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Patient No: 0137296-10


Lab No: 15-032024-


Registration Date: 15-Mar-2024 12:53 pm

Patient Name: NASREEN BIBI Approved Date 19-Mar-2024 10:31 am
Registration At: Innova Labs : O/S
Father/Husband Name:
Conducted At: Innova Labs : O/S
Age / Sex: -/Female
Reporting At: Rashid clinical laboratory
Reference: Rashid clinical laboratory
Phone: SELF
Address: Brought from Outside
Sample Location:


TEST 15-032024-894 Viral Load:
3/15/2024 12:53:00PM

SPECIMEN: Serum/Plasma
HCV RNA by PCR (Quantitative) DETECTED 9988 IU/ML

Sensitivity: 10 IU/ml

HCV RNA is isolated from 200 ul of plasma by Qaigen DSP Kit. If HCV RNA is present in the patient sample, is
amplified by Qiagen Artus HCV RNA Quantification Kit using the specific standard on MIC PCR system. In the
Real Time PCR, the Amplified product is detected by a fluorescent dyes . The sensitivity is 98% and the
specificity is 99%.

The Viral Load of HCV in blood fluctuates in accordance with the virus latency &sometimes it may be absent or
below the sensitivity limit of the assay. It is highly recommended that a patient with single negative result may not be considering not
infected with HCV.
This report cannot be compared with any other laboratory as every lab has its own procedure and quality control

Electronically verified report. No signature(s) required

Dr Shahila Jaleel Dr. Ali Raza Dr. Hussain Farooq Faqeeha Javed Dr. Shahid Mahmood
MBBS, DCP,FCPS, Associate MBBS, MPhil MBBS, FCPS M. Phil Molecular Biology MBBS, MD-Haematology
Professor(Histo), Shaikh Zayed Consultant Haematologist Consultant Haematologist M.S.c (UHS) PGD, (SKMCH) Consultant (Haematologist)
FPGMI Lahore B.S.c (MLT), Email:, UAN: 042 111 466 682 882-C Faisal Town, Lahore.

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