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Sub Code:22CCCCA4 Date: 13.04.


JAIRAMS ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, (a) Cyclic variation (b) Seasonal indices

KARUR-3 (c) Index numbers (d) None of these

Department of Commerce with Computer Applications 5. How can we denote the quantity of a commodity in base
(a) P_{0} (b) P_{1}
(c) Q_{0} (d) Q_{1}
Fill ups: 5x 1 =5
Time : 3 hrs Marks : 75
6. _______. is the spread of the data in a distribution
7.Measures of skewness tell us the____
Choose the best Answer: 5x 1=5
8. The sign of regression co-efficient is as that of correlation
1. Statistics refers to aspects of things is_________

(a) Qualitative (b) Quantitative 9. The procedure used to identify cyclical variation is the
(c) Unmeasurable (d) None of these
10. Which method is used in chain base_______
2.Which one of the skewness following is a measure of
Answer all the questions: 5x 2 =10
(a) First moment (b) Second moment
11.What is mean by Statistics?
(c) Third moment (d) Fourth moment

3. Two or more than two variables is studied with the help of 12.What is mean by Range?

(a) Regression (b) Correlation 13. What is mean by Correlation?

(c) Trignometry (d) Probability 14.What is Mean by Time Series?

4._______is used to remove the effects of seasonality from a 15.What is Mean by Index Numbers?
time series
Sub Code:22CCCCA4 Date: 13.04.2024/FN

PART – B x 2 4 6 8 10

Answer all the questions: 5 x 5 = 25 f 1 4 6 4 1

16.a) Calculate Arithmetic Mean for the following Data

Values(x) 2 4 6 8 10 18. a) Calculate Karl Pearson’s Co-efficient of correlation

Frequency(f) 38 20 50 40 12 X 12 9 8 10 11 13 7

(OR) y 14 8 6 9 11 12 3
b) Calculate the Mean value from the following data
Marks 0-20 20-40 40 60 60-80 80-90
b) Calculate Regression Co-efficient
No. of. 18 12 15 25 30
Students X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14
17.a) Find QD and Co-efficient of QD for the following Data
19.a) Calculate Four Years Moving Average
Value 10 20 30 40 50 60
Years 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 20004 2005
f 4 7 15 8 7 2

Production 614 615 653 678 678 625 717 719 708

b) Find MD and CMD for the following Data

Sub Code:22CCCCA4 Date: 13.04.2024/FN


b) Advantages of Correlation Analysis PART-C

20. a) Calculate Simple Average Price Relative Method Answer ANY TWO question: 3 x 10 = 30

Commodity Base Price Current Price 21. Find Mean, Median, Mode, Range for the following data

A 30 35 x 0-25 25-50 50-75 75- 100-125 125-150

B 22 25 f 2 8 7 13 16 4

C 54 64
22. Find MD and CMD for the following data
D 20 25
x 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55
E 15 18
F 8 12 15 9 6
(Or) 23. Calculate Rank Correlation from the following data

b) Calculate Simple Aggregative Method Maths 85 60 73 40 90

Commodity A B C D Science 60 75 65 50 80

24. Calculate Method of Least Square for the following Data

Price in 1990 162 256 257 132
Year(x) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Price in 1991 171 164 189 145
Sales(y) 7 9 12 15 18 23
Sub Code:22CCCCA4 Date: 13.04.2024/FN

25 .Compute (i) Laspeyer’s (ii)Paasche’s (iii) Index Number

for the 2000 from the following

Commodity Price Quantity

Base year Current Base year Current

year year
1999 1999
2000 2000

RICE 2 4 8 6

WHEAT 5 6 10 5

RENT 4 5 14 10

FUEL 2 2 19 13

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