TBI Live 22 Mei 2024 Sesi 1 Dan 2 (Penting)

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Rabu, 22 Mei 2024

Presented by
Fanny K Putri
BUMN English Test

Testimoni Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN:

• Struktur tes mirip TOEFL ITP
• Waktu sekitar 80 menit
• Passing grade: 450
• Tingkat vocabulary: Advance
BUMN English Test: Section
Structure (Multiple Choice) 20 soal
15 menit
To do:
Pilih yang BENAR

Written Expression (Error Recognition) 20 soal

15 menit To do:
Pilih yang SALAH

45 soal
Reading 50 menit
Tips for Structure
• Salah satu cara cepat mengerjakan soal structure
adalah dengan mengidentifikasi Finite Verb dan
• Memahami struktur kalimat juga dapat
membantu kita memahami soal.
Forms of Verb

Finite Verb • Muncul setelah Subject

• Menyatakan aksi atau kata kerja utama atau keadaan dari subject
• Berubah bentuk sesuai tenses dan subject

Struktur Finite Verb: Struktur Non Finite Verb:

• Verb 1 → I write a diary everyday • To Infinitive (To + Verb 1)

• Verb 1 + s/es → She writes a diary everyday Contoh: She learned to write when she was 5 years old

• Verb 2 → They wrote the diary last night • Gerund (V-ing)

• to be + V- ing → We are writing the diary now Contoh: I enjoy writing

• to be + Verb 3 → The diary is written by them • Participles (Verb-ing atau Verb 3)

• Has/have/had + Verb 3 → He has written the diary Contoh: The author writing the book is very famous

• Modal + Verb base → You can write the diary The book written by the author is very phenomenal

• To be → She is a good writer

Soal 1
Soal 2

The explosion of ecosystem-wrecking algae _____ by nitrogen and phosphorus used in

fertilizers escaping to ponds and lakes can be suppressed by supplanting the former
substances to the nutrient-rich lake sediments.

A. was triggered

B. Triggered

C. Triggering

D. is triggering
Soal 3

Scientists believe _____ for the agricultural economy for simultaneously bringing rain but
also has an impact in sucking up chemical pollutants and speeds up climate change.

A. It is essential for not only the Asian monsoon

B. That is essential for the Asian monsoon

C. The Asian monsoon is not only essential

D. Not only the Asian monsoon essential

• Coordinating dan Correlative
Conjunction bisa menghubungkan
kata-kata; frasa-frasa; dan klausa-
• Subordinating Conjunction HANYA
menghubungkan klausa-klausa.
Soal 4

Karl Lagerfeld, a man whose career initiated the model of the contemporary luxury fashion
industry and was considered as the most productive designer of the 20th and 21st
centuries, _____ , on Tuesday, 19 February 2019, in Paris.

A. had passed away

B. is passed away

C. passed away

D. was passed away

Soal 5

Based on observations of Earth and scientific studies _____ by a wide number of

organizations and thousands of scientists from across the world, our understanding of the
causes and effects of climate change is continuously expanding in both breadth and depth.

A. conducting

B. that conducted

C. are conducted

D. conducted
Soal 6

The Caldecott medal, ____ for the best children's picture book, is awarded each January.

A. is a prize which

B. which is a prize

C. which prize

D. is a prize
Soal 7

The reason _____ on Great Britain in 1812 is because of the numerous disputed between
the two countries.

A. why the United States declared war

B. how the United States declared war

C. that the declared war by United States

D. the war was declared by the United States

Adjective Clause
• Adjective Clause adalah klausa yang menjelaskan sebuah Noun
• Conjunction yang digunakan dalam Adjective Clause disebut Relative Pronoun
• 8 Relative Pronoun:
Who (Menjelaskan Person sebagai Subject di dalam Adj Clause)
Whom (Menjelaskan Person sebagai Object di dalam Adj Clause)
Which (Menjelaskan Non-Person sebagai Subject/Object)
That (Menjelaskan Person & Non-Person sebagai Subject/Object)
Whose (Menjelaskan kepemilikan)
Why (Menjelaskan ‘reason’)
When (Menjelaskan ‘time’)
Where (Menjelaskan ‘place’)
Soal 8

A loudspeaker is an instrument _____ electrical energy into sound energy.

A. that

B. transformed

C. who is transforming

D. that transforms
Soal 9

Coreopsis, _____ only needing very little maintenance to grow, is native to the Americas
and available in the array of colors.

A. whose had considered as the resilient plant

B. which is considered as the resilient plant

C. whom considering as the resilient plant

D. that was considering as the resilient plant

Soal 10

Monteverdi, _____ works were mainly written on commission for the private theatres of
wealthy Italian nobility, wrote his final opera in 1642.

A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. whose
Soal 11
Soal 12

• Causative Verb adalah bentuk Verb yang
Subject-nya menyebabkan orang lain
melakukan sesuatu
• Struktur Umum:
Subject + Causative Verb + Agent + Verb base
Soal 13

The Great Recession, the longest recession in the United Stated history since World War II,
made the government ____ including the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 and the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

A. to enact fiscal stimulus programs

B. is enacted fiscal stimulus programs

C. enacting fiscal stimulus programs

D. enact fiscal stimulus programs

Soal 14
Soal 15
Latihan Soal:
Soal 16
Soal 17
Soal 18
Soal 19
Soal 20
Soal 21
Soal 22
Soal 23
Soal 24
Soal 25
Soal 26

Rarely _____ guns in self-defense shown by compared data form FBI that point out
to one justifiable homicide for every 34 unjustifiable gun deaths.

A. the private citizens

B. do private citizens use

C. private citizens use

D. are private citizens use

• Inversion adalah pembalikan posisi Subject dan Verb dalam klausa.
• Dalam Bahasa Inggris, hanya ada 5 kondisi Inversion bisa terjadi:

Condition Inverted Not Inverted

When making What are they? I don’t know what they are.*
After negative Never has Mr. Jones taken a Mr. Jones has never taken a
2 vacation. vacation.
After some Were he here, he would help. If he were here, he would help.
After some My sister spends more hours My sister spends more hours in
4 in the office than does John. the office than John does.

After some place Around the corner is Sam’s Sam’s house is around the
expression house. corner.
Soal 27

Next to the house _____that was in the process of being restored.

A. was an old car

B. an old car as

C. there was an old car

D. which was an old car

Soal 28

________ say when you asked him to post-pone our chapter test?

A. What the professor

B. What did the professor

C. What have the professor

D. What is the professor

Soal 29

Naturally, _____ the initial root problem undergone by the sales team, we would
never have encountered the huge loss of the talented team.

A. That the management had investigated

B. Had the management investigated

C. Had the management been investigated

D. The management had investigated

Soal 30

_____ electrons equally with each other are two atoms, Oxygen and Hydrogen, able
to form covalent bonds.

A. Only when sharing

B. Those sharing

C. To share their

D. When only sharing


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