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Promoting the integration of Roma women

Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Promoting the integration of Roma women
Project no.: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Bucharest, 2022

Copyright © 2022 by CLNR. All rights reserved.

This document has been produced with the financial support of the ‘ERASMUS+ KA2 - Cooperation for
innovation and the exchange of good practices’ programme of the European Union. The content represents
the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept
any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Table of Contents

Pagina | 2
1. The Romanian context ............................................................................................................ 3

2. Needs assessment .................................................................................................................... 6

A. Access to Information ......................................................................................................... 6

B. Educational needs ............................................................................................................... 6

C. Capacity building ................................................................................................................ 7

D. Labour market integration................................................................................................... 8

E. Political participation .......................................................................................................... 9

F. Personalized support for special cases .............................................................................. 11

3. Focus groups with Roma women.......................................................................................... 12

4. Focus groups with representatives of NGOs/stakeholders supporting Roma women .......... 14

5. Interviews with educators working with Roma women ....................................................... 16

Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................... 17

References ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

1. The Romanian context

The Roma represent the biggest ethnic their traditions to an important degree.
Pagina | 3
minority in Romania. The estimated numbers Historians still debate on their first entry on
differ considerably: 621.600 according to the the Romanian territories, but they agree that
official census in 20111 – up to 1.5 million – the first record is from 1385. The history of
2 million according to non-official estimates Roma in Romania is very much influenced by
by the Council of Europe. The population of the period of “robie” (enslavery), from their
Roma is very heterogeneous in Romania: entry up to 1856, when the declaration of
anthropologists have recorded between 16-18 emancipation was signed2. Communism had
neamuri, “clans”, differing generally in also a great impact on the Roma population,
traditional occupations (florists, when many of them were employed in
jewelry/silver welders etc). However, at the factories, in agriculture and enrolled in
moment, traditional Roma are decreasing in schools. Post-communist transition had deep
numbers and a vast majority of them have lost impact with loss of jobs, especially for the

George Arun, Romii între statistici și lumea reală, Deutsche Welle (2014). Available at:
(Accessed: 4 June 2021)
Viorel Achim, The Roma in Romanian history, CEU Press, 2004.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

under-skilled. Over the past three decades, attending compulsory education is 78%
activism and engagement from international (compared to 95% of Non-Roma Romanian
organizations and donors constitute a strong children in the same neighbourhoods)”. The
influence on the history of Roma persons. gap is even grated in the case of high school
Pagina | 4
In April 2022, The Romanian Government education, with only 22% of Roma students,
adopted a new Strategy for the inclusion of compared to 80% of the majority population4.
the Roma3, for the period of 2022-2027. The general objective of the new strategy is
Within this strategical document, the “to increase the quality of life of Romanian
Government acknowledges that the citizens belonging to the Roma minority,
objectives of the previous Government based on active citizenship, socio-economic
Strategy for the inclusion of Romanian inclusion and the enhancement of Roma
citizens belonging to the Roma minority, for cultural heritage.”5
the period 2015-2020, were just partially
The specific objectives of the strategy are the
achieved. Particularly, in the field of
education, there is still a major gap between
Roma children and those of the majority 1. Improving the living conditions of
population, in terms of school participation, members of vulnerable Roma
level of performance and school dropout. communities;
Also, there is still segregation and a different 2. Ensuring the access of Romanian
in the quality of education received by Roma citizens of Roma ethnicity to quality
and non-Roma children. and inclusive education;
In recent years, Romania has not registered 3. Increasing the employment rate of
progress in facilitating the access of Roma the Roma in accordance with the
children to early education or compulsory labor market demand, in line with
education. According to data included in the their professional development;
strategy, “the share of Roma children

Romanian Government, Strategy of the Romanian Government for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging to
the Roma minority for the period 2022-2027, adopted by Government Decision no. 560 of April 28, 2022,, accessed 8 June 2022.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

4. Improving the health of the participation in remedial education programs

members of vulnerable communities for all age groups. At the individual level, it
which include Roma people; sets the objective of acquiring a set of core
5. Supporting research, preservation competencies, including digital skills and
Pagina | 5
and promotion of Roma cultural diversifying professional opportunities.
heritage and Roma cultural identity;
The strategic document also aims to promote
6. Combating discrimination and
a high rate of labour market inclusion and to
anti-Roma discourse and attitudes,
establish an accessible framework for
which lead to hate speech or hate
development, by acquiring professional skills
and facilitating professional mobility. For
Roma people, this should lead to accessible
In terms of education, the strategy aims to employment opportunities and job retention,
promote access to quality and inclusive generating enough income to cover the costs
education at the community level, decrease of utilities and housing maintenance and
school dropout and encourage active adopting the behaviour of saving revenue6.

Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

2. Needs assessment

A. Access to Information lack information about such opportunities or

Pagina | 6
cannot navigate administrative hurdles9.
According to the Romanian law, students
Some of the reasons for this situation result
coming from socially marginalized
from the limited dissemination of
communities or having a high risk of socio-
information regarding these opportunities,
economic exclusion, such as Roma and high
among Roma and other vulnerable
school graduates from rural areas or from
communities. Others originate from the
cities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, have
general design of the educational system,
the right to reserved places in universities,
which is bureaucratic and difficult to
free of charge7. The state also provides social
navigate, especially by persons with a low
scholarships to students coming from
socio-economic status and low level of
disadvantaged families, both in general
education and at the university level8.
Finally, the law also sets the framework for B. Educational needs
school mediators and psychological support There are persistent problems with the
for students. education system in Romania: according to
Despite the existence of such rights and OECD 201510, 42% of Romanian 15-year-
benefits, they are often inaccessible to Roma olds are functionally illiterate11. 27.4% of
children and adults, either because they drop illiterate persons in Romania are Roma. Only
out of school at an early stage or because they 37% of Roma children are enrolled in

Law no. 1/2011 on national education, Art. 205 para. 6,
Law no. 1/2011 on national education, Art. 12 para. 2,
Carmen Gheorghe, Cristina Mocanu, Comparative qualitative research report on multiple discrimination
faced by Roma people in Finland, Italy and Romania in the field of
education, health services, housing and employment ,
people-in-Finland-Italy-and-Romania.pdf#page=78&zoom=100,92,588 , p. 78.
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
This is due to the overall context: the education legislation has suffered more than 60 modifications over the past
25 years; underfunding and delayed reforms; Spending on education remains one of the lowest in the EU (2.8% of
GDP vs 4.6% EU average).
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

preschool education12. Indeed, according to a tutoring. Actually, a great majority of

2013 study13, Roma children are 6 times Romanian parents have their children tutored
more likely to abandon school than for the exam subjects (Maths, Romanian). In
Romanian children. Romania also has the practical terms, it means that only kids whose
Pagina | 7
highest rate of early school leavers for girls parents can maintain such a financial burden
in the EU (16.1% vs. 8.9% EU average). A are likely to succeed. As a result, most
major cause of children in rural
early leaving in the The Covid-19 pandemic has affected even areas (and in
case of Roma more their education, as 68% of the particular poor
women is linked to pupils did not have electronic devices for children and Roma
early couple life online schooling. children), will lack
(20.8%) and birth the chance to
of first child (7.3%)14. Amongst causes, graduate from school.
authors15 mention: reduced family support; The Covid-19 pandemic has affected even
lack of an inclusive, friendly school system; more their education, as 68% of the pupils did
lack of models; lack of financial resources. not have electronic devices for online
All these aspects are confirmed by the schooling16.
interviews conducted for this research.
C. Capacity building
Another major factor is the fact that the
Romanian school system is so designed that According to the Romanian strategy for the
one cannot graduate without extra support – inclusion of Roma persons17, the public

European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document, Country Report Romania 2020 (2020). Available
at:, accessed: 4
June 2021.
Claudiu Ivas, Iulius Rostas, Părăsirea timpurie a școlii – cauze și efecte (2013). Available at:,
accessed: 4 June 2021.
Situatia femeilor rome din Romania, studio sociologic. Raport final (2011). Available at: https://www.prois-, accessed: 4 June 2021.
IRES, Institutul Roman pentru evaluare si strategie, Scloala in stare de urgenta, Accesul copiilor scolari din Romania
la educatie online, Studiu national (2020). Available at:,
accessed: 4 June 2021.
Roma National Agency (2021). Available at:,
accessed: 4 June 2021.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

