Understanding Hearing and Hearing Loss in Children With Down Syndrome

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Research Article

Understanding Hearing and Hearing Loss

in Children With Down Syndrome
Emily Nightengale,a Patricia Yoon,a Kristy Wolter-Warmerdam,a Dee Daniels,a and Fran Hickeya

Purpose: This study evaluated the prevalence of permanent with DS, 22%–30% experienced a transient hearing loss,
and transient hearing loss, the use of hearing aids as a with a high incidence of middle ear pathologies from infancy
recommendation, and middle ear dysfunction in children with until early adulthood. There were no statistical differences
Down syndrome (DS) through a large multiage and ethnically between ethnicity and permanent/transient hearing loss
diverse sample, using current audiologic testing practices. diagnosis. Twenty-three percent were current hearing aid
Method: Retrospective analysis of data collected on users or had them recommended in a treatment plan.
308 children with DS (168 boys, 140 girls; average age = Conclusions: The prevalence of hearing loss and abnormal
5.99 ± 4.88 years) who received an audiological evaluation middle ear status is high in the pediatric population with
during 2013 as part of their medical care at a large pediatric DS. Audiologic evaluations should follow the American
hospital. Academy of Pediatrics practice guidelines to monitor this
Results: Permanent hearing loss was identified in 24.9% of high-risk population, and amplification should be considered
the children, among whom bilateral (75.4%) and conductive as an appropriate intervention option if repeated audiologic
(33.3%) hearing losses occurred most often. Of children examinations reveal hearing loss.

hildren with Down syndrome (DS) are at a higher outcomes (Austeng et al., 2013; Balkany, Mishke, Downs,
risk for hearing loss as compared with their typi- & Jafek, 1979; Dahle & McCollister, 1986; Lau, Ko, &
cally developing peers. According to Centers for Cheng, 2015; Raut et al., 2011; Roizen, Wolters, Trent, &
Disease Control and Prevention data, 1.4 per 1,000 new- Blondis, 1993; Shott, Joseph, & Heithaus, 2001). These
borns and 5 per 1,000 children from 3 to 7 years of age outcomes can be especially detrimental to a child with DS
are identified as having hearing loss (Centers for Disease who already has an existing developmental delay.
Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects Abnormal middle ear status is much more common
and Developmental Disabilities, Division of Birth Defects in individuals with DS. Otitis media with effusion (OME)
and Developmental Disabilities, 2013a). DS is the most fre- has a reported prevalence of 20% in 2-year-olds (Paludetti
quently occurring chromosomal disorder and leading cause et al., 2012), but in children with DS a peak prevalence has
of intellectual disability in the United States. With an inci- been reported at 1 year of age (67%–93%) and again at 6–
dence of 1 per 691 live births, an estimated 6,000 infants 7 years of age (60%; Barr, Dungworth, Hunder, McFarlane,
with DS are born in the United States each year (Parker & Kubba, 2011; Maris, Wojciechowski, Heyning, &
et al., 2010). Incidence of hearing loss in children with Boudewyns, 2014). Of patients with DS, 43% to 83% re-
DS is significantly greater, reported to be as high as 78%, quired pressure equalization tube placement to treat con-
with a majority exhibiting conductive hearing loss. Conser- ductive hearing loss secondary to middle ear effusion and
vative estimates of congenital hearing loss in children with chronic ear infections (Park, Wilson, Stevens, Harward, &
DS range from 15%–20% (Tedeschi et al., 2015). As with Hohler, 2012; Shott et al., 2001).
typically developing children, hearing loss can be associ- The anatomical structure of the ear in children with
ated with poor language and long-term developmental DS has some typical characteristics that may predispose
them to hearing deficits (Fausch & Roosli, 2015; Ramia,
Musharrafieh, Khaddage, & Sabri, 2014; Rodman & Pine,
Children’s Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado, Aurora 2012). Ear canals tend to be stenotic, and hypotonia leads
Correspondence to Emily Nightengale: to poor eustachian tube function. Conductive hearing loss
Emily.nightengale@childrenscolorado.org may be a result of cerumen impaction in stenotic ear canals,
Editor-in-Chief: Sumitrajit Dhar recurrent middle ear effusion and otitis media, eardrum per-
Editor: Ryan McCreery foration, retraction pockets, cholesteatoma, abnormalities
Received February 1, 2017
Revision received May 3, 2017
Accepted May 5, 2017 Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time
https://doi.org/10.1044/2017_AJA-17-0010 of publication.

