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Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature in diffusion

Prediction: I predict that if the temperature of the water is higher, then the rate of diffusion must be
higher as well.


- Independent variables:
o Temperature of water
- Dependent variables:
o Rate of diffusion
- Control variables:
o Amount of water in each glass
o Amount of food coloring solution put into each glass
o Time each glass is left for before making observations


- 3 glasses of the same size

- Normal water (300 ml)
- Cold water (250 ml)
- Hot Water (250 ml)
- Food coloring (20g)
- Teaspoon


1. Take 50 ml of water into a bowl and add 20g of food coloring. Stir thoroughly.
2. Place 250ml of hot, cold and normal water each into three different glasses.
3. Add a teaspoon of food coloring solution into each of the glasses.
4. Record observations.
5. Let glasses sit for 5 minutes.
6. Record observations.


- Do not touch the hot water directly or spill it on self

- Be careful around glass materials
- Make sure to pour the same amount of solution into each glass

Observation table:

Hot water Normal Water Cold water
Most of the coloring The coloring sunk to
The coloring
slowly sunk to the the bottom and a
immediately spread
After adding solution bottom while the rest negligible amount
out across the water,
diffused in with the actually diffused into
starting at the bottom.
surrounding water. the water.
5 minutes after Most of the water was Although most of the Same as above, except
coloring stayed near
now more or less the bottom, it was the coloring was now
colored. I found that very spread out. a bit more spread out.
adding solution the color was spread Some of it even Very less compared to
in a relatively even managed to diffuse water in the other
manner. with the top layers as glasses, though.

Conclusion: The prediction made above was true. Higher the temperature of the water, faster the
rate of diffusion. Rrrrrrrrrd\+

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