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What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is all about exploring incredible patterns in numbers, shapes, and nature. It's like a language expressed through patterns, shapes, and
even music that we can see, hear, and understand. According to Stewart, math helps us recognize and use these patterns effectively. When we
combine these ideas, we realize that the patterns in nature aren't just pretty; they actually give us clues about how nature works. Some common math
concepts include numbers, counting, patterns in numbers and shapes, and how things move. Ian Nicola Stewart defines mathematics as a system to
recognize and use patterns, suggesting that these patterns are vital clues to understanding natural processes. Key aspects of mathematics include
numbers and counting, numeric and geometric patterns, and patterns of movement
Where is Mathematics?
Mathematics is everywhere. If we look close enough, we can see hints or clues of it in nature. Let us consider as an example, the ripples formed
when an object interacts with a body of water at rest. These are composed of circles with center fixed at a point, patterns of movements in water
surface, in land formation, and even in lightning and in trees. We also see that there are mathematical patterns in the shapes and colors of animals
including their scales or fist. We also see mathematics in our daily routine. At home, some people are not even out of bed when encountering
mathematics. For instance, when setting an alarm and hitting the snooze button, they quickly calculate the new time they will arise. We use
mathematics in counting and especially when buying simple things like groceries or expensive ones like a car. Basic principles of mathematics are in
play when making purchasing decisions that require cost and affordability of items for students. They use mathematics in simple activities like
budgeting their allowance, and making schedules for studying during exams. The use of mathematics is not only limited to the works of
mathematicians and mathematics educator. It can also be used in other professions. For example all teachers make use of basic mathematics in
preparing lessons and computing grades pilots, and captains, require some knowledge in computation, algebra and, even calculus and statistics in
order to properly operate and navigate accountants, economists and now even factory workers need to understand basic algebra and trigonometry to
operate complex manufacturing electronic equipment. Most people do not realize how mathematics play an important role in their life. It is very
useful in understanding various features of the human body, its physical attributes and cellular formation. Also, managing populations and likelihood
of different communities, involve a lot of mathematics. Mathematics can also be seen in different events like in sports. We also have mathematics that
helps in creating arts, music, and dance. It helps us understand past and present events so that we may be able to predict possible outcomes. This is
particularly important in preventing calamities.
What is Mathematics for?
Mathematics is on the list of under appreciated disciplines by most people. Many are still unaware of the need for every individual to know and
appreciate the roles of mathematics. Some of which are listed as follows.
1. To help us unravel the puzzles of nature and to serve as a useful way to think about nature. With the help of mathematics, we have a chance to
understand the mysteries surrounding nature. We are also able to make mathematical representations of our oceans, forests, the human body and the
world. This is important in our attempt in preserving them and taking care of ourselves.
2. With mathematics, we are able to make arrangements and understand patterns of various behaviors. This enables us to organize patterns,
regularities, and irregularities.
3. By examining previous occurrences, w are able to predict future outcomes using various mathematical tools.
4. Meteorologists make of mathematical concepts in studying the atmosphere in order to understand weather conditions and prevent disasters.
Mathematics also help provide effective solutions in controlling the widespread of epidemics.
5. Everyone is aware that mathematics is best known for calculation.
6. Mathematics provides new questions to think about, especially when you conduct researches.
What is Mathematics all about?
When people are asked what mathematics is all about, they usually say numbers, symbols, and notations, which is partially correct. Second, people
easily recognize mathematics when looking at expressions involving operations, mathematical equations and functions. Third, a few people with
adequate knowledge in mathematics say that it is all about the study of certain processes and giving concrete representations to concepts that are
usually abstract in form. Lastly, mathematics is all about proving theorems principles and mathematical laws.
How is Mathematics done?
1. With curiosity. The need to find answers to questions pushes mathematicians to dig deeper and conduct more studies.
2. With a penchant for seeking patterns and generalities. When conducting a study, mathematicians seek patterns and combine pieces of
information to make generalizations of particular cases.
3. One major factor for the continuous development of mathematics is the desire of individuals to know the truth behind various phenomena.
4. Like in other sciences, there are times when mathematics requires us to undergo numerous trials and experience failure before arriving at a
5. Mathematics is done without fear of facing more questions and more problems to solve.
Who uses Mathematics?
1. Mathematicians. Mathematicians can actually be classified according to whether they study pure mathematics or applied mathematics.
2. Scientists. Mathematics is being used by scientists who are studying either natural sciences or social sciences.
3. Everyone. Practically everyone use mathematics in their everyday life activities.
In conclusion every individual uses different mathematics at different times for different purposes using different tools with different attitudes.
Why mathematics is important to know ?
1. It puts order in disorder. With the help of mathematics, we can organize well. There are available methods in mathematics that can be utilized in
assigning courses to teachers, arranging schedules, deciding where to build hospitals, finding strategic areas to put CCTVs and more. When faced
with this array, one may look at mathematics for possible solutions.
2. It helps us become better persons. Adequate knowledge in mathematics may help make us better persons since it can be used as a guide in
making better decisions in life.
3. It helps make the world a better place to live in. Mathematics help explain everything in nature which in return, help people build a stronger
relationship with their surroundings.

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