policy on social inclusion focuses on Roma with a certain qualification in a given region.
persons, especially as the Roma human Therefore, first of all, it is essential to
resources is one of the youngest in EU. As a increase the access to education and remedial
result of Roma exclusion, Romania loses programs for Roma girls and women in order
Pagina | 8
around 887 million/annually, according to to provide them with a solid general
the World Bank18. Several reports mention background and with the ability to adapt to an
the need for training, re-skilling and always evolving labour market. Moreover,
upskilling. personalized and localized community
development programs are important for
As for Roma women, due to their low levels
empowering them to find their unique
of education the training needs are
strengths and abilities.
particularly high: remedial courses and
literacy classes. Major government programs D. Labour market integration
have attempted, through NGOs, to encourage The percentage of young Roma people not
vocational training, particularly as
in education, employment or training
hairdressers or seamstress but there was an (NEET) in Romania is one of the highest in
oversaturation of such possible employees the EU, as 63% of Roma aged 16 to 24 did

European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document, Country Report Romania 2020 (2020). Available
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

not have a job or participate in any form collecting), or migrating with their husbands
of education or training19, compared to the on a seasonal basis for working or begging
EU average of 12% for the same age abroad. Some of them might rely on
group. The same survey revealed a minimum welfare benefits. According to the
Pagina | 9
considerable gap between women and men in data cited in the National Strategy for the
this age group as 72% Roma women were not Inclusion of Roma (2022-2027), the
in education or training, as compared to 55% guaranteed minimum income is a source of
for Roma men. revenue for 10% of Roma households and
The participation of the Roma persons to the only 1% of the non-Roma households.22
labour market is significantly lower as The main causes are: low levels of education,
compared to the majority population, even poverty and responsibilities in the household,
when taking into consideration factors related early marriages and conservative attitudes,
to the regional labour markets. 20 Thus, only racism on the labour market, decrease of the
57% of Roma men and 34% of Roma women traditional Roma occupations and lack of role
of working age are officially employed, as models for Roma girls23. Related background
compared to 67% of men and 42% of women factors, such as lack of identity documents
of the majority population21. and lack of employment experience of job
Most Roma women have no craft related skills, also contribute to this situation.
skills and their paid occupations include E. Political participation
helping their husbands in agricultural or other
The Roma in Romania were not represented
seasonal jobs (such as scrap metal
in politics as a distinct ethnic minority until

Fundamental Rights Agency, The second survey on minorities and discrimination in European Union Roma -
selected results - EU-MIDIS II
roma-selected-findings_ro.pdf p. 12
World Bank, What is necessary for the inclusion of Roma in Romania?
ievingRoma%20Inclusion%20RO.pdf , p. 14. Note: The labor force participation rate among a certain population
group is defined as the share of the cohort of working age (between 15-64 years) who is employed or looking for a
Romanian Government, Strategy of the Romanian Government for the inclusion of Romanian citizens belonging
to the Roma minority
Adriana Iordache, Claudia Petrescu, Emanuela Ignățoiu-Sora, Implementing the principle of intersectionality in
the Romanian legislation, , p. 6, accessed: 6
June 2022.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

199024. From the early 1990s, there has been one seat in the Chamber of Deputies, for each
a great diversity of Roma political ethnic minority. This seat is occupied by a
organizations, but Roma politicians received representative of Asociaţia Partida Romilor
less than 1.4% of the total vote in the national "Pro-Europa"26.
Pagina | 10
elections. Most of the Roma votes went to the The Roma electorate is characterized by a
majoritarian Social Democratic Party, which, high degree of poverty, low level of
from 1999 onwards, undertook to address the education and is facing widespread
social issues of the Roma community and to discrimination, as well as social and civic
gran Roma representatives two positions in exclusion. Therefore, it is easy to influence
the central administration. Despite this, the and sensitive to social topics from the
effectiveness of political participation of the political agenda. The vast majority of Roma
Roma minority is very limited. voters do not trust public institution and do
According to the Romanian Constitution (art. not think that they can play a role in the
62 para. 2)25, citizens belonging to national decision-making process27.
minorities have the The political
The political participation of Roma
right to be participation of
people in Romania is not an internalized
represented in Roma people in
Parliament, by one and individual behaviour, but rather a Romania is not an
at least process limited to the act of voting, often internalized and
organization. reluctantly and in line with their individual
Organizations behaviour, but
representing rather a process
citizens from ethnic minorities fail to obtain limited to the act of voting, often reluctantly
the minimum number of votes for and in line with their community. Since most
representation in Parliament, have the right to Roma people do not believe in the efficiency