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of the mastoid, and abnormalities of the ossicular chain such for monitoring hearing acuity in children with DS (Herzig
as the structure of the incudomalleolar joint and/or incudos- et al., 2016). These guidelines recommend testing every
tapedial joint (Fausch & Roosli, 2015). Sensorineural hear- 6 months until the age of 3 years, then annually through
ing loss is also seen in this population, with current research childhood. Hearing loss from 2 to 4 years of age adds a
showing significant inner ear abnormalities on computed significant burden to speech-language development in chil-
tomography scans (Blaser et al., 2006). A narrow internal dren with DS and has a particular long-term negative im-
auditory canal has been identified in nearly 25% of individ- pact beyond the course of the disease itself (Laws & Hall,
uals with DS. Malformations of the inner ear, primarily in 2014; Whiteman, Simpson, & Compton, 1986). Youth with
the vestibular organ, have been documented in approxi- DS may suffer additional detrimental effects on cognitive
mately 75% of patients with DS (Intrapiromkul, Aygun, abilities such as poorer performance in sentence imitation,
Tunkel, Carone, & Yousem, 2012). language comprehension, speed of word processing, and
Treatment of hearing loss can be more complicated sensitivity to brief acoustic cues as compared with age-matched
in children with DS. Evidence suggests that pressure equal- peers with intellectual impairment (Marcell, 1995). Greater
ization tubes are not as effective in treating OME in children compliance with these guidelines is important to ensure
with DS as compared with age-matched, typically develop- optimal speech-language development.
ing children (Iino, Imamura, Harigai, & Tanaka, 1999). This study analyzes clinic data for a large, diverse
Children with DS are also at a higher risk for complications, population of children with DS, focusing on hearing loss
including persistent otorrhea and eardrum perforations due and interventions. Our investigation was developed to ad-
to lack of a lamina propria layer in the membrane (Iino dress current gaps in the literature in order to improve
et al., 1999; Ramia et al., 2014; Rodman & Pine, 2012; Shott, identification, long-term outcome, and clinical care. The
2006). In addition, surgical management does not always objective was to evaluate the prevalence of (a) permanent
ensure return to normal hearing (Iino et al., 1999). A child and transient hearing loss, (b) hearing aid use as a recom-
with DS and conductive hearing loss despite surgical man- mendation, and (c) middle ear dysfunction in children
agement or one who is not a candidate for ventilation tube with DS.
surgery due to ear size, comorbidities, or parent refusal, for
example, may be managed with amplification to allow
consistent access to speech-language cues in order to sup- Method
port speech-language development. Design
Whereas prior studies identify hearing loss as a prob- A retrospective analysis was performed of audiologi-
lem for children with DS, limitations in the literature exist cal clinical data on 308 children with DS who were treated
such as small participant numbers, data collection span- at a large pediatric academic medical hospital in 2013.
ning many years, disparities in subject age range, lack of Patients were identified and data were extracted from the
ethnic or race information, outdated research with assumed Sie Center for Down Syndrome/Audiology Clinic Database,
older audiologic testing, no report of using a test assistant, which was populated by two clinic documentation (doc)
and lack of a standardized definition for hearing loss with flowsheet forms within the electronic medical record. Data
potential for error in variables such as severity, frequencies collected included results from audiometric testing, nor-
affected, laterality, and permanence (Austeng et al., 2013; mal or abnormal findings, and testing related behaviors.
Balkany et al., 1979; Barr et al., 2011; Dahle & McCollister, Patients were excluded from analysis if their audiologist
1986; Iino et al., 1999; Intrapiromkul et al., 2012; Lau et al., did not attempt frequency-specific audiologic assessment
2015; Maris et al., 2014; Raut et al., 2011; Roizen et al., 1993; (i.e., newborn hearing screens, hearing aid functional test-
Shott et al., 2001; Tedeschi et al., 2015). Recommendations ing, tympanometry only) or if their doc flowsheet was min-
for intervention and habilitation are often lacking (Austeng imally complete, defined as information missing on 20%
et al., 2013; Lau et al., 2015; Park et al., 2012; Roizen et al., or more of the variables. The study was approved by the
1993; Tedeschi et al., 2015). Current literature has also not Institutional Review Board of Children’s Hospital Colorado
examined the potential effects of ethnicity with regard to hear- (CHCO), University of Colorado School of Medicine.
ing loss in children with DS. Ethnic, racial, and language
differences can affect a child’s access to care (Avila &
Bramlett, 2013; Burgos, Schetzina, Dixon, & Mendoza, 2005; Participants
Flores et al., 2016; Weinick & Krauss, 2000). Prior research All participants (168 boys, 140 girls; mean age at
has suggested that many occurrences of hearing loss are evaluation = 5.99 ± 4.88 years) met inclusion criteria of
due to a lack of early medical surveillance and aggressive having DS, having had at least one audiological test per-
intervention in the population with DS (Manickam, Shott, formed at CHCO between January 1, 2013, and December
Heithaus, & Shott, 2016; Shott et al., 2001). Further investi- 31, 2013, and having received care at the hospital between
gation is warranted to determine whether ethnicity affects the ages of 1 day and 22 years. Overall, 81.2% (n = 250)
permanent or transient hearing loss in this population. of children in the study were also patients who had received
It is reported that only 5%–10% of the patient popu- care in the Sie Center for Down Syndrome at CHCO. Our
lation is in compliance with the longstanding American population with DS (trisomy 21 nondisjunction = 95.8%;
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published practice guidelines translocation = 2.6%; mosiac = 1.6%) reflects the percentages

