Circular 20240525181606 2024-25 Class8 Sci HHW

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Class VIII

General Instructions:
• Holiday Homework is compulsory for all students.
• Do all the activities and the worksheet in a thin scrap file.
• It is a part of subject enrichment and will be assessed based on the creativity and efforts of the
• Revise Chapters 2, 3, and 16 and complete the worksheet attached below in the scrap file.

I. Do any one of the following activities in a thin scrap file:

Activity 1:
To compare the effect of manures and fertilizers on plants.
Students will perform the following tasks:
● Collect moong or gram seeds, cow dung, urea, water and three empty vessels.
● Label the vessels as A, B and C.
● Put a small amount of soil mixed with a little cow dung in vessel A. In vessel B, put the same
amount of soil mixed with a little urea. Take the same amount of soil in vessel C without adding
● Now, pour the same amount of water in each vessel and plant the moong or gram seeds in them.
Keep them in a safe place and water them daily. After 7 to 10 days, observe the growth of
● Click the photographs and paste them in the scrap file and attempt the following questions in the
same file.
Q1. Why do farmers use manure or fertilisers while growing the crop?
Q2. What will happen if the farmer uses an excessive amount of fertilisers?
Q3. How can one make manure?
Q4. Make a small amount of manure using the plant waste and paste a sample in the scrap
Activity 2:
Protection of crops from pests
Some animals destroy the crop before it is harvested. Farmers find it difficult to protect the
crops from these animals, insects, and microorganisms. Provide information in the scrap file by
answering the questions that follow:
(a) What are these animals/insects called? Enlist the examples of some animals/ insects that ruin
the standing crops.
(b) What methods do the farmers employ to protect their crops?
(c) Name some common insecticides used to protect crops.
(d) Write about any two environment-friendly latest technologies used in place of pesticides to
protect crops.
For example: -. Sticky Traps have emerged as an effective and environmentally friendly method
for managing sucking pests.

II. The following activity is mandatory:

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDG's)
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives designed to
address various social, economic, and environmental challenges the world is facing today.
These goals are promises that governments, men, women, and children across the world have to make to

help the world be a better place to live by the year 2030.
So, let us join hands with the UN by doing little things in our everyday lives and standing united to
accomplish the UN goals.
UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Topic: Plastic pollution and agriculture
Make a comic strip on any one of the following topics and paste it in the scrap file:
i. Plastic waste interferes with food production and safety.
ii. Sustainable alternatives to curb plastic waste.

Take two wide mouth earthen bowls. Fill one with water and the other with seeds every day and keep
them outside for birds to drink and eat.

Doon International School


SUBJECT Science TOPIC: Chapters 2, 3 and 16

Q1. Choose the most appropriate answer:

i) The gas released during the preparation of bread is
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Nitrogen (d) Sulphur dioxide
ii) Light is falling on surface S1, S2, S3 as shown in Fig.

Surfaces on which the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection is/are
(a) S1 only (b) S1 and S2 only (c) S2 and S3 (d) all the three surfaces
iii) In case of reflection of light, the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are related
(a) i > r (b) i < r (c)i = r (d) r > i

Q2. Assertion Reasoning type questions:

These questions consist of two statements each, rented as Assertion and Reason. While answering these
questions you are required to choose any one of the following four responses:
A. If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is NOT a correct explanation of the
C. If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D. If both Assertion and Reason are false.
(i) Assertion: Yeast is used in baking industry for making breads, pastries and cakes.
Reason: During respiration, yeast reproduces slowly and produces CO2 that fills the dough
and increase its volume.
(ii) Assertion: When an object is placed between two plane mirrors, then all the images found are
of equal intensity
Reason: In the case of plane mirrors, only two images are possible.

Q3. Riya’s father got a transfer to another place. While sorting out the things Riya found many of her
clothes of various fabrics were not fitting her or worn-out. She thought of burning them to get rid of
them. But her friend Shweta suggested to donate it to some charity house so that it can be reused.
(a) What are the two main types of fibres?
(b) Which fabrics are known to be skin friendly? Why?
(c) Why we should not burn synthetic clothes?
(d) Why synthetic clothes are famous than natural fabrics?
(e) What values of Riya and Shweta are shown here?
Q4. Observe the figure and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Write the name of the disease.

(b) Name the causative agent of this disease?
(c) How does the disease spread from one plant to another?
(d) Name any two plant diseases and the microbes that cause them.
Q5. Radha planned activity to observe an object A through pipes as shown below so that he could see
objects which he could not directly see.

(a) How many mirrors should he use to see the objects?

(b) Indicate the positions of the mirrors in the figure.
(c) What must be the angle with respect to the incident light at which he should place the mirrors?
(d) Indicate the direction of the rays in the figure.
(e) If any of the mirrors are removed, will he be able to see the objects?

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