Doing and To Do

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1. Doing

delay admit detest deny avoid mind suggest keep finish

enjoy permit look be get object fancy worth busy

forward used to used to to

1 số từ khác
can’t bear/stand/help
Eg: I can’t help laughing at his joke.
GIỚI TỪ + VING (vẫn có 1 số TH ngoại lệ VD: look forward to)
2. To do
plan intend advise afford expect offer manage refuse
encourage promise threaten invite hope wish want demand

force push would like used to pretend

3. 1 số từ vừa đi với doing và to do những mang nghĩa khác nhau

forget/remember doing: quên/nhớ đã forget/remember to do: quên/nhớ sẽ làm

làm gì gì

try doing: thử làm gì try to do: cố gắng làm gì

stop doing: dừng làm gì stop to do: dừng lại để làm gì khác

regret doing: tiếc đã làm gì regret to do: tiếc phải làm gì

be sorry doing: xin lỗi vì đã làm gì be sorry to do: tiếc phải làm gì

watch/find/catch/see/hear sb doing: thấy watch/find/catch/see/hear sb do: thấy ai

ai đang làm gì(1 phần của quá trình) làm gì(cả quá trình họ làm)

4. Các từ to do hay doing đều không đổi nghĩa

begin to do/doing
continue doing/to do
start to do/doing
5. 1 số cấu trúc khác
a. make sb do sth: bắt ai làm gì
b. allow sb to do sth BUT allow doing sth: cho phép ai làm gì
c. let sb/st do sth: để ai làm gì
d. help sb to do/do sth: giúp ai làm gì
e. have sb do sth = get sb to do sth: được ai làm gì
6. Get used to, Be used to và Used to
Get used to = be used to: quen với việc làm gì
eg: I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime.
Used to: diễn tả 1 thói quen trong quá khứ nhưng bây giờ không còn nữa
eg: I used to go swimming at weekends when I was a kid.
1.They are used to (prepare) new lessons.
2. By ( work) day and night , he succeeded in ( finish) the job in time.
3. His doctor advised him ( give) up ( smoke).
4. Please stop (talk). We will stop (eat) lunch in ten minutes.
5. Stop ( argue) and start( work).
6. I like ( think) carefully about things before ( make) decision.
7. Ask him ( come) in. Don`t keep him ( stand) at the door.
8. Did you succeed in ( solve) the problem?
9. Don’t forget ( lock) the door before (go) to bed.
10. Don’t try ( persuade) me . Nothing can make me ( change) my mind.
1) I don't fancy (go) _______out tonight.
2) She avoided (tell)________ him about her plans.
3) I would like (come) ________to the party with you.
4) He enjoys (have)_______ a bath in the evening.
5) She kept (talk)_______ during the film.
6) I am learning (speak)_______ English.
7) Do you mind (give)_______ me a hand?
8) She helped me (carry)_______ my suitcases.
9) I've finished (cook)_______ - come and eat!
10) He decided (study)_______ biology.
11) I dislike (wait)_______.
12) He asked (come) _______ with us.
13) I promise (help)_______ you tomorrow.
14) We discussed (go)_______ to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.
15) She agreed (bring)_______ the pudding to the dinner.
16) I don't recommend (take)_______ the bus - it takes forever!
17) We hope (visit)_______ Amsterdam next month.
18) She suggested (go) _______ to the museum.
19) They plan (start) _______ college in the autumn
BÀI 2:
1. I’m very interested in __________________ Japanese. (learn)
2. My pen friend is coming next Sunday. I’m really looking forward
__________________ him.
3. Don’t you mind __________________ away from your family for such a long
time? (be)
4. The daughter promised __________________ back by ten. (be)
5. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on __________________ with me. (come)
6. Tom offered __________________ me home. (bring)
7. Why not __________________ a weekend in Da Lat? (spend)
8. I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party but thank you for
__________________ me. (invite)
9. Our neighbors apologized for __________________ such noise. (make)
10. Vietnam is always worth __________________ to. (travel)
BÀI 3:
1. We have taught our children __________ (wash) their hands before
_____________ (eat).
2. __________________ (write) letters is more boring than __________________
3. Jack decided __________________ (have) a break from work.
4. I refused __________________ (speak) with them.
5. We agreed __________________ (meet) them at the airport.
6. There is no sense in ____________ (earn) more money than you can
7. They made us __________________ (leave) the campsite after
__________________ (make) such a mess.
8. "Do you mind __________________ (work) overtime ?, " asked the boss
9. She has never known how __________________ (fry) a steak.
10. The doctor made him _________ (promise) _____________ (reduce) his
__________________ (smoke).
BÀI 4:
1. She promised __________________ (not object) to his __________________
2. They continued __________________ (eat) after the interruption.
3. I am not in the habit of __________________ (smoke) in the car.
4. Ann reminded me __________________ (finish) my work on time.
5. He'd better __________________ (get) used to __________________ (work)
6. I am capable of __________________ (stand) on my head and
__________________ (play) the saxophone.
7. You'd better __________________ (start) __________________ (dig) the
8. I expected someone __________________ (pick) up these papers.
9. The Romans were quite happy about Hannibal __________________ (not attack)
10. It was interesting __________________ (watch) our cat __________________

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