring balance.
• Now tilt and swirl the flask, so that the two solutions get

• Weigh the flask again by the same spring balance.

• It can be observed that after mixing of two solutions there is

not change in the reading.
Bhashyam's :: 2 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2

Name of the student :

Class :

Topic :

Date of Submission :

Name of the project : Collect the information of first twenty elements in the periodic


Objectives : To know the characteristics and uses of chemical elements.

Tools : Scientists pictures

Procedure : * We collected data about the characteristics of some elements

from internet and some science magazines and some science

text books.

* We collected the information of elements photographs of the

discoverer and properties, uses of the elements.

Introduction : The term element was first used by the scientist Robert Boyle.

Lavoisier was the first one who establish a useful definition of

the elements.

Element definition : Element is defined as " the basic form of matter that can't be

broken down into simpler forms by chemical reactions.

All the elements have been arranged in a table, known as periodic

table in the ascending order of their atomic numbers.

Bhashyam's :: 3 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2

Atomic Name of the Symbol Atomic Discovered by Photo of the Year
number element weight scientist

1. Hydrogen H 1.008 Henry Cavendish 1781

2. Helium He 4.0026 Pierre Janssen 1868

3. Lithium Li 6.94 Johan August Arfwedson 1817

4. Beryllium Be 9.01218 Louis Nicolas Vauquelin 1797

5. Boron B 10.81000 Gay - Lussac and 1868

Louis Jacques

6. Carbon C 12.011 Antoine Lavoisier 1789

7. Nitrogen N 14.007 Daniel Rutherford 1772

Bhashyam's :: 4 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2

8. Oxygen O 15.999 Carl Wilhelm Scheele 1772

9. Fluorine F 18.99 Andre Marie Ampere 1810

10. Neon Ne 20179 William Ramsay and 1898

Morris William Travers

11. Sodium Na 22.989 Humphry Davy 1807

12. Magnesium Mg 24.305 Joseph Black 1755

13. Aluminium Al 26.981 Lavoisier and 1787


Bhashyam's :: 5 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2

14. Silicon Si 28.085 Berzelius 1823

15. Phosphorus P 30.973 Henning Brand 1667

16. Sulphur S 32.06 Chinees 1777

17. Chlorine Cl 35.45 Wilhelm scheele 1774

18. Argon Ar 39.948 The Lord Rayleigh 1894

19. Potassium K 39.09 Humphry Davy 1807

20. Calcium Ca 40.078 Humphry Davy 1808

Conclusion : We have known the uses of elements in our daily life.

By this work we came to know the great work done by

the scientists in discovering the elements and their


Resources : Internet and science magazines.

Thanks giving : I am very thankful to our teachers and parents who

helped me and guided me to complete this project.


Bhashyam's :: 6 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2


Name of the student :

Class :

Topic :

Date of Submission :
Name of the project : Collect the information about various experiments conducted
and theories proposed by scientists. Starting from John Dalton
to Niels Bohr.
Objectives : To know the history of atom and its structure.
Tools : Pictures of scientists and different atomic models.
Procedure : We collect the information about various experiments conducted
and theories proposed by scientists about atom.

History of atom : John Dalton proposed atomic theory based on the law of
conservation of mass and law of constant proportion as :
1) Atoms were indivisible and are made up of small particles.
2) Atoms of an element are all identical to eachother and
different from the atoms of other elements.
Later on various experiments conducted by Thomson, Gold
Stein,., etc proved that atom is divisible and consists sub - atomic
particles like electrons and protons.

John Dalton J.J. Thomson Goldstein

Based on this J.J. Thomson proposed a model of atom in 1898.
The main postulates are
1) An atom is considered to be a sphere of uniform positive
charge and electrons are embedded in it.
2) The total mass of the atom is considered to be uniformly
distributed through out the atom.
3) The negative & positive charges are supposed to be balance
out and the atom as a whole is electrically neutral.
This model is also called a plum pudding model (or) Water melon
Bhashyam's :: 7 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2
Rutherford's model of atom : Based on the X-ray scattering experiment Rutherford prosed a
model of atom. According to him.
1) Most of the space in the atom is empty the entire mass of the
atom is concentrated at its centre known as Nucleus.
2) Negatively charged electrons revolve around the nucleus in
well defined orbits like planets revolve around the sun.
3) The size of the nucleus is very small as compared to the size
of the atom.
Bohr's model of atom : In 1913, Neil's Bohr proposed a model of atom to overcome the
Rutherford's defects according to Bohr .....
1) Only certain special, described orbits of electrons are allowed
inside the atom. These are called as energy levels.
2) While revolving in these discrete orbits the electrons do not
radiate energy and it helps that the electrons donot crash into
the nucleus.
3) These orbits (or) shells are represented by K, L, M, N, . . . or
by numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . .
4) The emitted or absorbed energy by the electrons takes place
in the form of light and is given by ...
E = hυ
E = Energy of radiation
h = Plank's constant
υ = frequency of radiation
Conclusion : By this project we know about the history of atom from J.J.
Thomson to Neils Bohr.
Resources : Internet and science magazines.
Thanks giving : I am very thankful to our teachers and parents who helped me
to complete this project.


Goldstein Experiment


Bhashyam's :: 8 :: 9th_Physical Sciences_F.A.–2

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