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seen in the genetics literature (Centers for Disease Control pressure equalization tube, inconclusive, could not test, or
and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and did not test (Jerger, 1970). For tympanograms with large
Developmental Disabilities, Division of Birth Defects and ear canal volumes, the results were placed either in the
Developmental Disabilities, 2013b). pressure equalization tube category or in abnormal–other
The 308 children underwent a total of 582 audiological (suggesting eardrum perforation).
evaluations during the year. Overall, 64.5% of participants
were evaluated to comply with AAP guidelines for surveil- Defining Hearing Loss
lance or monitoring of hearing loss in children with DS, 26.3% Hearing loss was divided into 11 response categories:
were evaluated due to suspected hearing loss or ear problems, normal hearing, essentially normal hearing (responses at
9.5% were seen for a postoperative audiologic assessment, 25 dB HL), conductive hearing loss, conductive hearing loss
6.9% were evaluated for an intraoperative assessment, and for at least one ear (normal unmasked bone conduction
4.0% were seen for a hearing aid evaluation. Newborn results obtained), sensorineural hearing loss, mixed hearing
hearing-screen data were available for 160 participants; loss, mixed hearing loss for at least the better-hearing ear
77.5% (n = 124) passed this initial evaluation, 14.4% (n = 23) (only unmasked bone conduction results obtained), auditory
were referred for both ears, and 8.1% (n = 13) were referred neuropathy, unknown/inconclusive, could not test, and not
for one ear. As reported in Table 1, study participants applicable/did not test. During the audiology evaluation pro-
mirrored the diversity of the hospital patient population. cess, if air conduction responses/thresholds were obtained
at elevated levels suggesting hearing loss, then bone conduc-
Measures tion testing was attempted. If bone conduction responses/
thresholds were obtained in the normal range or were better
Audiologic Evaluation than air conduction responses by 10–15 dB, then a conduc-
Hearing evaluation data were extracted from two clinical tive component was suspected.
doc flowsheets embedded in the hospital’s electronic medical Children were defined as having a permanent hearing
records. To classify results, standardized parameters were loss if they had a sensorineural component (greater than or
established for the audiologists completing the doc flow- equal to 25 dB HL) in one or both ears or a conductive hear-
sheets. The audiologic evaluation was categorized as normal, ing loss not related to middle ear effusion without medical
essentially normal, abnormal, or inconclusive. To qualify as treatment (e.g., surgery, antibiotics). This category includes
a normal evaluation, a child’s responses had to be obtained children with persistent eardrum perforations or conductive
at 20 dB HL or better across the speech frequency spectrum. hearing loss in the presence of normal eardrum movement.
Unless previously identified, those with permanent conductive
Tympanometry hearing loss did not include children with Type B, C, or As
Tympanometry testing (226 Hz or 1000 Hz probe tympanograms at time of diagnosis. Additional options within
tones) results were coded as normal or abnormal using the data tracking included in progress and cannot determine.
Jerger classification system: A = normal eardrum move-
ment, B = flat tracing/restricted eardrum movement, C =
retracted eardrum movement, As = restricted/shallow ear- Procedure
drum movement, Ad = hypermobile eardrum movement, Audiologic Evaluations
abnormal–other (large ear canal volume suggesting ear- Audiology data entered into the electronic medical
drum perforation, abnormal with 1000-Hz probe tone), record by audiologists as part of a clinic quality improvement

