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Paul’s College

F.5 Final Examination 2020-2021

MATHEMATICS Compulsory Part

PAPER 1 Section A2
Question-Answer Book

Time Allowed: 2 hours

Class No.
Group 1 FBL Group 2 LMW Group 3 WHP Group 4 TH
Group 5 PSK Group 6 LTN Group 7 HL

1. Attempt ALL questions.
2. Answer this section in the spaces provided in this Question-Answer Book.
3. Unless otherwise specified, all working must be clearly shown.
4. Marks will be deducted for poor and untidy presentation.
5. Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers should be either exact or correct to 3 significant
6. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

Question No. 9 10 11 12 Total

Marks /30

F.5 Final Exam 2020-2021 Page 1 of 6 Math CP 1A2

Section A2 (30 marks)

9. The price of a crystal ball of radius r cm is $P. P partly varies as r and partly varies as r 2 , where
1  r  5 . When r = 3, P = 720 and when r = 5, P = 1000.
(a) Find the price of a crystal ball of radius 4 cm. (4 marks)
(b) Someone claims that the price of a crystal ball of radius 5 cm is higher than the total price
of two crystal balls of radii 2 cm and 3 cm.
Is the claim correct? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

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10. The stem-and-leaf diagram below shows the distribution of the ages of people got vaccinated in
a clinic.

Stem (tens) Leaf (units)

3 1 3 6 6
4 0 4 6 6 7 7 7
5 0 2 2 7 7 a
6 1 2 3 3

It is given that the range of the above distribution is twice its inter-quartile range.
(a) Find a.
(4 marks)
(b) Two more people now arrive and receive vaccination.
If the mean and the range of the distribution remain unchanged, find the greatest
possible standard deviation of the distribution.
(4 marks)

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11. The cubic polynomial f(x) is divisible by x + 1. When f(x) is divided by x 2  1 , the remainder is
4x  k , where k is a constant.
(a) Find k. (3 marks)
(b) It is given that x  2 is a factor of f(x). When f(x) is divided by x, the remainder is 4.
Someone claims that all the roots of the equation f(x) = 0 are distinct.
Is the claim correct? Explain your answer. (5 marks)

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12. The straight line L1 : x  2 y  1  0 and the straight line L2 intersect at A . L1 cuts the x-axis at
B and L2 cuts the y-axis at C . Let P be a moving point in the rectangular coordinate plane
such that it maintains an equal distance from the two straight lines L1 and L2 . Denote the locus
of P by  . It is known that  is a pair of straight lines L3 and L4 and the equation of L3 is
x y2  0.
(a) Describe the geometric relationship between  , L1 and L2 . (1 mark)
(b) Find the equation of L4 . (2 marks)
(c) Find the angle between L1 and L2 . (3 marks)
(d) Find the area of ABC . (2 marks)

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End of Section A2

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