Ana Bleahu, Valeriu Frunzaru, The political participation of Roma in Romania,, accessed: 5 June 2022.
The Romanian Constitution of 1991, revised in 2003,
Romanian Parliament: Chamber of Deputies, Parliamentary group of national minorities,
Ana Bleahu, Valeriu Frunzaru, The political participation of Roma in Romania,
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

of voting or that they can influence public and inform them on the value of education)
policy, they often vote with the party that and educate teachers and school principals as
promised them certain rights or social well (mainly on racism, prejudices and how
benefits. Lack of participation in the vote is to combat them).
Pagina | 11
also important among Roma people, due to Young mothers need specialized programs,
lack of identity documents28. especially when their children are old enough
to be registered in school – at this moment,
F. Personalized support for special young mothers could get a job but they need
cases special trainings and support in order to
Education for Roma girls needs to be done in
Sexual education is important as a way to
an integrated manner: not only coordinated
dismantle the link between sex life and
efforts for enrolling children and making sure
marriage, which heavily impacts on the
they do not drop out (tutoring lessons,
education of Roma girls and women.
financial support, remedial lessons), but also
by building strong, trustworthy relations with
the parents/partners (with the aim to highlight

Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

3. Focus groups with Roma women

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the authors of in remedial classes in order to finish high
Pagina | 12
this study decided to conduct individual school diploma and the other has only
interviews with 4 women, instead of graduated primary education, but is enrolled
organizing a focus group. The interviews in remedial classes in order to finish high
were held online, either on the Microsoft school. One of the women had mixed parents
Teams platform or on Zoom. (Roma and Romanian), her parents had high
school diplomas and her grandparents had
Three of the women were in their 30s, whilst
not lived in compact communities.
one is around 55 years old. It is important to
mention that two of the NGO representatives All women stressed that the need for
and one of the educators are also Roma. information comes from education, and the
same with political and civic participation.
The educational background is very diverse:
Also, they highlighted the importance to
two have university degrees, one has a high
learn about job opportunities and health
school diploma and the other has only
services. More specifically, in Romania there
graduated primary education, but is enrolled
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

is a great need for information regarding the why it is important, as highlighted during the
access to specific programs established by interviews, to provide “sex education”.
the government: “reserved spots in high Also, all the Roma women interviewed
schools and universities” and “second chance underlined the need to work with the Pagina | 13
programs” – that have been proven to be parents/families in order to increase Roma
beneficial29. girls’ education.
For instance, two of the Roma women Another obstacle is the lack of models in
interviewed had accessed the reserved spots communities and of positive examples in
with the aid of NGOs that informed her about their families (it seems that the more a family
the program and also about the administrative places value on education, the more likely
steps to be followed. girls are to graduate).
As for trainings, women stressed the need Also, there is a need to stress the importance
for personal development trainings, of being economically independent and the
especially in building self-esteem (“so I can
role of education in securing such
learn that I can do it”) and trust in others and independence. The interviewees also
in institutions. highlighted the importance of challenging
With regard to the obstacles identified gender roles.
especially in relation to education: early Traditionally, Roma girls are responsible for
marriages, and
Families do not want to be “ashamed” so taking care of
especially the their younger
cultural taboos
they make sure their children, and
brothers or
surrounding sex life especially their daughters, get married
sisters, and later
(families do not want early on. on, of their
to be “ashamed” so families and of household chores, whilst men
they make sure their children, and especially are seen as the providers for the families.
their daughters, get married early on). This is Thus, girls receive little encouragement in

Diana-Maria Cismaru, Cristina Fit, Delia Gologan, Premises of Inclusive Access and Success of Roma People in
the Romanian Higher Education, in The European Higher Education Area, pp. 521-538, available at:, accessed 4 June 2021.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

pursuing their studies. Another obstacle: training on how to combat prejudices and
prejudices of teachers and their lack of how to create inclusive schools.

