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Presentation Of

Complex liquid organic highly concentrated fertilizers of a new generation
based on natural relict raw materials - lakes propel of the Soffit Organica

 Currently, there is an urgent issue around the world about the production of a sufficient amount
of high-quality food for the world's population. Traditional agricultural production technologies
produce high yields, while the soil and the quality of the products produced suffer. Organic
farming, which is gaining popularity, unfortunately, cannot compete in productivity, significantly
inferior in production volumes and having a large cost price.
 In order to smooth out this imbalance and achieve a high yield quality comparable to the quality
of organic farming, while increasing yields even more and preserving and even improving the
soil, our company has developed a new highly concentrated organic fertilizer under the brand
name "Sofit Organica“. Its main feature is the fulvo-humic extract of organic sapropel.
 State registration of agrochemicals No. 641-18 -2840-1 from October 15, 2020

Composition of fertilizer:
• Humic acids - not less than 55 g/l;
• Nitrogen (N) - not less than 10 g/l;
• Phosphorus (P2O5) - not less than 30 g/l;
• Potassium (K,0) - at least 25 g/l;
• Magnesium (MgO) - not less than 0.9 g/l;
• Amino acids (threonine, methionine, lysine, cystine);
• Trace elements: boron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, iron, sulfur: 0.5-2 g/liter;
• Vitamins (A, C, B1, B2);
• A wide range of useful soil microorganisms (including ammonifying, amylolic, pedotrophes, urobacteria);
• Enzymes that catalyze oxidative reactions (catalase and peroxidase) and hydrolysis reactions.
Main characteristics of Soffit Organica:
Appearance The effectiveness of fertilizer application
Viscous liquid of dark, According to the results of comparative field tests, the fertilizer is significantly superior to other
dark brown color, similar preparations and ensures the efficiency of investments due to:
odorless or with a faint • increasing the yield of agricultural products (from 10 to 30%, depending on the type of
ammonia odor agricultural crops);
• increasing the quality of agricultural chemicals and, accordingly, the cost of 1kg (1tn) of
agricultural products;
• elimination of losses in adverse weather conditions;
• reduction of losses during storage of agricultural products by increasing the shelf life;
• reducing the maturation time of agricultural products;
• reducing the negative impact of plant protection products.

Scope of application Action

Agricultural production - crop • the soil structure improves,
production; root and non-root top • composting processes accelerate;
dressing all types of agricultural crops • the soil is enriched with humates, useful soil bacteria, macro- and microelements;
and ornamental plants, both in open • plant growth and development is stimulated;
and closed; • the yield of plants increases;
pre-sowing treatment of seed and • the resistance of plants to diseases and pests, adverse climatic conditions
planting material(soaking seeds, tubers, (drought, frost, etc.);
bulbs; dipping plant roots before • the depressing effect of pesticides on plants and soil decreases;
picking and planting in the ground) • the rates of application of mineral fertilizers are reduced when used together with
them (at least by 30%);
• the taste qualities and nutritional value of products are improved;
• the shelf life of products is increasing
Fertilizers of the new generation based on fulvo-humic extract of lake sapropel are
characterized as:
 environmentally friendly  complex  liquid

 economical  highly concentrated  fulvo-humic

 Innovative  highly effective  organomineral

 high-speed  multifunctional action  100% water-soluble

The high efficiency of fertilizer is due to its complex composition containing:

