CN CSE2 ClassNotes

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@ What is Computer Networn 2 Arsi- A Computer Network jx a Seb of Nodes Cormutea on Commenicakon Links BO omporents OF Computer NehwerK'- P r ? Nodes ap Me dia. / Mediver/ Communicaten Link: 37 Secvices @ Expleinetion of Noaes Nodes Se L Bod Nodes Tntermediocy Nodes oc ec End Devices Intermediary Devices m (Lest Nede) Ex!- Router, Repeater 2 €x!- Leptep Pe, Printers Switen ,Hob > Brides Secver, Secoeity Camero's, Crateaw Inppite Phones ha @ Views / Commoni Coben Fath | Communication Channel Cormonicotion Media - Wiced / Guided Media Wire less / Vpn es ba Y Twisted Parr Cavie es, mar’ Cree) CElecico eas 7 re 2) Co-aniol Cal Bed ae 7 Co-a geese a » eine Liece Fiber Optic Cobre vier Networks Tees ter of GnFerma tn or AeSourees (eae of Co fare S* Concept] Electro maqnenic Spectrom "gee Deceease in Wovelens | Sale a Nee’ Lv lges | GL prices Waves E L | Pica cde a wins \ Vv Freqpuenty Visiote Light y & nel Uv Rey Jb X- Roy L uv Gramma Roy vided | Media, | ges fe | @[Fonctiona lives af Compstat Narworu) then Shere are more, 70 Funehonalhes in Computer Nebork. Some Functions are mandatry Uke— WY Eceor Control | 1D Flow Control Some Funcw'ons are Op herat Like= y Encryption ip Deerypren- DP Alt tnese funebons are included in OS2-modet X — peepee by PSO. [Antermahonol Stan dord Orgenigenin] @® OS$2-Model> Open Sy ete Tnterdonnechon + Sis 12 a F-Voyer model, + Bock loser Io @ Collec on of - foothiple urchins ushich hot a Common in then Meme | Orie. t | Ott SD Y shies loyer > directly Connected to the Veer fresi- Application Lover J whith layer is Peepers! dy hon ale +he Channel? An)- Physi Cot Lowe ¢ —— we = a = € » Freviens Pege 7 * Shir ts an Neale ty, A whereas m0 Use / ap pid Tr Ove modern Trternet Sy Stem ‘es © TCP/26 Retvact Bite ‘ TCP: Transmiltsion Poi | w TPI- — Toterne ter King Ba toa A Teese Frotecot cone a, eer ce’ Suite | hoo date + * T+ hag s Noxers Gender] * 5 [Peplication bate Oy [ 5 Petes, Layee ry | rm pepe p— ' [leis 3 | Network Km tower (ut) x as 2 [Dab LinK Layer (pu)! i ‘é at is a [Physi ok . Lawyer (PL) ee 4 Bl Channel: Nejwerks= Hpavie-4— Py +. LCS Qe) Woda 2t— Dare Linn Lojer \ a St~ Network Lower ff f |esj) toe dole - Sivgnie-.- “Tro ins port Lote er) pore st— Appicex!2n (es | froduin GC t— Sechet Peageasoming (nto Pacer eee M sp | Ony Lav sofoa\24 Layer: Pry sical ae is the ast ai do the Channel ec eS O92 Model direc} Connected wlrich Mantle Tete eer signet Can popeant Responsi bi Uikes of |? Communica tien Modes i) Poystent Tepelog y /€ ty Cates & Channets 1 fe Prysicat tm. | i DY Networign Devices | ER Reps, HUW? Bouter, Costeacs, | 4) | | | Y “BWieeain | ? 5 zi) aso Communication Modes * Wey FJ Communication. » Simplex Mode: Daly Unidicee 4, Mal / One Wes, Commenicah q Exi- Mevbard 40 0.P.u, Mowe to Chu , Ratio + fa id Sttion, O.P.u tog Splauy Unit \) bate Deplen’ Uniddreakonat at a Hone | wi bxi- Wal ty Talidy | a | Ww ui) Fall Depew. Bidiveeho nat odbc Hane fe 2°= Mobile Prone + Howthe node ies $ Ove Connected 49 eocin oth, aa , BGT Ts Gris tre Poysicat Struchre of 4 sled Tepoton af Hoe Network. a7 Types! 