Table 1. Participant and hospital-wide patient comparison in 2013.

Audiological evaluation Overall patients with Down

study participants syndrome at hospital
Demographics n % n %

Male 168 54.4 877 54.1
Female 140 45.5 745 45.9
White, non-Hispanic 149 48.4 807 49.8
Hispanic and/or Latino 104 33.8 493 30.4
Black, non-Hispanic 15 4.9 74 4.6
Asian 4 1.3 29 1.8
American Indian or Alaskan Native 2 0.6 3 0.2
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0 0.0 1 0.1
Other 9 2.9 39 2.4
More than one race 4 1.3 63 3.9
Unknown 21 6.8 113 7.0
Totals 308 100.0 1622 100.0

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investigation were used. Hearing was assessed using one and export procedures, (c) automated export procedures
or more of the following techniques depending on age and/ for seamless data downloads to common statistical pack-
or developmental capabilities: behavioral observation, visual ages, and (d) procedures for importing data from external
reinforcement audiometry, conditioned play audiometry, sources. To ensure data accuracy, all audiological testing
standard audiometry, natural-sleep auditory evoked poten- and outcomes were reviewed by the principal investigator,
tial (AEP) procedures, and sedated AEP procedures. Evalu- a board-certified audiologist with expertise treating and
ations occurred (a) in the audiology clinic, (b) in conjunction working with children with DS.
with a child’s otolaryngology clinic appointment, (c) at bed-
side with the child as an inpatient, or (d) in the operating
room/procedure center. A test assistant was used for 75.1%
Statistical Analysis
of the evaluations. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests were per-
Testing results. Following each audiologic encounter, formed on demographic and clinical characteristics in the
the audiologist completed an electronic medical record data set. Results are presented as mean ± standard devia-
form describing the child’s evaluation and testing behavior. tion, or percentage where appropriate. Chi-square tests
Investigation guidelines regarding reporting were pro- were run to determine the significant associations between
vided by the principle investigator to the audiology team ethnicity and permanent or transient hearing loss. Data
at CHCO. Information on the type of audiological test were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS 23.0. All
and results, reason for evaluation, test reliability, and clini- analyses were conducted at an α-level .05 significance.
cal recommendations were included. Data were collected Children were omitted from an analysis if the variable of
on reported level of hearing loss (in the sound field and/ investigation had an “unknown” or “missing data” value.
or one or both ears), hearing loss configurations (in the
sound field and/or one or both ears), completion of results
across the speech spectrum, tympanometry results for both Results
ears, and whether permanent hearing loss had been previ- Of the 308 children evaluated, 111 (36.0%) were
ously diagnosed for each ear. Essentially normal evaluations diagnosed with some degree of hearing loss in 2013. Of
included responses at 25 dB HL, and an abnormal evalua- these, 35 ears were sensorineural, 103 were conductive,
tion included responses 30 dB HL and greater. At times the and 28 were mixed. Sixty-four children had inconclusive
evaluations were inconclusive or could not be completed; results with available data.
the specific reason was collected. Data were coded for later-
ality unless ear-specific testing could not be completed, in
which case sound field data were entered. Evaluation in- Confirmed Permanent Hearing Loss
cluded tympanometry testing at 226-Hz or 1000-Hz probe Descriptive statistics for characterizing confirmed
tones. If the hearing evaluation was abnormal, the audi- permanent hearing loss are presented in Table 2. Reduced
ologist included recommendations such as use of a hearing subject numbers were used in calculating this information
aid. The primary investigator of this study reviewed and because the permanent hearing loss variable (yes or no)
verified data entered by participating audiologists to ensure was added several months after data collection began. Data
accurate completion. were collected for this variable on 229 unique patients. A
Background information. A separate history/background total of 24.9% (n = 57) of participants were defined as hav-
doc flowsheet was completed for each child and when a ing permanent hearing loss in 2013; the determination of
child’s history had changed during a subsequent testing loss for 10.9% was unable to be identified with available
encounter (i.e., pressure equalization tubes, hearing aids, data (7% were still undergoing evaluation and 3.9 % had
sedated AEP evaluations). This electronic form was pop- inconclusive results).
ulated using electronic medical record review and captured Overall, 27.7% of non-Hispanic/Latino patients had
demographics, newborn hearing-screen results, history of permanent hearing loss compared with 21.8% Hispanic/
middle ear effusion, history of pressure equalization tubes, Latino patients. A chi-square test for association was
history of natural-sleep AEP evaluations and/or sedated
AEP evaluations, use of hearing aids/amplification, and Table 2. Incidence and characteristics of confirmed permanent
other pertinent medical history. Information was entered hearing loss.
by a research assistant trained on audiological chart review.
Results n %
Data Collection
Data from the doc flowsheets were then collected Laterality of permanent hearing loss, by patient
Bilateral 43 75.4
and managed using Research Electronic Data Capture Unilateral 13 22.8
(REDCap) tools hosted at the University of Colorado Unilateral and in progress on other 1 1.8
(Harris et al., 2009). REDCap is a secure, web-based ap- Type of hearing loss, by ear
plication designed to support data capture for research Conductive 38 38.0
Sensorineural 34 34.0
studies, providing (a) an intuitive interface for validated Mixed 28 28.0
data entry, (b) audit trails for tracing data manipulation