 humic acids (humic, hematomelanic and fulvic acids) - stimulate the growth and development of plants,
intensify metabolic processes, are an additional source energy and protect plants from not from adverse
environmental factors, have excellent penetrating ability;
 biologically active substances (amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, phytohormones, etc.) -
participate in the processes of biosynthesis, improve the quality and nutritional value of products;
 macro- and micro- elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, S, Si, Se, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, Co, Ni, J, Br, etc.) - are
plant nutrition elements, are contained in an accessible, easily digestible form, enrich the soil;
 useful soil microorganisms (USM) - decompose organic residues, contribute to the formation of humus and
increase soil fertility, improve the mineral nutrition of plants and increase yields. Inhibit the development
of pathogenic microflora, decompose harmful chemical compounds, increase plant resistance to diseases
and pests.
The analysis of the obtained results of field tests demonstrated a favorable
effect of the introduction of "Soffit Organica" for a number of factors:
 an increase in yield from 10 to 50%, as a result, an undeniable economic effect is observed;
 an increase in the survival rate of transplanted plants up to 100%;
 increasing plant resistance to frost, drought, high humidity, diseases and pests;
 increasing the utilization rate of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, trace elements from soil and other
 acceleration of maturation processes for 10-14 days;
 improvement of taste qualities, shelf life of products;
 acceleration of growth, improvement of appearance and abundance of flowering of garden and park
ornamental plants;
 cleaning of soils contaminated with heavy metal salts, petroleum products;
 the depressing effect of pesticides on plants and soil is reduced;
 the rates of application of mineral fertilizers are reduced when used together with them (at least by
 the soil structure is improved, composting processes are accelerated;
 the soil is enriched with humates, useful soil bacteria, macro- and microelements
The main characteristics of the fertilizer:
 The agrochemical shelf life is 5 years from the date of manufacture, subject to storage conditions.
 Micro and macronutrients necessary for the normal functioning of plants in fertilizer are used, both by
application to the soil and in smaller quantities, for foliar fertilizing and soaking seeds. Micro and macro
elements increase the efficiency of mineral nutrition of plants, contribute to reducing the accumulation
of nitrates in vegetables and fruits.
 Soffit Organic fertilizer is made from organic (content more than 85%) lake sapropel bases the use of
heat treatment, which allows you to keep the entire list of useful elements of natural lake sapropel in
the fertilizer. The guarantee of stable quality of fertilizers produced by our company is our own raw
material base - the deposit of organic lake sapropel, for which there is a state license for extraction.
 The biological activity of humic and fulvic acids in the fertilizer obtained from lake sapropelis 2-3 times
higher than the activity of humic fertilizers based on peat, brown coal, lignin and others organic
materials. Due to high biosergetic parameters and lower molecular weight sapropel humic acids have a
higher ability to participate in physico-chemical and biological processes in plants and soils. This makes
our fertilizer at least 2-3 times more effective than humic preparations obtained from peat, lignin or
brown coal.
 Fertilizers can be used in the cultivation of all types of vegetable, grain, fruit and berry, industrial crops
and ornamental and floral plants in open and protected ground (if simultaneous application with plant
protection products and fertilizers), including in organic farming.
 The fertilizer obtained on the basis of sapropel extract, when applied in an amount of 1.0 liters per ha
(three times during the growing season), provides a stable increase in the yield of various crops from
10% to 50%, commensurate with the additions from the application of mineral fertilizers - 200-300 kg
per ha and organic - 10-30 tons per Ha.
Purpose of fertilizer:
Fertilizer is an oxygen activator and a hydrogen carrier. Due to this, it increases the energy
potential of the plant cell, promotes more complete absorption of carbon dioxide from the air, increases
the intensity of photosynthesis and metabolism in the plant, leading to rapid growth and development
(especially in the initial phases of plant development), strengthens the root system, shortens the
growing season, accelerates and prolongs the flowering and fruiting period. Changes phosphorus
metabolism, which is expressed in an increase in the number of organophosphorus compounds involved
in energy transfer and transformation reactions, i.e. sugars accumulate in the plant and the synthesis of
nucleic acids increases. Accelerates protein metabolism, which is accompanied by increased plant
growth, a decrease in the content of nitrates in the finished product and an improvement in its quality.
Fertilizer is especially effective when plants are in extreme conditions. Promotes intensification of
metabolic processes and the development of special enzymes that increase the resistance of plants to
adverse environmental factors (drought, frost, various diseases, treatment of plants with pesticides,
Fertilizer allows the plant to better absorb the components of mineral nutrition from the soil:
nitrogen- by intensifying metabolic processes, potassium - by selectively increasing the cell membrane,
phosphorus - by preventing the formation of insoluble phosphates.
Fertilizer guarantees: reduction of nitrate content; improvement of the appearance and shelf life
of products; increase in nutritional value and taste by increasing the content of vitamins, trace
elements, proteins, sugars, etc.
Methods of application of fertilizers:
It is used as an aqueous solution in concentrations from 1:100 to 1:500 (1 part of fertilizer per 100 or 500 parts of water),
depending on the technology and method of application.

• Pre-sowing preparation of seed material

Soaking time of seeds - potatoes, onions, garlic, bulbs, tubers and rhizomes of flowers - 1-3 hours (even dipping is effective);
cabbage, radish, turnip, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, peas, beans, beans - 12 hours; tomato, pepper, eggplant, physalis, beetroot,
lettuce- 24 hours; onions, carrots, dill, parsley, celery, sorrel, rhubarb - 48 hours.