1) Mesh Topote ly Mesh Top 97 [Complore Tepsteg’y > CRavontage) Au tine devices are directty Connected, to each 4) here N= ne of Cables i? No oF Cables = Sez at \S (Disadvantage) * wy No ef Parse CHAN eget D. Ny (Disadcantey) -_ (Advantage): woop Cables: iw vec Seevre d - wp Retabitty \- 24 is by iqrest Reliab! nM paantet.): vi) Ty has. Paid -t0- Point Conne Deditaltd Comneebor chon ‘also senile iy Boch nodes are Connected Hore fi Neof Nodes 2 nr ii Neo of Ports re Gh Cenbral vw, ) Koo “5 yy Matt iy Seevrlty less than Mech Topole vy Tp hub eet door then entire network will gp way Cot doom fis Called Single Point faibre ; y Muth: Point Connechon ® vr 6) Commonitation 's Point to ~foint Cod wiphealio'bty less Hoan Mec Topelrgy Wy Be nw wy N EE 5y Ring “fopelegy @ @ oe y tout H point eres! we pttisston Occur DLL oc Data Link Cae i> vai Collissiony Ocevreente * » frag ste quer’ bie todect with 4y Bus “Topol Se pea & ® a y Bus i> Called Beck bone Cable - W)Rel wtpility Low v) Security Lee wi) cation Pasi ate, iD) Ne of Cables !— Nt4 ny No of Ports t— © 5? Hybeia “opabeay Stor bus opolegy > THIS the Connecting wicecto which Wet Can ¢ DB des Lor mice nebwern devices . sometioncs Catled LAN. Coble /Ertbernt Gule 2) 100 Base 2>>?>8™ Explenetion oF Exam ples Cavore Stament — Inereosea Bassband Groeai! D Last Segment! 44 fe q ga ae oi q Use 40 Ihetebte the tengty of LAN Newortiog 7 A: Repeater 2 Hob 2. Bclage \ Switel § Rovtec © Goteaw ar D Repeater + rise py Workin (PL) \ * \sed to ie | Nerworwiog Dewees t | | 4 Repeater 4 2 Hub i was eh Fibce 2. Bcldge pa sent is Praer ee a T Physica veyeri- No s hee Physicat bey oaaresicy Bart Cpe) Pare Hacdnnd "3 6 @Qateaw Layer “ Die‘ Mat oad res$| Ether net (wee oars eng) NLiO OP address > 4 NL xdband | D Repeater aeve (1298) 6 Tris e pet rocawere dewite | TLS Rect ducts working ot Physteat Loper (lewis) cP ) Aire Gavses dae AOL a g aga ced LAN: i - oe © \eed to Increose the LAN ee - Repeater recaive fo die ana regenerate its of 0 seach @ SARE Signeck while Repeater wl rracata 6 A pile S56 7 o nt Pr vowenied Sina epeatir Cary Sep orale Me nwise fron 6 Or re) nak oi ou) but Armpli Fier amy. 9 * Melt Neo Svs) 7 AS Careo , - a) Collission domain (9) where Nooe nod Connected in A boty Hye end x B Heb [Extension of Repeader Hub LExtens ef Repeoter] Wrigioak | + Math -pert Repeater at nwa + Ne Pac So Werving at Physical Layer | ry) * Dust receive &. Forward th a dinchon/( Flood ' «As Hob ts a daditated So pete us Some Enron ee wry : See Hoe Puan pattern buep oF Leds we Can ques Feet the dwice OK] Nor OK. fest Fle ie F Repeater £ Hub Connect 1 2" tabie’s While Bridge Connect 2 LAN'S. J+ Nemuerk Bridge Connect two LANs MMs a devicw wrth fo use Comect te 2 clipferent s CLANS