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Table 4. Tympanogram results.
conducted between ethnicity and presence of permanent
hearing loss. All expected cell frequencies were greater
Results n %
than 5. There was not a statistically significant association
between ethnicity and permanent hearing loss, χ2(1) = 1.367, Normal results—Type A (both ears) 110 35.3
p = .242. Abnormal results total 124 39.7
Bilateral abnormal results 60 19.2
Unilateral abnormal results 64 20.5
Pressure equalization tube 56 17.9
Transient Hearing Loss Did not test 9 2.9
Inconclusive 6 1.9
Presumed transient hearing loss, defined as children Could not test 3 1.0
with an abnormal hearing evaluation and at least one Abnormal type reported (by ear)
abnormal tympanogram but without confirmed perma- Abnormal—Type B 94 51.1
nent hearing loss, occurred in 29.7% (n = 51) of patients. Abnormal—Type C 46 25.0
Abnormal—Type Other 30 16.3
Again, no statistically significant correlation was found Abnormal—As 14 7.6
between ethnicity and transient hearing loss, χ2(1) = 1.529,
p = .216.
One hundred thirty-one children completed more
than one audiologic evaluation in 2013. Results from par- Hearing Aids
ticipants without a permanent hearing loss were compared Data were run to determine how many children did
over time to determine consistency between tests. Evalua- not have hearing loss confirmed but still had a hearing aid
tion results changed for 32.5% (n = 40) of the children recommended. Of the 308 participants, 55 (17.9%) patients
(Table 3). In this group, 22.1% of patients had at least one were current hearing aid users and 17 (5.5%) had hearing
normal and one abnormal evaluation. aids recommended by the end of 2013, including 12 patients
without confirmed permanent hearing loss.
Descriptive data were evaluated on the 57 children
Tympanometry Results with confirmed permanent hearing loss in at least one ear
Of the 308 children, 119 (38.6%) had a history of to determine hearing aid use/recommendations: 57.9% (n =
middle ear effusion, with the first indication presenting at 33) were current hearing aid users, 35.1% (n = 20) had
a mean age of 4.43 ± 5.61 years. Table 4 summarizes tym- hearing aids recommended, 5.3% (n = 3) were deemed to
panometry data for each patient in 2013. To capture not need a hearing aid, and recommendation or status
testing results details from the 2013 visits, only the most was unknown for one patient (1.8%).
recent data are included for patients who had more than
one test.
Changes in middle ear function were examined in the Discussion
91 children who had results from more than one tympano- When the Sie Center for Down Syndrome at CHCO
metry test in 2013 (Table 5). These data exclude patients opened in 2010, more referrals were made to the Audiol-
who had pressure equalization tubes and just one other ogy Department than any other hospital department, illu-
result. minating the dire need for audiologic involvement in the
As seen in Figure 1, children with DS experience OME care of this patient population. The purpose of this study
throughout childhood and into early adulthood. Data include was to better characterize hearing loss and management
results per ear reported by percentage of abnormal results in a large diverse population, utilizing recent patient data
and total sample number for each age category. Cases clas- that reflects current practice in the specialty of pediatric
sified as normal, pressure equalization tubes, inconclusive, audiology.
did not test, and could not test were excluded. We did not see a difference in overall prevalence of
Due to the frequent occurrence of middle ear pathol- hearing loss when utilizing a larger sample size compared
ogies, ear tubes are often recommended for children with with prior studies; however, differences in type of hearing
DS. One hundred eighty-one (58.8%) participants have had loss, both conductive and sensorineural, were observed.
a history of pressure equalization tubes from birth to current. Thirty-six percent of children in our study experienced

Table 3. Hearing evaluation results for unique patients with more Table 5. Tympanometry evaluation results for unique patients with
than one test. more than one test.

Results n % Results n %

Always abnormal 57 43.5 Always abnormal 35 38.5

Normal sometimes 29 22.1 Normal sometimes 30 33.0
Normal always 26 19.8 Normal always 24 26.4
Inconclusive with normal or abnormal 11 8.4 Inconclusive 2 2.2

