Watch Videos On Art GEC106-Vv4 (Laguindab, Fatima)

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In my opinion, the YouTube video "What is Art?

" by GCFLearnFree defines art

much better than the other video because it satisfies all of what I learned back in senior
TIMELESS. Firstly, Art is EVERYWHERE: The video says that art can be found in
songs, movies, poems, theater, and it is part of our everyday lives. Secondly, art is
INFLUENTIAL: The video talks about how art can evoke our emotions, and these
emotions can be based on our own experiences, history, and everything that creates
who we are. This means that art can have a significant impact on how we think and feel.
It can also be the source of information and can be the means of communication. It can
influence our belief, perception and opinion. Thirdly, art is SUBJECTIVE: The video
mentions that three different people can experience the same piece of art and have
completely different reactions to it. This means that there's no single right way to
interpret art, and it's up to each individual to decide what it means to them. Our opion is
subjective and just like art that is the product of human creativity and skill to express
oneself. Fourthly, art is UNIVERSAL: The video says that art is for anyone who wants to
experience it, and it's often found in more places than we might think which means that
art isn't limited to museums or art galleries, but it can be found in all parts of everyday
places. Lastly, art is TIMELESS: The video says that art has been around for thousands
of years and has evolved in many different ways throughout history which means that
art isn't something stuck in the past, but it's constantly changing and growing.

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