is vsed to Connect 2 Same type. or rrypeloy Un Q Data Link Loser (pit) a Tis o two - port device This ers MAC Address So halts aes Phys Cah lay, « Using a Mac addrets tab able t+ Can f ceward ty foo pachevlar dest f . (Receive, Ste c Nore 1 Theo Halts Theo if Bridge Con connect 2 different tyre but preetteamy it > Not Possibte \ “Token r [scons ine > Fregmerteser sf eae r Cry Jn Networ Lovfer | | D Maxirmens Transfer Sire (int) OF is aifferens yr | diffeet mehwork SO Ck -Paot Hime We have to | oa Se mentahon: bat Ye Heme jae is och dane in Network Layer bot Brite ceva WoreKing ot Date Link Lope Daye4 ya @ wheris Compater a @ a Network1— ARCANET Mitta. Risa €- yet Ager “Chatteris = 7 are Sharing Toei eka Np Bactip ) Sealaility Y Retiotili viy Sf tive 4 B : i —. ‘¢ ee @® tan ~ ® WAN — @® fan - ® man > PAN i- CFersoroh Arto Nebo) Meteopatetirr aren Net A FANS the PEAR CORREIA oF in Cocmistion tech e y Sinelegy devices witein ade dy cof: ay Traivi duo Person tne rorye ot ‘panels WHtin O-+0 lo Memes Rarge O +0 ABO metres yeei=s ofice Coueze A Sebwls Cavs TY t> & Cettecton of devices Connected +o gether IH one poysicd location Seth os OFF ice y heme, att A LAN Can b& Senath or are Krem'Here Network wits oncuser to on kmter prise JH leo users In OMOfHCe OF School or Network with lore users in OMoKfice © Coveges” q a ® Bus «oP ea USes Sine RO Connets OAK Hot inctoded nodes | @ The main Coble acts ay an Spine of Hox entee | Network - & Ove of Hye Com puters Yr He NebworkK Get os o Cow puter Server @ when i+ has Z end pernts 4 lo Know as Linear @ fates nerwerw eoctn devices has erocty QZ ne naa devices J worpost = THis Fallcd a Fox topotes y os —" jo Whew Ring pe ® Bo this Fopeleny every Computer I> Connected apa Ho Broker Com purer © Lise Node is Combine worthy 0 First Node | From one Cony ® wero J) This topde: veces token tp Fea in 0,19 Otter each q arecing in || f all the messene trowel Brae Some 8 din ® m° » wove 1e Comg yer comp @ tah Topsy fos vnigpt TG) design in which ( d gach Comprer OO tee newer ih Connect to every { a odner & 2+ oes * Rie Lard. og Reta 6 Heres an | ALhworK Carle Lotls adobe rte, XN alterneivt wor fortoe data @ No data Loss fp or tromifertd er Bees ? Jn tris. type or tosh ec | e I, | —Tepate Most of Hoe dewices cer calmost < | @ PEI Same techno leg y - Thean differenc * Hee few devitss are mi, sey witt ’ “t B devices : ) Bourg ® nodes / devices ae G % i Coch other . ae ae ol ® 24 Combines @ D4 has toot 1, Corned tee Aweor Uhplk LANs wit, Pag bits; prpical adacss] Bither Stabe /d Aan Switch [Dgramic Suitch is inercinttiqen! tha, SHC Sule So tt can take detision ote +o He Sitva kon] 2 Riening 4 Qarale Fry 4 [Revie Party > Bt Can Cannect LAM's of di ferent Mawel OS well an LAN'S of eee m 1 £de Fin SD Rovter in cated (53° device 2 outer fr Basti Od Network ies c | > TW Cen hanale Of adaress ee, git | Address] | ~ Store L Forwara [ealas viv] =): oF y ? s a) Dy Nehwer ik Loyec