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Figure 1. Percentage of abnormal tympanograms per ear as a without permanent hearing loss who had repeated abnor-
function of age.
mal evaluations. Only seven of these individuals were cur-
rent hearing aid users or had hearing aids recommended.
Given the concern for further developmental difficulties
secondary to hearing loss in this population, we would ad-
vocate a low threshold for amplification in children who
fail repeated hearing evaluations.
There were limitations to our study that are inherent
in any retrospective review. Because this was an observa-
tional analysis, we were not able to control for parameters
that may have affected outcomes such as different reporting
styles of multiple audiologists. Although all audiological
testing and outcomes were reviewed by a second board-
certified audiologist with expertise in treating and working
with children with DS, variability is inevitable. One might
speculate that children with more complex medical needs
will seek out services from a pediatric hospital, thus creat-
ing a population bias; however, all patients with DS meet-
hearing loss, which is consistent with other recent results ing inclusion criteria were included in the study. Though
at 34%–36% (Austeng et al., 2013; Lau et al., 2015; Raut this type of retrospective analysis could potentially be prone
et al., 2011). Children with DS have a much higher inci- to sampling error due to patients with existing known mid-
dence of multiple types of hearing loss (sensorineural, con- dle ear disorders, 90.0% of our participants were referred
ductive, mixed) when compared with the general pediatric for audiologic evaluation for AAP guideline monitoring or
population. Prior studies have reported a wide range of in- due to suspected unconfirmed issues.
cidence from 16%–72.2% for conductive hearing loss and Further investigation will help to better serve this
18%–27.8% for sensorineural hearing loss (Austeng et al., population. Areas that may be helpful to focus on include
2013; Lau et al., 2015). Our study found a prevalence of assessment of audiologic test behaviors and support for
33.3% conductive, and 29.8% sensorineural hearing loss. consistent hearing aid use. These are lacking in the existing
The usage of our larger sample size may provide a more literature and would provide valuable insight into the test-
accurate view of the prevalence in different types of hear- ing expectations for various ages of children with DS and
ing loss in this population. We were able to further charac- help with programming to assist parents and caregivers
terize this hearing loss as being permanent in 24.9% of with hearing aid compliance.
patients and transient in at least 29.7%. On the basis of the results from our experience initi-
Another significant finding was that of middle ear ating the Sie Center for Down Syndrome at CHCO, the
dysfunction throughout the span of childhood into young high percentage of 2013 referrals for Hispanic and Latino
adulthood, not just in early childhood. This highlights the patients for audiologic testing warrant further investigation
need for close audiologic monitoring at routine intervals regarding audiology service accessibility. Additional infor-
throughout the entire span of childhood. Older studies had mation is needed to determine whether a DS clinic can
inconsistent age ranges due to lack of available partici- provide an entryway for health access such as ear, nose,
pants (Roizen et al., 1993). More recent literature, and this and throat evaluations and procedures. Although statistical