4. Focus groups with representatives of NGOs/stakeholders Pagina | 14

supporting Roma women

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, individual siblings), infrastructure problems (especially

interviews were held with four for the ones living in rural areas – it is
representatives of NGOs working with Roma difficult to pay for transportation to school),
women/girls30: three of the NGOs work system failures (prejudices, lack of
exclusively with Roma beneficiaries in the inclusiveness, teachers are not trained),
areas of health, education and women’s discrepancies between rural and urban areas.
rights, whilst the fourth organization also The Covid-19 pandemic has negatively
works with other categories of beneficiaries. impacted Roma children because of lack of
electronic devices and even of internet
The main challenges identified are the
connection. It was highlighted that some
economic and social situation of the families,
legislative incentives are very beneficial: for
with direct impact on education. For
instance, the one limiting access to driver
example, families who fear eviction or who
do not know what they will be eating the licenses to persons who have graduated at
least 10 grades.
following day are less likely to support
education. According to the NGO representatives
interviewed, the education needs are the
Another problem identified by the NGO
following: trainings and teaching on Roma
representatives is the “super-
identity and history, trainings on rights and
responsibilization of girls”, (in terms of
on how to claim them; extra-curricular
domestic chores and taking care of younger
trainings, especially on sexual education,

There was a fifth interview with an NGO representative but it was conducted over the phone and could not record
it, hence we did not take it into consideration.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

activism, community development and sexual violence, even when they could not
personal development. Successful programs have foreseen such cases and budgeted
are those which offer Roma girls tutoring, accordingly. Finally, representatives also
financial support, as well as personal highlighted the need for systems to actually
Pagina | 15
development and interaction with persons work, especially the social assistance
who can represent a role model. Also, it is programs.
important to have the children visit museums,
In spite of all the obstacles, representatives
or other venues and places in order to expand also underlined the progress made over the
their knowledge and their perspectives on past three decades: thousands of Roma
life. NGO representatives also highlighted women have been trained; around 1300
the importance of flexible financing or at women work as health mediators; more
least partial flexible financing for NGOs Roma women graduate university than
programs addressed to the Roma community, Roma men; a significant number of Roma
so that they can step in at moments or provide women pursued their studies so they can
assistance to beneficiaries in need, even if access jobs; and currently there are more
this was initially budgeted. For instance, an Roma women activists than Roma men
NGO should be able to assist victims of activists.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

5. Interviews with educators working with Roma women

This evaluation is based on four online sandwiches or shoes, to constant support for
interviews with educators working in Roma families.
communities and who are part or have been They stressed the need to build a strong Pagina | 16
part of the Teach for Romania non- relationship with the parent- which is to be
governmental organization, a member of the considered as an “educational partner” – a
global network Teach for All. The program relationship that takes time and effort:
promoted by this network was initially visiting the home environment,
developed in 1990 by Teach for America, in understanding their situation and providing
the United States. Today, it is present in over constant help, talking about the advantages of
60 countries on 6 continents and has 15,600 schooling and underlining every progress the
teachers and 83,000 alumni. The program is child had made; be prepared for setbacks and
based on identifying people with a high step in when families need help, be creative
potential who may or may not have previous and engaging. The work of a teacher has to
teaching experience and helping them to be “personalized”, that is, adapted to the
become teachers in state education, for communities and families.
children from vulnerable backgrounds. In It is important to offer trainings on financial
this way, the program aims to provide quality education and healthy food, on emotional
education to beneficiaries from education (how to deal with the emotions of
underprivileged communities31. the child), anti-bullying and on domestic
Teachers underlined the dire economic violence.
situation of many Roma families and stressed Teachers have also stressed the importance of
again and again the need to understand and offering role models and of challenging
address this situation: from providing traditional role models.

Teach for Romania organization, „Ce face modelul Teach” ,


accessed on 25 June 2022.

Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Conclusions and recommendations

The Romanian education system is

underperforming, and Roma children, There is a strong need for remedial and
particularly Roma girls, are literacy classes but also for courses on Pagina | 17
disproportionately affected by its financial and healthy food and choices.
deficiencies. In addition to the systemic Importance should be given to personal
problems, Roma girls are trapped in poverty development (self-esteem, confidence,
and traditional gender roles and are facing optimistic projections of the future),
widespread discrimination. The educational identifying role models for Roma girls and
system does not provide them the necessary raising awareness about their ethnic identity,
(financial and personal development) support history and language. Educators should also
to overcome these obstacles. Teachers are aim to foster a safe environment in the
usually lacking the necessary qualifications classroom, free from discrimination and
for addressing the systemic problem and they harassment. Material support for the
are not equipped in any way for creating an education of Roma women and girls is also
inclusive and safe space in schools. imperative, especially for those living in rural
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

communities with poor infrastructure and cultural awareness and pride implies a solid
located far away from schools. Finally, knowledge about feminist concepts and
young mothers are also an important group Roma history and culture.
that needs assistance with kindergarten for Therefore, in order to provide quality
Pagina | 18
their children, remedial classes for them and services to Roma women, formal and non-
support for accessing the job market. formal educators must receive continuous
While some of these recommendations training on the following aspects:
involve a wide-scale reform of the 1. Encouraging self-awareness, empathy and
educational system, others can be achieved motivation;
through the actions of formal and non-formal 2. Establishing trust with the communities
educators. In order to do so, educators must and families;
have the relevant knowledge and skills. They 3. Promoting equality and diversity in the
must know how to promote self-awareness, classroom;
empathy and motivation, in order to increase 4. Combating bullying and gender-based
the motivation of Roma women and girls for violence,
participating in education and to address their 5. Teaching Roma history, culture and
distrust in the education system and public identity;
authorities. Similarly, promoting a safe 6. Raising awareness about the feminist
environment in the classroom requires movement and promoting female
educators to be aware of concepts such as empowerment and
equality, discrimination, bullying and 7. Strengthening self-confidence and
gender-based violence. Also, supporting providing psycho-social support for their
Roma women and girls in overcoming students.
conservative gender norms and encouraging
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214


Achim, Viorel The Roma in Romanian history, CEU Press, 2004.

Pagina | 19
Arun George, Romii între statistici și lumea reală, Deutsche Welle (2014). Available at:
17605757, accessed: 4 June 2021.
Asociatia Femeilor Rome, Situatia femeilor rome din Romania, studio sociologic. Raport final
(2011). Available at:,
accessed 4 June 2021.
Bleahu, Ana Valeriu Frunzaru, The political participation of Roma in Romania,, accessed 5.06.2022.
Cismaru, DM., Fiţ, C., Gologan, D. (2015). „Premises of Inclusive Access and Success of Roma
People in the Romanian Higher Education” In: Curaj, A., Matei, L., Pricopie, R., Salmi, J., Scott,
P. (eds) The European Higher Education Area. Springer, Cham.
European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document, Country Report Romania 2020
(2020). Available at:
romania_en.pdf, accessed: 4 June 2021.
Fundamental Rights Agency, The second survey on minorities and discrimination in European
Union Roma - selected results - EU-MIDIS II. Available at:
Guvernul României, Strategia Națională pentru incluziunea cetățenilor români aparținând
minorității rome pentru perioada 2022-2027, available at: , accessed 8 June 2022.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Institutul Roman pentru evaluare si strategie, Scoala in stare de urgenta, Accesul copiilor scolari
din Romania la educatie online, Studiu national (2020). Available at:
2020.pdf, accessed 4 June 2021.
Pagina | 20
Iordache, Adriana Claudia Petrescu, Emanuela Ignățoiu-Sora, Implementing the principle of
intersectionality in the Romanian legislation, available at:
content/uploads/2022/06/EN-Policy-Brief.pdf, p. 6, Accessed 6.06.2022.
Ivas, Claudiu Iulius Rostas, Părăsirea timpurie a școlii – cauze și efecte (2013). Available at
cercetarii_FIN1.pdf, accessed 4 June 2021.
Law no. 1/2011 on national education,
OECD, 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - Results in focus,, accessed
Teach for Romania organization, „Ce face modelul Teach”
facem/modelul-teach/, accessed on 25 June 2022.
The Romanian Constitution of 1991, revised in 2003,
constitution-of-romania, accessed 5.06.2022.
World Bank, What is necessary for the inclusion of Roma in Romania?
t%20RomanianAchievingRoma%20Inclusion%20RO.pdf, p. 14. Note: The labor force
participation rate among a certain population group is defined as the share of the cohort.
Promoting the integration of Roma women
Agreement number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214

Pagina | 21

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