Segmentation is pos ; in Neboork and Router opercko workin Loyen So j4 Can Connect LAN'S of a erent : dechty hay a co Ipts both Stabe & Dynamic and t+ Yo the nes +: oe Device ak >» Nede to No Flew Contre ( ay Error Control Walter G gy Meaivin Access Contre! tae Ceneept joo neept ox D O.2 Spore > PA Deshnahen 1 OZ- Nowe 4 Netwer, 6 oN a \ ee ) . ‘ae i Ot wmAcoua = Ace] of pu of DLL E OP address of Nehurn v Lover pYaciovs deleys iv ay Trorsmission Del C7] » eg [7] » Guevir Dele (al 4 Prousssing Delay (Trae \ © Te Time taken by Biss cre: . in data iw preact er at oO ; t= Time Vanen by tne Trensenssion Delay , a Rn Gees C | Bardwiat ; > [e- | Geert C51) gue Ba rxeps Te? lg Le s . [iiedete Ab = 102'' bits i+ fn kops > toro b ede, «OR Ts Lew aaa x Bi Time taken te fe i i. bitepe dake t a scaued | io E rel sil | [tp ee ~The a Vreb-3!- 1S 9-cun The ns. or opheah ier > Find +he propegahon Del eigen ey pes feat baht mn Gless = 24x08 Sed Axio. . bs > Axio x : = 105 (Gin) || y ‘ ' ica D lay Stibrewace Ho prose ey ees ee CEMA piste Sh te process the pace or) Speed uf depends vf geese £0 forthese donot Data Link ASS Leenre % @ Stop Z tow Con TROL =} fa) ee ‘suet ee she ed Rate & pesiving pode « a D> Sender Receiver beth ore Sale Rae Fling Tees Conte Pretocot x, S'S 9F Rates i ae, + Flew Contaor PRoTecers, Ke y STOP 2 way (eee) SEEING cru Nedy Prete, ol Go Bak y SELECTIVE RepEgs Caen) Csr) | Send. dow Size. Wy 24 i Window Size. Was 4 ef SB Protocet # Efficienay of S2uw Roond T rip Times 2 21, 27. “fl [egpewmeyct)~ + EFRON jameans We due # pre oyst 1 Ps % Efficing (9 4) 1, Mie ace able Send 2 Porewers but dee to Protecet baries / Umitatoh we are Sarrding 4 pocet Time) hs fr rn Tye ms Tp tins > Efficener (a: 2) Ay 1 weit Ombrok * | " rs tT cone os fer toes peare aval Pie o are Send } te fotans = perrier/ bmi toreon we ¢ | due ¥ par wst1 packet - chop Paen aA, a Thenah pet! > Ne oF bits Sendin ec unit Heme F ov iy u fFocwet Lengthy = L bits “Cie > igs i [eer Heat J ey ieee ese (> Band wid th) 4 ae * [Te xB oo. > = Ss ae ieee 2") (2 x8) wb nr ‘ a Paes a5, aE rhe nat least SO% then Whatts the relation bl 7% © Tp. And also Cateulate Hye mininumierh Of Packer q L a) Ty BS P [ze > 2x8 X77) i @aviens. Thy > ieee 5 a) Data Preked Leet] Deostoe® Trowlem, AY Aednealedge Loss /Dopies's Paccet Previem a) Deloyea Aeknewledye «/ Missing Name the prowlenns ewst In step. Q West Conto\ & Dies anyiwo previews of Step & Whit een: | a ta. Dats THe List /Deadlouw Provlern Paener Problem s Q : Se Sender BWRaied (ds protest ax by Aa AeKrousl ederemen Anis Cose Sendec In SEES) Hinks that 2, eerie. He Fawed Gay eee gret’s WEY Ceeuiver Hag ned Si 5 Stmdiing boex ane p petnaviecsement Ana, Raceiver Hinks thet the sender hadnet Send amy date panes: 7 Hee, Sender waiting For hc Kem ument 2, Receiver [Blen, . weitivg or Dota Pacmek S0- beth are a anae ftis Called Deadteocw- Gelatin gf the Totten Timers Jn Genaec Side Oftee tn Resend the Doky ts Called SEW wir a= We' p tares Racer Soccess Esty gad Sending bacK tne Siig) law the AeXnaclengement in Loce 4 ot the SHIA oeaite ee me pheh!