study, have attempted to correct for this disparity in age significance was not found in variables associated with per-
range. In line with the “2011 Clinical Report—Health manent and transient hearing loss, we did see a trend sug-
Supervision for Children With Down Syndrome” (Bull & gesting that referred Hispanic and Latino children with DS
Committee on Genetics, 2011), we agree with the recom- were less likely to have permanent hearing loss. To our
mendation of audiologic testing at least every 6 months knowledge, this information has not been previously re-
until the age of 3 years, and then annually through child- ported in the literature. This discrepancy was less evident
hood for individuals with DS. between the two groups for transient hearing loss.
Almost all (93.0%) children with a permanent hear- Children with DS are at a greater risk for permanent
ing loss either were already hearing aid users or were rec- and transient hearing loss as compared with their typically
ommended for a trial of amplification. For children with a developing peers. Long-term consequences of late or failed
permanent hearing loss where no medical and/or surgical diagnosis, particularly in this population, can significantly
treatments are available or recommended, hearing aids affect quality of life, including school performance, speech
should be turned to as a viable intervention without fur- and language, behavioral challenges, community engage-
ther delay. ment, and safety. Therefore, ongoing audiologic monitoring
Seventeen percent of current hearing aid users or and otologic management is highly recommended for this
those with hearing aid recommendations with DS did not group into adulthood. The “2011 Clinical Report—Health
have a confirmed permanent hearing loss. In our analy- Supervision for Children With Down Syndrome” provides
sis, we came across a number of children (43.5%, n = 57) appropriate guidelines that are consistent with the findings

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from this investigation (Bull & Committee on Genetics, Flores, G., Lin, H., Walker, C., Lee, M., Portillo, A., Henry, M.,
2011). Our results indicate the strong need to educate pri- & Massey, K. (2016). A cross-sectional study of parental aware-
mary physicians, parents, and teachers regarding the im- ness of and reasons for lack of health insurance among minority
children, and the impact on health, access to care, and unmet
portance of referral, early identification, and, when needed,
needs. International Journal for Equity in Health, 15, 44. https://
use and compliance of amplification to help these children doi.org/10.1186/s12939-016-0331-y
in their speech-language development, psychosocial devel- Harris, P. A., Taylor, R., Thielke, R., Payne, J., Gonzalez, N.,
opment, and educational achievement. & Conde, J. G. (2009). Research Electronic Data Capture
(REDCap)—A metadata-driven methodology and workflow
process for providing translational research informatics sup-
Acknowledgments port. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 42, 377–381.
We would like to thank the Global Down Syndrome Foun- Herzig, L. D., Walker, W. O., TeKolste, K., Bjornson, K., Christensen,
dation and the Anna and John J. Sie Foundation for their finan- A., Partridge, R., & Bennett, F. C. (2016). Pediatrician use of
cial support of research conducted at the Sie Center for Down Down syndrome health supervision guidelines. Clinical Pediat-
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