• Dipping the roots of plants before picking and planting in the ground

It is produced in a working solution of fertilizer. Cuttings before rooting are placed for 2-3 hours in a container with a working

• Foliar feeding

a) the rate of application is 1.0-1.5 liters per 1 Ha.

b) method of application - spraying on the sheet until it is completely wetted.

c) the time of processing of growing plants (it is desirable to carry out the treatment in the evening).

• Root dressing

a) the rate of application is 2.0 liters per 1 Ha.

b) method of application - with a working solution under the root of the plant, before planting in the ground with watering, 2-4
times during the growing season.

c) recommended: for open and closed ground, hydroponics, drip irrigation.

• When preparing the working solution, use only soft water. Hard water is easily softened with citric acid.
• Before use, shake the fertilizer canister intensively.
• Apply for non-root treatment strictly in the evening, when the sun is not active and the pores of the leaf are open.
Recommendations for the use of fertilizers of the brand "Sofit Organica"
1. Preparation of a working solution for non-root treatment of plants - fertilizers are diluted in settled water
in the ratio1:1000 (1:300, 1:200).
2. Preparation of a working solution for root treatment of plants -highly concentrated fertilizers are diluted in
settled water in a ratio of 1:100.They are also used for local tillage, soil formation, composting.
Cultures Duration of soaking Timing of non-root treatment (spraying )

Potato 1-3 hours. Potato1-3 hours. The first time - at the appearance of full shoots; the second -
at the stage of budding- the beginning of flowering.

Rootcrops beets -24 hours, The first time - when 3-5 leaves appear; the second - after 15-20 days after the
(carrots, carrots - 48 hours. first one.
radishes, beets, the rest -12 hours.
Families cabbage 12 hours For cabbage: the first time is 14-17 days after planting seedlings or 15-20 days
and oilseeds after the emergence of seedlings, the second time is at the beginning of tying
(rapeseed, the head. For oilseeds: the first time - at the stage of 2-4 leaves; the second -
sunflower) at the stage of budding, for sunflower - at the beginning basket formations.
Pumpkin(cucumb 12 hours. Pumpkin (cucumber, squash, pumpkin, melon, watermelon 12 hours. The first
er, squash, time - at the stage of 3-5 real leaves or with a seedling growing method- a
pumpkin, melon, week after planting seedlings in the ground; the second one is 15-20 days after
watermelon, the first one.
Nightshade 24 hours The first time - with the appearance of 3-4 leaves or with a seedling growing
(tomato, pepper, method - 3-7 days after planting seedlings in the ground; the second- in the
eggplant, etc.) budding stage.
Cultures Duration of soaking Timing of non-root treatment (spraying )

Legumes (soybeans, 12 hours The first time - in the stage of 3-5 leaves; the second - in the budding stage.
beans, peas, etc.)
Corn 12 hours The first time - at the stage of 3-5 leaves; the second - before the panicles are blown
Green crops (onion, lettuce, onions - 24 hours, the The first time - when 3-4 leaves appear; the second time - after 15-20 days.
garlic, lettuce, dill, rest-48 hours.

Strawberry plants before planting in the The first time - in the budding stage; the second - on the green ovary.

Fruit trees and root plants before planting in the The first time - before budding (no later than the stage of green berry); the second -
dipping ground before flowering.

Grape exposure of cuttings in The first time - before flowering; the second - during the formation of the ovaries.
solution for 24 hours

Grain crops, annual and 12 hours For spring loaves: The first time - at the stage of tillering; the second - at the stage of
perennial grasses entering the tube. For winter crops: the first time in the stage of entering the tube; the
second is in the earing stage. For grasses: the first time at the beginning of regrowth
(perennial) or at the stage of tillering (annual); the second -at the stage of exit into the
Technical cultures 12 hours The first time - at the stage of 2-4 leaves; the second - at the stage of budding.
(cotton, flax)

Cereal crops 12 hours For buckwheat: the first time - at the stage of 3-4 leaves; the second - at the stage of
(buckwheat, rice, budding, the beginning of flowering. For other cultures - the first time in the stage of
millet, sorghum, etc.) tillering; the second - in the stage of exit into the tube.

Indoor and garden -all Seeds - 24 hours, bulbs, The first time is when two real leaves appear (for tulips, daffodils, etc. bulbous - when
varieties of roses and rhizomes, tubers 1-3 hours, sprouts appear), with the seedling method of cultivation - 10-15 days after planting in
roses (rosehip) dipping the roots of roses and the ground, further processing-with an interval of 20-30 days, additionally -before
rosehip before planting in the flowering by buds; For roses: once a month, additionally -before flowering - by buds.

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