> already Ueuetived by reairer Si weave to put Sequence We on exery Dah Paves Te Time out Bwaitt TO + Sano on daty Pocnet sa Soppsse D success pecetved by reetiver and Acknowledgement but tts at Sending becw its ender Teena bat td wit be lost “So, hain iy ne —-Piscarded By receive? by checting Hoe Seay No. Now 4be ae Cadted (9) MW ke é | n 5 5 a7 Bt Due to the delay oF Ac Knowle dq canes U4 ve ¢ 6 1 Moat Some Pockets wir be missed becouse ane ¥ Hhete GELND Stqpene OF Bapsigine' £ A ¥ w Scluben of He { ad 5 ya Here, Wechawe te put Sequener No on each ak oes SEwWae + TO + Sey Noon Dota + Seq he on Acknw » hep ds det A totatly zed \ biotose > maga cee ihe x OE ercor pre eebi lity op the Channel opt J : t , don: tromemit Yoo packers bray So js 0-2 ard eo , deongmi td because Seek haw soar Pacneds we hawt 4o Aroncmit. totaily ent Anst- = “Total Pockets t= 0 60 0 450 : a ntnptnpd ~~ foo 0550 E. pamne of pornets i pe Peabability A |e eniAcknn ognallt Citi ) cy ca Window Std Siding Wit “otro dve toni” af Stop & Welt PO? 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"4 Wirdow 2 . cea C22 igs udu SUd ‘Ago UP? ingine Loy we Cannot Store Seqpene is the meximum Sire 4 ende in : yn Shae of i fT Sender Winday # é so US] We ya 35) ee S Pel ms 3g . te al sy an —- Nimeritad!- 44-5 ms, Tee dase Ophtulate LDWind ow Sire (i) Seq, Number (in) No ig fF Ls fnsh = @ Widoo Stes tae s Ax Le sig ae (Sy NO* 0-24 Fits oslo cna iid —— & Sendey Cte ae cs divec we oy Be dined a plcabion of Beastie ok ler Nekworus there a Which wt Can implement the SUiding Winder Conesp @ GebeckK N Caan) es [2g EET how coyatomber int So) first wt go & steps then “all urs rate any boc, 4 S95] + Sender Window Size (ws) Ws = N @® Senaee wind ae be gress tert CReeived 2 Ackremite deed) Rieti ? iD D2 |x Bele 34 a= d4 x) J : rie Here, Hine entre Window that ir N wi be ee febrangmittéd Haat 12 My Anis profecel fo Caled Gio Book No w ie > One hexnadedgement Seperet& Aetininilt dere ment Forwnons Rocneas Z rh % foreeery Pocket rs caved 1d CWed Comulotive Bodependent Acinewledge Roewere Medged) s (eds « Netesi— For GON wie Says Weta> N44 No of bits > me 2 Network Leto! Lat! BMPR iphone? common. Gammentabe “Of pot dependent proces 7 sities, mcs. Findude Lstdioh> Hpirdbcde A fentlh? princlude Asys/type-h7 Bin cleded vni'sed -by Hinclude< sino by yord main’) £ Close (§4); 5 Meadec.¢ @ Avr header oid man ae hates wRON&LY)) E gus cre Lage ORte C4) meEFaRE, IP ig Catremp (messog seni breoky eles (§4)} ay 5 A Reader = Par heres Fate wi be nan) Wnteec sane as Of void Pe inka lies, Be esifo” SG ehar buffer L235 migigo (mgt Oo Be had (Fa) ia priet§ Lt Reet § (strep (lf G fewit")= yor) %eNnt, but freaks 3 Compile ae >) Reviv b crsetSay) popes " ps => Ree ae + e Q wren Cott inaplement fesg we) wraltiple tint A Communcakioy