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IBDP Biology

Grade Boundaries 2023-25


G 11 Semester 1
70% Exams, 30% all other work from the year/semester (mainly
tests) G 11 Semester 2
80% Exams, 20% all other work from the year/semester (mainly
tests) G 12
80% Exams, 20% all other work from the year/semester (mainly tests)

Grade Boundaries from Dec. 2020 for SL / HL differentiated:

(Average of 4 published grade boundaries, Nov. 19 - Nov.18)


1 0-14 0-15

2 15-26 16-27

3 27-39 28-39

4 40-51 40-53

5 52-62 54-66

6 63-75 67-79

7 76-100 80-100

Byrne, Veres & Birkfeld August 2022

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