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1.Dimas : Would you accompany me to the keep focusing on your dream.

Nevertheless, I
internet ? Bonar: … believe that you can handle it well. God luck!
Dimas : Thanks. I really appreciate it.
a. I’m disappointed Your beloved sister, Vania
b. I’m not so sure 5. What is the writer's intention to write the
c. Sure text?
d. I don’t know a. To make Vania's brother believe that she can
2. Boni : How was your trip to Nias? handle it
Yudha: … with it. I want to go there again next b. To congratulate Vania's brother on his
year. success
a. I’m very pleased c. To remind Jake about the challenge
b. I’m really disappointed d. To ask Jake to be happier in her live
c .I’m very displeased 6. Stay calm and keep focusing on your dream.
d. I’m very unsatisfied The sentence means that Vania hopes Jake ...
This text is for question number 3-4 a. Always sleeps and dream
Dear Jimin, b. Will keep on dreaming and be a calm girl
I am very sorry to inform you about this. I hope c. Makes your dream focus and become calm
you know me well to realize that I would never d. Will always be aware and not stop learning to
have missed your dinner party without a very make the dream comes true.
good reason. As I was leaving for your house, I
got a phone call informing me that my brother Read the reading text to answer questions
was involved in an accident. He was taken to numbers 7 up to 9.
the emergency room and my only thought at
the time was to be with him. The very good Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses
news is that he was not badly hurt and will fully used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there
recover. I would much rather have been at your was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount
dinner party. I'm sure it was a lovely evening. I Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang
hope to see you again sometimes soon Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only
3. What is Yoongi's purpose to send this daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was
message? famous for her beauty but she was not married.
a. To inform about the accident One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle
b. To ask for apologize in canceling a party the matter by a show of strength.
c. To remind Jimin about dinner party After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden
d. To say apologize for not coming to a party Begawan had won the competition.
4. ".... my only thought at the time was to be Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara
with him" The word 'him' refer to? fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic
a. Yoongi's friend power to render him unconscious and he forgot
b. Jimin's friend his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching,
c. Yoongi's brother Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that
d. Jimin's sister. he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy.
This text is for question number 5-6 The fairy could not accept this, so she killed
Dear Jake, Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala
Congratulations on your success on the senior heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy
high school entrance exam. May today success took her to the Kahyangan.
be just he beginning of your long-life 7. What do you think will happen if gods or
achievement and happiness. Remember the goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people
challenge is waiting for you there. Stay calm and in the earth at that time?
a. Princess Segara will have married with Raden 10. The text is written to ... .
Begawan a. Share ideas about bananas
b. Sang Prabu will not hold strength b. Tell about the ingredients needed to make
competition fried bananas
c. Raden Begawan will not die c. Tell about the way of how to make fried
d. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s bananas
life d. Promote fried bananas as alternative food.
8. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.
(Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence 11. What should we do after we cut bananas
refers to… into square small pieces?
a. The wicked fairy b. The nice fairy a. Fry them until they are done
c. Princess Nirmala d. The prince of b. Add bananas to flour dough
Blambangan. c. Stir them until they are mixed evenly
d. Mix all flour, turmeric powder, salt, palm
9. Why did the wicked fairy use her magic to sugar and water.
make Raden Begawan unconscious?
a. She didn’t like Raden Begawan 12. "The important email has been sent by my
b. She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the secretary." What is the active form of this
princess sentence?
c. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her a. My secretary was sending the important
wedding email.
d. She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan b. My secretary has sent the important email.
marry the princess c. My secretary is sending the important email.
d. My secretary has been sending the important
Reading text for answering questions no. 10 to email.

HOW TO MAKE FRIED BANANAS 13"They visited grandmother." Its passive voice
Ingredients: version is ...
1. 750 grams banana a. Grandmother was visited by them.
2. 200 grams whole wheat flour b. Grandmother were visited by them.
3. 450 ml water c. Grandmother is visited by them.
4. 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder d. Grandmother are visited by them.
5. 125 grams rice flour
6. 2 tablespoon palm sugar Arrange the jumbled words below into good
7. Cooking oil sentences of simple past tense.
8.1 teaspoon salt 14. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call
a. 2-1-3-4
Steps: b. 4-1-2-1
1. First cut bananas into square small pieces c. 3-1-2-4
about 1 centimeter d. 3-1-4-2
2. Mix all flour, turmeric powder, salt, palm 15. Tari ... to the bank two hours ago she said
sugar, water she wanted to save her money.
3. Then stir until mixture a. Gone
4. Add banana into flour dough b. Went
5. Using a table spoon make spoon full balls c. Goes
6. After that drop them into the saucepan d. Go
7. … fry them for about 4 minutes or until
lightly brown
Read text and answer question no. 1 to 3!

Vanilla Drops Cookies

1 1∕2 cups all purpose flour
1∕4 tea spoons baking powder
1∕4 tea spoons vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 cup sugar

1. Combine flour and baking powder, set aside
2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in a
mixing bowl until light coloured
3. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture
4. Drop the batter by tea spoonfuls about 2
inches apart into a greased and floured baking
sheets. Set aside in a room temperature for 6
5. Bake at 350o F for 6 minutes
6. Remove from baking sheets to a wire rack to

1. What should we do after combining flour and

baking powder?
2. How long do you need to bake the cookies?
3. What is the purpose of the text?
4.Mention 5 texts that have you learned?
5. The passive of this sentence is.. “ We are
learning English”

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