b/w hwo {watutdoadl Precss &Y Q a mame pipe (PAFO) Mfict eveuste peadece then enceste Mae Gollene: [At af Conplle ton] ; ([Sameies Geri] Not, buffer) uhfer yuendy « } # Fife 4 ees (and [aa (Sers8s Gen] ») Revives Win dm Sire 4 Wee N 0 Coatler . +) Wes We per > Here we have to tetronamit ‘only tht Corevpitd wekt+ but in Gon we hat to Heansiei4 te Hole thane a z entire Window, that’s why i+ is Coles Gdectve Pass ey ee Wind, ' Bee JAK => Gndeperdent [DIES with Gen @ Godlee hoe Re pra i> more eppoent than Flow Com Teaoni que trol FeBien -2 t a, i Be Tf Sty Net N then what i> S ! oy Sendec Window Si ceiver Win dow Size, in GBN Tech 4 ve este (Fasten 8 Uheian Say HOLE? Varese B Recervir, 9 Winder Se spe af bits? K wee [a*-1) Seay NO> a Were 4 gn ot Srie in GON Sunder ee Going to Send = m+ Redondant wees) ¢ BtCon @ * sv us Compute Farity Bit» [vem ferity] D noe (TOD @® free arity p[tosefe] (ig po AGO wt bit Shad be Even \ %, < @Qoeo0o0 = 00e4 4 6010 2 eaorea. 0 o100 4 0,90 O44 0° Opa ya 1 > 40 014 to 01¢ 40 210° ao it 44 000 44 011 4, LA O4 aa FS RwWe howe 40 CadCulate the minimen & # Same irpt O4eering c t oD \ --oaP ADB 0 usem ue” Dateword | ~ ION OON 101010 SLonoin NoLotet “a ae ia R Genderen da — Dt pees! é geared! > «2 Pe festioe——heaT J Ovo 111) 1) lolol on 3 Kz Receives | 103041440 Rite | Se date Ptno4444 4 "43040 — K'» f 40444 p04 7? reeks § 22040400 ~ ; id = ae ca! es 4's = Z 04444 —y a, — fedundede Os) oC | distrs 641440000 Bang CRe (am~ Gov Doyev'e Redonadncy Ch Doteword = nn brits CROWS > rm bor'ts Codetiond > 4 uit. ger Bere boty Strder b Reciver ore cing to Commron divisor Called cee Fenetator a ¢ hve haven gis S dhuicon i. then Cee bits =(n-2) dert= Zerg eer. Volo CRE Cnemeva me 4 Cobeware Codewoy Cheek error eiics o, ; it Exctusive oR | lou N000(4 444 4404 Se abl | 4so2|\\ | Be 4440 1| aaetyy 1400 4404 1 | (ory cee a se 1) eee Toit." 00\ (aaa 1101 wher | noo ol Vivo ol Ttol No vot Eero 0 Frat ene 2 2) Dataword > lolo lololo Dioisee > Prtyromeahe nw 4 find Cedeverd = 11004 . Find CRO CuBr) ©2 Ansi— Ft A \\Ool 1101010100000 (212 14001) | 41000 | agoori\ || tl] 4 op 44040 44002 | | 41000 | q100r footoy| = cre joo! \O 10 181016 Oo10/ ool} Vt 000 \\oo\ \lolo \V 008 | \A1 60\ 1100) Om A No emery oS Frobler -> Dataword > Poly nonma miwisor = =e WKF! 2 FORMER Dono | : $210 t oer | Eevee Batection 2 Comeebion “ech qpe me , Vy Hosn g Code: Colotate fining Code fer error defection 2 Correction telly Yor Surtatte example » ( lotnarns) e i>" Dotewwed = 1O0NolLms zurie eh” StPL Co, ., : Gober & er Hoe No of Redundancy 64S Beery: | [2 y mar4ay] = Formula 40 Cabeulete Noot oe Colon Redyndant bits. fg E rou nin - Error Delechion & Corre hon wD ep lk |: 2 ag aaaaaaaaal Ge 11,00) 0 Be 0/9110 /5 30 Ph: QertpeBeP 0041 0 fy = 4001 =70 » Framing is dong tn DLL * Eeor- dthkehon dechnique ~ Fra ming t= Chee —Sure Intro }- Bites Hronsmited broven into disereate Frome ot Ane dota Liew loyer So oy Ant Wit Stetom lato Feomes 1d Called eB Fromiog . De Order de gurantee thot bit Séctamare emo Free, the Wa Chevy “Summ 14 Corpo s : In Muth port / Muthipent | Bren dns Cran : hectare SEMsing tne channek Com bn very ae “Vag Geppece heck Senden a frame ATES € ech on «& Uk OHnur host Connected nding Channel x ay VN / #SPD= Stacho Delitmeter > Fixed * Were Roo Checking, SED dnt Correct destination onli, | Ceceives tE, Frame ond Pe Other host wu ~ be | fording the Law, g | 1° Sn +e ond . _ _ co Ta & 4 “ypes oF Fram nae q xy fixed Leng Framing 4) Voriotte Lengitn Framing | | ame Length Framing !- Here Frame size must be enpals + Deis ie not veey no G lsralseo| Ep levOKe onus (Ena Delinmerer) | end + Tn tals Cose WE do not Know tee ot Hee Lrame ond old the frame eize are eqyrah frobleme\— " OH sire find I> corrupted then Hee very di fieast +0 {dean 6 tot Sine of Ht fume: TENE anetlable data to lees then Ly, then we howe fo put Some dom Caled Fadd ing < iF Vex] [roexe] econ Sto| Var b! l net ra we V & Lene ta Fran PI lose OF Variavie lengthy Framing , se ere , ED We have 4 g = itt. im ponent Hrat jasttad 6 to puta. Sutfuble ED XN > Shere on 2 techniques fer ED In Vanable, iit a“ i rocker St Thing . (i) Charecte ; eR Ny) Bt SEG ( af : (p [Dee | sro| sing these doer Syteo’ SCM denn Cy shooter obi Gist dato $ sis Poe Geme Bot here) & Pre way eyist io dake pent also (eal 4 Satation og Hae freben cching seer wath 4 (dalton) Gy receiver SAL ee pot here to re] sols) ~ a he nw Be dataport > te WERT ED Hen we Indpdua ond ch Suppose the ED jo o& bit pattern of aie Eo Vay Whenever Peceinr Serze a +he Hern Mig nani thet the free has ended Bind M wit o Feeding a d re blew! — B's. r+ pattern OM) may ewist jin cht pry also ————_V h SAp} AT Olli | ol 1 Solution of bre Glenn | Sh date paws '> totelned with ED then unt hauedo Odd a Zero to ony peciton betwan two Onek. Dako ote ‘7 pat dole mee (One aie ee eee @) Whatys Framing 2 (3) What's Charecker Sif F DA Link Maragernerst [Medio Access Control] ® ME dedi cared Chained i> there We donot red ae — Accecs point ! Or chrared Chane {A} Wue reqpire Access pelntmechenisnn there are nests. a. touthipoint Channe as, So freny Ore Connected, OX hore 10 a the Channel accees mechanism: Pecets tp be Conbrolled tn @ Such aw that One Stabon Cant dransmit the data or vat gure & Aven 'f more Atohone arc deonemiltivg He dole Bere Should be no collis ston: peer 7 ih ~ ALoKA bane Cema/en ra Ceareier Sence Y touttiple Access) Slotted ALoun - f Pore ALokA © OST model Vs TCP/TP model @) bon Topo lau Anca ga be (with db ) © Gus ® 4) Yoo, Suter ) hover oo! ea An ihe H (e) - Eyes on Forckiers) \ » a | } | Detalink Lea tr | 5 Responstbi Lives of Dade Lak Leger 2? Flow Conbrot (hw betes) a tine Repeat ‘ “ntl Pro Jem (S ware Eff Chen dar salir of oo C tre Se tat t= jax?) pea: 20 1 2 ast Rem ass. dS5-255-0 5 Guess Kins Do ™ 3 4 avert tay Neko a Pgyeans\ 2 } | ; | ! 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